stuefe [Wed, 14 Sep 2016 14:29:39 +0200] rev 40943
8166012: [linux] Remove remnants of LinuxThreads from Linux attach framework
Reviewed-by: dholmes, alanb
jjiang [Wed, 14 Sep 2016 11:06:26 +0800] rev 40942
8077138: Some PKCS11 tests fail because NSS library is not initialized
Summary: Re-building NSS libraries with VS2013 to make the new libraries to depend on msvcr120.dll, which is already distributed with JDK 9
Reviewed-by: vinnie
Contributed-by: John Jiang <>
skovalev [Tue, 13 Sep 2016 15:28:44 +0300] rev 40941
8165870: Fix module dependencies for javax.script/* tests
Reviewed-by: sundar
sdrach [Tue, 13 Sep 2016 13:55:35 -0700] rev 40940
8163798: Create a JarFile versionedStream method
Reviewed-by: mchung, psandoz, redestad
sundar [Tue, 13 Sep 2016 20:59:43 +0530] rev 40939
8163320: JAVA_VERSION in release file should come from java.base module
Reviewed-by: mchung
robm [Tue, 13 Sep 2016 14:47:29 +0100] rev 40938
6947916: JarURLConnection does not handle useCaches correctly
Reviewed-by: chegar
vtewari [Tue, 13 Sep 2016 17:00:06 +0530] rev 40937
8075484: SocketInputStream.socketRead0 can hang even with soTimeout set
Reviewed-by: chegar, dsamersoff, msheppar, clanger
amlu [Tue, 13 Sep 2016 14:55:20 +0800] rev 40936
8165818: Remove tools/pack200/ from ProblemList
Reviewed-by: ksrini
lana [Thu, 15 Sep 2016 17:15:54 +0000] rev 40935
Added tag jdk-9+136 for changeset d9f374de0160
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 22:13:08 +0200] rev 40934
lana [Thu, 15 Sep 2016 21:09:16 +0000] rev 40933
amurillo [Sat, 10 Sep 2016 12:18:31 -0700] rev 40932
mgerdin [Fri, 02 Sep 2016 16:45:16 +0200] rev 40931
8161079: Default heap size causes native memory exhaustion on 32 bit Windows
Reviewed-by: tschatzl, sjohanss
dholmes [Wed, 07 Sep 2016 23:17:24 +0200] rev 40930
dholmes [Wed, 07 Sep 2016 16:43:32 -0400] rev 40929
8165153: Crash in rebuild_cpu_to_node_map
Summary: use processor_count(), not active_processor_count() to determine physical number of CPUs
Reviewed-by: rehn, cjplummer
coleenp [Wed, 07 Sep 2016 19:29:01 +0000] rev 40928
coleenp [Wed, 07 Sep 2016 15:25:21 -0400] rev 40927
8165246: [REDO] InstanceKlass::_previous_version_count goes negative
Summary: make _has_previous_version a boolean that is set to true when previous version of a class is added or during class unloading call to purge_previous_versions
Reviewed-by: gtriantafill, dcubed, sspitsyn
fparain [Wed, 07 Sep 2016 12:52:20 -0400] rev 40926
8137035: nsk/stress/stack/stack tests got EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW on Windows 64 bit
Reviewed-by: dholmes, dcubed, coleenp
mlarsson [Wed, 07 Sep 2016 15:21:45 +0200] rev 40925
mlarsson [Wed, 07 Sep 2016 14:36:44 +0200] rev 40924
8165226: Bad -Xloggc: arguments crashes the VM
Reviewed-by: dsamersoff, sjohanss
hseigel [Wed, 07 Sep 2016 07:19:48 -0400] rev 40923
8058575: IllegalAccessError trying to access package-private class from VM anonymous class
Summary: Put anonymous classes in unnamed package into host class's package. Throw exception if host class's package differs from anonymous class.
Reviewed-by: coleenp, acorn
tschatzl [Wed, 07 Sep 2016 09:20:10 +0200] rev 40922
8165292: The gc+task logging is repeated a lot, decreasing the usefulness of -Xlog:gc*=info
Summary: Separate number of workers used debugging information from adaptive worker sizing log messages.
Reviewed-by: ehelin, sjohanss, jmasa
rprotacio [Tue, 06 Sep 2016 22:52:35 +0200] rev 40921
rprotacio [Tue, 06 Sep 2016 16:29:32 -0400] rev 40920
8161224: CONSTANT_NameAndType_info permits references to illegal names and descriptors
Summary: Enforces proper format checking for NameAndType string content, and that the checking occurs even when not referenced in classfile
Reviewed-by: coleenp, hseigel, ddmitriev