Tue, 17 Jan 2017 07:41:04 +0100 8172262: packages missing from docs build
jlahoda [Tue, 17 Jan 2017 07:41:04 +0100] rev 43149
8172262: packages missing from docs build Summary: Do not return packages without members from Elements.getPackageElement(String), to avoid ambiguities among such packages in multiple modules. Reviewed-by: jjg
Tue, 17 Jan 2017 09:17:10 +0530 8171993: AssertionError when compiling method reference with generic code and varargs.
sadayapalam [Tue, 17 Jan 2017 09:17:10 +0530] rev 43148
8171993: AssertionError when compiling method reference with generic code and varargs. Reviewed-by: mcimadamore
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