michaelm [Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:17:55 +0100] rev 26221
8055299: HttpsURLConnection.equals() broken
Reviewed-by: chegar, xuelei
stefank [Wed, 27 Aug 2014 10:14:16 +0200] rev 26220
8056148: Add java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/LowMemoryTest.java to ProblemList.txt
Reviewed-by: chegar, brutisso
igerasim [Wed, 27 Aug 2014 22:08:19 +0400] rev 26219
8054714: Use StringJoiner where it makes the code cleaner
Reviewed-by: psandoz, redestad
weijun [Wed, 27 Aug 2014 11:33:45 +0800] rev 26218
8048617: Tests for PKCS12 read operations
Reviewed-by: weijun
Contributed-by: Zaiyao Liu <zaiyao.liu@oracle.com>
martin [Mon, 25 Aug 2014 10:40:55 -0700] rev 26217
8055949: ByteArrayOutputStream capacity should be maximal array size permitted by VM
Summary: Try to resize to "well-known" hotspot max array size first.
Reviewed-by: alanb, mduigou
mchung [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:35:33 -0700] rev 26216
8055230: Rename attach provider implementation class be platform neutral
Reviewed-by: alanb, chegar, dfuchs, dholmes, erikj, sla
amurillo [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 11:43:19 -0700] rev 26215
amurillo [Fri, 22 Aug 2014 10:03:18 -0700] rev 26214
sspitsyn [Wed, 20 Aug 2014 17:06:01 -0700] rev 26213
iklam [Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:29:01 -0700] rev 26212
8046070: Class Data Sharing clean up and refactoring
Summary: Cleaned up CDS to be more configurable, maintainable and extensible
Reviewed-by: dholmes, coleenp, acorn, mchung
michaelm [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 15:18:38 +0100] rev 26211
michaelm [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 15:08:42 +0100] rev 26210
8056065: sun/net/www/protocol/http/RedirectOnPost.java failing.
Reviewed-by: alanb
igerasim [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 15:55:35 +0400] rev 26209
8055421: (fs) bad error handling in java.base/unix/native/libnio/fs/UnixNativeDispatcher.c
Reviewed-by: martin, alanb
jbachorik [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 15:22:07 +0200] rev 26208
7132590: javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/NotificationAccessControllerTest.java fails in JDK8-B22
Reviewed-by: dfuchs, sjiang
chegar [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 10:19:56 +0100] rev 26207
8055955: (ch) Remove unnecessary initialization of InetAddress from FileChannel
Reviewed-by: alanb
michaelm [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 10:10:58 +0100] rev 26206
8055747: Move SimpleSSLContext to jdk/testlibrary
Reviewed-by: chegar
jbachorik [Mon, 25 Aug 2014 18:17:24 +0200] rev 26205
8037082: java/lang/instrument/NativeMethodPrefixAgent.java failing
Reviewed-by: sla
weijun [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 16:42:31 +0800] rev 26204
8055901: Update policytool for jdk.net.NetworkPermission
Reviewed-by: michaelm
weijun [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 15:10:29 +0800] rev 26203
8050370: Need new regressions tests for messageDigest with DigestIOStream
Reviewed-by: weijun
Contributed-by: Zaiyao Liu <zaiyao.liu@oracle.com>
sla [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 07:57:03 +0200] rev 26202
8043981: Remove the JPDA demo
Reviewed-by: alanb
sla [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 07:55:08 +0200] rev 26201
8043936: Drop HPROF as demo, keep as HPROF agent shipped with JDK
Reviewed-by: erikj, alanb
alanb [Mon, 25 Aug 2014 09:20:49 +0100] rev 26200
8055855: "make profiles" failing since refactoring of java.awt.datatransfer
Reviewed-by: dholmes
plevart [Sun, 24 Aug 2014 21:52:16 +0200] rev 26199
8049228: Improve multithreaded scalability of InetAddress cache
7186258: InetAddress$Cache should replace currentTimeMillis with nanoTime for more precise and accurate
Reviewed-by: michaelm
mchung [Fri, 22 Aug 2014 18:54:20 -0700] rev 26198
8055852: Add test/java/lang/Math/DoubleConsts.java and FloatConsts.java
Reviewed-by: mchung, darcy
Contributed-by: amy.lu@oracle.com
mchung [Fri, 22 Aug 2014 14:56:09 -0700] rev 26197
8042003: Update java/lang/Math tests to eliminate dependency on sun.misc.DoubleConsts and sun.misc.FloatConsts
Reviewed-by: mchung, darcy
Contributed-by: amy.lu@oracle.com
igerasim [Sat, 23 Aug 2014 01:05:50 +0400] rev 26196
8055731: sun/security/smartcardio/TestDirect.java throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Reviewed-by: valeriep
jbachorik [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 14:36:49 +0200] rev 26195
8040692: [TESTBUG] sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/JvmstatCountersTest.java requires -XX:+UsePerfData option to pass on embedded platforms
Reviewed-by: sla
mchung [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 22:07:14 -0700] rev 26194
8055393: [Testbug] Some tests are being executed and fail under profiles
Reviewed-by: mchung, dholmes
Contributed-by: evgeniya.stepanova@oracle.com
sla [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 13:09:28 +0200] rev 26193
8055677: java/lang/instrument/RedefineBigClass.sh RetransformBigClass.sh start failing after JDK-8055012
Summary: Write dcmd output to separate files so it does not confuse the output.
