serb [Mon, 17 Aug 2015 16:56:22 +0300] rev 32295
6778087: getLocationOnScreen() always returns (0, 0) for mouse wheel events
Reviewed-by: alexsch, azvegint
serb [Thu, 06 Aug 2015 19:52:02 +0300] rev 32294
4379403: Need to disable the "magic AWT dump key" (CTRL+SHIFT+F1)
Reviewed-by: alexsch, azvegint
serb [Thu, 06 Aug 2015 17:55:32 +0300] rev 32293
7124271: [macosx] RealSync test failure
Reviewed-by: alexsch, azvegint
ptbrunet [Fri, 14 Aug 2015 13:59:40 -0500] rev 32292
8051626: Rework security restrictions of Java Access Bridge and related Utilities
Summary: Move non-public code to internal directories; restrict those directories
Reviewed-by: mchung, prr, mullan, serb
smarks [Thu, 13 Aug 2015 13:30:15 -0700] rev 32291
8068749: Restrict javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry to ImageIO types
Reviewed-by: prr, serb
prr [Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:27:06 -0700] rev 32290
8133514: Update NervousText demo to use java.version System property
Reviewed-by: serb, iris
prr [Thu, 13 Aug 2015 12:12:10 -0700] rev 32289
8132850: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during text rendering with many fonts installed
Reviewed-by: jgodinez, serb
pchopra [Thu, 13 Aug 2015 16:26:17 +0300] rev 32288
8081764: [TEST_BUG] Test javax/swing/plaf/aqua/ fails on Windows, Solaris Sparcv9 and Linux but passes on MacOSX
Reviewed-by: alexsch, azvegint
mcherkas [Thu, 13 Aug 2015 15:29:03 +0300] rev 32287
8081787: [macosx] MalformedURLException is thrown during reading data for application/x-java-url; flavor
Reviewed-by: alexsch, serb
yan [Thu, 13 Aug 2015 14:20:36 +0300] rev 32286
8132958: [TEST_BUG] Part 1: update client tests failing after changes in setAccessible(true) routine
Reviewed-by: alexsch, serb