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8033421: @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") does not work when overriding deprecated method
2014-02-07, by jlahoda
8033581: Incorrect comment aligment
2014-02-06, by jjg
8032526: fix the accessibility, html, syntax errors and warnings reported by doclint report in langtools
2014-02-06, by cl
8033114: The values of non-static final fields are printed for the -constants option
2014-02-06, by jjg
8033711: An exception is thrown if using the \"-classpath\" option with no arguments
2014-02-06, by jjg
8033686: Internal error for zero indent
2014-02-06, by jjg
8030855: Default methods should be visible under source previous to 8
2014-02-06, by vromero
8033366: Add configure option to allow RMIConnector IIOP transport be selected compiled in or not
2014-02-06, by alanb
Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset 2740ebeb238c
2014-02-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-02-24, by lana
2014-02-20, by lana
8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-28, by jeff
7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-01-13, by jeff
Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset 973ca15c0167
2014-02-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-03-06, by lana
8035469: Xerces Update: EncodingMap does not recognize Java-style encodings Cp1141-Cp1149
2014-02-28, by joehw
2014-02-24, by lana
8032909: XSLT string-length returns incorrect length when string includes complementary chars
2014-02-21, by aefimov
2014-02-20, by lana
8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-28, by jeff
7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-01-13, by jeff
8033980: Xerces Update: datatype XMLGregorianCalendarImpl and DurationImpl
2014-02-18, by joehw
Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset ba5629320bb2
2014-02-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-03-06, by lana
8035948: Redesign property listeners for shared classes
2014-03-03, by hannesw
8030197: Nashorn: Object.defineProperty() can be lured to change fixed NaN property
2014-02-25, by sundar
2014-02-24, by lana
2014-02-20, by lana
8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-28, by jeff
7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-01-13, by jeff
8011964: need indexed access to externally-managed ByteBuffer
2014-02-14, by sundar
8033231: test fails with java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
2014-02-11, by mnunez
8033924: Default permissions are not given for eval code
2014-02-07, by sundar
8033763: Add tests to assert map identity of certain objects
2014-02-06, by sundar
Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset fdf4454a8368
2014-02-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-02-24, by lana
2014-02-20, by lana
8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-28, by jeff
7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-01-13, by jeff
8026741: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 5
2013-12-17, by mfang
8034769: Move logutil in corba to make/tools
2014-02-13, by erikj
Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset 6a651a3acc5e
2014-02-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
8036095: RMI tests using testlibrary.RMID and testlibrary.JavaVM do not pass through vmoptions
2014-03-06, by smarks
2014-03-06, by lana
8036747: Fix unchecked lint warnings in
2014-03-05, by darcy
8036744: Fix raw lint warnings in java.lang.reflect.WeakCache
2014-03-05, by darcy
8033571: [parfait] warning from b128 for security/smartcardio/pcsc_md.c: JNI exception pending
2014-03-06, by valeriep
8036732: Fix raw warning in
2014-03-05, by darcy
8036599: Use Diagnostic Commands instead of SA by default in jinfo
2014-03-05, by sla
8036132: Tab characters in test/com/sun/jdi files
2014-03-05, by sla
8036675: Compiler warnings in serviceability code
2014-03-05, by sla
8036676: Rename class name testEnabledProtocols to TestEnabledProtocols
2014-03-05, by xuelei
8035952: Remove use of JVM_Open, JVM_Read and JVM_Close functions from serviceability code
2014-03-05, by fparain
8031065: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ fails: OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace
2014-03-04, by mtobiass
8032473: Restructure JSSE regression test hierarchy in jdk test
2014-03-05, by xuelei
8035452: Fix serial lint warnings in core libs
2014-03-04, by darcy
8036568: Serial incompatibility in java.util.TreeMap.NavigableSubMap
2014-03-04, by darcy
8035776: Consistent Lambda construction
2014-03-04, by rfield
8036584: Review comments from 8035897
2014-03-04, by chegar
6625574: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ fails: "pending finalization = 0 but expected > 0"
2014-02-28, by mtobiass
6946101: based tests can issue "write error: Broken pipe" messages
2014-03-03, by iignatyev
8035633: TEST_BUG: java/net/NetworkInterface/ and some tests failed on windows intermittently
2014-03-03, by ewang
8036104: Rename the test
2014-03-03, by weijun
8035897: Better memory allocation for file descriptors greater than 1024 on macosx
2014-03-02, by chegar
8035868: Check for JNI pending exceptions in windows/native/sun/net/spi/DefaultProxySelector.c
2014-03-02, by chegar
8010194: java/nio/channels/spi/SelectorProvider/inheritedChannel/ fails with "Timed out waiting ..." (sol)
2014-03-02, by alanb
8035813: Broken link in java.lang.Iterable
2014-03-01, by rriggs
8033666: Make sure @ForceInline is everywhere it needs to be in sun.misc and java.lang.invoke
2014-03-01, by vlivanov
8027827: Improve performance of catchException combinator
2014-03-01, by vlivanov
8035106: Typo in java.time.format.Parsed error message
2014-02-28, by rriggs
8035889: jdk testlibrary - add printing of values of failed assertions
2014-02-28, by rriggs
6835233: Fedora 9 jdk regression test failed: java/lang/instrument/
2014-02-28, by bchristi
8036004: Incorrect license header for a test class
2014-02-28, by joehw
8035949: Remove unused macro USE_SELECT and clean up Unix version of net_util_md.{c,h}
2014-02-28, by simonis
8035668: [test] Check that jstat does not cause problems when monitored application exits before jstat finishes its work
2014-02-28, by jbachorik
7195249: Some jtreg tests use hard coded ports
2014-02-28, by sla
8035759: [parfait] JNI exception pending in jdk/src/windows/native/sun/security/krb5/NativeCreds.c
2014-02-28, by weijun
8035814: Broken link in java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
2014-02-27, by sherman
8035876: AIX build issues after '8034174: Remove use of JVM_* functions from code'
2014-02-27, by simonis
6853696: (ref) ReferenceQueue.remove(timeout) may return null even if timeout has not expired
2014-02-27, by igerasim
8017142: Time display for Spanish(Chile, Ecuador ) locale doesn't show 24-hour format
2014-02-26, by yhuang
8034999: change rmidRunning to a simple lookup
2014-02-26, by smarks
8027640: String.indexOf(String,int) for the empty string case not specified
2014-02-26, by bchristi
8035653: InetAddress.getLocalHost crash
2014-02-26, by michaelm
8032585: JSR292: IllegalAccessError when attempting to invoke protected method from different package
2014-02-21, by vlivanov
8035187: Move fontconfig src files to make/data
2014-02-26, by erikj
7089615: Broken javadoc link in AbstractQueuedSynchronizer
2014-02-25, by chegar
2014-02-25, by amurillo
2014-02-21, by amurillo
2014-02-18, by kvn
8033154: PPC64: Fix AIX build after integration into jdk9/dev
2014-01-29, by simonis
8034174: Remove use of JVM_* functions from code
2014-02-25, by chegar
8035054: JarFacade.c should not include ctype.h
2014-02-24, by mikael
8035640: JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION should support c++ JNI syntax
2014-02-25, by pchelko
8035453: Fix serial lint warnings in and elsewhere
2014-02-24, by darcy
2014-02-24, by lana
8029235: Update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 jdk repository for 2013
2013-12-26, by lana
6857566: (bf) DirectByteBuffer garbage creation can outpace reclamation
2014-02-24, by plevart
8034203: Change JavaDoc for com.sun.jdi.request.EventRequest.setEnabled(boolean val)
2014-02-24, by farvidsson
8032909: XSLT string-length returns incorrect length when string includes complementary chars
2014-02-21, by aefimov
8023022: Some more typos in javadoc
2014-02-17, by igerasim
6952105: TEST_BUG: testcase failure, not very often, com/sun/jdi/
2014-02-21, by sla
8035395: sun/management/jmxremote/startstop/ fails intermittently: Port already in use
2014-02-21, by jbachorik
8007897: Make creates file with illegal name in Windows.
2014-02-21, by ihse
8033787: [TESTBUG] Few jdk regression management tests should be improved with -XX:+UsePerfData usage
2014-02-21, by jbachorik
8027810: RMI CheckUsage tests should be deleted
2014-02-20, by smarks
2014-02-20, by lana
8022203: Intermittent test failures in demo/jvmti/hprof
2014-02-20, by sla
2014-02-20, by sherman
8035076: Pattern$BnMS never used due to bug in Pattern$BnM.optimize
2014-02-20, by sherman
8029944: Primitive Stream reduce method documentation pseudo code misidentifies apply method
2013-12-11, by michaelm
7052625: com/sun/net/httpserver/bugs/6725892/ fails intermittently
2014-02-20, by chegar
8022852: Fix serial javac warnings in ArrayPrefixHelpers
2014-02-20, by chegar
8028770: LIBARCHNAME should not be used in CompileLauncher.gmk
2014-02-20, by ihse
8035105: DNS provider cleanups
2014-02-20, by alanb
8034087: XML parser may overwrite element content if that content falls onto the border of an entity scanner buffer
2014-02-20, by simonis
8032050: Clean up for java/rmi/activation/Activatable/shutdownGracefully/
2014-02-15, by tyan
8027289: [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
2014-02-19, by naoto
8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-28, by jeff
7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-01-13, by jeff
8034033: [parfait] JNI exception pending in share/native/sun/security/krb5/nativeccache.c
2014-02-19, by weijun
8033980: Xerces Update: datatype XMLGregorianCalendarImpl and DurationImpl
2014-02-18, by joehw
8026115: [zh_CN] inproper translation in output of jarsigner command
2013-12-11, by mfang
8026741: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 5
2013-12-17, by mfang
8034853: remove sun.misc.ClassLoaderUtil
2014-02-18, by michaelm
4515292: ReferenceType.isStatic() returns true for arrays
2014-02-18, by farvidsson
6545422: [TESTBUG] uses wrong path name in exec
2014-01-21, by sla
8035067: Move jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/ to jdk/make/data
2014-02-18, by erikj
2014-02-17, by mullan
8025708: Certificate Path Building problem with AKI serial number
2014-02-17, by mullan
8031661: java/net/Authenticator/ failed intermittently
2014-02-17, by michaelm
8034177: sun/management/jmxremote/startstop/ should report port in use
2014-02-17, by jbachorik
4682009: Typo in javadocs in javax/naming
2014-02-15, by igerasim
8034943: Eliminate Kerberos dependency on to avoid circular dependency
2014-02-14, by alanb
8034801: AIX: (ch) Fix synchronization issue in
2014-02-14, by simonis
8030844: sun/rmi/rmic/classpath/ timeout in same binaries run
2014-02-13, by tyan
8034896: Correct javadoc typo
2014-02-13, by lancea
8034000: lack of /othervm option can cause some RMI tests to fail
2014-02-13, by smarks
8031025: SQE test CertPath/CertPathBuilderTest/* failed with java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
2014-02-13, by juh
8034193: Move X11 wrapper generator files to make/src and make/data
2014-02-13, by erikj
8034179: Clean up nio genConstants
2014-02-13, by erikj
8028711: TEST_BUG: Shell tests should pass through VM options
2014-02-13, by alanb
8034856: gcc warnings compiling src/solaris/native/sun/security/pkcs11
2014-02-13, by alanb
8034191: Move relevant parts of build system to new closed repo
2014-02-13, by ihse
8030010: cleanup native code warnings
2014-02-12, by mchung
8034102: Check solaris/native/sun/nio/fs/MacOSXNativeDispatcher.c for JNI pending exceptions
2014-02-12, by alanb
8034780: Remove used imports
2014-02-12, by alanb
8034776: Remove sun.misc.Service
2014-02-12, by alanb
8034762: Move krb5.conf related tests into a single place
2014-02-12, by weijun
8034173: Move JavaApp.icns to proper place in make/data
2014-02-12, by erikj
8034182: Misc. warnings in code
2014-02-11, by alanb
8034176: Update mapfile for libjfr
2014-02-11, by sla
8033943: Typo in the documentation for the class Arrays
2014-02-08, by igerasim
8029876: Add a test to verify that Logger.getLogger & LogManager.getLogManager don't throw NPE when System.out == null
2014-02-11, by dfuchs
8034175: Remove use of UseVMInterruptibleIO from tests
2014-02-11, by alanb
8034043: Native methods for preferences API should not be in libjava
2014-02-11, by alanb
8034050: Fix serial lint warnings in javax.print
2014-02-10, by darcy
8034046: Fix serial lint warnings in javax.sound
2014-02-10, by darcy
7152892: some jtreg tests fail with permission denied
2014-02-10, by robm
6791551: has a race condition
2014-02-10, by jbachorik
8033911: Simplify instrumentation of FileInputStream and RandomAccessFile
2014-02-10, by sla
8033917: Keep track of file paths in file streams and channels for instrumentation purposes
2014-02-10, by sla
8033590: java.util.Comparator::thenComparing has unnecessary type restriction
2014-02-06, by henryjen
8032012: String.toLowerCase/toUpperCase performance improvement
2014-02-07, by sherman
8033900: Remove reference to JNU_Equals in GSSLibStub.c
2014-02-06, by mchung
8033893: jdk build is broken due to the changeset of JDK-8033370
2014-02-06, by mchung
8031588: warnings from b03 for jdk/src/share/native/sun/security/jgss/wrapper: JNI exception pending
2014-02-06, by michaelm
8033370: [parfait] warning from b126 for solaris/native/sun/util/locale/provider: JNI exception pending
2014-02-06, by naoto
8033565: Remove unused nativeNewStringPlatform
2014-02-06, by rriggs
8033366: Add configure option to allow RMIConnector IIOP transport be selected compiled in or not
2014-02-06, by alanb
8033778: ObjectIn/OutputStream improvements
2014-02-06, by chegar
8033757: Redo JDK-8011983 (due to bad merge with JDK-8031586)
2014-02-06, by vinnie
8033758: gcc warnings compiling jdk/src/share/back
2014-02-06, by alanb
Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset 4a4630af7adf
2014-02-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-03-06, by lana
2014-02-28, by amurillo
2014-02-28, by morris
8031754: Type speculation should favor profile data from outermost inlined method
2014-02-28, by roland
8035970: PPC64: fix ad file after 8027754: Enable loop optimizations for loops with MathExact
2014-02-27, by goetz
8032011: nsk/stress/jck60/jck60022 crashes in src\share\vm\runtime\synchronizer.cpp:239
2014-02-27, by roland
8035283: Second phase of branch shortening doesn't account for loop alignment
2014-02-26, by iveresov
8035396: Introduce accessor for tmp_oop in frame.