Reviewed-by: ctornqvi, mgronlun
erikj [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 12:23:20 +0200] rev 26192
8055095: Improve "do nothing" incremental build performance after modularized source code integration
Reviewed-by: tbell
erikj [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 11:05:35 +0200] rev 26191
8055188: General cleanup of minor issues from source restructure
Reviewed-by: tbell
bpb [Wed, 20 Aug 2014 11:30:13 -0700] rev 26190
8054720: Modifications of I/O methods for instrumentation purposes
Summary: Wrap some native methods in Java methods.
Reviewed-by: rriggs
martin [Wed, 20 Aug 2014 11:06:38 -0700] rev 26189
8055675: java/util/Currency/PropertiesTest.sh fails on OS X after JDK-8055253
Summary: Replace obsolescent cp -r with cp -R. Add more error checks.
Reviewed-by: naoto
katleman [Fri, 29 Aug 2014 11:30:56 -0700] rev 26188
Added tag jdk9-b28 for changeset 3c9e4f896414
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 19:58:21 +0200] rev 26187
lana [Fri, 29 Aug 2014 11:57:22 -0700] rev 26186
amurillo [Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:55:49 -0700] rev 26185
jmasa [Fri, 22 Aug 2014 07:12:23 -0700] rev 26184
tschatzl [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 16:44:41 +0200] rev 26183
8055098: WB API should be extended to provide information about size and age of object.
Summary: Extend the WhiteBox API to provide information about the size and age of objects. Further add a mechanism to trigger a young GC.
Reviewed-by: tschatzl, sjohanss
Contributed-by: Leonid Mesnik <leonid.mesnik@oracle.com>
rbackman [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 19:06:21 +0000] rev 26182
rbackman [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 20:24:41 +0200] rev 26181
roland [Tue, 19 Aug 2014 17:23:38 +0200] rev 26180
8055153: nsk/stress/jck60/jck60014 crashes on sparc
Summary: missing control for LoadRange and LoadKlass nodes created during arraycopy node expansion
Reviewed-by: kvn, iveresov
kvn [Tue, 19 Aug 2014 16:20:18 -0700] rev 26179
8055503: Rollback 8054164 changeset
Reviewed-by: iveresov
kvn [Tue, 19 Aug 2014 17:48:16 +0000] rev 26178
kvn [Wed, 13 Aug 2014 17:50:21 -0700] rev 26177
8054164: solaris makefile
Reviewed-by: roland
thartmann [Tue, 19 Aug 2014 07:36:11 +0200] rev 26176
8048879: "unexpected yanked node" opto/postaloc.cpp:139
Summary: MemBarAcquireNode prevents deletion of dead LoadNNode. Added condition to 'has_special_unique_user' to trigger deletion.
Reviewed-by: kvn, iveresov
kvn [Fri, 15 Aug 2014 12:27:50 -0700] rev 26175
thartmann [Thu, 14 Aug 2014 09:15:39 +0200] rev 26174
8054402: "klass->is_loader_alive(_is_alive)) failed: must be alive" for anonymous classes
Summary: Because anonymous classes are not in the system dictionary, we have to set 'unloading_occurred' based on 'CLDG::do_unloading()'. Added jtreg test.
Reviewed-by: kvn, coleenp
iveresov [Wed, 13 Aug 2014 17:37:11 -0700] rev 26173
8054883: Segmentation error while running program
Summary: Fix pattern matching of range check
Reviewed-by: kvn
mduigou [Wed, 13 Aug 2014 23:33:33 +0000] rev 26172
8047952: Remove _FORTIFY_SOURCE from fastdebug and slowdebug builds
Reviewed-by: dholmes
kvn [Wed, 13 Aug 2014 13:05:04 -0700] rev 26171
8054927: Missing MemNode::acquire ordering in some volatile Load nodes
Summary: Fixed memory ordering parameter and added missing barriers for volatile loads.
