6964018: 3/4 AnonLoggerWeakRefLeak and LoggerWeakRefLeak can fail in JPRT
Summary: Refactor test/sun/tools/common/* code and refactor AnonLoggerWeakRefLeak and LoggerWeakRefLeak to use it.
Reviewed-by: ohair, alanb
6962804: 4/4 ShellScaffold tests can fail without a specific reason
Summary: Add more diagnostics for failures. Only copy target file in grepForString when NL is missing.
Reviewed-by: ohair, dholmes
6941287: 4/4 jrunscriptTest.sh test does not work right under Cygwin
Summary: Add golden_diff variable for doing proper golden file diffs on Cygwin.
Reviewed-by: ohair, dholmes