mchung [Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:00:25 -0800] rev 23333
8035808: Eliminate dependency to GetPropertyAction and other convenient classes
Reviewed-by: alanb, chegar
bpb [Fri, 07 Mar 2014 12:40:37 -0800] rev 23332
8035279: Clean up internal deprecations in BigInteger
Summary: Rename pertinent private instance variables to describe what they actually represent.
Reviewed-by: psandoz, smarks
prr [Fri, 07 Mar 2014 10:53:58 -0800] rev 23331
serb [Fri, 28 Feb 2014 15:01:19 +0400] rev 23330
8035839: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Label.cpp
Reviewed-by: pchelko, azvegint
prr [Thu, 27 Feb 2014 11:56:24 -0800] rev 23329
prr [Thu, 27 Feb 2014 10:43:53 -0800] rev 23328
pchelko [Thu, 27 Feb 2014 22:57:19 +0400] rev 23327
8035844: [parfait] JNI exception pending in src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Rectangle.cpp
Reviewed-by: anthony, serb
pchelko [Thu, 27 Feb 2014 22:54:14 +0400] rev 23326
8035860: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/MouseInfo.cpp
Reviewed-by: anthony, serb
serb [Thu, 27 Feb 2014 19:01:32 +0400] rev 23325
8027778: [macosx] Full screen not working properly on 7u45 and jdk8
8010999: [macosx] a constrain of the top level window should be improved
8015100: [macosx] Applet graphics corrupted when applet width/height exceeds screen dimensions
Reviewed-by: anthony, pchelko
pchelko [Thu, 27 Feb 2014 16:14:22 +0400] rev 23324
8035842: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Insets.cpp
Reviewed-by: anthony, serb
pchelko [Thu, 27 Feb 2014 16:11:16 +0400] rev 23323
8035855: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_DataTransferer.cpp
Reviewed-by: anthony, serb
pchelko [Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:55:45 +0400] rev 23322
8035335: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_TrayIcon.cpp
Reviewed-by: serb, anthony