2014-02-26, by goetz
2014-02-26, by anoll
2014-02-26, by anoll
8034839: jvm hangs with gc/gctests/LoadUnloadGC test
2014-02-26, by anoll
8034188: OSR methods may not be recompiled at proper compilation level
2014-02-11, by neliasso
8010500: [parfait] Possible null pointer dereference at hotspot/src/share/vm/opto/loopnode.hpp
2014-02-26, by adlertz
8032642: [TESTBUG] Fix testbugs in compiler/startup/.*
2014-02-26, by anoll
2014-02-25, by roland
8031752: Failed speculative optimizations should be reattempted when root of compilation is different
2014-02-25, by roland
8033260: assert(lrg._area >= 0.0) failed: negative spill area
2014-02-25, by adlertz
8032656: Tag the MachSpillCopies with purpose information
2014-02-25, by adlertz
8034775: Failing to initialize VM when running with negative value for -XX:CICompilerCount
2014-02-25, by anoll
8032894: Remove dead code in Pressure::lower
2014-02-25, by adlertz
8027754: Enable loop optimizations for loops with MathExact inside
2014-01-23, by rbackman
8033805: Move Fast_Lock/Fast_Unlock code from .ad files to macroassembler
2014-02-24, by kvn
2014-02-28, by ehelin
8035746: Add missing Klass::oop_is_instanceClassLoader() function
2014-02-27, by stefank
8035648: Don't use Handle in java_lang_String::print
2014-02-27, by stefank
8035822: Unable to test minimalVM
2014-02-26, by jwilhelm
2014-02-25, by ehelin
8034948: Back out JDK-6976350 since it does not fix any issue
2014-02-24, by tschatzl
8035329: Move G1ParCopyClosure::copy_to_survivor_space into G1ParScanThreadState
2014-02-24, by tschatzl
8035326: Assume non-NULL references in G1CollectedHeap::in_cset_fast_test
2014-02-24, by tschatzl
8027559: Decrease code size and templatizing in G1ParCopyClosure::do_oop_work
2014-02-24, by tschatzl
8035412: Cleanup ClassLoaderData::is_alive
2014-02-21, by stefank
8035393: Use CLDClosure instead of CLDToOopClosure in frame::oops_interpreted_do
2014-02-21, by stefank
8025519: [TESTBUG] runtime/7107135/ need to use COMPILEJAVA for javac task
2014-02-24, by ccheung
4505697: nsk/jdi/ExceptionEvent/_itself_/exevent006 and exevent008 tests fail with InvocationTargetException
2014-02-24, by jbachorik
8035650: Exclude AIX from VS.NET make/windows/projectcreator.make
2014-02-24, by mgronlun
8034867: Object references from expression stack are not visible as roots via jvmti FollowReferences and HeapDump
2014-02-23, by sspitsyn
2014-02-23, by hseigel
8035493: JVMTI PopFrame capability must instruct compilers not to prune locals
2014-02-22, by mgronlun
8034898: [TESTBUG]: Zero failure project - tag all Runtime JTReg bugs that fail nightly
2014-02-20, by gtriantafill
6546236: Thread interrupt() of Thread.sleep() can be lost on Solaris due to race with signal handler
2014-02-19, by fparain
7014526: "java -version" crash on sparc with some values of HeapBaseMinAddress
2014-02-19, by coleenp
8033898: undefined symbol when build hotspot with Xcode5
2014-02-25, by henryjen
2014-02-21, by amurillo
2014-02-21, by ehelin
8033440: jmap reports unexpected used/free size of concurrent mark-sweep generation
2014-02-17, by sjohanss
2014-02-17, by ehelin
8034171: Remove use of template template parameters from binaryTreeDictionary.
2014-02-11, by goetz
8034764: Use process_strong_roots to adjust the StringTable
2014-02-14, by stefank
8034761: Remove the do_code_roots parameter from process_strong_roots
2014-02-13, by stefank
2014-02-20, by kvn
8035423: AIX: Fix os::get_default_process_handle() in os_aix.cpp after 8031968
2014-02-20, by simonis
8035394: PPC64: Make usage of intrinsic dsqrt depend on processor recognition.
2014-02-20, by goetz
8035392: cppInterpreter: fix message of NPE
2014-02-20, by goetz
8034797: AIX: Fix os::naked_short_sleep() in os_aix.cpp after 8028280
2014-02-19, by goetz
2014-02-19, by kvn
8033168: PPC64: gcc 4.8 warning in output_c.cpp
2014-01-30, by goetz
8033117: PPC64: Adapt to 8002074: Support for AES on SPARC
2014-01-29, by goetz
2014-01-28, by kvn
2014-01-28, by kvn
8029941: rollback changes in make/ for embedded testing
2014-01-28, by kvn
8032634: Add #ifdef PPC64 around OrderAccess operations on _thread_state.
2014-01-24, by goetz
2014-01-22, by kvn
8029101: PPC64 (part 211): ordering of Independent Reads of Independent Writes
2014-01-16, by goetz
8031319: PPC64: Some fixes in ppc and aix coding.
2014-01-07, by goetz
8031188: Fix for 8029015: PPC64 (part 216): opto: trap based null and range checks
2014-01-06, by goetz
8030863: PPC64: (part 220): ConstantTableBase for calls between args and jvms
2013-12-20, by goetz
2014-01-08, by kvn
2013-12-12, by kvn
8029957: PPC64 (part 213): cppInterpreter: memory ordering for object initialization
2013-12-11, by goetz
8029940: PPC64 (part 122): C2 compiler port
2013-12-11, by goetz
8029888: PPC64: (part 219): adl replacement variable CondRegister
2013-12-10, by goetz
8029396: PPC64 (part 212): Several memory ordering fixes in C-code.
2013-12-02, by goetz
2013-12-05, by kvn
8019929: PPC64 (part 107): Extend ELF-decoder to support PPC64 function descriptor tables
2013-12-05, by simonis
8029015: PPC64 (part 216): opto: trap based null and range checks
2013-11-27, by goetz
8028515: PPPC64 (part 113.2): opto: Introduce LoadFence/StoreFence.
2013-11-26, by goetz
8029025: PPC64 (part 203): opto: Move static _in_dump_cnt to Compile object.
2013-11-22, by goetz
8028767: PPC64: (part 121): smaller shared changes needed to build C2
2013-11-21, by goetz
8028471: PPC64 (part 215): opto: Extend ImplicitNullCheck optimization.
2013-11-21, by goetz
2013-11-21, by kvn
8028580: PPC64 (part 114/120): Support for Call nodes with constants.
2013-11-20, by goetz
8028514: PPC64: Fix C++ Interpreter after '7195622: CheckUnhandledOops has limited usefulness now'
2013-11-19, by simonis
8028470: PPC64 (part 214): linux: extend signal handler to catch SIGTRAP on ppc64.
2013-11-16, by goetz
8028401: PPC (part 117): Improve usability of adlc and format() functionality.
2013-11-15, by goetz
2013-11-15, by kvn
8024921: PPC64 (part 113): Extend Load and Store nodes to know about memory ordering
2013-11-15, by goetz
8003854: PPC64 (part 115): Introduce PostallocExpand that expands nodes after register allocation
2013-11-14, by goetz
8027968: Adapt PPC to 8024927: Nashorn performance regression with CompressedOops
2013-11-07, by goetz
8027969: Adapt PPC to 8026328: Setting a breakpoint on invokedynamic crashes the JVM
2013-11-07, by goetz
8027966: Adapt PPC to 8023657: New type profiling points: arguments to call
2013-11-07, by goetz
8027965: Adapt PPC to 8015107: NPG: Use consistent naming for metaspace concepts
2013-11-07, by goetz
8027964: Adapt PPC to 6843347: Boundary values in some public GC options cause crashes
2013-11-07, by goetz
2013-11-05, by kvn
8026487: PPC64: Implement 'os::fork_and_exec' on AIX
2013-10-16, by simonis
8024468: PPC64 (part 201): cppInterpreter: implement bytecode profiling
2013-09-15, by goetz
8024922: PPC64 (part 116): Extend adlc to generate fields into nodes.
2013-09-19, by goetz
8024342: PPC64 (part 111): Support for C calling conventions that require 64-bit ints.
2013-09-18, by goetz
8024469: PPC64 (part 202): cppInterpreter: support for OSR.
2013-09-13, by goetz
8024344: PPC64 (part 112): C argument in register AND stack slot.
2013-09-12, by goetz
8023038: PPC64 (part 15): Platform files for AIX/PPC64 support
2013-09-06, by simonis
8023034: PPC64 (part 14): Implement AIX/PPC64 support in HotSpot makefiles
2013-09-06, by simonis
8024379: Adapt PPC64 port to 8003424
2013-09-06, by goetz
2013-09-05, by kvn
8023033: PPC64 (part 13): basic changes for AIX
2013-08-22, by goetz
8020775: PPC64 (part 12): posix signal printing
2013-07-26, by goetz
2013-08-16, by kvn
8019972: PPC64 (part 9): platform files for interpreter only VM.
2013-08-02, by goetz
2013-08-01, by kvn
8019926: PPC64 (part 106): Make hsdis build and work on Linux/PPC64
2013-07-26, by simonis
2013-07-19, by kvn
2013-07-11, by kvn
8019973: PPC64 (part 11): Fix IA64 preprocessor conditionals on AIX.
2013-07-05, by goetz
8019922: PPC64 (part 8): Implement Linux/PPC64 support in HotSpot makefiles
2013-07-10, by simonis
8020121: PPC64: fix build in cppInterpreter after 8019519
2013-07-09, by goetz
8019519: PPC64 (part 105): C interpreter: implement support for jvmti early return.
2013-07-03, by goetz
8019518: PPC64 (part 103): cppInterpreter: implement support for compressed Oops
2013-07-03, by goetz
8019517: PPC64 (part 102): cppInterpreter: implement G1 support
2013-07-03, by goetz
8016696: PPC64 (part 4): add relocation for trampoline stubs
2013-07-04, by goetz
2013-07-03, by kvn
8017317: PPC64 (part 7): cppInterpreter: implement support for biased locking
2013-06-26, by goetz
8017313: PPC64 (part 6): stack handling improvements
2013-06-24, by goetz
2013-06-27, by kvn
2013-06-21, by kvn
8016586: PPC64 (part 3): basic changes for PPC64
2013-06-20, by goetz
8016491: PPC64 (part 2): Clean up PPC defines.
2013-06-19, by goetz
8016476: PPC64 (part 1): reenable CORE build
2013-06-19, by goetz
8031498: Cleanup and re-factorize PhaseChaitin::build_ifg_physical
2014-01-24, by adlertz
2014-01-26, by anoll
8009738: compiler/6826736/ times out on big machines
2014-01-27, by anoll
2014-01-24, by kvn
8032490: Remove -XX:+-UseOldInlining
2014-01-24, by shade
8027422: assert(_gvn.type(obj)->higher_equal(tjp)) failed: cast_up is no longer needed
2014-01-24, by roland
8035132: [TESTBUG] test/runtime/lambda-features/ test has unrecognized option
2014-02-18, by coleenp
8034249: need more workarounds for suspend equivalent condition issue
2014-02-18, by sspitsyn
8034080: Remove the USDT1 dtrace code from Hotspot
2014-02-18, by sla
2014-02-15, by hseigel
8027146: Class loading verification failure if GC occurs in Universe::flush_dependents_on
2014-02-15, by coleenp
8007710: runtime/7158988/ fails with com.sun.jdi.VMDisconnectedException: Connection closed
2014-02-14, by sjiang
8034860: Fatal error due to incorrect thread state during nightly testing
2014-02-14, by ccheung
2014-02-12, by dsamersoff
2014-02-12, by dsamersoff
7127191: SA JSDB does not display native symbols correctly for transported Linux cores
2014-02-12, by dsamersoff
8034781: [TESTBUG] runtime/ unable to find or load main class
2014-02-12, by ctornqvi
2014-02-12, by ccheung
8028785: [parfait] warnings from b116 for hotspot.src.share.vm.prims: JNI exception pending
2014-02-12, by ccheung
2014-02-12, by mduigou
8030350: Enable additional compiler warnings for GCC
2014-02-12, by mduigou
8023667: SA: ExceptionBlob and other C2 classes not available in client VM
2014-02-12, by dsamersoff
8033215: clang: node.cpp:284 IDX_INIT macro use uninitialized field _out
2014-02-11, by henryjen
2014-02-24, by lana
2014-02-20, by lana
8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-28, by jeff
7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-01-13, by jeff
2014-02-13, by ehelin
8033426: Scale initial NewSize using NewRatio if not set on command line
2014-02-05, by sjohanss
8026849: Fix typos in the GC code, part 2
2013-12-10, by jwilhelm
8033923: Use BufferingOopClosure for G1 code root scanning
2014-02-10, by stefank
2014-02-10, by ehelin
8033764: Remove the usage of StarTask from BufferingOopClosure
2014-02-10, by stefank
2014-02-10, by ehelin
8033922: G1: Back out 8033601 and go back to use the to-obj for chunked arrays.
2014-02-07, by brutisso
8033545: Missing volatile specifier in Bitmap::par_put_range_within_word
2014-02-06, by tschatzl
8031703: Missing post-barrier in ReferenceProcessor
2014-02-06, by pliden
8033443: Test8000311 fails after latest changes to parallelize string and symbol table unlink
2014-02-05, by tschatzl
8033601: G1: Make array chunking use the same length field as the other young GCs
2014-02-05, by tonyp
8028254: gc/arguments/ failed with unexpected initial heap size
2014-02-05, by ehelin
2014-02-03, by ehelin
8024366: Make UseNUMA enable UseNUMAInterleaving
2014-01-16, by jmasa
8033106: Wrong predicate for checking whether the correct amount of symbol table entries have been processed in G1
2014-01-31, by tschatzl
6991197: G1: specialize deal_with_reference() for narrowOop*
2014-01-31, by tschatzl
8032771: The flag VerifySilently misses a test case
2014-01-31, by tschatzl
2014-02-11, by iklam
7182040: volano29 limited by os resource on Linux - need better diagnostic message
2014-02-11, by iklam
8033792: AltHashing used jint for imprecise bit shifting
2014-02-10, by minqi
2014-02-10, by dcubed
2014-02-10, by dcubed
8005262: possible gamma launcher issues
2014-02-10, by rdurbin
8028073: race condition in ObjectMonitor implementation causing deadlocks
2014-02-10, by dcubed
8016644: Improve UnsupportedClassVersionError message
2014-02-10, by ctornqvi
2014-02-09, by hseigel
8033528: assert(0 <= i && i < length()) failed: index out of bounds
2014-02-07, by coleenp
8033931: Several nightly tests failing with assert(imin < imax) failed: Unexpected page size
2014-02-07, by dcubed
8033714: hotspot 'install_jvm' bld target broken with ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES=0
2014-02-07, by dcubed
8025841: JVMTI: "vtable stub" dynamic code notification is misplaced
2014-02-06, by sspitsyn
2014-02-06, by coleenp
8029775: Solaris code cleanup
2014-02-06, by coleenp
2014-02-06, by fparain
8030808: dtrace/hotspot/Monitors/Monitors001 fails in product builds on solaris-sparc
2014-02-06, by fparain
8028735: runtime/RedefineObject/ interrupted (timed out?) on solaris_sparcv9-fastdebug-c2-runtime and solaris_x64-debugOpen-c2-runtime
2014-02-06, by coleenp
8033289: clang: clean up unused function warning
2014-02-05, by henryjen
2014-02-07, by amurillo
8032010: Attempt to resolve abstract method in concrete class fails with AbstractMethodError
2014-02-05, by ccheung
8032223: nsk/regression/b4663146 gets assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() || JvmtiEnv::is_thread_fully_suspended(get_thread(), false, &debug_bits))
2014-02-04, by sspitsyn
8033126: Can't call default methods from JNI
2014-02-03, by sla
8032462: Change the linux SDT implementation to use USDT2 instead of USDT1
2014-02-03, by sla
2014-02-02, by hseigel
8027113: decouple the '-XXaltjvm=<path>' option from the gamma launcher
2014-01-30, by rdurbin
6656031: SA: jmap -permstat number of classes is off by 1
2014-01-30, by jbachorik
Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset 69d4b2a482eb
2014-02-21, by katleman
2014-03-06, by lana
8019729: JDK build HIGHEST compiler optimisation setting isn't valid for Sun C++ compiler
2014-03-05, by erikj
8036145: Solaris standard grep does not understand -qE
2014-03-04, by erikj
8036079: --with-boot-jdk-jvmargs configure options are ignored
2014-03-03, by mduigou
8035904: Solaris fastdebug builds are failing
2014-02-28, by erikj
8035730: Configure fails in cygwin if current dir is in /home/user
2014-02-27, by ihse
8035825: Warn instead of fail when calling the configure wrapper directly
2014-02-27, by ihse
8035725: Must keep microsoft VS_PATH on PATH after toolchain detection
2014-02-25, by ihse
2014-02-24, by lana
8035495: Improvements in autoconf integration
2014-02-24, by ihse
8034788: Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform.
