Wed, 05 Jun 2013 10:44:32 +0200 attila 8015955: ObjectNode.elements should be stronger typed
Fri, 24 May 2013 18:39:25 +0530 sundar 8015354: JSON.parse should not use [[Put]] but use [[DefineOwnProperty]] instead
Fri, 03 May 2013 15:33:54 +0200 lagergren 8013477: Node.setSymbol needs to be copy on write - enable IR snapshots for recompilation based on callsite type specialization. [not enabled by default, hidden by a flag for now]
Mon, 29 Apr 2013 18:40:40 +0530 sundar 8013444: JSON.parse does not invoke "reviver" callback as per spec.
Mon, 25 Feb 2013 16:58:31 +0530 sundar 8008731: Separate configuration environment (options, error/output writer etc.) from Context
Fri, 22 Feb 2013 12:22:16 +0100 lagergren 8007002: Replace implicit exception throwing methods with explicit throws - simplify control flow and remove useless code
Mon, 11 Feb 2013 21:26:06 +0530 sundar 8007915: Nashorn IR, codegen, parser packages and Context instance should be inaccessible to user code
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