Reviewed-by: roland, iveresov
roland [Wed, 13 Aug 2014 09:53:18 +0000] rev 26170
roland [Mon, 11 Aug 2014 15:09:04 +0200] rev 26169
8054224: Recursive method that was compiled by C1 is unable to catch StackOverflowError
Summary: do not update exception cache if exception is replaced when thrown
Reviewed-by: kvn, iveresov
anoll [Wed, 13 Aug 2014 10:44:50 +0200] rev 26168
8043913: remove legacy code in SPARC's VM_Version::platform_features
Summary: Kept only getisax(2) to determine platform features
Reviewed-by: kvn, roland
Contributed-by: Zoltan Majo <zoltan.majo@oracle.com>
roland [Mon, 11 Aug 2014 13:02:44 +0000] rev 26167
roland [Mon, 11 Aug 2014 14:12:51 +0200] rev 26166
7173584: Implement arraycopy as a macro node
Summary: delay the conversion of arraycopy to stub calls to macro expansion
Reviewed-by: kvn, iveresov
thartmann [Mon, 11 Aug 2014 13:01:37 +0200] rev 26165
8043284: Optimize signed integer comparison
Summary: Folding of BoolNode if input add/sub of CmpI overflows and we can prove that compared value is not in the two resulting ranges. Added test for CmpI and CmpU optimizations.
Reviewed-by: kvn, rbackman, roland
jmasa [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 10:51:31 -0700] rev 26164
tschatzl [Wed, 20 Aug 2014 15:04:39 +0200] rev 26163
8055635: Missing include in g1RegionToSpaceMapper.hpp results in unresolved symbol of fastdebug build without precompiled headers
Reviewed-by: mgerdin, ehelin
tschatzl [Wed, 20 Aug 2014 14:34:40 +0200] rev 26162
8055525: Bigapp weblogic+medrec fails to startup after JDK-8038423
Summary: If large pages are enabled and configured in Linux, the VM always pre-commits the entire space. The VM fails verification of the commit of the initial heap because some internal data structure marked all memory pages of the heap as committed during initialization. This makes the code think that we attempted a double-commit during first allocation of the heap. Remove the initial marking of memory pages of the heap to committed.
Reviewed-by: mgerdin
jmasa [Tue, 19 Aug 2014 13:44:55 -0700] rev 26161
tschatzl [Tue, 19 Aug 2014 14:09:10 +0200] rev 26160
8038423: G1: Decommit memory within heap
Summary: Allow G1 to decommit memory of arbitrary regions within the heap and their associated auxiliary data structures card table, BOT, hot card cache, and mark bitmaps.
Reviewed-by: mgerdin, brutisso, jwilhelm
poonam [Mon, 18 Aug 2014 19:30:24 -0700] rev 26159
8044406: JVM crash with JDK8 (build 1.8.0-b132) with G1 GC
Summary: Fill the last card that has been allocated into with a dummy object
Reviewed-by: tschatzl, mgerdin
tschatzl [Mon, 18 Aug 2014 15:43:29 +0000] rev 26158
tschatzl [Mon, 18 Aug 2014 16:10:44 +0200] rev 26157
8054818: Refactor HeapRegionSeq to manage heap region and auxiliary data
Summary: Let HeapRegionSeq manage the heap region and auxiliary data to decrease the amount of responsibilities of G1CollectedHeap, and encapsulate this work from other code.
Reviewed-by: jwilhelm, jmasa, mgerdin, brutisso
mgerdin [Mon, 18 Aug 2014 14:49:42 +0000] rev 26156
mgerdin [Mon, 18 Aug 2014 16:19:57 +0200] rev 26155
8055284: sanity/WhiteBox.java fails with NPE
Summary: Revert previous change, sanity/WhiteBox.java provides its own sun.hotspot.WhiteBox class.
Reviewed-by: ehelin, brutisso
Contributed-by: dmitry.fazunenko@oracle.com
tschatzl [Mon, 18 Aug 2014 15:41:57 +0200] rev 26154
8054362: gc/g1/TestEagerReclaimHumongousRegions2.java timeout
Summary: Give the test a time limit of approximately one minute so that it exits early on slow machines.