2014-02-24, by ihse
2014-02-20, by lana
8032816: THIRDPARTYREADME LittleCMS preamble missing JRE 8 & JDK 8
2014-01-28, by jeff
7129980: Third Party License Readme update for JDK8
2014-01-13, by jeff
8034979: Configuration help messages don't consider --no-create
2014-02-17, by mduigou
8034199: Add 'reconfigure' target for re-creating a configuration
2014-02-13, by ihse
8030350: Enable additional compiler warnings for GCC
2014-02-12, by mduigou
8034191: Move relevant parts of build system to new closed repo
2014-02-13, by ihse
8034098: Configure leaves 'a.out' in root dir.
2014-02-11, by erikj
8034146: Update for new closed tree
2014-02-10, by iris
8032632: Wrong version for the first jdk8 fcs build
2014-02-10, by erikj
8033921: Build fails if --with-alsa option is used due to incorrect ALSA link parameter in autoconf script.
2014-02-07, by ihse
8033366: Add configure option to allow RMIConnector IIOP transport be selected compiled in or not
2014-02-06, by alanb
Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset 0ce00b83a208
2014-02-21, by katleman
Added tag jdk9-b03 for changeset 7f655f31f9bc
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-02-11, by lana
8026773: Failing compilation in Corba does not fail the build
2014-02-05, by erikj
8033004: Make base TypeAnnotationPosition data immutable, create better methods for creating base TypeAnnotationPositions
2014-02-03, by emc
8030091: Request to update error messages from javac for negative varargs test cases
2014-02-02, by jlahoda
8033180: An inappropriate newline symbol in the help section
2014-01-30, by jjg
8033218: Silent failure in TypeAnnotations.resolveFrame
2014-01-30, by emc
8032869: remove support for legacy options in javap
2014-01-29, by jjg
8032932: Add assertion to fix silent failure in Gen.getAndRemoveNonFieldTAs
2014-01-28, by emc
8032980: Silent failure in Attr.annotateType
2014-01-28, by emc
8032819: Extra empty line between field declarations for the "-v -c" and "-v -l" combination of options
2014-01-28, by jjg
2014-01-28, by lana
8032814: LineNumberTable/LocalVariableTable tables duplication for the "-v -l" combination of options
2014-01-27, by jjg
8031212: doclint incorrectly rejects some @see tags in javadoc comments
2014-01-27, by jjg
8032587: Change silent failure in to assertion
2014-01-24, by emc
8027175: Existing regression tests in tl/langtools and tl/jdk need to be updated for @bug keyword
2014-01-27, by sogoel
8028267: contains a main-method with test code
2014-01-24, by alundblad
8029017: ElementType.TYPE_USE should be a logical superset of ElementType.TYPE and ANNOTATION_TYPE
2014-01-23, by jfranck
8031023: [javac] LambdaToMethod is missing forceSerializedRepresentation logic and switch
2014-01-23, by ksrini
8032506: Remove commit.txt that was accidentally pushed with the changeset
2014-01-22, by sogoel
8030816: javac crashes when mixing lambdas and inner classes
2014-01-22, by vromero
8027477: Enable repeating annotations test cases since JDK-8004912 is fixed
2014-01-22, by sogoel
Added tag jdk9-b02 for changeset fc0fe10fbee9
2014-02-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-02-11, by lana
2014-01-28, by lana
8032639: Update copyright year to match last edit in jaxws repository for 2013
2013-12-30, by mkos
8029237: Update copyright year to match last edit in jaxws repository for 2012
2012-12-30, by mkos
Added tag jdk9-b02 for changeset 01145cf69089
2014-02-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-02-11, by lana
2014-01-28, by lana
8032392: Spec:, ClassLoader) referring to ServiceLoader.load(Class, ClassLoader)
2014-01-24, by joehw
Added tag jdk9-b02 for changeset 851ae056cca1
2014-02-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-02-11, by lana
8032681: Issues with Nashorn
2014-01-30, by attila
8032948: Nashorn linkages awry
2014-01-30, by sundar
8032954: Nashorn: extend Java.extend
2014-01-30, by sundar
8032943: Improve reflection in Nashorn
2014-01-30, by sundar
Added tag jdk9-b02 for changeset 81bb5f538220
2014-02-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-02-11, by lana
8026773: Failing compilation in Corba does not fail the build
2014-02-05, by erikj
Added tag jdk9-b02 for changeset 82544a65e6da
2014-02-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-02-11, by lana
8025669: [parfait] warning from b62 for memory leak
2014-02-05, by vinnie
8033616: Fix serial lint warnings in javax.imageio.*
2014-02-05, by darcy
8033526: Fix serial lint warnings in java.awt.*
2014-02-05, by darcy
8033542: test/java/util/logging/SimpleLogManager might let Loggers be gc'ed too early.
2014-02-05, by dfuchs
8032749: Typo in java.time.Clock
2014-02-05, by rriggs
8030993: Check jdk/src/share/native/common/jni_util.c for JNI pending exceptions
2014-02-05, by rriggs
8011983: [parfait] False positive: unportable format string argument mismatch in jdk/src/windows/native/com/sun/security/auth/module/nt.c
2014-02-05, by vinnie
8033689: PlainDatagramSocketImpl missing returns after throwing an exception
2014-02-05, by chegar
8033680: Profiles build broken
2014-02-05, by erikj
8033532: Freetype include statement must come before X11 include
2014-02-05, by ihse
8031586: Check jdk/src/*/native/com/sun/security/auth/module for pending JNI exceptions
2014-02-05, by alanb
8026773: Failing compilation in Corba does not fail the build
2014-02-05, by erikj
8025306: Inet[4|6]Address class and fieldID initialization in networking native code
2014-02-04, by chegar
8028727: [parfait] warnings from b116 for JNI pending exceptions
2014-02-04, by vinnie
8033525: Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in sun.swing.*
2014-02-04, by darcy
8029020: Check src/share/native/java/util/zip code for JNI pending exceptions
2014-02-04, by coffeys
8029808: com/sun/jdi/ times out
2014-02-04, by sla
8033372: Check jdk/src/share/native/java/lang for JNI pending exception issues
2014-02-04, by alanb
8028725: [Parfait] warnings from b116 for JNI pending exceptions
2014-02-04, by michaelm
8033236: Update GensrcCharsetMapping.gmk to build-infra standards
2014-02-04, by ihse
8033527: Fix raw type lint warning in
2014-02-03, by darcy
8031737: CHECK_NULL and CHECK_EXCEPTION macros cleanup
2014-02-03, by rriggs
8033222: Fix serial lint warnings in sun.awt.*
2014-02-03, by darcy
8033181: Fix doclint missing issues in java.awt.{peer, im[.spi]}
2014-02-03, by darcy
8033416: Remove sun.misc.FpUtils
2014-02-03, by darcy
8033425: Delay loading of net library in PortConfig initialization (workaround for for 8033367)
2014-02-03, by michaelm
8030795: java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ failing with ServiceConfigurationError without jtreg -agentvm option
2014-02-03, by alanb
8028792: (ch) Channels native code needs to be checked for methods calling JNI with pending excepitons
2014-02-03, by alanb
8033223: Fix serial lint warnings in sun.{font, java2d[.*]}
2014-02-01, by darcy
8032221: Typo in
2014-01-31, by rriggs
8011645: CopyOnWriteArrayList.COWSubList.subList does not validate range properly
2014-01-31, by chegar
8030696: Norwegian locales nb_NO and nn_NO should be available locales
2014-01-31, by naoto
8027348: (process) Enhancement of handling async close of ProcessInputStream
2014-01-30, by igerasim
7150539: HttpURLConnection.getResponseMessage() doesn't throw IOException on server error (OS X)
2014-01-31, by chegar
8032518: fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment(access violation)
2014-01-31, by mgronlun
8032056: Create demo to illustrate new practices of the default methods usage
2014-01-31, by psandoz
8032020: Update try-with-resources demo
2014-01-31, by anazarov
8031650: Update bulk operation demo
2014-01-31, by anazarov
8032025: Update repeating annotations demo
2014-01-31, by anazarov
8023541: Race condition in rmid initialization
2014-01-30, by smarks
8033221: Fix serial lint warnings in sun.swing.*
2014-01-30, by darcy
2014-01-30, by coffeys
8030822: (tz) Support tzdata2013i
2014-01-30, by aefimov
8022321: java/lang/ref/ fails intermittently
2014-01-30, by plevart
8031179: update RMI tests to declare othervm explicitly
2014-01-29, by ewang
8027175: Existing regression tests in tl/langtools and tl/jdk need to be updated for @bug keyword
2014-01-29, by sogoel
8031701: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ Thread WaitingThread is expected to wait on Object but got null Thread.State = RUNNABLE
2014-01-29, by jbachorik
8033111: Clean up left-over JObjC code in build system
2014-01-29, by ihse
7142035: assert in j.l.instrument agents during shutdown when daemon thread is running
2014-01-28, by sla
8032697: Issues with Lambda
2014-01-28, by rfield
2014-01-28, by kvn
2014-01-28, by kvn
2014-01-22, by kvn
8031581: PPC64: Addons and fixes for AIX to pass the jdk regression tests
2014-01-20, by simonis
8031997: PPC64: Make the various POLL constants system dependant
2014-01-20, by simonis
8031134: PPC64: implement printing on AIX
2014-01-20, by simonis
8028537: PPC64: Updated the JDK regression tests to run on AIX
2014-01-17, by simonis
2014-01-08, by kvn
2013-12-12, by kvn
8029669: PPC64: 8027566 changes broke AIX build after sync
2013-12-06, by simonis
2013-12-05, by kvn
8024854: PPC64: Basic changes and files to build the class library on AIX
2013-11-26, by simonis
2013-11-21, by kvn
8028066: PPC64: 8025715 changes broke AIX build after sync
2013-11-08, by simonis
2013-11-05, by kvn
8024900: PPC64: Enable new build on AIX (jdk part)
2013-09-17, by simonis
2013-09-05, by kvn
2013-08-16, by kvn
2013-08-01, by kvn
2013-07-19, by kvn
2013-07-11, by kvn
8017568: PPC64: Generic build preparations needed to enable new build on Linux/PPC64
2013-07-02, by simonis
8032711: Issue with Lambda in handling
2014-01-28, by rfield
2014-01-28, by lana
8032733: Fix cast lint warnings in client libraries
2014-01-28, by darcy
8022323: [JavaSecurityScanner] review package* Native methods should be private
2014-01-28, by dsamersoff
6760902: inconsistent behavior in system class loader for classes and resources
2014-01-27, by mchung
8032779: Update code in java.lang to use newer language features
2014-01-27, by psandoz
8002116: This gets an exit 1
2014-01-27, by dsamersoff
8024049: com/sun/jdi/ shortens 7-digit pid to 6-digit
2014-01-27, by dsamersoff
8031572: jarsigner -verify exits with 0 when a jar file is not properly signed
2014-01-25, by weijun
8032616: Fix non-deprecation warnings in com.sun.beans.*
2014-01-24, by darcy
8032678: [TESTBUG] sun/misc/Version/ doesn't understand two-digit HotSpot minor version numbers
2014-01-24, by simonis
8029646: [pack200] should support the new zip64 format.
2014-01-24, by kizune
8032627: Add @SuppressWarnings("serial") to appropriate javax.swing classes
2014-01-24, by darcy
8032451: (dc) DatagramChannel.join should support include-mode filtering on OS X
2014-01-24, by alanb
8032456: vm/jni/Miscellaneous/misc001/misc00101m1/misc00101m1.html failing on OS X
2014-01-24, by alanb
6516909: (cl spec) ClassLoader.loadClass() clarification to indicate it shouldn't be used for array classes
2014-01-23, by mchung
4932272: (cl) Remove declaration of the unused private method ClassLoader.defineClass0
2014-01-23, by mchung
6980984: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/MemoryManagement is not robust when getMax() returns -1
2014-01-23, by sjiang
6309226: TEST: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ didn't check Thread.sleep
2014-01-23, by jbachorik
8032047: Fix static lint warnings in client libraries
2014-01-22, by darcy
8032502: java.time add @param tags to readObject
2014-01-22, by rriggs
8032397: Remove sun.misc.Ref
2014-01-22, by darcy
2014-01-22, by mullan
8028431: NullPointerException in DerValue.equals(DerValue)
2014-01-21, by asmotrak
6545321: [TESTBUG] has to be resilient to unexpected output
2014-01-21, by sla
7133499: (fc) not preempted by asynchronous close on OS X
2014-01-22, by alanb
Added tag jdk9-b02 for changeset 22a10c3cb5f3
2014-02-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-02-11, by lana
2014-02-05, by amurillo
2014-01-30, by ehelin
8028391: Make the Min/MaxHeapFreeRatio flags manageable
2014-01-29, by jwilhelm
8031290: Adjust call to getisax() for additional words returned
2014-01-15, by jmasa
8031686: G1: assert(_hrs.max_length() == _expansion_regions) failed
2014-01-20, by sjohanss
8030177: G1: Enable TLAB resizing
2014-01-27, by brutisso
8025856: Fix typos in the GC code
2014-01-23, by jwilhelm
8032379: Remove the is_scavenging flag to process_strong_roots
2014-01-14, by mgerdin
8020277: Young GC could be extremely slow due to assertion in ObjectStartArray::object_starts_in_range
2014-01-20, by sjohanss
8031776: Remove the unnecessary enum GenRemSet::Name
2014-01-20, by ehelin
8027746: Remove do_gen_barrier template parameter in G1ParCopyClosure
2014-01-20, by tschatzl
8027454: Do not traverse string table during G1 remark when treating them as strong roots during initial mark
2014-01-20, by tschatzl
8027476: Improve performance of Stringtable unlink
2014-01-20, by tschatzl
2014-01-29, by hseigel
2014-01-28, by zgu
8032827: NMT: missing virtual memory tagging in os::workaround_expand_exec_shield_cs_limit()
2014-01-28, by zgu
2014-01-28, by dsamersoff
7010732: SA_ALTROOT only works if running the SA tools from their build directory.
