anthony [Fri, 27 Nov 2009 16:07:32 +0300] rev 4366
6402325: Swing toolbars vs native toolbars on Windows
Summary: Introduce support for different window types: NORMAL, UTILITY, POPUP
Reviewed-by: art, dcherepanov
art [Fri, 27 Nov 2009 15:26:07 +0300] rev 4365
4913324: Deadlock when using two event queues
Reviewed-by: anthony, ant, dcherepanov
lana [Wed, 25 Nov 2009 22:14:30 -0800] rev 4364
denis [Wed, 25 Nov 2009 21:27:06 +0300] rev 4363
4899516: Transferable has no DataFlavors when dragging from Gnome window to Swing
Reviewed-by: uta, dav
Contributed-by: Damjan Jovanovic <>
denis [Tue, 24 Nov 2009 18:46:17 +0300] rev 4362
5098433: REG: DnD of File-List between JVM is broken for non ASCII file names - Win32
Reviewed-by: uta, dav
anthony [Fri, 20 Nov 2009 19:11:47 +0300] rev 4361
6863566: Java should support the startup notification specification
Summary: The startup notification gets removed as soon as a Java top-level window is shown
Reviewed-by: anthony, art, dcherepanov
Contributed-by: Damjan Jovanovic <>
lana [Thu, 10 Dec 2009 09:43:48 -0800] rev 4360
lana [Wed, 02 Dec 2009 16:18:20 -0800] rev 4359
prr [Mon, 30 Nov 2009 14:39:35 -0800] rev 4358
6904962: GlyphVector.getVisualBounds should not be affected by leading or trailing white space.
Reviewed-by: igor, dougfelt
tbell [Tue, 08 Dec 2009 09:15:33 -0800] rev 4357