2013-02-05 8007452: add scripting programmers doc changes for nashorn
sundar [Tue, 05 Feb 2013 09:11:03 +0530] rev 16212
8007452: add scripting programmers doc changes for nashorn Reviewed-by: jlaskey, hannesw
2013-02-04 8006191: `cmd` -> exec("cmd") in script mode
jlaskey [Mon, 04 Feb 2013 14:48:35 -0400] rev 16211
8006191: `cmd` -> exec("cmd") in script mode Reviewed-by: sundar, lagergren, hannesw Contributed-by: james.laskey@oracle.com
2013-02-04 8007215: Varargs broken for the case of passing more than the arg limit arguments.
lagergren [Mon, 04 Feb 2013 16:20:05 +0100] rev 16210
8007215: Varargs broken for the case of passing more than the arg limit arguments. Reviewed-by: jlaskey, attila
2013-02-04 8007460: var assignment to a parameter in a varargs method causes compilation error
attila [Mon, 04 Feb 2013 15:59:44 +0100] rev 16209
8007460: var assignment to a parameter in a varargs method causes compilation error Reviewed-by: jlaskey, lagergren
2013-02-04 8007455: Extraneous $(ECHO) in make/Makefile
jlaskey [Mon, 04 Feb 2013 08:13:05 -0400] rev 16208
8007455: Extraneous $(ECHO) in make/Makefile Reviewed-by: sundar Contributed-by: james.laskey@oracle.com
2013-02-01 8007060: Primitive wrap filter throws ClassCastException in test262parallel
hannesw [Fri, 01 Feb 2013 02:24:15 +0100] rev 16207
8007060: Primitive wrap filter throws ClassCastException in test262parallel Reviewed-by: sundar, jlaskey, lagergren
2013-01-31 8006529: Methods always get callee - it should be conditional
attila [Thu, 31 Jan 2013 18:34:42 +0100] rev 16206
8006529: Methods always get callee - it should be conditional Summary: This commit streamlines the bytecode function signatures, prologue, local variable use, scope creation, and invocation. It started out quite innocently when we noticed that we always emit __callee__ parameters for all functions even when they are not needed, but it turned out to be quite a deep rabbit hole. In the end, I identified exact conditions when functions need to have a callee parameter, when they need to receive parent scope, when they need to create their own scope, when they need to have variable arity signature, and when they need to have an "arguments" object, and made sure that callee parameters in signatures only show up when they are needed, that parent function's scope is only passed to a child function when it is needed, that the function only creates its own scope when it is needed. In crypto.js, the number of scopes dropped from 446 to 244, and the number of callees dropped from 315 to 145. Reviewed-by: jlaskey, lagergren
2013-01-31 8007286: Add JavaAdapter and importPackage to compatibility script
sundar [Thu, 31 Jan 2013 20:07:40 +0530] rev 16205
8007286: Add JavaAdapter and importPackage to compatibility script Reviewed-by: lagergren, jlaskey
2013-01-30 8007140: Java.extend crashes when attempting to extend java.lang.Object
sundar [Wed, 30 Jan 2013 21:15:14 +0530] rev 16204
8007140: Java.extend crashes when attempting to extend java.lang.Object Reviewed-by: lagergren, hannesw
2013-01-30 8007109: Regression: String(ConsString) does not flatten argument to String
hannesw [Wed, 30 Jan 2013 14:57:19 +0100] rev 16203
8007109: Regression: String(ConsString) does not flatten argument to String Reviewed-by: sundar, lagergren
2013-01-30 8007132: Java objects returned from constructor functions are lost
sundar [Wed, 30 Jan 2013 17:52:54 +0530] rev 16202
8007132: Java objects returned from constructor functions are lost Reviewed-by: hannesw, lagergren, attila
2013-01-30 8007062: Split Lower up into Lower/Attr/FinalizeTypes. Integrate AccessSpecalizer into FinalizeTypes.
