2011-04-06 Merge
alanb [Wed, 06 Apr 2011 20:54:12 +0100] rev 9238
2011-04-06 7034155: (ch) NullPointerException in sun.io.ch.IOUtil when OOM is thrown
alanb [Wed, 06 Apr 2011 20:51:55 +0100] rev 9237
7034155: (ch) NullPointerException in sun.io.ch.IOUtil when OOM is thrown Reviewed-by: forax
2011-04-06 7031546: test/java/util/ResourceBundle/Bug4168625Test.java fails on solaris10u9 sparc.
naoto [Wed, 06 Apr 2011 10:53:13 -0700] rev 9236
7031546: test/java/util/ResourceBundle/Bug4168625Test.java fails on solaris10u9 sparc. Reviewed-by: okutsu
2011-04-06 6312706: Map entrySet iterators should return different entries on each call to next()
mduigou [Wed, 06 Apr 2011 09:31:13 -0700] rev 9235
6312706: Map entrySet iterators should return different entries on each call to next() Reviewed-by: mduigou, alanb Contributed-by: Neil Richards <neil.richards@ngmr.net>
2011-04-18 Merge
lana [Mon, 18 Apr 2011 13:57:44 -0700] rev 9234
2011-04-18 7034614: The insets of TitledBorder vary, will be modified by another method, in JDK7
malenkov [Mon, 18 Apr 2011 15:58:32 +0400] rev 9233
7034614: The insets of TitledBorder vary, will be modified by another method, in JDK7 Reviewed-by: rupashka
2011-04-17 Merge
lana [Sat, 16 Apr 2011 20:16:55 -0700] rev 9232
2011-04-15 7036148: NullPointerException with null JMenu name
alexp [Fri, 15 Apr 2011 21:36:50 +0400] rev 9231
7036148: NullPointerException with null JMenu name Reviewed-by: rupashka
2011-04-15 6985329: 9 classes in swing.plaf contains words inappropriate for public spec - about some compiler bug
alexp [Fri, 15 Apr 2011 21:26:09 +0400] rev 9230
6985329: 9 classes in swing.plaf contains words inappropriate for public spec - about some compiler bug Reviewed-by: rupashka
2011-04-15 Merge
alexp [Fri, 15 Apr 2011 20:54:13 +0400] rev 9229
2011-04-15 7032903: javax/swing/JComponent/6989617/bug6989617.java test fails against jdk7
alexp [Fri, 15 Apr 2011 20:50:06 +0400] rev 9228
7032903: javax/swing/JComponent/6989617/bug6989617.java test fails against jdk7 Reviewed-by: rupashka
2011-04-15 7035446: some regression tests take too long
okutsu [Fri, 15 Apr 2011 22:57:15 +0900] rev 9227
7035446: some regression tests take too long Reviewed-by: peytoia
2011-04-15 7036842: HTML tag mismatch in API doc for ChoiceFormat
peytoia [Fri, 15 Apr 2011 12:08:07 +0900] rev 9226
7036842: HTML tag mismatch in API doc for ChoiceFormat Reviewed-by: okutsu
2011-04-14 7032911: javax/swing/JLabel/7004134/bug7004134.java test fails against jdk7
rupashka [Thu, 14 Apr 2011 12:37:11 +0400] rev 9225
7032911: javax/swing/JLabel/7004134/bug7004134.java test fails against jdk7 Reviewed-by: malenkov
2011-04-14 7028818: (lc) Lazily initialize locale extension
okutsu [Thu, 14 Apr 2011 15:59:47 +0900] rev 9224
7028818: (lc) Lazily initialize locale extension 7029740: (lc) New Locale class implementation doesn't follow the Java coding conventions 7032820: (lc) sun.util.locale.InternalLocaleBuilder.CaseInsensitiveChar.equals problems 7033503: (lc) Restore optimization code for Locale class initialization 7033504: (lc) incompatible behavior change for ja_JP_JP and th_TH_TH locales Reviewed-by: naoto
