bpatel [Fri, 04 Oct 2013 15:25:18 -0700] rev 20525
8025741: Fix jdk/make/docs/Makefile to point to correct docs URL for JDK 8.
Reviewed-by: tbell
rfield [Fri, 04 Oct 2013 09:54:43 -0700] rev 20524
8021186: jdk/lambda/vm/DefaultMethodsTest.java fails
Summary: remove DefaultMethodsTest from jdk/test/problemList.txt
Reviewed-by: mduigou
rriggs [Sat, 14 Sep 2013 22:54:38 +0100] rev 20523
8024834: Better return type for TemporalField resolve
Summary: Allow resolve method to return more than just ChronoLocalDate
Reviewed-by: sherman
Contributed-by: scolebourne@joda.org
rriggs [Sat, 14 Sep 2013 22:50:40 +0100] rev 20522
8024807: Add getChronlogy() to CLDT/CZDT
Summary: Alternative to method is clunky and hard to find
Reviewed-by: sherman
Contributed-by: scolebourne@joda.org
rriggs [Fri, 04 Oct 2013 12:01:29 -0400] rev 20521
8024999: Instant.Parse typo in example
Summary: javadoc only fix to correct example to use "." and "Z"
Reviewed-by: sherman
rriggs [Sat, 14 Sep 2013 22:46:49 +0100] rev 20520
8024835: Change until() to accept any compatible temporal
Summary: Method until(Temporal,TemporalUnit) now uses from() to convert; Enhance from() methods where necessary
Reviewed-by: sherman
Contributed-by: scolebourne@joda.org
rriggs [Wed, 04 Sep 2013 15:18:54 +0100] rev 20519
8023762: Add ChronoPeriod interface and bind period to Chronology
Summary: Make Period ISO-only, adding a Chronology-specific period concept
Reviewed-by: sherman
Contributed-by: scolebourne@joda.org
rriggs [Fri, 30 Aug 2013 11:43:57 +0100] rev 20518
8023763: Rename ChronoDateImpl
Summary: Rename ChronoDateImpl to ChronoLocalDateImpl
Reviewed-by: sherman
Contributed-by: scolebourne@joda.org
rriggs [Thu, 29 Aug 2013 20:38:46 +0100] rev 20517
8023764: Optimize Period addition
Summary: Optimise plus/minus for common cases
Reviewed-by: sherman
Contributed-by: scolebourne@joda.org
vinnie [Fri, 04 Oct 2013 16:05:55 +0100] rev 20516
8008296: keytool utility doesn't support '-importpassword' command
Reviewed-by: weijun
allwin [Fri, 04 Oct 2013 15:00:42 +0200] rev 20515
8025829: Add java/lang/instrument/RetransformBigClass.sh to problemlist
Reviewed-by: sla, jbachorik
rriggs [Thu, 03 Oct 2013 15:16:14 -0400] rev 20514
8024427: Missing java.time.chrono serialization tests
Summary: Add tests and cleanup existing serialization tests
Reviewed-by: sherman
rriggs [Thu, 22 Aug 2013 10:01:47 -0700] rev 20513
8024896: Refactor java.time serialization tests into separate subpackage
Summary: Move serialization tests to .serial subpackage
Reviewed-by: sherman
Contributed-by: paul.rank@oracle.com
rfield [Thu, 03 Oct 2013 11:26:53 -0700] rev 20512
8020849: jdk/lambda/vm/DefaultMethodsTest.java
Summary: Bridge generation has been removed from the VM. Fix is to remove tests that no longer make sense.
Reviewed-by: ksrini
rfield [Thu, 03 Oct 2013 10:23:48 -0700] rev 20511
8010433: Remove lambda metafactory work-around to JDK-8005119
Summary: Restore invokespecial to lambda metafactory
Reviewed-by: ksrini