lagergren [Wed, 30 Jan 2013 12:26:45 +0100] rev 16201
8007062: Split Lower up into Lower/Attr/FinalizeTypes. Integrate AccessSpecalizer into FinalizeTypes. Summary: Lower suffered from being a "God class" trying to do everything at once. As Nashorn code generation has grown, so has Lower. It does several post processing passes, tries to do several things at once even though all type information isn't in place, adjusting state afterwards and so on. It also performs control flow analysis, type attribution and constant folding, and everything else code generation related before byte code emission. I have now separated the compilation process into Lower (create low level nodes from high level ones, copy code such as finally block inlining etc), Attr (assign types and symbols to all nodes - freeze slot and scope information) and FinalizeTypes (insert explicit casts, specialize invoke dynamic types for scope accesses). I've removed the kludgy AccessSpecializer, as this now integrates naturally with typing. Everything is now much easier to read and each module performs only one thing. I have added separate loggers for the separate tiers. In the process I have also fixed: (1) problems with type coercion (see test/script/basic/typecoercion.js, basically our coercion was too late and our symbol inference was erroneous. This only manifested itself in very rare occasions where toNumber coercion has side effects, such as for example when valueOf is overridden) (2) copying literal nodes (literal copy did not use the superclass copy, which made all the Node specific fields not to be copied (3) erroneous literal tokenization (literals shouldn't always just inherit token information from whatever node that creates them) (4) splitter weighnodes - unary nodes were considered weightless (4) removed the hateful and kludgy "VarNode.shouldAppend", which really isn't needed when we have an attribution phase that determines self reference symbols (the only thing it was used for) (5) duplicate line number issues in the parser (6) convert bug in CodeGenerator for intermediate results of scope accesses (see test/script/basic/access-specializer.js) ... Several of these things just stopped being problems with the new architecture "can't happen anymore" and are not bug fixes per se. All tests run. No performance regressions exist that I've been able to measure. Some increases in performance were measured, but in the statistical margin of error (which is very wide as HotSpot currently has warmup issues with LambdaForms/invoke dynamic). Compile speed has not measurably increased. Reviewed-by: jlaskey, attila
2013-01-29 8007094: Apply version to nashorn.jar manifest
jlaskey [Tue, 29 Jan 2013 14:25:39 -0400] rev 16200
8007094: Apply version to nashorn.jar manifest Reviewed-by: sundar Contributed-by: james.laskey@oracle.com
2013-01-29 8007091: Provide private API to pass application class loader for nashorn script engine
sundar [Tue, 29 Jan 2013 19:57:25 +0530] rev 16199
8007091: Provide private API to pass application class loader for nashorn script engine Reviewed-by: jlaskey, lagergren
2013-01-28 8006676: Integrate Nashorn into new build system
jlaskey [Mon, 28 Jan 2013 16:22:03 -0400] rev 16198
8006676: Integrate Nashorn into new build system Reviewed-by: jlaskey Contributed-by: james.laskey@oracle.com
2013-01-28 8007004: nashorn script engine should not use thread context class loader as script 'application loader'
sundar [Mon, 28 Jan 2013 21:29:05 +0530] rev 16197
8007004: nashorn script engine should not use thread context class loader as script 'application loader' Reviewed-by: attila, hannesw
2013-01-28 8006983: Introduce a command line option to switch off syntactic extensions of nashorn
