2017-03-16 iignatyev 8176176: fix @modules in jdk_svc tests
2015-05-07 ykantser 8078896: Add @modules as needed to the jdk_svc tests
2014-08-21 jbachorik 8040692: [TESTBUG] sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/JvmstatCountersTest.java requires -XX:+UsePerfData option to pass on embedded platforms
2013-11-12 egahlin 6849945: VM Periodic Task Thread CPU time = -1ns in HotspotThreadMBean.getInternalThreadCpuTimes()
2010-05-25 ohair 6943119: Rebrand source copyright notices
2008-07-02 xdono 6719955: Update copyright year
2008-04-11 mchung 6687508: Update test/sun/management jtreg tests due to sun.management.ManagementFactory class rename
2007-12-01 duke Initial load
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