dav [Mon, 07 Apr 2008 14:53:51 +0400] rev 438
6613529: Avoid duplicate object creation within JDK packages
Summary: avoid using constructors when unique values are not necessary
Reviewed-by: volk, igor, peterz
dav [Fri, 04 Apr 2008 20:32:59 +0400] rev 437
dav [Fri, 04 Apr 2008 20:20:16 +0400] rev 436
6573289: api/java_awt/Color/index.html#CreateContextTesttestCase4,5,6,7 fail since JDK 7 b14
Summary: specify current behavior - not caching the painting context
Reviewed-by: flar, son
dcherepanov [Thu, 03 Apr 2008 15:48:10 +0400] rev 435
6615015: Typo in javadoc for Component.getTreeLock()
Summary: fix for typo
Reviewed-by: son
dcherepanov [Thu, 03 Apr 2008 15:00:21 +0400] rev 434
6619458: testcase depends on a file with the name te{st.html
Summary: using test.html instead of te{st.html in reg test
Reviewed-by: son
son [Wed, 02 Apr 2008 17:45:50 +0400] rev 433
6677332: incorrect signatures for JNI methods in XWindow.c and XlibWrapper.c
Summary: int replaced with jint in XWindow.c and WlibWrapper.c, and BOOL replaced with Bool in MouseInfo.c.
Reviewed-by: anthony
Contributed-by: roman.kennke@aicas.com
anthony [Tue, 01 Apr 2008 17:38:46 +0400] rev 432
6681889: JSN security test headline/noWarningApp failed with NPE exception
Summary: The java.awt.Component.changeSupportLock field should be initialized in the readObject() method.
Reviewed-by: son, art
dcherepanov [Mon, 31 Mar 2008 15:56:12 +0400] rev 431
6637204: TrayIcon.displayMessage fails to show icon twice
Summary: the icon canvas should be validated to finalize its layout
Reviewed-by: ant
dcherepanov [Mon, 31 Mar 2008 15:41:56 +0400] rev 430
6508505: JComboBox collapses immediately if it is placed to embedded frame
Summary: XWindowPeer should translate absolute coordinates to local
Reviewed-by: son
yan [Fri, 28 Mar 2008 03:06:00 -0700] rev 429