2014-01-28, by dsamersoff
8028275: Metaspace ShrinkGrowTest causes fatal error if run with JFR
2014-01-27, by coleenp
7015395: [TESTBUG] runtime/6626217/ fails if compilation happens fast enough for timestamps to be equal.
2014-01-21, by gziemski
8032662: test/compiler/ciReplay/ should report ulimit issues
2014-01-27, by sla
8032247: SA: Constantpool lookup for invokedynamic is not implemented
2014-01-27, by dsamersoff
2014-01-24, by hseigel
8028553: The JVM should not throw VerifyError when 'overriding' a static final method in a superclass.
2014-01-24, by hseigel
8028280: ParkEvent leak when running modified runThese which only loads classes
2014-01-24, by dsimms
8031427: AllocObject and Unsafe.allocateInstance segfault for primitive types
2014-01-23, by gdub
2014-01-23, by minqi
6651256: jstack: DeleteGlobalRef method call doesn't lead to descreasing of global refs count shown by jstack
2014-01-23, by minqi
8032466: serviceability/sa/jmap-hashcode/ fails with compilation errors
2014-01-23, by kevinw
8031968: Mac OS X: VM starts the agent by calling both Agent_OnAttach and Agent_OnAttach_L functions if its agent library is dynamically linked.
2014-01-23, by sla
8032250: Add trace event for VM flag changes
2014-01-23, by sla
2014-01-20, by kevinw
8028623: SA: hash codes in SymbolTable mismatching java_lang_String::hash_code for extended characters.
2014-01-17, by kevinw
2014-01-19, by hseigel
8032024: Test not added for bug 8025937: assert(existing_f1 == NULL || existing_f1 == f1) failed: illegal field,change
2014-01-17, by coleenp
2014-01-17, by hseigel
8031045: Access checks should precede additional per-instruction checks
2014-01-17, by hseigel
8030812: Change the solaris DTrace implementation to use USDT2 instead of USDT1
2014-01-16, by sla
8030027: nsk/jvmti/scenarios/hotswap/HS101/hs101t006 Crashed the vm on Linux-amd64: SIGSEGV in JavaThread::last_java_vframe(RegisterMap*)+0xfa
2014-01-17, by sspitsyn
8027314: Java should recognize Diagnostic options if -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions is not specified and print an informative message
2014-01-16, by ccheung
8031151: Add basic CDS tests
2014-01-15, by mseledtsov
6945460: [TESTBUG] runtime/6929067/
2014-01-15, by dsimms
2014-01-24, by kvn
8031695: CHA ignores default methods during analysis leading to incorrect code generation
2014-01-23, by vlivanov
8031743: C2: loadI2L_immI broken for negative memory values
2014-01-21, by iveresov
8032207: C2: assert(VerifyOops || MachNode::size(ra_) <= (3+1)*4) failed: bad fixed size
2014-01-17, by iveresov
2014-01-28, by lana
2014-01-23, by amurillo
2014-01-17, by morris
8022395: Not in GZIP format in JT_JDK/test/java/util/zip/GZIP tests
2014-01-16, by twisti
2014-01-14, by anoll
7194669: CodeCache::mark_for_deoptimization should avoid verifying dependencies multiple times
2014-01-15, by anoll
8002074: Support for AES on SPARC
2014-01-14, by kvn
8026253: New type profiling points: sparc support
2014-01-14, by roland
8030662: "assert(counter_changed) failed: failed dependencies, but counter didn't change" still fails
2014-01-14, by roland
8028764: dtrace/hotspot_jni/ALL/ALL001 crashes the vm on Solaris-amd64, SIGSEGV in MarkSweep::follow_stack()+0x8a
2014-01-14, by roland
8029464: assert(ft == ttkp->cast_to_ptr_type(jtkp->ptr()) || ft->isa_narrowoop()
2014-01-13, by roland
2014-01-17, by ehelin
8031779: Assert in MetaspaceGC is always true
2014-01-16, by ehelin
2014-01-14, by ehelin
8029162: G1: Shared SATB queue never enabled
2014-01-10, by pliden
8029255: G1: Reference processing should not enqueue references on the shared SATB queue
2014-01-10, by pliden
2014-01-14, by dsamersoff
8030941: Darwin mapfile-vers doesnt work for other BSDs
2014-01-15, by dsamersoff
8031059: invokestatic: ICCE trying to invoke static method when it clashes with an abstract method inherited from an interface
2014-01-14, by hseigel
8028398: [TESTBUG]: test/runtime/memory/ failed with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
2014-01-14, by hseigel
8031530: [TESTBUG] Enable test runtime/LoadClass/
2014-01-13, by zgu
8031304: Add dcmd to print all loaded dynamic libraries.
2014-01-14, by farvidsson
2014-01-13, by hseigel
8022301: [TESTBUG] runtime/jsig/ incorrectly compiles native code
2014-01-09, by ccheung
7012961: runtime/jni/WindowsExceptionFilter/WindowsExceptionFilter01 crashes on windows-amd64
2014-01-09, by zgu
8030184: Remove unneeded "content_type" declarations from tracetypes.xml
2014-01-08, by sla
8031376: TraceClassLoading expects there to be a (Java) caller when you load a class with the bootstrap class loader
2014-01-08, by sla
8028407: failed build with GNU Make 4.0 with -I<path contains j>
2014-01-21, by henryjen
Added tag jdk9-b02 for changeset e67a27d0c98a
2014-02-06, by katleman
2014-02-11, by lana
8033210: Intermittent build failure: jdk8 fails on win_i586 in jdk/make (p11_convert.c(67) : Cannot open 'sun_security_pkcs11_wrapper_PKCS11.h)
2014-02-05, by erikj
8026773: Failing compilation in Corba does not fail the build
2014-02-05, by erikj
8033236: Update GensrcCharsetMapping.gmk to build-infra standards
2014-02-04, by ihse
8033292: only warn, not fail, on unknown variables in configure
2014-01-31, by ihse
8033119: Improve and document boot-jdk.m4
2014-01-29, by ihse
8033115: Bad merge between 8027584 and 8031759
2014-01-29, by ihse
8031759: Improved tool overriding in configure
2014-01-29, by ihse
8027584: Disable ccache by default
2014-01-29, by ihse
2014-01-28, by kvn
2014-01-22, by kvn
2014-01-08, by kvn
2013-12-12, by kvn
2013-12-05, by kvn
2013-11-21, by kvn
2013-11-05, by kvn
8024265: Enable new build on AIX
2013-09-12, by simonis
2013-09-05, by kvn
2013-08-16, by kvn
2013-08-01, by kvn
2013-07-19, by kvn
2013-07-11, by kvn
8017568: PPC64: Generic build preparations needed to enable new build on Linux/PPC64
2013-07-02, by simonis
2014-01-28, by lana
8022411: Allow overriding of CXX and CC with absolute path
2014-01-28, by ihse
Added tag jdk9-b02 for changeset 325b5971d828
2014-02-06, by katleman
Added tag jdk9-b02 for changeset b32e2219736e
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-01-27, by lana
2014-01-20, by kizune
2014-01-16, by asaha
2014-01-15, by asaha
2014-01-14, by asaha
8029230: Update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 langtools repository for 2013
2013-12-24, by ksrini
8016549: jdk7 javadocs are hard to read
2013-12-18, by bpatel
8026741: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 5
2013-12-17, by mfang
8031375: Revert test exclusions after fix for JDK-8030656 propagates
2014-01-18, by darcy
8031745: Remove unneeded/obsolete -source/-target options in javac tests, part 1
2014-01-16, by darcy
8028576: Incorrect RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations for exception parameters when not generating debuging info
2014-01-15, by jlahoda
8029690: Move symbol creation from ClassReader to Symtab
2014-01-15, by jfranck
8030049: RoundEnvironment.getElementsAnnotatedWith receives wrong elements
2014-01-10, by jlahoda
8028389: NullPointerException compiling annotation values that have bodies
2014-01-10, by alundblad
8029376: Full attribution of unresolvable annotations
2014-01-10, by jlahoda
8006730: remove workaround tests when jtreg updated
2014-01-09, by alundblad
Added tag jdk9-b01 for changeset 71073f4a867e
2014-01-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-01-27, by lana
2014-01-14, by asaha
2014-01-10, by asaha
2014-01-03, by asaha
2013-12-20, by asaha
2013-12-13, by kizune
2013-12-05, by kizune
2013-12-03, by kizune
8010935: Better XML handling
2013-11-22, by mkos
2014-01-10, by asaha
Added tag jdk8-b123 for changeset bdff65a5777e
2014-01-10, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b122 for changeset ee2fe358a445
2014-01-03, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b121 for changeset 2b1cd447f3b6
2013-12-19, by katleman
8027908: serialVersionUID of javax.xml.bind.TypeConstraintException accidently changed
2014-01-13, by alanb
Added tag jdk9-b01 for changeset e8046d3ee0ee
2014-01-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-01-27, by lana
8028111: XML readers share the same entity expansion counter
2014-01-20, by joehw
8027201: Enhance JAX-P set up
2013-11-14, by joehw
8025018: Enhance JAX-P set up
2013-10-22, by joehw
8022935: Enhance Apache resolver classes
2013-08-26, by joehw
Added tag jdk9-b01 for changeset 6428b06e538b
2014-01-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-01-27, by lana
2014-01-20, by kizune
2014-01-20, by kizune
2014-01-16, by asaha
2014-01-15, by asaha
2014-01-14, by asaha
2014-01-10, by asaha
2014-01-10, by asaha
Added tag jdk8-b123 for changeset 8db9ff9fdd86
2014-01-10, by katleman
2014-01-03, by asaha
Added tag jdk8-b122 for changeset 35eadc466f62
2014-01-03, by katleman
2014-01-02, by asaha
2013-12-23, by lana
2013-12-12, by lana
2013-12-12, by sundar
2013-12-09, by sundar
2013-12-20, by asaha
Added tag jdk8-b121 for changeset 0127c0df76cd
2013-12-19, by katleman
2013-12-13, by kizune
2013-12-05, by kizune
2013-12-03, by kizune
2013-11-03, by chegar
8032068: implement @sourceURL and #sourceURL directives
2014-01-20, by sundar
8032060: PropertyMap of Error objects is not stable
2014-01-17, by sundar
8032004: instance property "message" of Error objects should be non-enumerable
2014-01-16, by sundar
8031983: Error objects should capture stack at the constructor
2014-01-16, by sundar
8031715: Indexed access to java package not working
2014-01-15, by sundar
2014-01-14, by sundar
8029780: "ant externals" broke our test harness with the latest version of the octane benchmarks
2013-12-11, by lagergren
8029467: Widening of booleans causes bad results
2013-12-09, by attila
8029612: the typeErrorThrower field in ScriptFunctionImpl cannot be static and common to all Globals
2013-12-09, by sundar
2014-01-14, by sundar
8029332: Do not require nasgen-generated functions to return Object
2014-01-13, by sundar
8031359: Invocable.getInterface() works incorrectly if interface has default methods
2014-01-09, by sundar
8031317: SyntaxError when property setter has no parameter
2014-01-08, by sundar
8029667: Prototype linking is incorrect
2014-01-07, by hannesw
8029003: setField in ScriptObject is incorrect for non extensible objects
2014-01-07, by sundar
8031106: Nashorn: IndexOutOfBoundsException in NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getNameToken()
2014-01-03, by sundar
8030809: Anonymous functions should not be shown with internal names in script stack trace
2013-12-19, by sundar
8030182: scopeCall with -1 as line number
2013-12-16, by sundar
8030169: Need regression test for bug JDK-8010731
2013-12-16, by sundar
8027958: NASHORN TEST: Create tests to test markdown javascript engine work with Nashorn
2013-12-12, by sundar
8029364: NashornException to expose thrown object
2013-12-02, by sundar
8028345: Remove nashorn repo "bin" scripts to avoid confusion with JDK bin launcher programs
2013-11-27, by sundar
8029031: "ant clean jar" on nashorn repo results in number of ASM deprecated warnings
2013-11-26, by sundar
2013-11-25, by jlaskey
8029090: Developers should be able to pass nashorn properties and enable/disable JFR from command line
2013-11-25, by sundar
Added tag jdk9-b01 for changeset ae2d94255f32
2014-01-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-01-27, by lana
8025767: Enhance IIOP Streams
2013-11-12, by msheppar
8026193: Enhance CORBA stub factories
2013-11-12, by msheppar
Added tag jdk9-b01 for changeset 4d7b21463768
2014-01-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-01-27, by lana
2014-01-21, by mullan
8031825: OCSP client can't find responder cert if it uses a different subject key id algorithm than responderID
2014-01-21, by mullan
8025886: replace [[ and == bash extensions in regtest
2014-01-20, by igerasim
8031980: Add new j.u.l deadlock test for JDK-8027670 and JDK-8029281
2014-01-21, by dfuchs
8032377: test/java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ still fails intermittently
2014-01-21, by jbachorik
8032190: It's unclear that flatMap will ensure each stream will be closed.
