yan [Mon, 10 Nov 2014 16:23:30 +0300] rev 27763
8063102: Change open awt regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 1
Reviewed-by: pchelko, serb
serb [Sun, 09 Nov 2014 22:17:45 +0300] rev 27762
7169583: JInternalFrame title not antialiased in Nimbus LaF
Reviewed-by: azvegint, alexsch
prr [Thu, 06 Nov 2014 15:10:00 -0800] rev 27761
8062163: java/awt/geom/AffineTransform/TestInvertMethods.java test fails
Reviewed-by: jgodinez
serb [Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:33:28 +0300] rev 27760
7195187: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] javax/swing/SwingUtilities/7088744/bug7088744.java failed
Reviewed-by: azvegint, alexsch
chegar [Tue, 25 Nov 2014 18:43:44 +0000] rev 27759
8065072: sun/net/www/http/HttpClient/StreamingRetry.java failed intermittently
Reviewed-by: dfuchs
kshefov [Tue, 25 Nov 2014 14:16:55 +0400] rev 27758
8059070: [TESTBUG] java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/LFMultiThreadCachingTest.java failed - timeout
Reviewed-by: psandoz, vlivanov
alanb [Mon, 24 Nov 2014 18:11:25 +0000] rev 27757
8065720: (ch) AbstractInterruptibleChannel.end sets interrupted to null
Reviewed-by: psandoz, chegar
vlivanov [Mon, 24 Nov 2014 07:19:36 -0800] rev 27756
8059880: Get rid of LambdaForm interpretation
Reviewed-by: psandoz, kvn, shade
vlivanov [Mon, 24 Nov 2014 07:16:38 -0800] rev 27755
8063135: Enable full LF sharing by default
Reviewed-by: psandoz, shade
dfuchs [Mon, 24 Nov 2014 17:02:37 +0100] rev 27754
8060132: Handlers configured on abstract nodes in logging.properties are not always properly closed
Summary: Loggers which have been configured with a handler in the configuration file will be retained by the LogManager until reset() is called. A new configuration property is added to explicitely turn the fix off.
Reviewed-by: mchung
erikj [Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:40:49 +0100] rev 27753
8065412: generated source to compile .properties file incorreectly includes the module name in the package name
Reviewed-by: tbell, mchung, ihse
msheppar [Sat, 22 Nov 2014 14:56:16 +0000] rev 27752
8065222: sun/net/www/protocol/http/B6369510.java doesn't execute as expected
Summary: changed address.getHostName() to InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() in URL construction in test's doClient method
Reviewed-by: chegar
martin [Fri, 21 Nov 2014 16:30:02 -0800] rev 27751
8065159: AttributedString has quadratic resize algorithm
Summary: Grow backing arrays geometrically instead of arithmetically
Reviewed-by: naoto, okutsu
smarks [Fri, 21 Nov 2014 13:32:17 -0800] rev 27750
8056313: TEST_BUG: java/util/Timer/NameConstructors.java fails intermittently
Reviewed-by: lancea, rriggs
olagneau [Fri, 21 Nov 2014 19:31:37 +0100] rev 27749
8062037: java/lang/instrument/RetransformBigClass.sh should be quarantined
Summary: Add RedefineBigClass.sh and RetransformBigClss.sh in ProblemList.txt
Reviewed-by: dcubed, sspitsyn
Contributed-by: olivier.lagneau@oracle.com