/ graph
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The revision graph only works with JavaScript-enabled browsers.
7188114: (launcher) need an alternate command line parser for Windows
2012-07-31, by ksrini
7188852: Move implementation of De/Inflater.getBytesRead/Writtten() to java from native
2012-08-03, by sherman
7187876: ClassCastException in TCPTransport.executeAcceptLoop
2012-08-02, by dmocek
2012-08-02, by mullan
7026347: Certificate and X509CRL should have verify(PublicKey key, Provider sigProvider)
2012-08-02, by mullan
6844255: Potential stack corruption in GetJavaProperties
2012-08-01, by omajid
6914123: (str) Missing synchronization in java.lang.String#contentEquals(CharSequence)
2012-07-27, by jgish
2012-08-01, by mullan
7179715: OCSP revocation checking fails if the signer certificate is identified using the key ID
2012-08-01, by mullan
Added tag jdk8-b51 for changeset 1325e8a540e5
2012-08-09, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs24-b20 for changeset 25eb3939c390
2012-08-10, by amurillo
2012-08-10, by twisti
2012-08-10, by twisti
7188911: nightly failures after JSR 292 lazy method handle update (round 2)
2012-08-07, by twisti
7188276: JSR 292: assert(ct == T_OBJECT) failed: rt=T_OBJECT, ct=13
2012-08-01, by twisti
7188227: VM should recognize M-series SPARC
2012-08-01, by kvn
7187454: stack overflow in C2 compiler thread on Solaris x86
2012-07-30, by kvn
7187290: nightly failures after JSR 292 lazy method handle update
2012-07-27, by twisti
7023639: JSR 292 method handle invocation needs a fast path for compiled code
2012-07-24, by twisti
7189086: new hotspot build - hs24-b20
2012-08-03, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b51 for changeset 90fa336b0a49
2012-08-09, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b51 for changeset 3cb655c7a1f2
2012-08-09, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b51 for changeset 382651d28f25
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b50 for changeset 1081f6a5c2ef
2012-08-02, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b50 for changeset 4b4d56b18674
2012-08-02, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b50 for changeset c0935ebf58d0
2012-08-02, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b50 for changeset 48c6010d07a1
2012-08-02, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-08-06, by lana
2012-07-31, by lana
7120665: Change Java SE spec so that external networking not required
2012-07-30, by michaelm
7185340: TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/ failing intermittently [win]
2012-07-30, by dxu
2012-07-27, by lana
7186111: fix bugs in java/rmi/activation/ActivationSystem/unregisterGroup/UnregisterGroup
2012-07-27, by dmocek
7179879: SSLSocket connect times out instead of throwing socket closed exception
2012-07-26, by coffeys
7187051: tests should do cleanup before start test
2012-07-26, by weijun
7186829: test/sun/nio/cs/OLD/ failed in jdk8 TL nightly build
2012-07-25, by sherman
7184287: (prefs) BackingStoreException when calling flush on root node[macosx]
2012-07-24, by khazra
6653797: Reimplement JDK charset repository charsets.jar
2012-07-24, by sherman
7185576: Need to consider the connection timeout at test/com/sun/jndi/ldap/
2012-07-24, by xuelei
7179796: GSSExceptionImpl outputs duplicate mech oid
2012-07-24, by weijun
6633549: (dc) Include-mode filtering of IPv6 sources does not block datagrams on Linux
2012-07-22, by alanb
7178649: TEST BUG: needs improvement to ignore the unlikely but possible timeout
2012-07-21, by weijun
7180907: Jarsigner -verify fails if rsa file used sha-256 with authenticated attributes
2012-07-21, by weijun
7130915: File.equals does not give expected results when path contains Non-English characters on Mac OS X
2012-07-19, by sherman
7081476: test/java/net/InetSocketAddress/ failing intermittently
2012-07-19, by chegar
7185051: Remove from the ProblemList
2012-07-18, by khazra
7184365: closed/java/awt/event/TextEvent/TextEventSequenceTest/TextEventSequenceTest fails
2012-07-30, by alexsch
7187618: PropertyDescriptor Performance Slow
2012-07-30, by malenkov
2012-07-27, by lana
7149068: java/awt/Window/Grab/ failed
2012-07-27, by denis
4650871: Classes in sunw.* should be removed from workspace and rt.jar
2012-07-25, by malenkov
7167780: Hang javasoft.sqe.tests.api.javax.swing.Timer.Ctor2Tests
2012-07-25, by rupashka
7129800: [macosx] Regression test OverrideRedirectWindowActivationTest fails due to timing issue
2012-07-24, by alexsch
7185512: The printout doesn't match image on screen.
