trims [Thu, 13 May 2010 14:47:21 -0700] rev 5430
6952178: Fork HS18 to HS19 - renumber Major and build numbers of JVM
Summary: Update the Major and build numbers for HS19 fork
Reviewed-by: jcoomes
trims [Thu, 13 May 2010 14:35:14 -0700] rev 5429
jrose [Wed, 12 May 2010 22:06:02 -0700] rev 5428
twisti [Wed, 12 May 2010 03:49:52 -0700] rev 5427
6951784: Zero deoptimizer changes
Summary: The way Zero currently handles deoptimization can lead to methods being freed while they are still being executed.
Reviewed-by: twisti
Contributed-by: Gary Benson <>
jrose [Tue, 11 May 2010 15:19:19 -0700] rev 5426
twisti [Fri, 07 May 2010 04:20:56 -0700] rev 5425
6950617: Zero/Shark interface updates
Summary: Zero needs a couple of new methods to allow Shark to access the new frame anchor field.
Reviewed-by: twisti
Contributed-by: Gary Benson <>
twisti [Thu, 06 May 2010 02:09:18 -0700] rev 5424
6950178: Zero stack improvements
Summary: Moves the logic for determining the size of the Zero stack into the ZeroStack class.
Reviewed-by: twisti
Contributed-by: Gary Benson <>