2011-04-13 7030774: javax/swing/text/CSSBorder/6796710/bug6796710.java test fails against jdk7 b134
rupashka [Wed, 13 Apr 2011 21:08:08 +0400] rev 9223
7030774: javax/swing/text/CSSBorder/6796710/bug6796710.java test fails against jdk7 b134 Reviewed-by: malenkov
2011-04-13 7032376: A type parameter isn't seen by using an web browser
rupashka [Wed, 13 Apr 2011 20:16:19 +0400] rev 9222
7032376: A type parameter isn't seen by using an web browser Reviewed-by: malenkov
2011-04-12 7034231: Default font appears twice in fallback font list
peytoia [Tue, 12 Apr 2011 18:58:30 +0900] rev 9221
7034231: Default font appears twice in fallback font list Reviewed-by: okutsu, prr
2011-04-12 7035073: Add missing timezones to TimeZoneNames_pt_BR.java
peytoia [Tue, 12 Apr 2011 16:16:41 +0900] rev 9220
7035073: Add missing timezones to TimeZoneNames_pt_BR.java Reviewed-by: okutsu
2011-04-12 7025525: CSS property list in javax.swing.text.html.CSS is incomplete
rupashka [Tue, 12 Apr 2011 10:15:26 +0400] rev 9219
7025525: CSS property list in javax.swing.text.html.CSS is incomplete Reviewed-by: alexp
2011-04-11 7030623: closed/javax/accessibility/4864610/bug4864610.java test fails just against jdk7 b134
rupashka [Mon, 11 Apr 2011 19:55:15 +0400] rev 9218
7030623: closed/javax/accessibility/4864610/bug4864610.java test fails just against jdk7 b134 Reviewed-by: peterz
2011-04-07 6596966: Some JFileChooser mnemonics do not work with sticky keys
rupashka [Fri, 08 Apr 2011 00:26:35 +0400] rev 9217
6596966: Some JFileChooser mnemonics do not work with sticky keys Reviewed-by: alexp
2011-04-06 6849232: closed/javax/swing/text/GlyphPainter2/6427244/bug6427244.java fails on RHEL5
rupashka [Wed, 06 Apr 2011 20:36:22 +0400] rev 9216
6849232: closed/javax/swing/text/GlyphPainter2/6427244/bug6427244.java fails on RHEL5 Reviewed-by: peterz
2011-04-06 6992523: FindBugs scan - Malicious code vulnerability Warnings in com.sun.media.sound.*
amenkov [Wed, 06 Apr 2011 15:12:33 +0400] rev 9215
6992523: FindBugs scan - Malicious code vulnerability Warnings in com.sun.media.sound.* Reviewed-by: alexp
2011-04-06 7009127: [Spec clarification request] Wrapping the devices retrieved from MidiDeviceProvider
amenkov [Wed, 06 Apr 2011 15:07:23 +0400] rev 9214
7009127: [Spec clarification request] Wrapping the devices retrieved from MidiDeviceProvider Reviewed-by: alexp
2011-04-06 7003777: Nonexistent html entities not parsed properly.
rupashka [Wed, 06 Apr 2011 12:05:38 +0400] rev 9213
7003777: Nonexistent html entities not parsed properly. Reviewed-by: peterz
2011-04-06 6973777: JCK manual case JEditorPaneTests.html#JEditorPane fails in jdk7 b100
rupashka [Wed, 06 Apr 2011 11:51:39 +0400] rev 9212
6973777: JCK manual case JEditorPaneTests.html#JEditorPane fails in jdk7 b100 Reviewed-by: peterz
2011-04-18 Merge
lana [Mon, 18 Apr 2011 13:29:32 -0700] rev 9211
2011-04-17 Merge
lana [Sat, 16 Apr 2011 22:45:08 -0700] rev 9210
2011-04-15 6983562: Two java/awt tests failing just on jdk7b108
serb [Fri, 15 Apr 2011 16:51:25 +0400] rev 9209
6983562: Two java/awt tests failing just on jdk7b108 Reviewed-by: art, denis, dcherepanov
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