sundar [Mon, 28 Jan 2013 18:10:16 +0530] rev 16196
8006983: Introduce a command line option to switch off syntactic extensions of nashorn Reviewed-by: lagergren, attila
2013-01-25 8006766: Array-like access to characters of a string is slow
hannesw [Fri, 25 Jan 2013 17:35:31 +0100] rev 16195
8006766: Array-like access to characters of a string is slow Reviewed-by: lagergren, attila
2013-01-24 8006857: ClassCastException when interface implementing function uses arguments object
sundar [Thu, 24 Jan 2013 22:38:58 +0530] rev 16194
8006857: ClassCastException when interface implementing function uses arguments object Reviewed-by: jlaskey, lagergren
2013-01-24 8006852: Move tests from JIRA for prepopulated map failures
jlaskey [Thu, 24 Jan 2013 12:15:29 -0400] rev 16193
8006852: Move tests from JIRA for prepopulated map failures Reviewed-by: sundar Contributed-by: james.laskey@oracle.com
2013-01-24 8006408: Clean up and specialize NativeString
hannesw [Thu, 24 Jan 2013 14:55:57 +0100] rev 16192
8006408: Clean up and specialize NativeString Reviewed-by: jlaskey, lagergren
2013-01-24 8006755: Functions inside with statements dont get correct scope
sundar [Thu, 24 Jan 2013 17:49:03 +0530] rev 16191
8006755: Functions inside with statements dont get correct scope Reviewed-by: lagergren, attila
2013-01-24 8006575: Error in codegen for element access on primitive value
sundar [Thu, 24 Jan 2013 16:21:32 +0530] rev 16190
8006575: Error in codegen for element access on primitive value Reviewed-by: hannesw, lagergren
2013-01-23 8006736: nashorn script engine should support the usage multiple global objects with same engine instance
sundar [Wed, 23 Jan 2013 17:04:02 +0530] rev 16189
8006736: nashorn script engine should support the usage multiple global objects with same engine instance Reviewed-by: lagergren, jlaskey, hannesw
2013-01-22 8006678: Avoid too many Context.getGlobal() calls
sundar [Tue, 22 Jan 2013 22:07:12 +0530] rev 16188
8006678: Avoid too many Context.getGlobal() calls Reviewed-by: lagergren, jlaskey
2013-01-22 8006677: Remove unused FunctionNode flags
attila [Tue, 22 Jan 2013 14:36:28 +0100] rev 16187
8006677: Remove unused FunctionNode flags Reviewed-by: hannesw, jlaskey
2013-01-22 8006570: This-value for non-strict functions should be converted to object
hannesw [Tue, 22 Jan 2013 14:14:37 +0100] rev 16186
8006570: This-value for non-strict functions should be converted to object Reviewed-by: jlaskey, lagergren, attila
2013-01-21 8006635: Reduce access levels as much as possible
sundar [Mon, 21 Jan 2013 21:17:38 +0530] rev 16185
8006635: Reduce access levels as much as possible Reviewed-by: jlaskey, lagergren, attila
2013-01-21 8006525: Give StaticClass objects their own linker
attila [Mon, 21 Jan 2013 11:03:56 +0100] rev 16184
8006525: Give StaticClass objects their own linker Reviewed-by: hannesw, lagergren
2013-01-19 8006557: JDK8/Lambda build clashes on Map.replace()
sundar [Sat, 19 Jan 2013 22:35:43 +0530] rev 16183
8006557: JDK8/Lambda build clashes on Map.replace() Reviewed-by: jlaskey
2013-01-19 8006584: improve variable handling in NashornScriptEngine
sundar [Sat, 19 Jan 2013 09:14:43 +0530] rev 16182
8006584: improve variable handling in NashornScriptEngine Reviewed-by: jlaskey, hannesw
2013-01-18 8006562: findOwnMH in nashorn "objects" package should be cleaned up
sundar [Fri, 18 Jan 2013 17:55:04 +0530] rev 16181
8006562: findOwnMH in nashorn "objects" package should be cleaned up Reviewed-by: jlaskey, lagergren
2013-01-18 8006527: nashorn jsr223 engine does not work in sandbox
sundar [Fri, 18 Jan 2013 08:45:06 +0530] rev 16180
8006527: nashorn jsr223 engine does not work in sandbox Reviewed-by: jlaskey, attila, lagergren
