alanb [Fri, 18 Mar 2011 19:46:02 +0000] rev 8807
7028468: (fs) FileSystems.getDefault() fails when kernel micro version contains/ends non-numeric characters
Reviewed-by: forax, chegar
ksrini [Sun, 20 Mar 2011 08:41:33 -0700] rev 8806
7026184: (launcher) Regression: class with unicode name can't be launched by java.
Reviewed-by: mchung, sherman
lana [Fri, 18 Mar 2011 10:59:12 -0700] rev 8805
dcubed [Fri, 18 Mar 2011 07:17:24 -0700] rev 8804
7028668: 3/4 improve diagnosibility and robustness of
Summary: Add more info to OpenProcess default detail error message. Try a different technique when a Java process is attaching to itself.
Reviewed-by: zgu, ohair, alanb
smarks [Thu, 17 Mar 2011 18:50:06 -0700] rev 8803
7022382: convert pack200 library code to use try-with-resources
Reviewed-by: ksrini
mduigou [Thu, 17 Mar 2011 14:42:40 -0700] rev 8802
5045147: Prevent insertion of null Key into empty TreeMap (and null element into TreeSet) when no Comparator is used. Prevent insertion of key of incorrect type into empty TreeMap and incorrect type element into TreeSet and incorrect type when Comparator is used.
Reviewed-by: alanb, dl, mduigou