ohair [Tue, 09 Sep 2008 15:46:54 -0700] rev 1196
6746424: Remove build dependency on findbugs and FINDBUGS_HOME
Reviewed-by: tbell
xdono [Thu, 11 Sep 2008 11:25:40 -0700] rev 1195
Added tag jdk7-b35 for changeset 2b8dd97d6682
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 16:41:22 +0200] rev 1194
lana [Fri, 19 Sep 2008 19:38:12 -0700] rev 1193
lana [Mon, 25 Aug 2008 13:58:15 -0700] rev 1192
dcherepanov [Mon, 25 Aug 2008 19:15:37 +0400] rev 1191
6737722: api/java_awt/TrayIcon/index.html#TrayIconHeadlessMode
Summary: isSupported() should skip tray initialization in case of headless
Reviewed-by: art, ant
art [Thu, 14 Aug 2008 12:58:51 +0400] rev 1190
6708392: Provide internal API to create OverrideRedirect windows, XToolkit
Summary: SunToolkit.setOverrideRedirect() method is introduced
Reviewed-by: mlapshin, yan
art [Tue, 12 Aug 2008 12:00:46 +0400] rev 1189
6735584: XNETProtocol:setStateHelper() produces bad _NET_WM_STATE messages
Reviewed-by: yan
yan [Fri, 08 Aug 2008 03:32:34 -0700] rev 1188
yan [Tue, 05 Aug 2008 15:26:08 +0400] rev 1187
6454041: decimal separator munches the character standing at the right (sk keyboard)
Summary: in a group of keysyms associated with a key, check for keypad-ness of more keysyms
Reviewed-by: art
art [Fri, 25 Jul 2008 15:19:11 +0400] rev 1186
6235443: REG:Overlapping a swing app with an AWT app causes flickering in the background swing app on Windows
Summary: AWT text area no longer uses LockWindowUpdate
Reviewed-by: uta, dcherepanov
dav [Tue, 08 Jul 2008 16:20:14 +0400] rev 1185
6723013: Incomplete push for 6693974
Reviewed-by: art
anthony [Mon, 07 Jul 2008 17:39:18 +0400] rev 1184
6723018: Need to push the test for 6682046
Summary: Pushed the test
Reviewed-by: art
anthony [Mon, 07 Jul 2008 17:24:21 +0400] rev 1183
6682046: Mixing code does not always recalculate shapes correctly when resizing components
Summary: The valid property is now encapsulated in Component.
Reviewed-by: art
dav [Mon, 07 Jul 2008 16:32:38 +0400] rev 1182
dav [Mon, 07 Jul 2008 16:09:39 +0400] rev 1181
6693974: Unify EventQueue$EventQueueItem and SunToolkit.$EventQueueItem classes
Reviewed-by: volk, art
dcherepanov [Mon, 07 Jul 2008 15:36:01 +0400] rev 1180
6582346: javaw launcher does not display MessageBox after change to the resource files
Summary: call InitCommonControlsEx to perform UI initialization
Reviewed-by: art
dcherepanov [Thu, 26 Jun 2008 14:23:25 +0400] rev 1179
6581899: JTextField & JTextArea - Poor performance with JRE 1.5.0_08
Summary: acquire the first|last components only when the key is a traversal key
Reviewed-by: ant
anthony [Mon, 23 Jun 2008 16:03:25 +0400] rev 1178
6704896: FD_SET usage can cause stack corruption (sol)
Summary: Using poll() instead of select()
Reviewed-by: yan, denis
ant [Mon, 23 Jun 2008 14:42:53 +0400] rev 1177
6682536: java\awt\FullScreen\NonfocusableFrameFullScreenTest\NonfocusableFrameFullScreenTest.java fails
Summary: always-on-top property should be restored on exiting full-screen.
Reviewed-by: tdv
dav [Thu, 19 Jun 2008 16:09:22 +0400] rev 1176
6694792: Syntax error in java/awt/event/MouseEvent/SpuriousExitEnter/SpuriousExitEnter_2.java
Reviewed-by: yan
yan [Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:26:54 +0400] rev 1175
6706121: makefile: unnecessary Motif classes compilation in JDK7
Summary: removed 80 obsolete .c and .java files, temporary modified some more
Reviewed-by: denis
dav [Wed, 18 Jun 2008 19:27:59 +0400] rev 1174
dav [Wed, 18 Jun 2008 19:20:28 +0400] rev 1173
6716137: Fix 6691328 is broken
Reviewed-by: dcherepanov, denis