2013-01-17 8006517: PropertyHashMap.Element.equals() compares to Property
jlaskey [Thu, 17 Jan 2013 10:33:39 -0400] rev 16179
8006517: PropertyHashMap.Element.equals() compares to Property Reviewed-by: sundar Contributed-by: james.laskey@oracle.com
2013-01-16 8006424: Passing null or undefined to adapter class constructors results in NPE or ClassCastException
sundar [Wed, 16 Jan 2013 21:26:55 +0530] rev 16178
8006424: Passing null or undefined to adapter class constructors results in NPE or ClassCastException Reviewed-by: attila, hannesw, jlaskey
2013-01-16 8006412: Improve toString method of ScriptObjectMirror class
sundar [Wed, 16 Jan 2013 17:58:51 +0530] rev 16177
8006412: Improve toString method of ScriptObjectMirror class Reviewed-by: jlaskey, lagergren
2013-01-16 8006304: Remove pre-population of maps for constructor produced maps
jlaskey [Wed, 16 Jan 2013 07:06:40 -0400] rev 16176
8006304: Remove pre-population of maps for constructor produced maps Reviewed-by: sundar Contributed-by: james.laskey@oracle.com
2013-01-15 8006337: Discarded arguments for INVOKESTATIC must still be evaluated for side effects
attila [Tue, 15 Jan 2013 18:08:50 +0100] rev 16175
8006337: Discarded arguments for INVOKESTATIC must still be evaluated for side effects Reviewed-by: hannesw, jlaskey, sundar
2013-01-15 8005958: invoking a function through INVOKESTATIC with more arguments than it declares resulted in malformed bytecode being generated
attila [Tue, 15 Jan 2013 17:09:44 +0100] rev 16174
8005958: invoking a function through INVOKESTATIC with more arguments than it declares resulted in malformed bytecode being generated Reviewed-by: lagergren, jlaskey
2013-01-15 8006293: Reduce ScriptObject.findCallMethodMethod
attila [Tue, 15 Jan 2013 13:10:20 +0100] rev 16173
8006293: Reduce ScriptObject.findCallMethodMethod Reviewed-by: lagergren, jlaskey
2013-01-14 8006181: nashorn script engine does not run jrunscript's initialization script
sundar [Mon, 14 Jan 2013 21:30:13 +0530] rev 16172
8006181: nashorn script engine does not run jrunscript's initialization script Reviewed-by: lagergren, jlaskey Contributed-by: rieberandreas@gmail.com
2013-01-14 8006168: ability to generate multi-type Java adapters
attila [Mon, 14 Jan 2013 16:00:55 +0100] rev 16171
8006168: ability to generate multi-type Java adapters Reviewed-by: lagergren, jlaskey
2013-01-11 8006093: Add a makefile target to run all tests (test, test262, perf tests)
sundar [Fri, 11 Jan 2013 20:34:22 +0530] rev 16170
8006093: Add a makefile target to run all tests (test, test262, perf tests) Reviewed-by: attila, hannesw
2013-01-11 8006082: Provide option to run octane benchmarks in separate processes
sundar [Fri, 11 Jan 2013 18:26:18 +0530] rev 16169
8006082: Provide option to run octane benchmarks in separate processes Reviewed-by: lagergren, jlaskey
2013-01-11 8005976: Break out AccessSpecializer into one pass before CodeGenerator instead of iterative applications from CodeGenerator
lagergren [Fri, 11 Jan 2013 10:40:51 +0100] rev 16168
8005976: Break out AccessSpecializer into one pass before CodeGenerator instead of iterative applications from CodeGenerator Summary: Now scope and slot information is guaranteed to be fixed AND NOT CHANGE before CodeGeneration. We want to keep it that way to build future type specializations and bring all type work out of CodeGenerator. Reviewed-by: attila, hannesw
2013-01-10 8005983: JavaAdapterFactory generated proxy classes should take extra constructor arguments at the end
attila [Thu, 10 Jan 2013 15:28:05 +0100] rev 16167
8005983: JavaAdapterFactory generated proxy classes should take extra constructor arguments at the end Reviewed-by: lagergren, sundar
2013-01-10 8005982: NASHORN-71.js failing in nightlys