2014-01-21, by psandoz
8032220: Files.createDirectories throws exception with confusing message for root directories that exist
2014-01-21, by alanb
8031559: javax/management/monitor/ fails intermittently
2014-01-21, by jbachorik
8022221: Intermittent test failures in sun/management/jmxremote/startstop/
2014-01-21, by jbachorik
8004562: Better support for crossdomain.xml
2014-01-07, by nikgor
8029254: Build error when javadoc generates beaninfo for javax.swing.beans
2014-01-08, by erikj
2014-01-20, by kizune
2014-01-20, by kizune
2014-01-16, by asaha
2014-01-15, by asaha
2014-01-10, by chegar
8028293: Check local configuration for actual ephemeral port range
2013-11-26, by michaelm
8028453: AsynchronousSocketChannel.connect() requires SocketPermission due to bind to local address (win)
2013-11-20, by michaelm
8011786: Better applet networking
2013-10-24, by michaelm
8027204: Revise the update of 8026204 and 8025758
2013-10-24, by xuelei
8026417: Enhance XML canonicalization
2013-10-23, by xuelei
2013-12-07, by asaha
2013-10-22, by chegar
8025014: Enhance Security Policy
2013-10-17, by weijun
2013-10-22, by chegar
2013-10-21, by chegar
7068126: Enhance SNMP statuses
2013-10-21, by sjiang
8024530: Enhance font process resilience
2013-10-17, by prr
8025758: Enhance Naming management
2013-10-16, by xuelei
8026172: Enhance UI Management
2013-10-16, by malenkov
8026204: Enhance auth login contexts
2013-10-15, by xuelei
8026176: Enhance document printing
2013-10-14, by prr
8025026: Enhance canonicalization
2013-10-12, by xuelei
8026304: jarsigner output bad grammar
2013-10-12, by weijun
8023301: Enhance generic classes
2013-10-11, by jfranck
8026037: [TESTBUG] sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ test fails on Solaris
2013-10-09, by weijun
8024867: Enhance logging start up
2013-10-07, by dfuchs
2013-10-07, by chegar
8025448: Enhance listening events
2013-10-04, by malenkov
2013-10-04, by chegar
2013-10-03, by chegar
8024659: Clarify JarFile API
2013-09-19, by weijun
8024302: Clarify jar verifications
2013-09-19, by weijun
8025034: Improve layout lookups
2013-09-19, by prr
2013-09-14, by chegar
8023057: Enhance start up image display
2013-09-13, by vadim
8023672: Enhance jar file validation
2013-09-13, by weijun
8024306: Enhance Subject consistency
2013-09-13, by weijun
8023069: Enhance TLS connections
2013-09-07, by xuelei
2013-09-06, by chegar
8021266: Better life cycle for objects
2013-09-05, by coleenp
8023245: Enhance Beans decoding
2013-09-02, by malenkov
2013-08-30, by chegar
2013-08-23, by chegar
8021394: Better color profiles
2013-08-23, by bae
8022927: Input validation for byte/endian conversions
2013-08-21, by valeriep
8022904: Enhance JDBC Parsers
2013-08-21, by lancea
8022945: Enhance JNDI implementation classes
2013-08-16, by weijun
8028994: is missing the ATTACH_ON_DEMAND origin
2014-01-20, by sla
8031375: Revert test exclusions after fix for JDK-8030656 propagates
2014-01-18, by darcy
8031373: Lint warnings in
2014-01-17, by briangoetz
8004183: test/sun/management/jmxremote/ doesn't clean-up
2014-01-17, by allwin
8029378: com/sun/jdi/ failed with java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
2014-01-17, by sjiang
8031666: TEST_BUG: java/net/ipv6tests/ failed because of SocketTimeoutException
2014-01-17, by tyan
8032057: Remove unneeded/obsolete -source options in concurrency tests
2014-01-17, by chegar
2014-01-16, by mduigou
8029696: Broken doc links to package-summary.html#NonInterference in
2013-12-11, by michaelm
6667086: Double.doubleToLongBits(final double value) contains inefficient test for NaN
2014-01-16, by bpb
8029452: Fork/Join task ForEachOps.ForEachOrderedTask clarifications and minor improvements
2014-01-16, by psandoz
8031961: (process) java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ uses "cp -p" which is inefficient
2014-01-16, by rriggs
8031502: JSR292: IncompatibleClassChangeError in LambdaForm for CharSequence.toString() method handle type converter
2014-01-15, by vlivanov
7185591: ERROR: could not find app's Java pid.
2014-01-16, by ykantser
8030848: Collections.sort(List l, Comparator) should defer to List.sort(Comparator )
2014-01-16, by psandoz
8031747: Add overloads lint warning to build of jdk repository
2014-01-15, by darcy
8030814: Long.parseUnsignedLong should throw exception on too large input
2014-01-15, by bpb
8031550: Fix overloads lint warnings in client code
2014-01-15, by darcy
8031467: Fix doclint missing issues in java.awt.{dnd[.peer], datatransfer}
2014-01-14, by darcy
8031736: Fix doclint issue in javax.print
2014-01-14, by darcy
8031494: [launcher] java launcher should check for JNI Pending exceptions.
2014-01-14, by ksrini
8031721: Remove non-existent test from TEST.groups
2014-01-14, by lancea
8031651: Remove unneeded -source and -target flags in jdk repo regression tests
2014-01-14, by darcy
7100957: SOCKS proxying does not work with IPv6 connections
2014-01-14, by chegar
8031708: Windows x86 build failure: JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError undefined
2014-01-14, by chegar
7027502: Remove demo/jvmti/hprof/ from exclude list with additional debug output
2014-01-14, by alanb
8031566: regression test failure,
2014-01-14, by xuelei
8025936: Windows .pdb and .map files does not have proper dependencies setup
2014-01-14, by erikj
8030847: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ fails intermittently again
2014-01-14, by jbachorik
6380601: MISC_REGRESSION tests need to be more resilient to ps cmd problems
2014-01-14, by ykantser
8031046: Native Windows ccache might still get unsupported ticket
2014-01-14, by weijun
8030829: Add MD5 to jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms security property
2014-01-13, by xuelei
8028518: Increase the priorities of GCM cipher suites
2014-01-13, by xuelei
8029007: Check src/share/native/sun/misc code for JNI pending exceptions
2014-01-13, by dxu
8031589: Fix doclint issues in java.beans.beancontext
2014-01-13, by darcy
8031372: JDK 9 Specification-Version in jar files is still 1.8
2014-01-11, by ascarpino
2014-01-11, by coffeys
8025051: Update resource files for TimeZone display names
2013-12-30, by aefimov
8031525: Logger created in test/tools/jar/ might get gc'ed too early.
2014-01-10, by dfuchs
8031082: Fix non-missing doclint problems in client libraries
2014-01-10, by darcy
8029629: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ fails intermittently
2013-12-05, by rriggs
8030875: Macros for checking and returning on exceptions
2014-01-10, by rriggs
8031428: CountTest causes lambda Ser/Derialization tests to fail
2014-01-10, by psandoz
8031068: java/util/logging/ checkLoggers: getLoggerNames() returned unexpected loggers
2014-01-10, by dfuchs
8031420: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ fails on some platforms: Unable to locate ''
2014-01-10, by jbachorik
8030845: Fix doclint missing issues in java.awt.event
2014-01-09, by darcy
Added tag jdk9-b01 for changeset 0da91a6ccb5f
2014-01-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2014-01-27, by lana
8029507: Enhance JVM method processing
2013-12-05, by jrose
8021266: Better life cycle for objects
2013-09-05, by coleenp
2014-01-10, by morris
8022494: Make compilation IDs sequential
2014-01-10, by anoll
8026413: ScopeDesc::is_equal is declared in header file but not implemented
2014-01-09, by twisti
8031115: intrinsics for Math.decrementExact(J) and incrementExact(J) don't work
2014-01-09, by iignatyev
8011391: C1: assert(code_offset() - offset == NativeInstruction::nop_instruction_size) failed: only one instruction can go in a delay slot
2014-01-09, by adlertz
8028468: Add inlining information into ciReplay
2014-01-08, by kvn
8029446: assert(_cfg.get_block_for_node(proj) == borig) failed: incorrect block for kill projections
2014-01-08, by adlertz
8029873: compiler/uncommontrap/ crashes with SIGSEGV
2014-01-08, by roland
8022263: use same Clang warnings on BSD as on Linux
2014-01-07, by twisti
8027571: fatal error: meet not symmetric
2014-01-07, by roland
8028064: tiered may collect wrong receiver type at virtual call
2014-01-07, by roland
8028536: Test cases to cover type system fixes pushed with 8024070
2014-01-07, by roland
8029305: add type tag to AbstractCompiler
2014-01-06, by twisti
8031199: _MSC_VER is only defined on _WIN32
2014-01-06, by twisti
8029233: Update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 hotspot repository for 2013
2013-12-24, by mikael
8030633: nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine failed invalid method ordering length on Solaris
2013-12-19, by coleenp
8027804: JCK resolveMethod test fails expecting AbstractMethodError
2013-12-16, by hseigel
8029383: assert(counter_changed) failed: failed dependencies, but counter didn't change
2013-12-13, by roland
8029351: assert(bt != T_OBJECT) failed: Guard is incorrect in VM:defmeth
2013-12-12, by drchase
8026941: [TESTBUG] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.invoke.InvokeGeneric
2013-12-13, by iignatyev
8029668: Kithcensink crashed with guarantee(Assembler::is_simm13(disp)) failed: Do not match large constant offsets
2013-12-12, by iveresov
8029566: PPC: OrderAccess::load_acquire(julong) is broken
2013-12-11, by jprovino
8029153: [TESTBUG] test/compiler/7141637/ fails because it expects NullPointerException
2013-12-11, by iignatyev
8028122: [TESTBUG] compiler/regalloc/
2013-12-11, by iignatyev
8029366: ShouldNotReachHere error when creating an array with component type of void
2013-12-06, by twisti
8028107: Kitchensink crashed with EAV
2013-12-06, by kvn
8029106: JVM crashes in Metachunk::Metachunk during parallel class redefinition (PrivateMLetController, anonymous-simple_copy_1)
2013-12-09, by stefank
8028993: Full collections with ParallelScavenge slower in JDK 8 compared to 7u40
2013-12-10, by sjohanss
8029326: G1 does not check if threads gets created
2013-12-09, by ehelin
8028741: Interface Method Resolution should skip static and non-public methods in j.l.Object
2013-12-10, by hseigel
8029415: java/lang/reflect/Method/invoke/ fails on all platforms with hs25-b61
2013-12-06, by hseigel
8028412: AsyncGetCallTrace() is broken on x86 in JDK 7u40
2013-12-05, by mgronlun
8029395: SA: jstack throws WrongTypeException
2013-12-04, by sla
8027458: VM anonymous classes: wrong context for protected access checks
2013-12-04, by hseigel
8028587: New tests development for intrisics for basic operators - add, neg, inc, dec, sub, mul
2013-12-31, by iignatyev
8027388: JVM crashes with SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00000001077cbbf6
2013-12-26, by iveresov
8028052: compiler/startup/ fails there is no 'no space to run compiler' in the output
2013-12-20, by anoll
8030783: Provide regression test for 8026478: -XX:+VerifyAdapterSharing is broken
2013-12-20, by anoll
8025277: Add -XX: flag to print code cache sweeper statistics
2013-12-19, by anoll
8026478: -XX:+VerifyAdapterSharing is broken
2013-12-19, by anoll
8029091: Bug in calculation of code cache sweeping interval
2013-12-17, by anoll
2014-01-09, by ehelin
2014-01-07, by ehelin
8027364: PSScavenge accounts too large code section to StringTable unlink
2014-01-07, by tschatzl
8027440: DefNew does not log heap change information when a promotion failure occurs
2013-12-16, by brutisso
8029524: Remove unsused method CollectedHeap::unsafe_max_alloc()
2013-12-16, by brutisso
2014-01-08, by dcubed
8029178: Parallel class loading test anonymous-simple gets SIGSEGV in Metaspace::contains
2014-01-07, by coleenp
8031305: (hotspot) is missing the ATTACH_ON_DEMAND origin
2014-01-07, by sla
4990369: visibleMethods() and methodsByName() return wrong visible methods
2014-01-07, by sla
8030955: assert(_prologue != NULL) failed: prologue pointer must be initialized
2014-01-06, by hseigel
6730115: Fastdebug VM crashes with "ExceptionMark destructor expects no pending exceptions" error
2013-12-31, by zgu
8023735: [TESTBUG] runtime/XCheckJniJsig/ fails on MacOS X
2013-12-23, by hseigel
2013-12-23, by iignatyev
8029070: memory leak in jmm_SetVMGlobal
2013-12-23, by iignatyev
8021774: [TESTBUG] Tests failed because of a warning in its output
2013-12-23, by hseigel
6969276: minor memory leak detected by cppcheck in agent/src/os/linux/symtab.c
2013-12-18, by dsamersoff
8028408: unused-value warning on forte.cpp when build on Mac
2013-12-18, by dsamersoff
8029726: On OS X some dtrace probe names are mismatched with Solaris
2013-12-18, by sla
8028737: Remove JVM_AccessVMIntFlag / JVM_AccessVMBooleanFlag / JVM_VMBreakPoint
2013-12-16, by sla
8026300: VM warning: increase O_BUFLEN in ostream.hpp -- output truncated occurs with fastdebug VM when printing flags
2013-12-16, by zgu
8029798: Build warnings in windows/makefiles/sa.make
2013-12-16, by sla
8030656: Bad version check for parameter information in src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.cpp
2013-12-26, by darcy
Added tag jdk9-b01 for changeset 7ef63208c60e
2014-01-21, by katleman
2014-01-27, by lana
2014-01-16, by asaha
8031822: Regenerate common/autoconf/ after merging changes from CPU14_01
2014-01-15, by asaha
8031709: Configure --with-jvm-variants=client, server, x produces default outputdir containing comma
2014-01-16, by erikj
8011180: remove obsolete scripts
2014-01-14, by mduigou
8031668: TOOLCHAIN_FIND_COMPILER unexpectedly resolves symbolic links
2014-01-14, by mduigou
8025936: Windows .pdb and .map files does not have proper dependencies setup
2014-01-14, by erikj
8031580: bootcycle-images crashes with Unrecognized VM option 'PermSize=32m'
2014-01-14, by erikj
8029908: jdk 8u5 mac build produces incorrect version string 1.8.0_5
2014-01-09, by erikj
Added tag jdk9-b01 for changeset 897e2da883cd
2014-01-21, by katleman
Added tag jdk9-b01 for changeset f130ca87de66
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8000962: Update JDK_MINOR_VERSION for JDK 9
2014-01-07, by darcy
8031360: Update langtools code base to use RELEASE_9
2014-01-07, by darcy
8028543: Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_9
2014-01-07, by darcy
8030626: java.lang.VerifyError: Bad return type when lambda's body is in parentheses
2013-12-22, by rfield
8029240: Default methods not always visible under -source 7
2013-12-19, by vromero
8030218: javac, compile time error isn't shown when final static field is not assigned, follow-up
2013-12-19, by vromero
8030807: langtools should still build using jdk 7
2013-12-19, by vromero
8030726: tools/javac/ fails due to enforcement no use of String.toLowerCase on non-langtools classes
2013-12-19, by emc
8030244: Update langtools to use Diamond
2013-12-18, by briangoetz
8029721: javac crash for annotated parameter type of lambda in a field
2013-12-18, by vromero
8029569: internal javac cast exception when resolving varargs ambiguity
2013-12-18, by vromero
8029504: Regression: TestDocRootLink test fails on Windows
2013-12-06, by ksrini
8030253: Update langtools to use strings-in-switch
2013-12-18, by briangoetz
8030687: Add .out files to fix failing tests
2013-12-17, by emc
8030642: Add golden files to javac/limits
2013-12-17, by emc
8030080: Correct misstatement in JSR 269 MR (in javax.lang.model)
2013-12-17, by darcy
8028235: Better error recovery for parsing 'void' as a type of the lambda parameter
2013-12-17, by jlahoda
8028415: TreeMaker.Literal(Object) creates invalid JCLiterals when passed a Character.
