xuelei [Wed, 27 May 2009 17:48:22 +0800] rev 2929
6845286: Add regression test for name constraints
Summary: create regression test cases on name constraints
Reviewed-by: weijun
jccollet [Tue, 26 May 2009 16:03:51 +0200] rev 2928
6726695: HttpURLConnection shoul support 'Expect: 100-contimue' headers for PUT
Summary: Added code triggered when 'Expect: 100-continue' header has been added
Reviewed-by: chegar
xuelei [Tue, 26 May 2009 16:43:22 +0800] rev 2927
6720721: CRL check with circular depency support needed
Summary: checking AKID of certificates and CRLs
Reviewed-by: mullan, weijun
xuelei [Tue, 26 May 2009 16:19:18 +0800] rev 2926
6822460: support self-issued certificate
Summary: checking self-issued certificate during certification path building
Reviewed-by: mullan, weijun
weijun [Tue, 26 May 2009 10:12:22 +0800] rev 2925
6844887: NPE in TextCallbackHandler
Reviewed-by: xuelei
jccollet [Mon, 25 May 2009 22:27:26 +0200] rev 2924
6349566: java.net.CookieManager doesn't set default domain
Summary: Enforce default domain in CookieManager
Reviewed-by: michaelm
xlu [Sun, 24 May 2009 16:35:32 -0700] rev 2923
6806261: BigDecimal.longValueExact() method throws NullPointerException
Summary: add various tests to test the change to 6622432
Reviewed-by: darcy
xlu [Sun, 24 May 2009 16:29:57 -0700] rev 2922
6622432: RFE: Performance improvements to java.math.BigDecimal
Reviewed-by: darcy
sherman [Thu, 21 May 2009 23:32:46 -0700] rev 2921
6843578: Re-implement IBM doublebyte charsets
6639450: IBM949C encoder modifies state of IBM949 encoder
6569191: Cp943 io converter returns U+0000 and U+FFFD for unconvertable character
6577466: Character encoder IBM970 throws a BufferOverflowException
5065777: CharsetEncoder canEncode() methods often incorrectly return false
Summary: Re-write 11 IBM doublebyte charsets. Thanks Ulf.Zibis for the codereview!
Reviewed-by: martin
jjg [Wed, 20 May 2009 13:55:50 -0700] rev 2920
6827026: Change javac source and target default to 7
Reviewed-by: darcy, ohair
weijun [Wed, 20 May 2009 10:12:37 +0800] rev 2919
6832353: Krb5LoginModule: use the KRB5CCNAME when searching for Kerberos ticket cache
Reviewed-by: xuelei
weijun [Wed, 20 May 2009 10:12:00 +0800] rev 2918
6682516: SPNEGO_HTTP_AUTH/WWW_KRB and SPNEGO_HTTP_AUTH/WWW_SPNEGO failed on all non-windows platforms
Reviewed-by: xuelei
weijun [Wed, 20 May 2009 10:11:23 +0800] rev 2917
6832016: {DigestMD5Base,Des3DkCrypto}.setParityBit should use Integer.bitCount
Reviewed-by: weijun
Contributed-by: Christian Thalinger <christian.thalinger@sun.com>
sherman [Tue, 19 May 2009 16:33:32 -0700] rev 2916
sherman [Tue, 19 May 2009 16:21:48 -0700] rev 2915
6728376: Wrong error handling in Java_java_util_zip_Deflater_deflateBytes leads to size 0 if compress fails
6735255: ZipFile.close() does not close ZipFileInputStreams, contrary to the API document
Summary: Throws OOM when malloc failed. Closes all outstanding streams when closing
Reviewed-by: alanb
sherman [Tue, 19 May 2009 16:03:02 -0700] rev 2914
6843079: Putback for the new EUC_TW is not complete
Summary: Putback the files missed in last putback
Reviewed-by: alanb
sherman [Tue, 19 May 2009 15:25:29 -0700] rev 2913
6831794: charset EUC_TW is 12.6% of the total size of charsets.jar
6229811: Several codepoints in EUC_TW failed in roundtrip conversion
Summary: Re-write EUC_TW charset to address the size and roundtrip issue.
Reviewed-by: alanb
xdono [Thu, 18 Jun 2009 13:05:38 -0700] rev 2912
Added tag jdk7-b61 for changeset 11089342ea90
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 16:54:35 +0200] rev 2911
xdono [Thu, 18 Jun 2009 13:05:25 -0700] rev 2910
Added tag jdk7-b61 for changeset c97f5ba46ed8
yan [Tue, 23 Jun 2009 23:08:59 -0700] rev 2909
andrew [Wed, 17 Jun 2009 20:53:01 +0100] rev 2908
6851515: awt_p.h incorporates a chunk of the XRender header
Summary: Use XRender header directly rather than copying chunks locally
Reviewed-by: anthony, ohair
tbell [Sun, 21 Jun 2009 23:49:42 -0700] rev 2907
tbell [Thu, 11 Jun 2009 21:09:19 -0700] rev 2906