2016-01-13 chegar 8146736: Move sun.misc performance counters to jdk.internal.perf
2016-01-13 amurillo 8146660: Resolve merge issue in resulting from sun.misc.VM move to jdk.internal.misc
2016-01-08 alanb 8049422: Remove @jdk.Exported
2016-01-06 chegar 8145544: Move sun.misc.VM to jdk.internal.misc
2015-12-30 sdrach 8144355: JDK 9 changes to ZipFileSystem to support multi-release jar files
2015-12-22 chegar 8145990: Move sun.misc math support classes to jdk.internal.math
2015-12-14 chegar 8144995: Move sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder to
2015-12-08 sundar 8143404: Remove apple script engine code in jdk repository
2015-11-30 amurillo Merge
2015-11-30 joehw 8144094: Add Catalog API to java.xml module
2015-11-20 jbachorik 8043138: Attach API should not require jvmstat rmi protocol
2015-11-30 jwilhelm Merge
2015-11-24 attila 8141338: Move jdk.internal.dynalink package to jdk.dynalink
2015-11-23 jiangli Merge
2015-11-20 jiangli Merge
2015-07-23 iklam 8140802: Clean up and refactor of class loading code for CDS
2015-11-20 dfuchs 8140364: JEP 264 Platform Logger API and Service Implementation
2015-11-20 weijun 8056174: New APIs for jar signing
2015-11-11 chegar 8140606: Update library code to use internal Unsafe
2015-10-19 amurillo Merge
2015-10-19 jlahoda 8134254: JShell API/tool: REPL for Java into JDK9
2015-10-08 twisti 8136421: JEP 243: Java-Level JVM Compiler Interface
2015-09-28 chegar 8137056: Move SharedSecrets and interface friends out of sun.misc
2015-09-16 attila 8135251: Use Unsafe.defineAnonymousClass for loading Nashorn script code
2015-08-23 sundar 8134255: Implement tab-completion for java package prefixes and package names
2015-08-21 sundar 8133948: Add 'edit' function to allow external editing of scripts
2015-08-18 sundar 8133777: Use file based persistence for history instead of preferences
2015-08-17 amurillo Merge
2015-08-13 amurillo Merge
2015-08-10 sla 8076470: Remove the JVM TI hprof Agent
2015-08-17 sundar 8133652: Implement tab-completion for member select expressions
2015-08-13 sundar 8133347: Add makefiles support and basic session, persistence history navigation with jline
2015-07-24 jlahoda 8086737: Add support for -release to Javadoc
2015-07-20 weijun 8131350: policytool can directly reference permission classes
2015-06-04 dtitov 8033530: [regression] Applet fails to load resources or connect back to server under some scenarios
2015-07-10 amurillo Merge
2015-07-07 jlahoda 8080679: Include jline in JDK for Java and JavaScript REPLs
2015-07-09 dcubed Merge
2015-07-03 zmajo 8076112: Add @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate annotation to indicate methods for which Java Runtime has intrinsics
2015-06-25 jfdenise 8080511: Refresh of jimage support
2015-05-27 mchung 8074432: Move jdeps and javap to jdk.jdeps module
2015-05-27 mchung 8081334: and are not exported API
2015-05-14 amurillo Merge
2015-05-05 prr Merge
2015-04-27 prr Merge
2015-04-15 prr Merge
2015-04-14 prr 8035302: Eliminate dependency on jdk.charsets from 2D font code.
2015-05-03 ccheung Merge
2015-04-30 rriggs 8077743: (rm) Port ResourceManagement to JDK9
2015-05-01 amurillo Merge
2015-04-16 joehw 8042244: Re-examine the supportedness of non-SE org.w3c.dom.** API
2015-04-07 mkos 8048992: Enhance thread contexts in JAXWS
2015-04-03 valeriep 8042332: Enhance thread contexts in security libraries
2015-04-02 joehw 8048983: Enhance thread contexts in JAXP
2015-02-17 jbachorik 8042327: Enhance thread contexts in serviceability
2015-04-02 chegar 8042322: Enhance thread contexts in networking and nio
2015-04-02 chegar 8047149: Enhance thread contexts in core libraries
2015-03-27 ptbrunet 8076182: Open Source Java Access Bridge - Create Patch for JEP C127 8055831
2015-04-17 sjiang 8042901: Allow to be in a different module to
2015-04-09 sla 8077137: Port jdk.internal.instrumentation to jdk 9
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