2013-12-17, by jlahoda
8029800: uses String.toLowerCase without specifying Locale
2013-12-17, by jlahoda
8029715: test needs bugID added to @bug tag
2013-12-17, by jlahoda
8028545: Add -source 9 and -target 9 to javac
2013-12-16, by darcy
8030214: fix for JDK-8020216 breaks the build
2013-12-16, by vromero
8028708: TEST_BUG, Tests should pass through VM options, langtools tests
2013-12-16, by vromero
8020216: javac, compile time error isn't shown when final static field is not assigned
2013-12-16, by vromero
8030068: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 9
2013-12-13, by iris
Added tag jdk9-b00 for changeset 4b89cce23b75
2013-12-12, by iris
2017-07-05, by duke
8030068: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 9
2013-12-13, by iris
Added tag jdk9-b00 for changeset 2b1cd447f3b6
2013-12-12, by iris
2017-07-05, by duke
8029895: XMLOutputFactory.newFactory(String, ClassLoader) - incorrect specification
2013-12-12, by joehw
8027359: XML parser returns incorrect parsing results
2014-01-05, by joehw
8029236: Update copyright year to match last edit in jdk8 jaxp repository for 2013
2013-12-23, by joehw
8029955: AIOB in XMLEntityScanner.scanLiteral upon parsing literals with > 100 LF chars
2013-12-23, by joehw
8030068: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 9
2013-12-13, by iris
Added tag jdk9-b00 for changeset 6b9397692808
2013-12-12, by iris
2017-07-05, by duke
8030068: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 9
2013-12-13, by iris
Added tag jdk9-b00 for changeset 0127c0df76cd
2013-12-12, by iris
2017-07-05, by duke
8029231: Update copyright years for files in corba repository for 2013
2013-12-23, by ssides
8030068: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 9
2013-12-13, by iris
Added tag jdk9-b00 for changeset 40be46e0fee0
2013-12-12, by iris
2017-07-05, by duke
8028726: (prefs) Check src/solaris/native/java/util/FileSystemPreferences.c for JNI pending exceptions
2014-01-08, by dxu
8030781: System.setProperties(null) drops all system properties (RELEASE not set)
2014-01-08, by erikj
6772009: java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/ test failed with 'Completed != 2'
2014-01-08, by alanb
8030089: java/util/zip/ZipFile/ intermittently fails with fastdebug builds
2014-01-08, by alanb
8031369: Fix raw types warnings in sun.misc.{Cache, SoftCache}
2014-01-07, by darcy
8000962: Update JDK_MINOR_VERSION for JDK 9
2014-01-07, by darcy
8030823: Security Providers need to have their version numbers updated for JDK9
2014-01-07, by ascarpino
8031361: Fix raw types warning in
2014-01-07, by darcy
8031326: Use Class<?> rather than Class in method signatures
2014-01-07, by darcy
8031103: java.time.Duration has wrong Javadoc Comments in toDays() and toHours()
2014-01-07, by rriggs
8031302: Fix raw types lint warnings in
2014-01-07, by darcy
8027063: SecurityManger.getClassContext returns a raw type
2014-01-07, by darcy
2014-01-07, by chegar
8031142: AbstractCollection and AbstractList should specify their default implementation using @implSpec
2014-01-07, by chegar
8031067: java/util/concurrent/atomic/ java.lang.Error: Unexpected reflective access
2014-01-07, by chegar
8031306: Incorrect bug id on tests
2014-01-07, by psandoz
8031187: DoubleStream.count is incorrect for a stream containing > Integer.MAX_VALUE elements
2014-01-07, by psandoz
8030801: SocketHandler(host, port) requires permission ("java.util.logging.LoggingPermission" "control")
2014-01-07, by plevart
8031210: Remove serial warning from java.lang.Enum
2014-01-06, by darcy
8029551: Add value-type notice to java.time classes
2013-12-11, by rriggs
8007967: Infinite loop can happen in
2014-01-06, by juh
8031201: Fix casting lint issues in
2014-01-06, by darcy
8029354: URLPermission.<init> throws llegalArgumentException: Invalid characters in hostname
2014-01-06, by michaelm
8027359: XML parser returns incorrect parsing results
2014-01-05, by joehw
8030284: intermittent StackOverflow in RMI bench/serial test
2014-01-03, by tyan
8029561: Optimization in Integer to string conversion
2014-01-03, by bpb
8030212: Several tests got "NaN" value instead of "Infinity" or "-Infinity"
2014-01-03, by darcy
8031148: Fix doclint issues in javax.xml.crypto.dsig
2014-01-03, by darcy
8031113: TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/ fails intermittently
2014-01-03, by alanb
8029018: (bf) Check src/share/native/java/nio/Bits.c for JNI pending exceptions
2014-01-03, by alanb
2014-01-03, by chegar
8031133: AbstractMap should specify its default implementation using @implSpec
2014-01-03, by dl
8027903: java/net/MulticastSocket/ throws Cannot assign requested address
2014-01-02, by msheppar
8030698: Several GUI labels in jconsole need correction
2013-12-30, by igerasim
8028780: JDK KRB5 module throws OutOfMemoryError when CCache is corrupt
2013-12-30, by weijun
8025415: Test timed out
2013-12-24, by xuelei
8007256: RMI testlibrary cleanup: remove JavaVMCallbackHandler
2013-12-24, by smarks
2013-12-24, by mullan
8030813: Signed applet fails to load when CRLs are stored in an LDAP directory
2013-12-24, by mullan
8029997: [infra] remove Solaris ISA directories and the links
2013-12-23, by ksrini
8029955: AIOB in XMLEntityScanner.scanLiteral upon parsing literals with > 100 LF chars
2013-12-23, by joehw
8030850: Setting .level=FINEST in logging configuration file doesn't work
2013-12-22, by dfuchs
7168267: Cleanup of rmi regression tests
2013-12-20, by tyan
8027536: rmic: add deprecation warning message when generating JRMP static stubs/skeletons
2013-12-13, by smarks
8030785: Missing "since 1.8" javadoc for java.lang.reflect.Method:getParameterCount
2013-12-20, by darcy
8029909: Clarify equals/hashcode behavior for java.time types
2013-12-20, by rriggs
8030002: Enhance deserialization using readObject
2013-12-20, by rriggs
8023471: Add compatibility note to AnnotatedElement
2013-12-20, by darcy
8030187: TEST_BUG: java/util/logging/Logger/setResourceBundle/ failing again
2013-12-20, by dfuchs
8030851: Update code in java.util to use newer language features
2013-12-20, by psandoz
8030690: TEST_BUG java/nio/Buffer/ fails intermittently
2013-12-20, by alanb
8030842: Intermittent test failure
2013-12-19, by xuelei
8029346: fails intermittently with timeout
2013-12-19, by mchung
8022879: TEST_BUG: sun/nio/cs/ fails intermittently
2013-12-19, by alanb
8030192: TESTFAIL: java/util/logging/ failed with NPE
2013-12-19, by dfuchs
2013-12-19, by chegar
2013-12-19, by chegar
8026155: Enhance ForkJoin pool
2013-12-19, by dl
7102702: java/net/PortUnreachableException/ failing
2013-12-19, by msheppar
7093640: Enable client-side TLS 1.2 by default
2013-12-19, by xuelei
8029513: SwingApplet demo files still found in JDK 8 on Solaris
2013-12-18, by ksrini
8029388: java.exe consumes argument intended for launched java class
2013-12-18, by ksrini
8024033: [launcher] remove solaris dual mode support
2013-12-18, by ksrini
7018010: References to ProxySelector is without link
2013-12-18, by rriggs
8029788: Certificate validation - java.lang.ClassCastException
2013-12-18, by vinnie
8029809: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ fails intermittently with "Operation not permitted"
2013-12-18, by jbachorik
8029890: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ fails: Blocked thread has 4 blocked counts. Expected 3
2013-12-18, by jbachorik
8029886: Change SecurityManager check{TopLevelWindow, SystemClipboardAccessAwtEventQueueAccess} to check AllPermission
2013-12-18, by alanb
8030084: Fix lint warnings in
2013-12-17, by darcy
8029795: LinkedHashMap.getOrDefault() doesn't update access order.
2013-12-17, by mduigou
8030035: Create a stable test group in TEST.groups
2013-12-17, by alanb
6605915: jinfo -flag <flag name> functionality doesn't work with core files
2013-12-17, by sla
8029055: Map.merge implementations should refuse null value param
2013-12-13, by mduigou
8030016: HashMap.computeIfAbsent generates spurious access event
2013-12-13, by mduigou
6706208: (cs) CharsetProvider permission check cleanup
2013-12-16, by alanb
8029904: Remove
2013-12-16, by alanb
8030204: com/sun/jdi/ Required output "Can\\'t convert 2147483648 to int" not found
2013-12-16, by sla
4660158: TTY: NumberFormatException while trying to set values by 'set' command
2013-12-16, by sla
8028430: JDI: ReferenceType.visibleMethods() return wrong visible methods
2013-12-16, by sla
8030036: Updates to ProblemList.txt after same-binaries run
2013-12-16, by sla
8028562: Test intermittent failed with "Data length error"
2013-12-15, by xuelei
8029805: Remove LogManager addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyChangeListener methods
2013-12-15, by alanb
8025437: Check DefaultProxySelector for JNI pending exception issues
2013-12-14, by dxu
8022219: Intermittent test failures in java/util/zip/ZipFile
2013-12-14, by dxu
8027212: java/nio/channels/Selector/ fails intermittently
2013-12-14, by alanb
4891331: BigInteger a.multiply(a) should use squaring code
2013-12-13, by bpb
8030082: Fix raw types lint warnings, etc. in various libraries
2013-12-13, by darcy
8030068: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 9
2013-12-13, by iris
Added tag jdk9-b00 for changeset 54d61bc20e2a
2013-12-12, by iris
2017-07-05, by duke
8030068: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 9
2013-12-13, by iris
Added tag jdk9-b00 for changeset 9088fb4951d4
2013-12-12, by iris
8030781: System.setProperties(null) drops all system properties (RELEASE not set)
2014-01-08, by erikj
8000962: Update JDK_MINOR_VERSION for JDK 9
2014-01-07, by darcy
8031081: Use separate doclint flags for different doc bundles
2014-01-03, by darcy
8030793: Update to release jdk9
2013-12-19, by erikj
8029797: Let jprt run configure when building
2013-12-17, by erikj
8030068: Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 9
2013-12-13, by iris
Added tag jdk9-b00 for changeset a1f52953e1ee
2013-12-12, by iris
Added tag jdk9-b00 for changeset 13b877757b0b
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b120 for changeset 358a358062d5
2013-12-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b120 for changeset a1eb659bc2df
2013-12-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b120 for changeset c11c4dbfeef6
2013-12-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b120 for changeset 364ebc8a25e1
2013-12-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b120 for changeset 3e952d81f575
2013-12-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b120 for changeset 9c26010427f3
2013-12-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b120 for changeset 1d69b0d20e2c
2013-12-12, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b120 for changeset 7e7001d203cb
2013-12-12, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b120 for changeset a1ee9743f4ee
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-12-05, by lana
8029216: (jdeps) Provide a specific option to report JDK internal APIs
2013-12-04, by mchung
2013-12-03, by lana
8025416: doclet not substituting {@docRoot} in some cases
2013-12-03, by bpatel
8029179: javac produces a compile error for valid boolean expressions
2013-12-03, by vromero
8028699: Compiler crash during speculative attribution of annotated type
2013-12-03, by jlahoda
Added tag jdk8-b119 for changeset 7598dfa5cb4c
2013-12-04, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b119 for changeset a8319a97a474
2013-12-04, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-12-05, by lana
8027973: Error in the documentation for newFactory method of the factories
2013-12-04, by joehw
Added tag jdk8-b119 for changeset 96c027ed69dc
2013-12-04, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-12-05, by lana
2013-12-04, by sundar
8029173: Debugger support doesn't handle ConsString
2013-11-26, by jlaskey
Added tag jdk8-b119 for changeset a529e9d7d40e
2013-12-04, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b119 for changeset a0ac783d73d4
2013-12-04, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
8029616: Update jdeps man page to include a new -jdkinternals option
2013-12-10, by rgallard
2013-12-05, by lana
8029525: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ fails intermittently
2013-12-05, by robm
8029501: BigInteger division algorithm selection heuristic is incorrect
2013-12-05, by bpb
8029514: java/math/BigInteger/ failing since thresholds adjusted in 8022181
2013-12-05, by bpb
8029264: [doclint] more doclint and tidy cleanup
2013-12-05, by yan
8028564: Concurrent calls to CHM.put can fail to add the key/value to the map
2013-12-05, by psandoz
8027963: Create unlimited policy jars.
