2015-09-15 darcy 8136506: Include sun.arch.data.model as a property that can be queried by jtreg
2015-08-28 sla 8134686: Exclude sun/tools/jps/ tests
2015-08-26 sla 8134458: Make sun/tools/jps tests non-concurrent with other tests
2015-06-25 darcy 8129822: Define "headful" jtreg keyword
2015-05-29 rriggs 8077350: JEP 102 Process API Updates Implementation
2015-05-07 ykantser 8078896: Add @modules as needed to the jdk_svc tests
2015-04-29 darcy 8078334: Mark regression tests using randomness
2015-04-13 msheppar 8068721: RMI-IIOP communication fails when ConcurrentHashMap is passed to remote method
2015-03-20 darcy 8075565: Define @intermittent jtreg keyword and mark intermittently failing jdk tests
2015-03-10 darcy 8074870: Really add javax/xml/jaxp/testng/validation to othervm.dirs in TEST.ROOT
2015-03-10 darcy 8074714: Add javax/xml/jaxp/testng/validation to othervm.dirs in TEST.ROOT
2014-10-27 mchung 8043277: Update jdk regression tests to extend the default security policy instead of override
2014-09-17 psandoz 8058204: stream tests timeout, intermittently but more likely to happen after JDK-8056248
2014-08-19 martin 8055253: test/java/util/Currency/PropertiesTest.sh modifies the test JDK
2014-01-30 ewang 8031179: update RMI tests to declare othervm explicitly
2013-08-21 alanb 8023351: Add TEST.groups in preparation to simplify rules in jdk/test/Makefile
2013-06-26 naoto 8017322: java/util/Currency/PropertiesTest.sh should run exclusively
2012-11-19 alanb 8003607: More ProblemList.txt updates (11/2012)
2012-11-16 khazra 8003518: (prefs) Tests in jdk/test/java/util/prefs should not be run concurrently
2012-11-01 alanb 8002120: ProblemList.txt updates (11/2012)
2012-07-17 dmocek 7142596: RMI JPRT tests are failing
2012-02-12 alanb 7144895: ProblemList.txt updates (2/2012)
2007-12-01 duke Initial load
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