asaha [Wed, 15 Jan 2014 10:18:06 -0800] rev 22450
asaha [Tue, 14 Jan 2014 08:08:32 -0800] rev 22449
ksrini [Tue, 24 Dec 2013 09:17:37 -0800] rev 22448
8029230: Update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 langtools repository for 2013
Reviewed-by: ksrini
bpatel [Wed, 18 Dec 2013 19:48:47 -0800] rev 22447
8016549: jdk7 javadocs are hard to read
Reviewed-by: jjg
mfang [Tue, 17 Dec 2013 23:32:58 -0800] rev 22446
8026741: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 5
Reviewed-by: naoto, yhuang
darcy [Sat, 18 Jan 2014 10:47:30 -0800] rev 22445
8031375: Revert test exclusions after fix for JDK-8030656 propagates
Reviewed-by: mduigou
darcy [Thu, 16 Jan 2014 18:00:25 -0800] rev 22444
8031745: Remove unneeded/obsolete -source/-target options in javac tests, part 1
Reviewed-by: jjg, sogoel
jlahoda [Wed, 15 Jan 2014 13:49:57 +0100] rev 22443
8028576: Incorrect RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations for exception parameters when not generating debuging info
Summary: The exception parameters with type annotations need to be added into the varBuffer even if not generating debug info
Reviewed-by: jjg, emc
jfranck [Wed, 15 Jan 2014 10:57:25 +0100] rev 22442
8029690: Move symbol creation from ClassReader to Symtab
Reviewed-by: jjg
jlahoda [Fri, 10 Jan 2014 19:02:54 +0100] rev 22441
8030049: RoundEnvironment.getElementsAnnotatedWith receives wrong elements
Summary: Match the required and actual annotations using Element equivalence rather than TypeMirror equivalence, to avoid trouble with erroneous types.
Reviewed-by: darcy
alundblad [Fri, 10 Jan 2014 12:47:15 +0100] rev 22440
8028389: NullPointerException compiling annotation values that have bodies
Summary: Made sure anonymous class declarations inside class- and package-level annotations are properly entered.
Reviewed-by: jfranck
jlahoda [Fri, 10 Jan 2014 11:31:09 +0100] rev 22439
8029376: Full attribution of unresolvable annotations
8029161: javac crashing when processing broken annotations
Summary: Attributing values of annotation attributes regardless how broken the annotation is.
Reviewed-by: jjg, jfranck