sundar [Thu, 10 Jan 2013 19:55:38 +0530] rev 16166
8005982: NASHORN-71.js failing in nightlys Reviewed-by: attila, lagergren, jlaskey
2013-01-10 8005987: ant octane tries to run non-benchmark scripts
sundar [Thu, 10 Jan 2013 19:03:25 +0530] rev 16165
8005987: ant octane tries to run non-benchmark scripts Reviewed-by: lagergren, attila, jlaskey
2013-01-10 8005971: runsunspider.js should check results of benchmarks
lagergren [Thu, 10 Jan 2013 10:28:57 +0100] rev 16164
8005971: runsunspider.js should check results of benchmarks Reviewed-by: attila, hannesw
2013-01-09 8005940: provide ant targets to get and update external test scripts
sundar [Wed, 09 Jan 2013 22:32:40 +0530] rev 16163
8005940: provide ant targets to get and update external test scripts Reviewed-by: jlaskey, lagergren
2013-01-09 8005777: Bug in the FacetIntrospector of Dynalink - non-public class should search super
attila [Wed, 09 Jan 2013 15:02:48 +0100] rev 16162
8005777: Bug in the FacetIntrospector of Dynalink - non-public class should search super Reviewed-by: lagergren, sundar
2013-01-08 8005848: assigning to global toString variable affects Object.prototype.toString
sundar [Tue, 08 Jan 2013 21:16:07 +0530] rev 16161
8005848: assigning to global toString variable affects Object.prototype.toString Reviewed-by: jlaskey, lagergren
2013-01-08 8005842: Loops in ASTWriter. Corrected @Reference and @Ignore node annotation for IR nodes
lagergren [Tue, 08 Jan 2013 15:20:40 +0100] rev 16160
8005842: Loops in ASTWriter. Corrected @Reference and @Ignore node annotation for IR nodes Reviewed-by: hannesw, sundar
2013-01-08 8005801: Refactor findSetMethod
attila [Tue, 08 Jan 2013 14:14:17 +0100] rev 16159
8005801: Refactor findSetMethod Summary: findSetMethod() was a very large single method, very unreadable and unmaintainable. It was broken into easy-to-understand pieces. The refactoring required introduction of a comand-object like entity, SetMethodCreator, to contain the nontrivial transient state of the algorithm that made the original big method so resistant to refactoring in the first place. Reviewed-by: lagergren, sundar
2013-01-08 8005846: Remove Mangler in favor of Dynalink's NameCodec
attila [Tue, 08 Jan 2013 13:50:11 +0100] rev 16158
8005846: Remove Mangler in favor of Dynalink's NameCodec Reviewed-by: jlaskey, sundar
2013-01-08 8005843: refSymbols lookup of unbound variable could cause NullPointerException in Lower
lagergren [Tue, 08 Jan 2013 10:52:11 +0100] rev 16157
8005843: refSymbols lookup of unbound variable could cause NullPointerException in Lower Reviewed-by: hannesw, attila
2013-01-08 8005835: NASHORN-668 output fails to compare with the corresponding .EXPECTED file
sundar [Tue, 08 Jan 2013 15:02:36 +0530] rev 16156
8005835: NASHORN-668 output fails to compare with the corresponding .EXPECTED file Reviewed-by: lagergren, hannesw
2013-01-08 8005788: Loggers and their corresponding system properties not working correctly
lagergren [Tue, 08 Jan 2013 09:59:28 +0100] rev 16155
8005788: Loggers and their corresponding system properties not working correctly Summary: 1-1 mapping now maintained. Used Context err instead of System.err in several places (after bootstrapping Context). Problematic closing of err stream replaced by @SuppressWarnings("resource") Reviewed-by: jlaskey, sundar
2013-01-08 8005782: get rid of javadoc errors, warnings in nashorn build
sundar [Tue, 08 Jan 2013 08:51:00 +0530] rev 16154
8005782: get rid of javadoc errors, warnings in nashorn build Reviewed-by: lagergren
2013-01-07 8005703: Offsets miscalculated for blocks
jlaskey [Mon, 07 Jan 2013 14:41:16 -0400] rev 16153
8005703: Offsets miscalculated for blocks Reviewed-by: lagergren Contributed-by: petr.hejl@oracle.com