2013-12-05, by erikj
8029550: javadoc since tag for recent Hashtable updates
2013-12-04, by ascarpino
8029552: Remove java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ from ProblemList.txt
2013-12-04, by mchung
8027218: TEST_BUG: sun/security/pkcs11/ec tests fail because of ever-changing key size restrictions
2013-12-04, by ascarpino
8029141: Add @FunctionalInterface annotation to Callable interface
2013-12-04, by smarks
2013-12-04, by mfang
8027244: Need to translate new error message and usage information for jar tool
2013-12-04, by mfang
7067973: test/java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ hanging intermittently
2013-12-04, by mchung
8029347: sun/rmi/runtime/Log/checkLogging/ fails in nightly intermittently
2013-12-04, by coffeys
8029434: Spliterator of Stream returned by BufferedReader.lines() should have NONNULL characteristic
2013-12-04, by henryjen
8029117: (reflect) clarify javadoc for getMethod(...) and getMethods()
2013-12-04, by jfranck
8029164: Race condition in CompletableFuture.thenCompose with asynchronous task
2013-12-04, by psandoz
6461635: [TESTBUG] test fails intermittently
2013-12-03, by sla
2013-12-03, by lana
8028816: Add value-type notice to Optional* classes
2013-12-03, by briangoetz
8029489: StringJoiner spec for setEmptyValue() and length() is malformatted
2013-12-03, by smarks
8028397: Undo the lenient MIME BASE64 decoder support change (JDK-8025003) and remove methods de/encode(buf, buf)
2013-12-03, by sherman
2013-12-03, by valeriep
8029158: sun/security/pkcs11/Signature/ does not compile (or run)
2013-12-03, by valeriep
8028351: JWS doesn't get authenticated when using kerberos auth proxy
2013-12-04, by weijun
8029281: Synchronization issues in Logger and LogManager
2013-12-04, by dfuchs
8028757: CharSequence.subSequence improperly requires a "new" CharSequence be returned
2013-12-03, by smarks
7190106: java/rmi/reliability/benchmark fails intermittently because of use of fixed port
2013-12-03, by tyan
8028019: AWT Doclint warning/error cleanup
2013-12-03, by rriggs
8022181: Tune algorithm crossover thresholds in BigInteger
2013-12-03, by bpb
8029475: Fix more doclint issues in
2013-12-03, by darcy
8029483: BufferedReader.lines() javadoc typo should be fixed
2013-12-03, by henryjen
8029478: Fix more doclint issues in javax.script
2013-12-03, by darcy
8029127: Redirected POST request throws IllegalStateException on HttpURLConnection.getInputStream
2013-12-03, by michaelm
8029063: test/com/sun/jmx/snmp/ does not compile with OpenJDK builds
2013-12-03, by sjiang
8029417: JDBC 4.2 javadoc updates
2013-12-02, by lancea
8028368: There is no description whether or not java.util.ResourceBundle is thread-safe
2013-12-02, by naoto
8029369: Shell tests in sun/security/pkcs11/ do not compile PKCS11Test
2013-12-02, by vinnie
8025211: Intermittent test failure: java/net/DatagramSocket/
2013-12-02, by msheppar
8006572: DoubleStream.sum() & DoubleSummaryStats implementations that reduce numerical errors
2013-12-01, by darcy
8029348: ProblemList.txt updates (11/2013)
2013-11-29, by tyan
6987597: ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans() returns empty list with CMS
2013-11-28, by jbachorik
8021418: Intermittent: test fails with timeout
2013-11-27, by juh
2013-12-05, by lana
8029382: [macosx] Need test for JDK-7161437
2013-12-04, by serb
8028484: [TEST_BUG][macosx] closed/java/awt/MouseInfo/JContainerMousePositionTest fails
2013-12-04, by pchelko
8025775: JNI warnings in TryXShmAttach
2013-12-04, by alitvinov
2013-12-03, by lana
7124391: [TEST_BUG][macosx] MouseEvents are not dispatched when the mouse cursor leaves the component
2013-12-03, by pchelko
8029251: [TEST_BUG][macosx] Use safari browser, the ouput contain information that DataFlavor.allHtmlFlavor is not present in the system clipboard
2013-12-03, by pchelko
8023576: [TEST BUG] Compilation fails for java/awt/Choice/ChoiceMouseWheelTest/
2013-12-03, by yan
7178682: [TEST_BUG][macosx] Mouse Pressed event can't be monitored for DisabledComponentsTest.html.
2013-11-29, by pchelko
8029010: [macosx] Need test for JDK-7124513
2013-11-29, by serb
7152982: [TEST_BUG][macosx] Extremely unstable mouse modifiers test
2013-11-29, by pchelko
2013-12-05, by lana
2013-12-03, by lana
8029204: Printing a GlyphVector on Windows ignores position of first glyph
2013-12-03, by prr
Added tag jdk8-b119 for changeset ad69f3bf4111
2013-12-04, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs25-b62 for changeset dfe9ffbee182
2013-12-06, by amurillo
2013-12-06, by amurillo
2013-12-05, by anoll
8028109: compiler/codecache/ crashes in RT_Baseline
2013-12-04, by anoll
8029190: VM_Version::determine_features() asserts on Fujitsu Sparc64 CPUs
2013-12-02, by simonis
8028624: [TESTBUG] compiler/intrinsics/mathexact/DecExactLTest executes DecExactITest
2013-11-22, by rbackman
8028997: mathexact intrinsics are unstable
2013-11-22, by rbackman
2013-12-05, by ehelin
8029329: tmtools tests fail with NPE (in the tool) when run with G1 and FlightRecorder
2013-12-03, by sjohanss
2013-12-02, by ehelin
8027675: Full collections with Serial slower in JDK 8 compared to 7u40
2013-11-26, by sjohanss
2013-12-03, by sspitsyn
8028126: nsk/jvmti/scenarios/hotswap/HS101/hs101t006 Crashed the vm on Solaris-sparc64 fastdebug builds: only current thread can flush its registers
2013-12-03, by sspitsyn
8028438: static superclass method masks default methods
2013-12-03, by acorn
8026066: ICCE for invokeinterface static
2013-12-03, by acorn
2013-12-02, by mgronlun
7050685: has a typo in the package name
2013-11-27, by dsamersoff
2013-12-01, by vladidan
8028396: Minimal VM: undefined symbol: _ZN23JvmtiCurrentBreakpoints11metadata_doEPFvP8MetadataE
2013-11-19, by jprovino
8029367: new hotspot build - hs25-b62
2013-11-29, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b119 for changeset e61cf7994c51
2013-12-04, by katleman
8029515: Building multiple configurations fails after removal of old build system
2013-12-09, by ihse
2013-12-05, by lana
8027963: Create unlimited policy jars.
2013-12-04, by erikj
Added tag jdk8-b119 for changeset f616b48fffac
2013-12-04, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b119 for changeset 87b743b2263c
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-12-03, by lana
8027789: Access method for Outer.super.m() references indirect superclass
2013-11-26, by jlahoda
8026374: javac accepts void as a method parameter
2013-11-26, by jlahoda
8028428: strictfp allowed as annotation element modifier
2013-11-26, by jfranck
8028318: [doclint] doclint will reject existing user-written doc comments using custom tags that follow the recommended rules
2013-11-25, by jjg
2013-11-25, by lana
8028739: javac generates incorrect descriptor for MethodHandle::invoke
2013-11-22, by rfield
8027977: javadoc dies on NumberFormat/DateFormat subclass
2013-11-20, by bpatel
6557966: Multiple upper bounds of the TypeVariable
2013-11-20, by jlahoda
8028504: javac generates LocalVariableTable even with -g:none
2013-11-19, by vromero
6726154: javadoc generated with incorrect version in comment
2013-11-19, by kizune
8027566: Remove the old build system
2013-11-04, by ihse
Added tag jdk8-b118 for changeset e5aaa3cef7d2
2013-11-28, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-12-03, by lana
2013-11-25, by lana
8027566: Remove the old build system
2013-11-04, by ihse
Added tag jdk8-b118 for changeset cf588e9e7be5
2013-11-28, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-12-03, by lana
2013-11-25, by mfang
8028803: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 5 - jaxp repo
2013-11-21, by mfang
2013-11-25, by lana
8027566: Remove the old build system
2013-11-04, by ihse
Added tag jdk8-b118 for changeset 26bfe9e8faa8
2013-11-28, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-12-03, by lana
2013-11-25, by lana
2013-11-22, by sundar
8028573: Line number nodes were off for while nodes and do while nodes - the line number of a loop node should be treated as the location of the test expression
2013-11-19, by lagergren
8028434: Line number nodes were off for while nodes and do while nodes - the line number of a loop node should be treated as the location of the test expression
2013-11-18, by lagergren
8028210: Missing conversions on array index expression
2013-11-16, by hannesw
8028161: nashorn: src/jdk/nashorn/api/scripting/
2013-11-14, by sundar
8027566: Remove the old build system
2013-11-04, by ihse
Added tag jdk8-b118 for changeset 6f9e2b240132
2013-11-28, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-12-03, by lana
2013-11-25, by lana
8028215: ORB.init fails with SecurityException if properties select the JDK default ORB
2013-11-21, by msheppar
8027566: Remove the old build system
2013-11-04, by ihse
Added tag jdk8-b118 for changeset 140cf98df94d
2013-11-28, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
8029421: Add java/lang/reflect/Method/invoke/ to exclude list
2013-12-03, by amurillo
2013-12-03, by lana
2013-11-27, by lana
8028771: regression test java/util/Locale/ failed
2013-11-27, by naoto
8029181: generates invalid file after JDK-8027026
2013-11-27, by weijun
8016839: JSR292: AME instead of IAE when calling a method
2013-11-26, by jrose
8029057: test/java/text/Bidi/ can fail with OutOfMemoryError
2013-11-26, by peytoia
8027973: javax/xml/jaxp/transform/jdk8004476/ hangs (win)
2013-11-25, by joehw
7200306: SunPKCS11 provider delays the check of DSA key size for SHA1withDSA to sign() instead of init()
2013-11-25, by valeriep
2013-11-25, by lana
8028516: Java doc error in Int/Long/Double/Stream.peek
2013-11-25, by psandoz
8023278: Reflection API methods do not throw AnnotationFormatError in case of malformed Runtime[In]VisibleTypeAnnotations attribute
2013-11-22, by jfranck
2013-11-22, by coffeys
8027370: Support tzdata2013h
2013-11-21, by aefimov
8027848: The ZoneInfoFile doesn't honor future GMT offset changes
2013-11-15, by aefimov
7174936: several String methods claim to always create new String
2013-11-21, by smarks
8028628: java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ failed once in the same binary run
2013-11-21, by dxu
7065902: (file) test/java/nio/file/Files/ fails on Solaris 11 when run as root
2013-11-21, by dxu
2013-11-21, by valeriep
8026943: SQE test jce/Global/Cipher/SameBuffer failed
2013-11-19, by valeriep
6703075: (process) java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ fails with fastdebug
2013-11-21, by martin
8022212: Intermittent test failures in java/net
2013-11-21, by tyan
7036666: test/com/sun/net/httpserver/ fails intermittently
2013-11-21, by tyan
8028632: Update jdk/test/ProblemList.txt to reflect fix JDK-8024423
2013-11-21, by sla
6402201: needs better synchronization
2013-11-21, by egahlin
8028215: ORB.init fails with SecurityException if properties select the JDK default ORB
2013-11-21, by msheppar
8028734: test/java/util/Locale/ changes does not restore the default TimeZone
2013-11-20, by alanb
8028647: Add instrumentation in and remove it from ProblemList.txt
2013-11-20, by mchung
8027413: Clarify javadoc for j.l.a.Target and j.l.a.ElementType
2013-11-20, by jfranck
7141544: TEST_BUG: com/sun/jdi/ fails
2013-11-20, by egahlin
8028638: java/rmi/activation/Activatable/checkRegisterInLog/ fails
2013-11-19, by smarks
8005202: java/util/logging/ fail on solars_10
2013-11-19, by dfuchs
8028631: Improve the test coverage to the pathname handling on unix-like platforms
2013-11-19, by dxu
8028185: XMLFormatter.format emits incorrect year
2013-11-19, by dfuchs
8028141: test/sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/LocalManagementTest| failing again
2013-11-19, by rriggs
8028565: Remove java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ from ProblemList.txt
2013-11-19, by mchung
8027900: pack200 option is broken due to the incorrect makefile definition for its driver
2013-11-19, by kizune
8015571: OCSP validation fails if ocsp.responderCertSubjectName is set
2013-11-19, by vinnie
8028581: [TESTBUG] java/net/Socket/ failing
2013-11-19, by michaelm
8016728: TEST_BUG: test/java/rmi/transport/closeServerSocket/ failing intermittently
2013-11-19, by coffeys
8022206: Intermittent test failures in java/lang/ProcessBuilder/
2013-11-19, by robm
2013-11-19, by vinnie
8028377: test/sun/security/provider/KeyStore/ attempts to write to ${test.src}
2013-11-19, by vinnie
8028094: TEST_BUG: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ leaves "sleep 6666" processes behind
2013-11-19, by bvaidya
8023978: [TEST_BUG] launcher tests must exclude platforms without server vm
2013-11-19, by ksrini
8028589: Instrument tools/jar/ to make it easier to diagnose failures
2013-11-19, by alanb
8028583: Add helper methods to test libraries
2013-11-19, by coffeys
8028478: Re-visit JPRT testsets to make it easier to run subsets of the tests
2013-11-19, by alanb
7086879: java/net/InetAddress/ hangs on Linux when IPv6 enabled
2013-11-19, by tyan
8028505: Put sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/ on ProblemList.txt
2013-11-19, by egahlin
8028479: runNameEquals still cannot precisely detect if a usable native krb5 is available
2013-11-19, by weijun
8027566: Remove the old build system
2013-11-14, by ihse
8028197: tools/launcher/ failed on MacOSX: Input length = 1
2013-11-18, by kizune
8028433: [TESTBUG] add -XX:+UsePerfData to some tests
2013-11-18, by jbachorik
8027163: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ should be updated for jdk8 removal of solaris-32bit support
2013-11-18, by jbachorik
8028049: Tidy warnings cleanup for packages java.nio/
2013-11-18, by yan
8023138: [TEST_BUG] java/lang/instrument/PremainClass/ fails intermittently
2013-11-14, by sla
2013-11-27, by lana
8029024: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/Modal/ModalDialogOrderingTest/ fails
2013-11-27, by serb
8011142: [TEST_BUG] 2 AppContext regression tests failed since 7u25b03 with NullPointerException
2013-11-27, by pchelko
8024161: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] java/awt/Menu/OpensWithNoGrab/ failed "menu was opened by first click after opened Choice"
2013-11-26, by pchelko
8028271: Wrong alt processing during switching between windows.
2013-11-26, by mcherkas
7160604: Using non-opaque windows - popups are initially not painted correctly
2013-11-26, by bagiras
8028054: com.sun.beans.finder.MethodFinder has unsynchronized access to a static Map
2013-11-26, by malenkov
2013-11-25, by lana
8028995: Write regression test for JDK-8016356
2013-11-25, by bagiras
8028512: [macosx] Crash in full screen api if incorrect display mode is used
2013-11-22, by serb
8027479: [macosx] Appletviewer is broken after 8014718
2013-11-22, by serb
8028485: [macosx] java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/ fails
2013-11-22, by pchelko
8027913: drop target notifications are sent out of order during DnD
2013-11-19, by serb
8027628: JWindow jumps to (0, 0) after mouse clicked
2013-11-18, by bagiras
8027992: FileInputStream and BufferedInputStream should be closed in sun.applet.*
2013-11-18, by pchelko
7124253: [macosx] Flavor change notification not coming
2013-11-15, by pchelko
8025126: [macosx] Invalid calls to setValueAt() within JTable in Java 7 on Mac OS X
2013-11-15, by alexsch
2013-11-27, by lana
8024767: [TEST] need test to cover JDK-7189452
2013-11-27, by bae
8028584: cannot be cast to
2013-11-26, by jgodinez
2013-11-25, by lana
8028722: Render: Drawing strings with exactly 254 glyphs causes hangs
2013-11-25, by ceisserer
8025235: [javadoc] fix some errors in 2D
2013-11-20, by yan
8027541: ully transparent jframe becomes black.
