serb [Thu, 27 Feb 2014 19:01:32 +0400] rev 23325
8027778: [macosx] Full screen not working properly on 7u45 and jdk8
8010999: [macosx] a constrain of the top level window should be improved
8015100: [macosx] Applet graphics corrupted when applet width/height exceeds screen dimensions
Reviewed-by: anthony, pchelko
pchelko [Thu, 27 Feb 2014 16:14:22 +0400] rev 23324
8035842: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_Insets.cpp
Reviewed-by: anthony, serb
pchelko [Thu, 27 Feb 2014 16:11:16 +0400] rev 23323
8035855: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_DataTransferer.cpp
Reviewed-by: anthony, serb
pchelko [Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:55:45 +0400] rev 23322
8035335: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/windows/awt_TrayIcon.cpp
Reviewed-by: serb, anthony
serb [Tue, 25 Feb 2014 17:37:55 +0400] rev 23321
8034766: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/CRobot.m
Reviewed-by: anthony, bagiras
serb [Tue, 25 Feb 2014 17:19:15 +0400] rev 23320
8033573: [parfait] warning from b128 for share/native/sun/awt/splashscreen/java_awt_SplashScreen.c: JNI exception pending
Reviewed-by: anthony, bagiras
serb [Tue, 25 Feb 2014 17:01:40 +0400] rev 23319
8034105: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/CImage.m
Reviewed-by: anthony, bagiras
alexsch [Tue, 25 Feb 2014 16:46:52 +0400] rev 23318
8031573: [macosx] Checkmarks of JCheckBoxMenuItems aren't rendered in high resolution on Retina
Reviewed-by: serb, pchelko
serb [Tue, 25 Feb 2014 16:12:22 +0400] rev 23317
6744401: Consider removal of code disabling JIT in Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit
Reviewed-by: anthony, pchelko
azvegint [Tue, 25 Feb 2014 14:28:36 +0400] rev 23316
8017472: [macosx] Transparency demo is not correctly dragged on the second monitor
Reviewed-by: pchelko, serb
alexsch [Mon, 24 Feb 2014 17:23:43 +0400] rev 23315
8008657: JSpinner setComponentOrientation doesn't affect on text orientation
Reviewed-by: malenkov, serb
pchelko [Mon, 24 Feb 2014 12:51:58 +0400] rev 23314
8030788: [Parfait] warnings from b119 for jdk/src/share/native/sun/awt/medialib: JNI exception pending
Reviewed-by: serb, prr
henryjen [Fri, 21 Feb 2014 15:28:39 -0800] rev 23313
8035487: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.imageio.spi
Reviewed-by: darcy, prr
henryjen [Fri, 21 Feb 2014 15:28:37 -0800] rev 23312
8033716: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in com.sun.imageio
Reviewed-by: darcy, prr, bae
prr [Fri, 21 Feb 2014 10:03:49 -0800] rev 23311
prr [Thu, 20 Feb 2014 16:27:08 -0800] rev 23310
alitvinov [Fri, 21 Feb 2014 18:04:38 +0400] rev 23309
8032078: [macosx] CPlatformWindow.setWindowState throws RuntimeException, if windowState=ICONIFIED|MAXIMIZED_BOTH
Reviewed-by: pchelko, serb
malenkov [Fri, 21 Feb 2014 15:34:05 +0400] rev 23308
8034085: Do not prefer indexed properties
Reviewed-by: alexsch
malenkov [Fri, 21 Feb 2014 15:28:09 +0400] rev 23307
8035310: The line.separator property can be retrieved via public API
Reviewed-by: alexsch, serb
henryjen [Thu, 20 Feb 2014 16:23:45 -0800] rev 23306
8034998: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.imageio
Reviewed-by: prr, darcy
omajid [Thu, 20 Feb 2014 10:07:54 -0500] rev 23305
8035341: Allow using a system installed libpng
Reviewed-by: andrew, erikj, ihse, serb
mikael [Tue, 18 Feb 2014 17:55:04 -0800] rev 23304
8035287: gcc warnings compiling various libraries files
Reviewed-by: prr
pchelko [Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:34:58 +0400] rev 23303
8034038: [parfait] JNI exception pending in macosx/native/sun/awt/CDataTransferer.m
Reviewed-by: serb, azvegint
pchelko [Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:30:57 +0400] rev 23302
8035147: [macosx] Drag and Drop tests are failing with -Xchech:jni
Reviewed-by: serb, azvegint
pchelko [Tue, 18 Feb 2014 09:49:36 +0400] rev 23301
8034035: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/macosx/native/sun/awt/LWCToolkit.m
Reviewed-by: serb, azvegint
kshefov [Mon, 17 Feb 2014 18:52:01 +0400] rev 23300
8017456: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/DataFlavor/MissedHtmlAndRtfBug/MissedHtmlAndRtfBug.html: test frames remain after test execution
Reviewed-by: serb, alexsch
serb [Mon, 17 Feb 2014 17:33:25 +0400] rev 23299
8034068: Label.toString performance improvement
Reviewed-by: anthony, art
anashaty [Mon, 17 Feb 2014 17:15:28 +0400] rev 23298
7094099: DropDown List of JComboBox detached
Reviewed-by: alexp, alexsch
alexsch [Mon, 17 Feb 2014 13:41:50 +0400] rev 23297
8029960: Remove reflection from Swing classes
Reviewed-by: serb, pchelko
malenkov [Fri, 14 Feb 2014 20:24:43 +0400] rev 23296
8034164: Introspector ignores indexed part of the property sometimes
Reviewed-by: alexsch
alexsch [Fri, 14 Feb 2014 18:01:22 +0400] rev 23295
8031971: Use only public methods in the SwingLazyValue
Reviewed-by: serb, pchelko
serb [Fri, 14 Feb 2014 02:19:19 +0400] rev 23294
8034041: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/macosx/native/com/apple/laf/AquaFileView.m
Reviewed-by: anthony, bagiras