2013-01-07 8005789: Forgot to document -Dnashorn.unstable.relink.threshold
lagergren [Mon, 07 Jan 2013 19:31:36 +0100] rev 16152
8005789: Forgot to document -Dnashorn.unstable.relink.threshold Summary: Added documentation to DEVELOPER_README, fixed code convention warnings Reviewed-by: attila
2013-01-04 8005663: Update copyright year to 2013
jlaskey [Fri, 04 Jan 2013 09:58:33 -0400] rev 16151
8005663: Update copyright year to 2013 Reviewed-by: sundar Contributed-by: james.laskey@oracle.com
2013-01-04 8005665: JavaDoc should only display public interfaces
jlaskey [Fri, 04 Jan 2013 09:58:30 -0400] rev 16150
8005665: JavaDoc should only display public interfaces Reviewed-by: sundar Contributed-by: james.laskey@oracle.com
2013-01-04 8005666: Add webrev to .hgignore
jlaskey [Fri, 04 Jan 2013 09:58:26 -0400] rev 16149
8005666: Add webrev to .hgignore Reviewed-by: sundar Contributed-by: james.laskey@oracle.com
2012-12-22 8005440: Improve .hgignore filtering for Nashorn repo
jlaskey [Sat, 22 Dec 2012 08:49:58 -0400] rev 16148
8005440: Improve .hgignore filtering for Nashorn repo Reviewed-by: sundar Contributed-by: james.laskey@oracle.com
2012-12-21 8005403: Open-source Nashorn
jlaskey [Fri, 21 Dec 2012 16:36:24 -0400] rev 16147
8005403: Open-source Nashorn Reviewed-by: attila, hannesw, lagergren, sundar Contributed-by: james.laskey@oracle.com, akhil.arora@oracle.com, andreas.woess@jku.at, attila.szegedi@oracle.com, hannes.wallnoefer@oracle.com, henry.jen@oracle.com, marcus.lagergren@oracle.com, pavel.semenov@oracle.com, pavel.stepanov@oracle.com, petr.hejl@oracle.com, petr.pisl@oracle.com, sundararajan.athijegannathan@oracle.com
2012-12-20 8005364: initial hg tags for nashorn repo
jcoomes [Thu, 20 Dec 2012 14:16:21 -0800] rev 16146
8005364: initial hg tags for nashorn repo Reviewed-by: amurillo
2007-12-01 Initial load
duke [Sat, 01 Dec 2007 00:00:00 +0000] rev 16145
Initial load
2017-07-05 Merge
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 18:45:10 +0200] rev 16144
2013-03-15 Merge
lana [Thu, 14 Mar 2013 19:33:23 -0700] rev 16143
2013-03-13 Merge
lana [Tue, 12 Mar 2013 18:16:11 -0700] rev 16142
2013-02-25 Merge
ewendeli [Mon, 25 Feb 2013 07:21:49 +0100] rev 16141
2013-02-19 Merge
ewendeli [Tue, 19 Feb 2013 21:44:41 +0100] rev 16140
2012-11-06 7201066: Change modifiers on unused fields
coffeys [Tue, 06 Nov 2012 15:50:14 +0000] rev 16139
7201066: Change modifiers on unused fields Reviewed-by: alanb, skoivu
2012-12-17 7141694: Improving CORBA internals
mbankal [Mon, 17 Dec 2012 07:43:20 -0800] rev 16138
7141694: Improving CORBA internals Reviewed-by: coffeys, ahgross
2012-10-30 8000540: Improve IIOP type reuse management
ngmr [Tue, 30 Oct 2012 17:15:13 +0000] rev 16137
8000540: Improve IIOP type reuse management Reviewed-by: alanb, ahgross, coffeys
2012-10-30 8000631: Restrict access to class constructor
coffeys [Tue, 30 Oct 2012 17:06:35 +0000] rev 16136
8000631: Restrict access to class constructor Reviewed-by: alanb, ahgross
2013-03-12 Merge
lana [Tue, 12 Mar 2013 16:38:18 -0700] rev 16135
2013-03-05 Merge
lana [Tue, 05 Mar 2013 11:46:06 -0800] rev 16134
2013-02-20 Merge
lana [Tue, 19 Feb 2013 20:48:44 -0800] rev 16133
2013-02-14 7199858: Marshal exception is wrong
dmeetry [Fri, 15 Feb 2013 01:49:36 +0400] rev 16132
7199858: Marshal exception is wrong Reviewed-by: lancea
2013-03-14 Added tag jdk8-b81 for changeset f2ef1e5c2955
katleman [Thu, 14 Mar 2013 15:00:09 -0700] rev 16131
Added tag jdk8-b81 for changeset f2ef1e5c2955
2017-07-05 Merge
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 18:45:01 +0200] rev 16130
2013-03-18 8010030: Allow configure to detect if EC implementation is present
