lagergren [Tue, 09 Jul 2013 15:56:59 +0200] rev 18861
8020124: In the case of an eval switch, we might need explicit conversions of the tag store, as it was not known in the surrounding environment.
Reviewed-by: sundar, jlaskey
sundar [Tue, 09 Jul 2013 17:37:46 +0530] rev 18860
8014785: Ability to extend global instance by binding properties of another object
Reviewed-by: attila, hannesw, jlaskey, lagergren
attila [Tue, 09 Jul 2013 13:57:24 +0200] rev 18859
8009758: reactivate the 8006529 test.
Reviewed-by: jlaskey, sundar
hannesw [Mon, 08 Jul 2013 19:34:55 +0200] rev 18858
8019963: empty char range in regex
Reviewed-by: jlaskey, sundar