2013-05-22 kvn 8014811: loopTransform.cpp assert(cmp_end->in(2) == limit) failed
2013-03-19 morris 8008811: [parfait] Null pointer deference in hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/loopopts.cpp
2013-02-12 roland 7197327: 40% regression on 8 b41 comp 8 b40 on specjvm2008.mpegaudio on oob
2012-10-09 mikael 7197424: update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 hotspot repository
2012-08-29 kvn 7160161: Missed safepoint in non-Counted loop
2012-01-12 kvn 7064302: JDK7 build 147 crashed after testing my java 6-compiled web app
2011-11-09 kvn 7107042: assert(no_dead_loop) failed: dead loop detected
2011-07-29 kvn 7068051: SIGSEGV in PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late_post
2011-07-27 kvn 7070134: Hotspot crashes with sigsegv from PorterStemmer
2011-06-28 kvn 7044738: Loop unroll optimization causes incorrect result
2011-05-16 kvn 7044725: -XX:-UnrollLimitCheck -Xcomp : Exception: String index out of range: 29488
2011-05-04 kvn 5091921: Sign flip issues in loop optimizer
2011-04-08 kvn 7004555: Add new policy for one iteration loops
2011-04-02 kvn 7004535: Clone loop predicate during loop unswitch
2011-03-21 kvn 7008866: Missing loop predicate for loop with multiple entries
2011-02-07 kvn 7017240: C2: native memory leak in nsk/regression/b4675027 on windows-x86 in comp mode with G1
2010-11-23 stefank 6989984: Use standard include model for Hospot
2010-08-28 never 4809552: Optimize Arrays.fill(...)
2010-06-28 kvn 6677629: PhaseIterGVN::subsume_node() should call hash_delete() and add_users_to_worklist()
2010-05-28 trims 6941466: Oracle rebranding changes for Hotspot repositories
2010-03-17 never 6930043: C2: SIGSEGV in javasoft.sqe.tests.lang.arr017.arr01702.arr01702.loop_forw(II)I
2010-01-12 cfang 6894779: Loop Predication for Loop Optimizer in C2
2009-08-14 never 6862956: PhaseIdealLoop should have a CFG verification mode
2009-02-27 twisti 6810672: Comment typos
2008-10-03 never 6743188: incomplete fix for 6700047 C2 failed in idom_no_update
2008-09-17 never 6384206: Phis which are later unneeded are impairing our ability to inline based on static types
2008-07-02 xdono 6719955: Update copyright year
2008-03-06 kvn 6667612: (Escape Analysis) disable loop cloning if it has a scalar replaceable allocation
2007-12-05 never 6395208: Elide autoboxing for calls to HashMap.get(int) and HashMap.get(long)
2007-12-01 duke Initial load
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