omajid [Mon, 18 Mar 2013 10:46:49 -0400] rev 16129
8010030: Allow configure to detect if EC implementation is present Reviewed-by: andrew, dholmes
2013-03-15 Merge
lana [Thu, 14 Mar 2013 19:26:02 -0700] rev 16128
2013-03-14 Merge
lana [Wed, 13 Mar 2013 23:39:49 -0700] rev 16127
2013-03-13 Merge
lana [Tue, 12 Mar 2013 19:04:49 -0700] rev 16126
2013-02-27 Merge
ewendeli [Wed, 27 Feb 2013 18:13:20 +0100] rev 16125
2013-02-27 Merge
ewendeli [Wed, 27 Feb 2013 09:28:02 +0100] rev 16124
2013-02-26 Merge
ewendeli [Tue, 26 Feb 2013 20:36:52 +0100] rev 16123
2013-02-26 Merge
ewendeli [Tue, 26 Feb 2013 06:47:57 +0100] rev 16122
2013-02-22 8004933: Improve MethodHandle interaction with libraries
vlivanov [Fri, 22 Feb 2013 02:58:38 -0800] rev 16121
8004933: Improve MethodHandle interaction with libraries Reviewed-by: jrose
2013-02-22 8006125: Update MethodHandles library interactions
vlivanov [Fri, 22 Feb 2013 02:59:24 -0800] rev 16120
8006125: Update MethodHandles library interactions Reviewed-by: jrose
2013-02-22 8006179: JSR292 MethodHandles lookup with interface using findVirtual()
vlivanov [Fri, 22 Feb 2013 03:00:12 -0800] rev 16119
8006179: JSR292 MethodHandles lookup with interface using findVirtual() Reviewed-by: jrose, twisti
2013-02-22 8006439: Improve MethodHandles coverage
vlivanov [Fri, 22 Feb 2013 03:00:48 -0800] rev 16118
8006439: Improve MethodHandles coverage Reviewed-by: jrose, twisti
2013-02-25 Merge
ewendeli [Mon, 25 Feb 2013 08:44:00 +0100] rev 16117
2013-02-19 Merge
ewendeli [Tue, 19 Feb 2013 21:53:06 +0100] rev 16116
2013-02-19 Merge
ewendeli [Tue, 19 Feb 2013 21:48:01 +0100] rev 16115
2013-02-08 8007688: Blacklist known bad certificate
valeriep [Thu, 07 Feb 2013 16:03:43 -0800] rev 16114
8007688: Blacklist known bad certificate Summary: Added two known bad certs to the blacklist certs. Reviewed-by: mullan
2013-02-08 8006777: Improve TLS handling of invalid messages
xuelei [Thu, 07 Feb 2013 16:05:55 -0800] rev 16113
8006777: Improve TLS handling of invalid messages Reviewed-by: wetmore, ahgross
2013-02-07 8007611: logging behavior in applet changed
mchung [Thu, 07 Feb 2013 09:41:47 -0800] rev 16112
8007611: logging behavior in applet changed Reviewed-by: alanb, jgish
2013-02-06 8007393: Possible race condition after JDK-6664509
mchung [Tue, 05 Feb 2013 22:56:47 -0800] rev 16111
8007393: Possible race condition after JDK-6664509 Reviewed-by: alanb, jgish
2013-01-25 8004937: Improve proxy construction
mchung [Thu, 24 Jan 2013 16:45:38 -0800] rev 16110
8004937: Improve proxy construction Reviewed-by: jrose, ahgross
2013-01-30 8006446: Restrict MBeanServer access
dfuchs [Wed, 30 Jan 2013 11:33:51 +0100] rev 16109
8006446: Restrict MBeanServer access Reviewed-by: alanb, mchung, darcy, jrose, ahgross, skoivu
2013-01-28 8006882: Proxy generated classes in sun.proxy package breaks JMockit
mchung [Mon, 28 Jan 2013 15:53:29 -0800] rev 16108
8006882: Proxy generated classes in sun.proxy package breaks JMockit Reviewed-by: alanb, ahgross
2013-02-05 Merge
ewendeli [Tue, 05 Feb 2013 15:35:35 +0100] rev 16107
2013-01-28 8006864: Update java.security-linux to include changes in java.security
ewendeli [Mon, 28 Jan 2013 11:07:07 +0100] rev 16106
8006864: Update java.security-linux to include changes in java.security Reviewed-by: mchung, mullan
2013-01-11 8005615: Java Logger fails to load tomcat logger implementation (JULI)
mchung [Thu, 10 Jan 2013 19:43:36 -0800] rev 16105
8005615: Java Logger fails to load tomcat logger implementation (JULI) Reviewed-by: alanb, ahgross
2012-12-18 8004302: javax/xml/soap/Test7013971.java fails since jdk6u39b01
mullan [Tue, 18 Dec 2012 13:48:48 -0500] rev 16104
8004302: javax/xml/soap/Test7013971.java fails since jdk6u39b01 Reviewed-by: vinnie, skoivu, mgrebac, ohair, tbell
