dsamersoff [Wed, 25 Jan 2012 02:29:05 +0400] rev 11591
7066129: GarbageCollectorMXBean#getLastGcInfo leaks native memory
Summary: Make GCStatInfo a resource object
Reviewed-by: phh, coleenp
phh [Tue, 24 Jan 2012 14:07:03 -0500] rev 11590
7126732: MAC: Require Mac OS X builds/tests for JPRT integrate jobs for HotSpot
Summary: Modify jprt.properties to run OSX builds and tests.
Reviewed-by: dcubed, kamg, ohair, dholmes
Contributed-by: james.melvin@oracle.com
coleenp [Mon, 23 Jan 2012 17:45:32 -0800] rev 11589
bpittore [Sat, 21 Jan 2012 23:02:40 -0500] rev 11588
6972759: Step over not working after thrown exception and Pop
Summary: reset jvmtithreadstate exception state after frame pop and forceearlyreturn processed
Reviewed-by: minqi, dholmes, dlong
Contributed-by: bill.pittore@oracle.com
brutisso [Fri, 27 Jan 2012 09:04:57 +0100] rev 11587
johnc [Thu, 26 Jan 2012 14:14:55 -0800] rev 11586
7133038: G1: Some small profile based optimizations
Summary: Some minor profile based optimizations. Reduce the number of branches and branch mispredicts by removing some virtual calls, through closure specalization, and refactoring some conditional statements.
Reviewed-by: brutisso, tonyp
jcoomes [Wed, 25 Jan 2012 21:14:11 -0800] rev 11585
7112413: JVM Crash, possibly GC-related
Summary: disable UseAdaptiveSizePolicy with the CMS and ParNew
Reviewed-by: johnc, brutisso
tonyp [Wed, 25 Jan 2012 12:58:23 -0500] rev 11584
7127706: G1: re-enable survivors during the initial-mark pause
Summary: Re-enable survivors during the initial-mark pause. Afterwards, the concurrent marking threads have to scan them and mark everything reachable from them. The next GC will have to wait for the survivors to be scanned.
Reviewed-by: brutisso, johnc
johnc [Thu, 12 Jan 2012 00:06:47 -0800] rev 11583
6484965: G1: piggy-back liveness accounting phase on marking
Summary: Remove the separate counting phase of concurrent marking by tracking the amount of marked bytes and the cards spanned by marked objects in marking task/worker thread local data structures, which are updated as individual objects are marked.
Reviewed-by: brutisso, tonyp
tonyp [Tue, 24 Jan 2012 17:08:58 -0500] rev 11582
7132398: G1: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid threshold: 9223372036854775807 > max (1073741824)
Summary: Was not passing the right old pool max to the memory pool constructor in the fix for 7078465.
Reviewed-by: brutisso, johnc
brutisso [Mon, 23 Jan 2012 20:36:16 +0100] rev 11581
7132311: G1: assert((s == klass->oop_size(this)) || (Universe::heap()->is_gc_active() && ((is_typeArray()...
Summary: Move the check for when to call collect() to before we do a humongous object allocation
Reviewed-by: stefank, tonyp
brutisso [Fri, 20 Jan 2012 18:01:32 +0100] rev 11580
7131791: G1: Asserts in nightly testing due to 6976060
Summary: Create a handle and fake an object to make sure that we don't loose the memory we just allocated
Reviewed-by: tonyp, stefank
tonyp [Thu, 19 Jan 2012 09:13:58 -0500] rev 11579
7078465: G1: Don't use the undefined value (-1) for the G1 old memory pool max size
Reviewed-by: johnc, brutisso
johnc [Tue, 17 Jan 2012 10:21:43 -0800] rev 11578
7129271: G1: Interference from multiple threads in PrintGC/PrintGCDetails output
Summary: During an initial mark pause, signal the Concurrent Mark thread after the pause output from PrintGC/PrintGCDetails is complete.
Reviewed-by: tonyp, brutisso