Reviewed-by: ehelin, dfazunen, brutisso
stefank [Mon, 18 Aug 2014 12:25:36 +0000] rev 26153
stefank [Mon, 18 Aug 2014 14:12:48 +0200] rev 26152
8055275: Several gc/class_unloading/ tests fail due to missed +UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions flag
Reviewed-by: mgerdin, jwilhelm
jmasa [Fri, 15 Aug 2014 09:06:17 -0700] rev 26151
jmasa [Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:57:00 -0800] rev 26150
8026303: CMS: JVM intermittently crashes with "FreeList of size 258 violates Conservation Principle" assert
Reviewed-by: tschatzl, brutisso
zgu [Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:04:29 -0400] rev 26149
gtriantafill [Tue, 19 Aug 2014 06:47:28 -0700] rev 26148
8055051: runtime/NMT/CommandLineEmptyArgument.java fails
Summary: disable failing test
Reviewed-by: ctornqvi, zgu
gtriantafill [Mon, 18 Aug 2014 11:56:12 -0700] rev 26147
8054711: [TESTBUG] Enable NMT2 tests after NMT2 is integrated
Summary: enable tests for NMT2
Reviewed-by: ctornqvi, zgu
zgu [Tue, 19 Aug 2014 09:05:55 -0400] rev 26146
8055061: assert at share/vm/services/virtualMemoryTracker.cpp:332 Error: ShouldNotReachHere() when running NMT tests
Summary: Handled CDS mapping region and added test for the scenario
Reviewed-by: coleenp, ctornqvi
zgu [Tue, 19 Aug 2014 08:42:46 -0400] rev 26145
zgu [Tue, 19 Aug 2014 08:34:25 -0400] rev 26144
8055007: NMT2: emptyStack missing in minimal build
Summary: Refactored emptyStack to a static member of NativeCallStack, which is accessible in minimal build.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, dholmes
coleenp [Fri, 15 Aug 2014 20:37:43 +0000] rev 26143
coleenp [Fri, 15 Aug 2014 15:25:24 -0400] rev 26142
8055231: ZERO variant build is broken
Summary: Fix zero build.
Reviewed-by: coleenp
Contributed-by: Severin Gehwolf <sgehwolf@redhat.com>
sspitsyn [Fri, 15 Aug 2014 11:25:55 -0700] rev 26141
ctornqvi [Thu, 14 Aug 2014 18:14:07 -0700] rev 26140
8032999: [TESTBUG] JT-Reg Runtime tests to be run as part of JPRT submit job
Summary: JPRT will now run most of the tests in /runtime
Reviewed-by: dcubed, mseledtsov, zgu, mikael
zgu [Thu, 14 Aug 2014 17:25:14 +0000] rev 26139
zgu [Thu, 14 Aug 2014 13:15:23 -0400] rev 26138
8054547: Re-enable warning for incompatible java launcher
Summary: Re-enabled warning as launcher change reached promotion build
Reviewed-by: hseigel, coleenp
zgu [Thu, 14 Aug 2014 13:13:15 +0000] rev 26137
zgu [Thu, 14 Aug 2014 09:02:51 -0400] rev 26136
8054368: nsk/jdi/VirtualMachine/exit/exit002 crash with detail tracking on (NMT2)
Summary: Dynamic allocate _reserved_regions instead of static object to avoid racing during process exit
Reviewed-by: dholmes, coleenp
iklam [Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:29:00 -0700] rev 26135
8046070: Class Data Sharing clean up and refactoring
Summary: Cleaned up CDS to be more configurable, maintainable and extensible
Reviewed-by: dholmes, coleenp, acorn, mchung
katleman [Fri, 29 Aug 2014 11:30:41 -0700] rev 26134
Added tag jdk9-b28 for changeset fabe6090d37a
lana [Fri, 29 Aug 2014 11:56:35 -0700] rev 26133
mchung [Fri, 29 Aug 2014 10:46:21 -0700] rev 26132
8055856: checkdeps build target doesn't work for cross-compilation builds
8056113: [build] tools.jar missing modules.xml
Reviewed-by: ihse, erikj
erikj [Fri, 29 Aug 2014 13:30:42 +0200] rev 26131
8014510: Fix sjavac on all platforms in jprt
Reviewed-by: ihse
simonis [Fri, 29 Aug 2014 12:02:20 +0200] rev 26130
8056246: Fix AIX build after the Modular Source Code change 8054834
Reviewed-by: erikj, ihse
erikj [Wed, 27 Aug 2014 11:19:01 +0200] rev 26129
8055922: Work around sjavac limitation with public api tracking cross modules
Reviewed-by: ihse
erikj [Wed, 27 Aug 2014 11:12:15 +0200] rev 26128
8056062: Additional minor cleanups from source restructure build changes
Reviewed-by: alanb, tbell
erikj [Wed, 27 Aug 2014 10:59:59 +0200] rev 26127
8056064: Fix corba locale build problem on windows
Reviewed-by: alanb, tbell
mchung [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:35:19 -0700] rev 26126
8055230: Rename attach provider implementation class be platform neutral
Reviewed-by: alanb, chegar, dfuchs, dholmes, erikj, sla
amurillo [Fri, 22 Aug 2014 10:03:17 -0700] rev 26125
kvn [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 15:37:51 -0700] rev 26124
mduigou [Wed, 13 Aug 2014 19:39:05 +0000] rev 26123
8047952: Remove FORTIFY_SOURCE from fastdebug and slowdebug builds
Reviewed-by: dholmes
anoll [Tue, 05 Aug 2014 09:05:51 +0200] rev 26122
8054013: run hotspot JTREG compiler tests only on fastdebug platforms and also on macosx
Summary: Modify hotspot/make/jprt.properties and make/jprt.properties on the top level to add/remove the relevant platforms.
