rupashka [Mon, 07 Nov 2011 16:50:41 +0400] rev 10878
7080203: JTree.getSelectionPaths() now returns empty array instead of null
Reviewed-by: malenkov
ngmr [Thu, 13 Oct 2011 13:02:37 +0100] rev 10877
7107957: AWT: Native code should include fcntl.h and unistd.h rather than sys/fcntl.h and sys/unistd.h
Summary: Use POSIX defined includes for unistd.h and fcntl.h
Reviewed-by: anthony, ngmr
Contributed-by: Charles Lee <>
rupashka [Thu, 03 Nov 2011 14:14:36 +0400] rev 10876
6955919: Intermittent ClassCastException in bug4492274 test
Reviewed-by: rupashka
rupashka [Wed, 02 Nov 2011 23:53:16 +0300] rev 10875
7049024: DnD fails with JTextArea and JTextField
Reviewed-by: rupashka
Contributed-by: Sean Chou <>
mrkam [Wed, 02 Nov 2011 17:39:30 +0400] rev 10874
7074853: TransparentRuler demos Readme should mention the correct jar file name
Reviewed-by: rupashka
rupashka [Wed, 02 Nov 2011 14:17:16 +0400] rev 10873
6624077: Regression test fails: closed/javax/swing/ToolTipManager/6256140/
Reviewed-by: rupashka