hannesw [Thu, 17 Oct 2013 17:33:16 +0200] rev 21438
8026701: Array.prototype.splice is slow on dense arrays
Reviewed-by: lagergren, sundar, jlaskey
attila [Thu, 17 Oct 2013 12:38:50 +0200] rev 21437
8026161: Don't narrow floating-point literals in the lexer
Reviewed-by: hannesw, jlaskey
cl [Thu, 31 Oct 2013 12:36:38 -0700] rev 21436
Added tag jdk8-b114 for changeset 348c2258d7bf
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 19:21:00 +0200] rev 21435
lana [Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:30:42 -0700] rev 21434
lana [Mon, 28 Oct 2013 12:22:45 -0700] rev 21433
coffeys [Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:45:30 +0100] rev 21432
5036554: unmarshal error on CORBA alias type in CORBA any
Reviewed-by: chegar, smarks
alanb [Tue, 22 Oct 2013 11:40:27 +0100] rev 21431
8021257: com.sun.corba.se.** should be on restricted package list
Reviewed-by: chegar, coffeys, smarks
Contributed-by: alan.bateman@oralce.com, mark.sheppard@oracle.com
cl [Thu, 31 Oct 2013 12:36:05 -0700] rev 21430
Added tag jdk8-b114 for changeset 71655e2f499f
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 19:20:56 +0200] rev 21429
lana [Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:44:18 -0700] rev 21428
joehw [Thu, 31 Oct 2013 13:51:58 -0700] rev 21427
8024876: [TEST_BUG] javax/xml/jaxp/parsers/8022548/XOMParserTest.java failed when testbase dir has read only permissions
Reviewed-by: chegar
dxu [Thu, 31 Oct 2013 11:52:30 -0700] rev 21426
8027155: test/java/io/File/NulFile.java failing when test run in othervm mode
Reviewed-by: mchung, alanb
briangoetz [Tue, 29 Oct 2013 12:45:18 -0400] rev 21425
8024633: Lambda linkage performance - initialize generated class earlier
Reviewed-by: briangoetz, rfield
Contributed-by: sergey.kuksenko@oracle.com
briangoetz [Thu, 31 Oct 2013 10:37:08 -0400] rev 21424
8024637: Lambda linkage performance - use reflection instead of ASM to manipulate parameter types
8023984: Lambda linkage performance - use a method ref to a static factory instead of a ctor ref
Reviewed-by: briangoetz, rfield
Contributed-by: sergey.kuksenko@oracle.com
jbachorik [Thu, 31 Oct 2013 11:59:09 +0100] rev 21423
7144200: java/lang/management/ClassLoadingMXBean/LoadCounts.java failed with JFR enabled
Summary: Make the test less stringent by not requiring the number of loaded classes to increase by a specific number
Reviewed-by: sla
psandoz [Thu, 31 Oct 2013 11:59:04 +0100] rev 21422
8027316: Distinct operation on an unordered stream should not be a barrier
Reviewed-by: henryjen, mduigou, briangoetz
smarks [Wed, 30 Oct 2013 18:39:09 -0700] rev 21421
8023863: deprecate support for statically-generated stubs from RMI (JRMP)
4449028: exportObject() javadoc should specify behavior for null socket factories
Reviewed-by: dfuchs, darcy
bpb [Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:45:12 -0700] rev 21420
6910473: java.math.BigInteger.bitLength() may return negative "int" on large numbers
8021203: BigInteger.doubleValue/floatValue returns 0.0 instead of Infinity
8021204: Constructor BigInteger(String val, int radix) doesn't detect overflow
8022780: Incorrect BigInteger division because of MutableBigInteger.bitLength() overflow
Summary: Prevent construction of overflowed BigIntegers.
Reviewed-by: bpb, darcy, psandoz
Contributed-by: Dmitry Nadezhin <dmitry.nadezhin@oracle.com>
darcy [Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:27:25 -0700] rev 21419
8005294: Consider default methods for additions to AnnotatedElement
Reviewed-by: jfranck, plevart, mchung, abuckley, sogoel
wetmore [Wed, 30 Oct 2013 16:49:35 -0700] rev 21418
8027526: CheckTipsAndVersions.java failing occasionally
Reviewed-by: mullan, mchung
briangoetz [Tue, 29 Oct 2013 12:31:27 -0400] rev 21417
8027318: Lambda Metafactory: generate serialization-hostile read/writeObject methods for non-serializable lambdas
Reviewed-by: rfield, psandoz
lana [Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:51:07 -0700] rev 21416
michaelm [Wed, 30 Oct 2013 18:38:20 +0000] rev 21415
michaelm [Wed, 30 Oct 2013 18:37:50 +0000] rev 21414
8027570: NullPointerException in URLPermission.hashCode()
Reviewed-by: chegar
jbachorik [Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:54:48 +0100] rev 21413
8020467: Inconsistency between usage.getUsed() and isUsageThresholdExceeded() with CMS Old Gen pool
Reviewed-by: mchung, brutisso
mfang [Wed, 30 Oct 2013 09:37:12 -0700] rev 21412
6931564: Incorrect display name of Locale for south africa
Reviewed-by: yhuang
mfang [Wed, 30 Oct 2013 09:33:23 -0700] rev 21411
6192407: s10_70, ko, s1/dvd, minor misspelling under "Select Software Localizations"
Reviewed-by: yhuang
ykantser [Wed, 30 Oct 2013 13:44:40 +0100] rev 21410
8022229: Intermittent test failures in sun/tools/jstatd
Reviewed-by: sla, egahlin, jbachorik, allwin
chegar [Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:41:42 +0000] rev 21409
8026880: NetworkInterface native initializing code should check fieldID values
Reviewed-by: alanb