Reviewed-by: kvn, roland
Contributed-by: Zoltan Majo <zoltan.majo@oracle.com>
sspitsyn [Wed, 20 Aug 2014 17:05:59 -0700] rev 26121
ctornqvi [Mon, 18 Aug 2014 14:30:35 -0700] rev 26120
8032999: [TESTBUG] JT-Reg Runtime tests to be run as part of JPRT submit job
Summary: JPRT will now run most of the tests in /runtime
Reviewed-by: dcubed, mseledtsov, zgu, mikael
erikj [Fri, 22 Aug 2014 11:51:33 +0200] rev 26119
8055096: Remove explicit mx flag from javadoc command line
Reviewed-by: tbell, mduigou
mduigou [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 10:23:20 -0700] rev 26118
8055331: cleaner handling of sub-process non-zero exit result.
Reviewed-by: tbell
mduigou [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 10:22:52 -0700] rev 26117
8055772: get_source.sh : version check assumes English localization
Reviewed-by: mduigou, tbell
Contributed-by: bitterfoxc@gmail.com
erikj [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 12:22:42 +0200] rev 26116
8055095: Improve "do nothing" incremental build performance after modularized source code integration
Reviewed-by: tbell
erikj [Thu, 21 Aug 2014 11:05:01 +0200] rev 26115
8055188: General cleanup of minor issues from source restructure
Reviewed-by: tbell
katleman [Fri, 29 Aug 2014 11:30:33 -0700] rev 26114
Added tag jdk9-b28 for changeset a4a81944aedd
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 19:57:58 +0200] rev 26113
Added tag jdk9-b28 for changeset f4269e8f454e
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 19:57:57 +0200] rev 26112
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 19:57:53 +0200] rev 26111
lana [Thu, 28 Aug 2014 14:53:49 -0700] rev 26110
ksrini [Tue, 19 Aug 2014 15:34:01 -0700] rev 26109
8055501: [javac] ignore test/tools/javac/Paths/AbsolutePathTest.java
Reviewed-by: jjg
mcimadamore [Tue, 19 Aug 2014 12:13:43 +0100] rev 26108
8055390: IntelliJ langtools project should reflect modular source tree
Summary: Adjust langtools.iml to point to the new source trees
Reviewed-by: jfranck
chegar [Mon, 18 Aug 2014 10:59:44 +0100] rev 26107
pgovereau [Fri, 15 Aug 2014 11:02:14 -0400] rev 26106
8054556: javac should report the error for default usage as the primary error
Reviewed-by: jjg
alundblad [Thu, 14 Aug 2014 14:17:17 +0200] rev 26105
8055039: Sjavac does not print compilation errors to the console
Summary: Sjavac (client) now prints the result of the compilation on stdout/stderr.
Reviewed-by: jfranck
alundblad [Thu, 14 Aug 2014 13:05:49 +0200] rev 26104
8054215: Use com.sun.tools.javac.util.Assert instead of 'assert'
Summary: Replaced assert keyword with methods from com.sun.tools.javac.util.Assert
Reviewed-by: jfranck
jjg [Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:47:58 -0700] rev 26103
8055076: fix test failures in classfile tests
Reviewed-by: darcy
emc [Wed, 13 Aug 2014 21:58:29 +0000] rev 26102