2013-04-03 8007774: Enable code cache again
hannesw [Wed, 03 Apr 2013 12:43:59 +0200] rev 16770
8007774: Enable code cache again Reviewed-by: lagergren, attila, sundar
2013-04-03 8011365: Array.prototype.join and Array.prototype.toString do not throw TypeError on null, undefined
sundar [Wed, 03 Apr 2013 15:27:28 +0530] rev 16769
8011365: Array.prototype.join and Array.prototype.toString do not throw TypeError on null, undefined Reviewed-by: attila, hannesw, lagergren
2013-04-03 8011362: Overloaded method resolution foiled by nulls
attila [Wed, 03 Apr 2013 11:13:08 +0200] rev 16768
8011362: Overloaded method resolution foiled by nulls Reviewed-by: hannesw, sundar
2013-04-03 8011357: Array.prototype.slice and Array.prototype.splice should not call user defined valueOf of start, end arguments more than once
sundar [Wed, 03 Apr 2013 11:41:42 +0530] rev 16767
8011357: Array.prototype.slice and Array.prototype.splice should not call user defined valueOf of start, end arguments more than once Reviewed-by: lagergren, hannesw
2013-04-02 8011274: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(function(){"use strict"},"caller").get.hasOwnProperty("prototype") should be false
sundar [Tue, 02 Apr 2013 23:01:10 +0530] rev 16766
8011274: Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(function(){"use strict"},"caller").get.hasOwnProperty("prototype") should be false Reviewed-by: lagergren, jlaskey
2013-04-02 8011237: Object.isExtensible(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(function(){"use strict"},"caller").get) should be false
sundar [Tue, 02 Apr 2013 20:42:03 +0530] rev 16765
8011237: Object.isExtensible(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(function(){"use strict"},"caller").get) should be false Reviewed-by: lagergren, jlaskey
2013-04-02 Merge
jlaskey [Tue, 02 Apr 2013 11:38:04 -0300] rev 16764
2013-04-02 8011233: Create a Nashorn shell for JavaFX
jlaskey [Tue, 02 Apr 2013 11:37:22 -0300] rev 16763
8011233: Create a Nashorn shell for JavaFX Reviewed-by: lagergren, sundar Contributed-by: james.laskey@oracle.com
2013-04-05 Merge
lana [Fri, 05 Apr 2013 14:52:00 -0700] rev 16762
2013-04-02 Merge
lana [Tue, 02 Apr 2013 12:01:01 -0700] rev 16761
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