2012-12-12 8004341: Two JCK tests fails with 7u11 b06
denis [Wed, 12 Dec 2012 21:08:19 +0400] rev 16103
8004341: Two JCK tests fails with 7u11 b06 Reviewed-by: serb, skoivu
2012-12-07 8000537: Contextualize RequiredModelMBean class
dsamersoff [Fri, 07 Dec 2012 22:49:08 +0400] rev 16102
8000537: Contextualize RequiredModelMBean class Summary: Contextualize RequiredModelMBean class Reviewed-by: asaha Contributed-by: jaroslav.bachorik@oracle.com
2012-12-05 8004175: Restricted packages added in java.security are missing in java.security-{macosx, solaris, windows}
mchung [Wed, 05 Dec 2012 14:02:58 -0800] rev 16101
8004175: Restricted packages added in java.security are missing in java.security-{macosx, solaris, windows} Reviewed-by: alanb, ahgross, mullan
2013-02-03 Merge
ewendeli [Sun, 03 Feb 2013 23:25:38 +0100] rev 16100
2012-11-30 7201064: Better dialogue checking
denis [Fri, 30 Nov 2012 15:51:44 +0400] rev 16099
7201064: Better dialogue checking Reviewed-by: serb, skoivu
2012-11-27 6664509: Add logging context
mchung [Mon, 26 Nov 2012 22:49:06 -0800] rev 16098
6664509: Add logging context 6664528: Find log level matching its name or value given at construction time Reviewed-by: alanb, ahgross, jgish, hawtin
2012-11-26 7186952: Improve clipboard access
denis [Mon, 26 Nov 2012 20:49:54 +0400] rev 16097
7186952: Improve clipboard access Reviewed-by: serb, ahgross
2012-11-20 8002325: Improve management of images
bae [Tue, 20 Nov 2012 11:46:42 +0400] rev 16096
8002325: Improve management of images Reviewed-by: prr, ahgross
2012-11-19 8001242: Improve RMI HTTP conformance
dmocek [Mon, 19 Nov 2012 15:38:56 -0800] rev 16095
8001242: Improve RMI HTTP conformance Reviewed-by: ahgross, mchung, smarks
2012-11-19 6563318: RMI data sanitization
dmocek [Mon, 19 Nov 2012 13:54:12 -0800] rev 16094
6563318: RMI data sanitization Reviewed-by: ahgross, hawtin, mchung, smarks
2012-11-16 8001972: Improve image processing
bae [Fri, 16 Nov 2012 11:05:43 +0400] rev 16093
8001972: Improve image processing Reviewed-by: prr, ahgross
2012-11-15 7192977: Issue in toolkit thread
bagiras [Thu, 15 Nov 2012 23:03:31 +0400] rev 16092
7192977: Issue in toolkit thread Reviewed-by: skoivu, rupashka, art
2012-11-09 8002091: tools/launcher/ToolsOpts.java test started to fail since 7u11 b01 on Windows
ksrini [Fri, 09 Nov 2012 14:36:10 -0800] rev 16091
8002091: tools/launcher/ToolsOpts.java test started to fail since 7u11 b01 on Windows Reviewed-by: darcy, jjh, mschoene
2012-11-08 7201070: Serialization to conform to protocol
smarks [Thu, 08 Nov 2012 15:41:01 -0800] rev 16090
7201070: Serialization to conform to protocol Reviewed-by: dmocek, ahgross, skoivu
2012-11-07 7201071: InetSocketAddress serialization issue
chegar [Wed, 07 Nov 2012 14:26:41 +0000] rev 16089
7201071: InetSocketAddress serialization issue Reviewed-by: alanb, michaelm, skoivu
2012-11-06 7200491: Tighten up JTable layout code
rupashka [Tue, 06 Nov 2012 15:30:34 +0400] rev 16088
7200491: Tighten up JTable layout code Reviewed-by: art, skoivu
2012-11-02 7197546: (proxy) Reflect about creating reflective proxies
mchung [Fri, 02 Nov 2012 16:50:23 -0700] rev 16087
7197546: (proxy) Reflect about creating reflective proxies Reviewed-by: alanb, jdn, jrose
2012-10-30 8000539: JMX implementation allows invocation of methods of a system class
dsamersoff [Tue, 30 Oct 2012 17:05:45 +0400] rev 16086
8000539: JMX implementation allows invocation of methods of a system class Summary: Added extra packageAccess check call Reviewed-by: ahgross, dfuchs Contributed-by: jaroslav.bachorik@oracle.com
2012-10-26 Merge
asaha [Fri, 26 Oct 2012 13:48:33 -0700] rev 16085
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