2012-07-23, by alexsch
7181027: [macosx] Unable to use headless mode
2012-07-19, by leonidr
7124330: [macosx] javax.swing.JComboBox throws unexpected ClassCastException
2012-07-19, by rupashka
Added tag jdk8-b50 for changeset 9e9deec19f0f
2012-08-02, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs24-b19 for changeset a8397f4de214
2012-08-03, by amurillo
2012-08-03, by amurillo
2012-07-31, by dcubed
7186278: Build error after CR#6995781 / 7151532 with GCC 4.7.0
2012-07-31, by andrew
2012-07-30, by zgu
7186778: MachO decoder implementation for MacOSX
2012-07-30, by zgu
2012-07-27, by jmasa
2012-07-26, by jmasa
2012-07-24, by jmasa
7114678: G1: various small fixes, code cleanup, and refactoring
2012-07-19, by tonyp
7182260: G1: Fine grain RSet freeing bottleneck
2012-07-17, by johnc
7184772: G1: Incorrect assert in HeapRegionLinkedList::add_as_head()
2012-07-17, by johnc
7173712: G1: Duplicated code in G1UpdateRSOrPushRefOopClosure::do_oop_nv()
2012-07-17, by johnc
7187463: new hotspot build - hs24-b19
2012-07-27, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b50 for changeset 91311c4d5882
2012-08-02, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b50 for changeset 3d3a1c3550f3
2012-08-02, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b50 for changeset 38fe5ab02890
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b49 for changeset b47c53dc4c45
2012-07-26, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b49 for changeset 521a481677ff
2012-07-26, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b49 for changeset 23117496a054
2012-07-26, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b49 for changeset 530f4983fc73
2012-07-26, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b49 for changeset be20c8b5a9da
2012-07-26, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs24-b18 for changeset bf02c20037ae
2012-07-27, by amurillo
2012-07-27, by amurillo
2012-07-26, by jiangli
2012-07-24, by jiangli
7147464: Java crashed while executing method with over 8k of dneg operations
2012-07-16, by dlong
7187046: Crash in ClassFileParser on solaris-ia32 during RetransformClasses.
2012-07-26, by jiangli
7185550: TEST: runtime/7020373/ fails because there is no test/runtime/7020373/testcase.jar
2012-07-23, by asaha
7185775: new hotspot build - hs24-b18
2012-07-23, by amurillo
Added tag hs24-b17 for changeset bc3545585f1d
2012-07-23, by amurillo
2012-07-23, by amurillo
2012-07-20, by coleenp
2012-07-19, by zgu
2012-07-19, by zgu
7181989: NMT ON: Assertion failure when NMT checks thread's native stack base address
2012-07-16, by zgu
2012-07-19, by zgu
7181986: NMT ON: Assertion failure when running jdi ExpiredRequestDeletionTest
2012-07-16, by zgu
7182543: NMT ON: Aggregate a few NMT related bugs
2012-07-19, by zgu
7053586: TEST: runtime/7020373/ fails on 64-bit platforms
2012-07-17, by asaha
7183754: Test runtime/6294277/ runs wrong JVM
2012-07-16, by fparain
2012-07-19, by kvn
2012-07-17, by kvn
2012-07-16, by kvn
7181494: cleanup avx and vectors code
2012-07-16, by kvn
7087357: JSR 292: remove obsolete code after 7085860
2012-07-16, by twisti
7123926: Some CTW test crash: !_control.contains(ctrl)
2012-07-13, by kvn
6711908: JVM needs direct access to some annotations
2012-07-12, by jrose
2012-07-17, by jmasa
2012-07-16, by jmasa
7178361: G1: Make sure that PrintGC and PrintGCDetails use the same timing for the GC pause
2012-07-11, by brutisso
2012-07-17, by jiangli
2012-07-13, by jiangli
7181632: nsk classLoad001_14 failure and CompileTheWorld crash after 7178145.
2012-07-05, by jiangli
7180914: Compilation warning after: 7172967: Eliminate the constMethod's _method backpointer to the methodOop.
2012-07-05, by jiangli
2012-07-02, by bdelsart
7178145: Change constMethodOop::_exception_table to optionally inlined u2 table.