2013-11-19, by prr
Added tag jdk8-b118 for changeset bacdc687ebbd
2013-11-28, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs25-b61 for changeset d42eec86b5bd
2013-11-29, by amurillo
2013-11-29, by amurillo
2013-11-29, by drchase
8016839: JSR292: AME instead of IAE when calling a method
2013-11-26, by drchase
8028160: [TESTBUG] Exclude failing (runtime) jtreg tests using @ignore
2013-11-26, by hseigel
8026065: InterfaceMethodref for invokespecial must name a direct superinterface
2013-11-26, by hseigel
8028128: Add a type safe alternative for working with counter based data
2013-11-23, by mgronlun
2013-11-23, by mgronlun
8028520: JVM should not throw VerifyError when a private method overrides a final method
2013-11-21, by hseigel
8028815: new hotspot build - hs25-b61
2013-11-22, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b118 for changeset 283fe68e7f05
2013-11-28, by cl
2013-12-03, by lana
2013-11-25, by lana
8028478: Re-visit JPRT testsets to make it easier to run subsets of the tests
2013-11-19, by alanb
8027566: Remove the old build system
2013-11-14, by ihse
Added tag jdk8-b118 for changeset d2906692bf6a
2013-11-28, by cl
Added tag jdk8-b118 for changeset f5b521ade7a3
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b117 for changeset b8a5f2e7f41a
2013-11-21, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b117 for changeset 4b9d8f7444bc
2013-11-21, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b117 for changeset f06a4d5b053c
2013-11-21, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b117 for changeset b8948d89dc36
2013-11-21, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b117 for changeset 2794422edce5
2013-11-21, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-11-25, by rgallard
8029043: Update nroff files for JDK 8
2013-11-25, by rgallard
8028645: [infra] purge applet demos from the Solaris distros
2013-11-21, by ksrini
Added tag jdk8-b117 for changeset 03f1370d6d68
2013-11-21, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs25-b60 for changeset b8b59f498f73
2013-11-22, by amurillo
2013-11-22, by amurillo
2013-11-22, by mgronlun
2013-11-18, by sgabdura
8027630: SIGSEGV in const char*Klass::external_name()
2013-11-18, by sla
8028347: Rewriter::scan_method asserts with array oob in RT_Baseline
2013-11-15, by coleenp
2013-11-15, by mgronlun
6626412: jstack using SA prints some info messages into err stream
2013-11-14, by sla
6606002: jinfo doesn't detect dynamic vm flags changing
2013-11-14, by sla
2013-11-13, by minqi
8025632: Remove all references to MagicLambdaImpl from Hotspot
2013-11-13, by minqi
8028308: nsk regression, assert(obj->is_oop()) failed: not an oop
2013-11-20, by roland
8028306: nsk stress tests, CodeCache fills, then safepoint asserts
2013-11-14, by anoll
8028319: ConflictingDefaultsTest.testReabstract spins when running with -mode invoke and -Xcomp
2013-11-18, by morris
8028444: new hotspot build - hs25-b60
2013-11-15, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b117 for changeset 797ce5564b97
2013-11-21, by cl
Added tag jdk8-b117 for changeset df929242dddc
2013-11-21, by cl
Added tag jdk8-b117 for changeset 31b0e03fcad7
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-11-15, by lana
8026231: Look at 'static' flag when checking method references
2013-11-15, by vromero
8025524: javadoc does not correctly locate constructors for nested classes
2013-11-14, by bpatel
8026963: type annotations code crashes for code with erroneous trees
2013-11-14, by vromero
8028282: Remove @ignore from test langtools/test/tools/javac/
2013-11-14, by emc
8025113: Convert 7 tools TryWithResources tests to jtreg format
2013-11-13, by sogoel
8027375: javac asserts on nested erroneous annotations
2013-11-11, by jfranck
8027439: Compile-time error in the case of ((Integer[] & Serializable)new Integer[1]).getClass()
2013-11-11, by emc
8027142: Invokedynamic instructions don't get line number table entries
2013-11-09, by jlahoda
2013-11-08, by lana
8027730: Fix release-8 type visitors to support intersection types
2013-11-07, by darcy
8027281: Incorrect invokespecial generated for JCK lang EXPR/expr636/expr63602m* tests
2013-11-06, by jlahoda
8027530: javap tonga tests cleanup: test -public, -protected, -package, -private options
2013-11-04, by cl
8027411: javap tonga tests cleanup: write a java program to test invalid options -h and -b
2013-11-04, by cl
8025844: Need test to provide coverage for new DocumentationTool.Location enum
2013-11-04, by cl
8027310: Annotation Processor crashes with NPE
2013-11-01, by jlahoda
8027660: javac crash while creating LVT entry for a local variable defined in an inner block
2013-11-01, by vromero
Added tag jdk8-b116 for changeset 1fbd33ac5531
2013-11-14, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b116 for changeset 6ea9f58eb1a2
2013-11-14, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b116 for changeset ad4a69ce1836
2013-11-14, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-11-15, by lana
2013-11-12, by sundar
8028020: Function parameter as last expression in comma in return value causes bad type calculation
2013-11-11, by attila
2013-11-08, by lana
2013-11-07, by sundar
8027828: ClassCastException when converting return value of a Java method to boolean
2013-11-07, by sundar
8027708: NASHORN TEST: Create Nashorn test that draws image step-by-step using JavaFX canvas.
2013-11-05, by kshefov
2013-11-05, by sundar
8027753: Support ScriptObject to JSObject, ScriptObjectMirror, Map, Bindings auto-conversion as well as explicit wrap, unwrap
2013-11-04, by sundar
2013-11-04, by sundar
8027236: Ensure ScriptObject and ConsString aren't visible to Java
2013-11-01, by attila
8027700: function redeclaration checks missing for declaration binding instantiation
2013-11-01, by sundar
Added tag jdk8-b116 for changeset 873d41f3369f
2013-11-14, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-11-14, by lana
2013-11-08, by lana
8027943: serial version of changed in 7u45
2013-11-07, by mchung
Added tag jdk8-b116 for changeset 9b8bd0fa21c4
2013-11-14, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-11-15, by lana
8014266: regression test time out.
2013-11-14, by xuelei
2013-11-14, by coleenp
8023041: The CDS classlist needs to be updated for JDK 8
2013-11-14, by hseigel
8027765: Make exit codes and stdout/stderr printing from jmap/jinfo/jstack/jps consistent
2013-11-14, by sla
8028055: (reflect) invoking Method/Constructor in anonymous classes breaks with -Dsun.reflect.noInflation=true
2013-11-14, by jfranck
8028343: More ProblemList.txt updates (11/2013)
2013-11-14, by alanb
8028321: Fix for String.split() empty input sequence/JDK-6559590 triggers regression
2013-11-13, by sherman
8026884: test for fix of JDK-8021398 does not have @bug tag
2013-11-13, by emc
8027645: Pattern.split() with positive lookahead
2013-11-13, by sherman
8028300: Fix raw type lint warnings in java.util.concurrent
2013-11-13, by darcy
6954510: TEST_BUG: Testcase failure com/sun/jdi/
2013-11-13, by egahlin
8028270: Files.readSymbolicLink calls AccessController directly so security manager can't grant the permission
2013-11-13, by alanb
8022213: Intermittent test failures in java/net/URLClassLoader
2013-11-13, by chegar
8028234: Remove unused methods in sun.misc.JavaAWTAccess
2013-11-13, by mchung
8015497: Take new fixes from hotspot/test/testlibrary to jdk/test/lib/testlibrary
2013-11-13, by ykantser
6959636: testcase failing on windows javax/management/loading/LibraryLoader/
2013-11-13, by egahlin
8004126: TEST_BUG: com/sun/jdi/ fails intermittently
2013-11-13, by jbachorik
8026952: Test java/util/logging/LogManager/RootLogger/setLevel/ has wrong @bug id
2013-11-13, by dfuchs
8023147: Test intermittent failed
2013-11-13, by xuelei
8028239: test/sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/ with NoClassDefFoundError
2013-11-13, by alanb
8028014: Doclint warning/error cleanup in
2013-11-12, by rriggs
8028229: Fix more raw types lint warning in core libraries
2013-11-12, by darcy
8028208: (aio) Assertion in clearPendingIoMap when closing at around time file lock is acquired immediately (win)
2013-11-12, by alanb
6849945: VM Periodic Task Thread CPU time = -1ns in HotspotThreadMBean.getInternalThreadCpuTimes()
2013-11-12, by egahlin
6543856: fails intermittently
2013-11-12, by egahlin
8028027: serialver should emit declaration with the 'private' modifier
2013-11-12, by smarks
8027209: javax/management/monitor/ fails intermittently
2013-11-12, by egahlin
8027823: catchException combinator fails with 9 argument target
2013-11-09, by vlivanov
8027803: test/sun/reflect/AnonymousNewInstance/ fails
2013-11-11, by rfield
8026330: java.util.Base64 urlEncoder should omit padding
2013-11-11, by sherman
8014506: Test of Jdp feature
2013-11-08, by sla
8028149: Clean-up javac -Xlint warnings in com.sun.rowset and com.sun.rowset.internal
2013-11-11, by lancea
8028060: test/java/net/URLPermission/nstest/ failing (win)
2013-11-11, by michaelm
8028102: All test targets, jdk/test/Makefile, fail on Windows
2013-11-11, by chegar
8027991: InputStream should be closed in
2013-11-11, by weijun
8028099: Many com/sun/management/OperatingSystemMXBean tests failing with CCE (win)
2013-11-11, by alanb
6523160: RuntimeMXBean.getUptime() returns negative values
2013-11-10, by jbachorik
8028092: Lint cleanup of java.time.format
2013-11-09, by rriggs
8028044: [TEST_BUG] Calendar shell tests do not pass TESTVMOPTS
2013-11-09, by alanb
2013-11-08, by lana
8028041: Serialized Form description of j.l.String is not consistent with the implementation
2013-11-08, by rriggs
8028074: InetAddress.getByName fails with UHE "invalid IPv6 address" if host name starts with a-f
2013-11-08, by alanb
8028076: Correct raw type lint warnings in core reflection implementation classes
2013-11-08, by darcy
8025985: should not be public
2013-11-08, by mchung
8023462: TEST_BUG: test/com/sun/net/httpserver/bugs/ fails on slow/single core machine
2013-11-08, by tyan
8028069: (ref) Finalizer.c not deleted in the changeset for JDK-8027351
2013-11-08, by mchung
8019834: InetAddress.getByName hangs for bad IPv6 literals
2013-11-08, by chegar
8022963: java/net/NetworkInterface/ fails equality for Windows Teredo Interface
2013-11-08, by tyan
8027351: (ref) Private finalize method invoked in preference to protected superclass method
2013-11-08, by mchung
8027752: sun/tools/jstatd/ java.lang.SecurityException: attempt to add a Permission to a readonly Permissions object
2013-11-07, by ykantser
8007984: Null pointer dereference in jdk/linux-amd64/democlasses/demo/jvmti/heapTracker/src/java_crw_demo.c
2013-11-08, by jbachorik
8027695: There should be a space before % sign in Swedish locale
2013-11-07, by yhuang
8024458: DataInput.readDouble refers to "readlong" instead of "readLong"
2013-11-07, by rriggs
8027930: ResourceBundle test failures in fr locale
2013-11-07, by naoto
8027796: Refactor Core Reflection for Type Annotations
2013-11-07, by jfranck
8027881: test/java/net/URLPermission/nstest/ failing intermittently, output insufficient
2013-11-07, by michaelm
8027961: Inet[4|6]Address native initializing code should check field/MethodID values
2013-11-07, by chegar
8027822: ProblemList.txt Updates (11/2013)
2013-11-07, by chegar
8027232: Update j.l.invoke code generating class files to use ASM enhancements for invocation of non-abstract methods on ifaces
2013-11-06, by ksrini
8027227: [asm] generate CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref for invoke{special/static) of non-abstract methods on ifaces
2013-11-06, by ksrini
8025698: (fs) Typo in exception thrown by encode() in
2013-11-06, by dxu
8021309: replace test/Makefile jdk_* targets with jtreg groups
2013-11-05, by mduigou
8022208: Intermittent test failures in java/lang/Thread/
2013-11-05, by mchung
8027860: [TEST_BUG] File not closed in javax/xml/jaxp/parsers/8022548/
2013-11-05, by joehw
8027712: DistinctOpTest fails for unordered test
2013-11-05, by psandoz
8027612: java/io/File/ fails intermittently in the clean-up stage
2013-11-04, by dxu
8016725: TEST_BUG: java/lang/reflect/Method/ failing intermittently
2013-11-04, by alundblad
7194897: JSR 292: Cannot create more than 16 instances of an anonymous class
2013-11-04, by rfield
8027687: The constructors of URLPermission class do not behave as described in javad
2013-11-04, by michaelm
8027625: test/java/math/BigInteger/ needs @run tag to specify heap size
2013-11-04, by bpb
8027755: Anti-delta incorrect push for 8025198
2013-11-04, by dholmes
8025198: Intermittent test failure: java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor/
2013-11-04, by dholmes
8024635: Caching MethodType's descriptor string improves lambda linkage performance
2013-11-02, by jrose
8027624: com/sun/crypto/provider/KeyFactory/ unstable again
2013-11-01, by dxu
8027705: com/sun/jdi/ fails when a background thread is generating events.
2013-11-01, by sla
8027692: Remove java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ from ProblemList.txt
2013-11-01, by sla
2013-11-14, by lana
8025440: [TEST_BUG] com/sun/awt/SecurityWarning/ failed since jdk8b108
2013-11-14, by pchelko
8028230: Behavior of SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor differ from that in Java 7
2013-11-14, by pchelko
8028283: Revert JavaDoc changes pushed for JDK-7068423
2013-11-13, by bagiras
8027696: Incorrect copyright header in the tests
2013-11-12, by serb
8027972: [macosx] Provide a regression test for JDK-8007006
2013-11-12, by leonidr
2013-11-08, by lana
8027648: Type of overridden property is resolved incorrectly
2013-11-08, by malenkov
8025234: [javadoc] fix some errors in javax.swing.**
2013-11-07, by yan
8026491: Typos in string literals
2013-11-01, by malenkov
2013-11-14, by lana
8028206: sun/java2d/cmm/ProfileOp/ fails
2013-11-13, by prr
Added tag jdk8-b116 for changeset 6815fa4c5500
2013-11-14, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs25-b59 for changeset 0cee03c5f3b3
2013-11-15, by amurillo
2013-11-15, by amurillo
2013-11-14, by drchase
2013-11-14, by drchase
8028159: C2: compiler stack overflow during inlining of @ForceInline methods
2013-11-14, by vlivanov
8027572: assert(r != 0) failed: invalid
2013-11-13, by roland
2013-11-13, by roland
8027631: "unexpected profiling mismatch" error with new type profiling
2013-11-13, by roland
8028207: assert(_outcnt==1) failed: not unique in compile.cpp
2013-11-12, by rbackman
8028198: SIGSEGV in PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late_post
2013-11-12, by rbackman
8027632: assert(xtype->klass_is_exact()) failed: Should be exact at graphKit.cpp
2013-11-12, by roland