never [Wed, 01 Feb 2012 16:57:08 -0800] rev 11637
7013347: allow crypto functions to be called inline to enhance performance
Reviewed-by: kvn
never [Wed, 01 Feb 2012 07:59:01 -0800] rev 11636
7141200: log some interesting information in ring buffers for crashes
Reviewed-by: kvn, jrose, kevinw, brutisso, twisti, jmasa
roland [Wed, 01 Feb 2012 10:36:58 +0100] rev 11635
7090976: Eclipse/CDT causes a JVM crash while indexing C++ code
Summary: too optimistic inlining decision confuses local value numbering.
Reviewed-by: never
twisti [Tue, 31 Jan 2012 09:53:46 -0800] rev 11634
7132180: JSR 292: C1 JVM crash with ClassValue/MethodHandle
Reviewed-by: never
kvn [Tue, 31 Jan 2012 07:18:03 -0800] rev 11633
7140924: SIGSEGV in compiled code for sun.awt.X11.XDecoratedPeer.updateMinSizeHints
Summary: Use unknown_obj instead of empty_map for NULL or Constant Pool object constants in bytecode Escape Analyzer.
Reviewed-by: iveresov, never
iveresov [Mon, 30 Jan 2012 19:37:14 -0800] rev 11632
7141059: 7116795 broke pure c2 builds
Summary: Fix pure c2 builds
Reviewed-by: kvn, brutisso, never
never [Sun, 29 Jan 2012 16:46:04 -0800] rev 11631
7129164: JNI Get/ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical doesn't scale
Reviewed-by: kvn, iveresov, dholmes
fparain [Fri, 03 Feb 2012 14:04:59 -0500] rev 11630
phh [Wed, 01 Feb 2012 15:01:08 -0500] rev 11629
7123386: RFE: Preserve universal builds of HotSpot on Mac OS X
Summary: Add support for packaging HotSpot JVM builds in universal binaries
Reviewed-by: dholmes, kamg, dcubed, phh
acorn [Mon, 30 Jan 2012 23:27:30 -0500] rev 11628
7114376: Make system dictionary hashtable bucket array size configurable
Summary: 7u4 new experimental flag -XX:PredictedClassLoadedCount=#
Reviewed-by: dholmes, phh, dcubed