2012-06-26, by jiangli
7184050: new hotspot build - hs24-b17
2012-07-13, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b49 for changeset 9e2de5dca700
2012-07-26, by cl
Added tag jdk8-b49 for changeset f66321de53db
2012-07-26, by cl
Added tag jdk8-b49 for changeset cecd7026f30c
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-07-24, by lana
2012-07-16, by lana
7181578: javac reports uninitialized variable with nested try...finally blocks
2012-07-13, by mcimadamore
Added tag jdk8-b48 for changeset 9d19a5f8d2ad
2012-07-23, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b48 for changeset 2bd7c6c12449
2012-07-23, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-07-24, by lana
2012-07-16, by lana
7183760: DocumentBuilder.parse(String uri) is not IPv6 enabled
2012-07-12, by joehw
Added tag jdk8-b48 for changeset ff4cbdd893ef
2012-07-23, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b48 for changeset 7a93e19ba08f
2012-07-23, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-07-24, by lana
2012-07-18, by lana
7183292: HttpURLConnection.getHeaderFields() throws IllegalArgumentException: Illegal cookie name
2012-07-18, by michaelm
7184943: fix failing test com/sun/jndi/rmi/registry/RegistryContext/
2012-07-18, by dmocek
7183053: Optimize DoubleByte charset for String.getBytes()/new String(byte[])
2012-07-17, by sherman
7142596: RMI JPRT tests are failing
2012-07-17, by dmocek
2012-07-16, by lana
2012-07-16, by lana
7102106: TEST_BUG: sun/security/util/Oid/ should be modified
2012-07-17, by weijun
7183203: tests intermittent failure
2012-07-17, by weijun
7177045: Rework the regression test, it is too fragile to low memory errors.
2012-07-16, by khazra
6880559: Enable PKCS11 64-bit windows builds
2012-07-16, by vinnie
7184145: (pack200) pack200 --repack throws NullPointerException when JAR file specified without path
2012-07-14, by ksrini
7160252: (prefs) NodeAddedEvent was not delivered when new node add when new Node
2012-07-13, by khazra
6966259: Make PrincipalName and Realm immutable
2012-07-11, by weijun
7179305: (fs) Method name sun.nio.fs.UnixPath.getPathForExecptionMessage is misspelled
2012-07-09, by robm
7181353: Update error message to distinguish native OOM and java OOM in net
2012-07-06, by zhouyx
7123972: test/java/lang/annotation/loaderLeak/ fails intermittently
2012-07-05, by smarks
6948101: java/rmi/transport/pinLastArguments/ failing intermittently
2012-07-05, by smarks
2012-07-18, by lana
7182902: [macosx] Test api/java_awt/GraphicsDevice/indexTGF.html#SetDisplayMode fails on Mac OS X 10.7
2012-07-18, by alexsch
7177040: Deadlock between PostEventQueue.noEvents, EventQueue.isDispatchThread and SwingUtilities.invokeLater
2012-07-17, by bagiras
2012-07-16, by lana
7170657: [macosx] There seems to be no keyboard/mouse action to select non-contiguous items in List
2012-07-16, by serb
7181438: [OGL] Incorrect alpha used, during blit from SW to the texture.
2012-07-16, by serb
7022041: TitleBorder Null Pointer Exception
2012-07-12, by ptisnovs
7177173: [macosx] JFrame.setExtendedState(JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) not working as expected in JDK 7
2012-07-06, by anthony
7124513: [macosx] Support NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask/different titlebar styles to create unified toolbar
2012-07-04, by serb
7124244: [macosx] Shaped windows support
2012-07-04, by serb
7183251: Netbeans editor renders text wrong on JDK 7u6 build 17
2012-07-17, by prr
2012-07-16, by lana
7183458: Metrics of space character in algorithmically emboldened font have changed in JDK 7.
