rriggs [Wed, 31 May 2017 23:45:36 -0400] rev 45436
8180582: The bind to rmiregistry is rejected by registryFilter even though registryFilter is set
Summary: The Registry MAXDEPTH should allow binding more complex objects
Reviewed-by: dfuchs, smarks
valeriep [Thu, 01 Jun 2017 03:26:30 +0000] rev 45435
8180635: (doc) Clarify the compatibility and interoperability issue when using provider default values
Summary: updated the javadoc of KeyPairGenerator, KeyGenerator, AlgorithmParameterGenerator and their Spi classes
Reviewed-by: mullan
mli [Wed, 31 May 2017 19:54:16 -0700] rev 45434
8181082: class-level since tag issues in java.base & java.datatransfer module
Reviewed-by: alanb, serb
jjg [Tue, 30 May 2017 15:48:54 -0700] rev 45433
8181290: Invalid HTML 5 in core-libs docs
Reviewed-by: mchung, lancea
mchung [Tue, 30 May 2017 14:12:16 -0700] rev 45432
8181148: Update the jdeps tool to list exported packages instead of just internal APIs
Reviewed-by: psandoz
duke [Wed, 05 Jul 2017 23:37:46 +0200] rev 45431
bobv [Fri, 02 Jun 2017 10:37:05 -0400] rev 45430
bobv [Fri, 02 Jun 2017 10:35:44 -0400] rev 45429
8181093: assert(si->is_ldr_literal()) failed on arm64 test nsk/jdi/.../returnValue004
Reviewed-by: kvn, dlong
ihse [Fri, 02 Jun 2017 14:29:02 +0200] rev 45428
8180322: Move JNI spec to specs directory
Reviewed-by: mchung, dholmes
roland [Fri, 02 Jun 2017 09:08:34 +0200] rev 45427
8179678: ArrayCopy with same src and dst can cause incorrect execution or compiler crash
Summary: Replacing load on dst with load on src only valid if copy doesn't modify src element to load
Reviewed-by: kvn, thartmann