2016-08-19 ctornqvi 8157957: ClassNotFoundException: jdk.test.lib.JDKToolFinder
2016-05-01 dsamersoff 8154258: [TESTBUG] Various serviceability tests fail compilation
2015-10-29 cjplummer 8140189: [TESTBUG] Get rid of "@library /../../test/lib" in jtreg tests
2015-01-12 goetz 8067941: [TESTBUG] Fix tests for OS with 64K page size.
2014-12-12 thartmann 8066433: Move Whitebox test library to top level repository
2014-08-11 mgerdin 8011397: JTREG needs to copy additional WhiteBox class file to JTwork/scratch/sun/hotspot
2014-07-18 iignatyev 8032449: Get rid of JMX in test/compiler
2014-05-23 iignatyev 8032970: Add stack size check methods to WhiteBox API
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