2012-07-12, by prr
Added tag jdk8-b48 for changeset b070f2471114
2012-07-23, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b48 for changeset 16ab57e58669
2012-07-23, by cl
2012-07-24, by lana
2012-07-18, by lana
2012-07-16, by lana
6880559: Enable PKCS11 64-bit windows builds
2012-07-16, by vinnie
Added tag jdk8-b48 for changeset 60b5f491c654
2012-07-23, by cl
Added tag jdk8-b48 for changeset 086271e35b0a
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b47 for changeset f0b04f0fc310
2012-07-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b47 for changeset eb447c603031
2012-07-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b47 for changeset 6ab81ecbfa0d
2012-07-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b47 for changeset 89587a8ac2f4
2012-07-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b47 for changeset 2bfc7517a106
2012-07-12, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs24-b16 for changeset 3db9eaf7c6ab
2012-07-13, by amurillo
2012-07-13, by amurillo
2012-07-12, by kvn
7181658: CTW: assert(t->meet(t0) == t) failed: Not monotonic
2012-07-11, by kvn
7180769: assert(tboth->klass_is_exact()) failed: klass should be exact
2012-07-02, by kvn
7177917: Failed test java/lang/Math/
2012-07-02, by roland
2012-07-12, by coleenp
6294277: java -Xdebug crashes on SourceDebugExtension attribute larger than 64K
2012-07-09, by fparain
7178703: Fix handling of quoted arguments and better error messages in dcmd
2012-06-28, by sla
7181200: JVM new hashing code breaks SA in product mode
2012-07-04, by coleenp
7129724: MAC: Core file location is wrong in crash report
2012-07-03, by mikael
7179383: MaxDirectMemorySize argument parsing is broken for values >2G
2012-07-03, by dholmes
2012-07-02, by coleenp
6995781: Native Memory Tracking (Phase 1)
2012-06-28, by zgu
7167142: Consider a warning when finding a .hotspotrc or .hotspot_compiler file that isn't used
2012-07-02, by kamg
7180882: new hotspot build - hs24-b16
2012-06-29, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b47 for changeset a655fb35e798
2012-07-12, by katleman
2012-07-18, by katleman
7184406: Adjust get_source/hgforest script to allow for trailing // characters
2012-07-16, by ohair
Added tag jdk8-b47 for changeset 89d0de913efd
2012-07-12, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b47 for changeset b820143a6f1c
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-07-08, by ohair
7180594: Fix GenStubs in langtools for build-infra builds
2012-06-28, by erikj
Added tag jdk8-b46 for changeset b7b7fb648bf6
2012-07-05, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b46 for changeset a454fca4fd87
2012-07-05, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-07-10, by lana
2012-07-03, by lana
2012-06-26, by lana
7166896: DocumentBuilder.parse(String uri) is not IPv6 enabled. It throws MalformedURLException
2012-06-26, by joehw
Added tag jdk8-b46 for changeset b5166f281c42
2012-07-05, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-07-10, by lana
2012-07-03, by lana
7162902: Umbrella port of a number of corba bug fixes from JDK 6 to jdk7u/8
2012-06-27, by coffeys
Added tag jdk8-b46 for changeset 3b78e26c0c38
2012-07-05, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-07-11, by katleman
2012-07-05, by ohair
7181501: Add some GenerateNativeHeader annotations and misc Mac adjustments to makefiles
2012-07-03, by erikj
7181508: Remove GenerateNativeHeader on awt java file
2012-07-03, by erikj
7181504: Update of latest build-infra Makefiles
2012-07-03, by erikj
2012-07-10, by lana
2012-07-03, by lana
7180038: regression test failure,
2012-07-03, by xuelei
2012-07-03, by lana
7133344: Document the system property feature in the file
2012-07-03, by mullan
7176907: additional warnings cleanup in java.util, java.util.regexp,
2012-07-02, by smarks
7174887: Deadlock in jndi ldap connection cleanup
2012-07-02, by robm
7170938: (str) incorrect wording in doc for String.subSequence
2012-06-29, by smarks
7100996: (spec str) IndexOutOfBoundsException when using a StringBuffer from multiple threads
2012-06-29, by jgish
7175845: jar uf changes file permissions unexpectedly
2012-06-28, by sherman
6893617: JDK 6 CNCtx always uses the default ORB
2012-06-27, by coffeys
2012-06-27, by lana
2012-06-26, by lana
7161229: PriorityBlockingQueue keeps hard reference to last removed element
2012-06-27, by dholmes
4244896: (process) Provide System.getPid(), System.killProcess(String pid)
2012-06-26, by robm
2012-07-03, by lana
7169111: Unreadable menu bar with Ambiance theme in GTK L&F
2012-06-28, by rupashka
2012-06-27, by lana
7124326: [macosx] An issue similar to autoshutdown one in two AppContexts situation.
2012-06-26, by anthony
7024749: JDK7 b131---a crash in: Java_sun_awt_windows_ThemeReader_isGetThemeTransitionDurationDefined+0x75
2012-06-26, by bagiras
7142091: [macosx] RFE: Refactoring of peer initialization/disposing
2012-06-26, by serb
2012-07-03, by lana
2012-06-27, by lana
7164282: check for NULL return from malloc is testing wrong variable name.
2012-06-26, by prr
7176447: Lunix/Solaris fontpath.c : double free(family)
2012-06-26, by prr
7145771: [macosx] CreateFont/ test fails because of cached results of getAllFonts()
2012-06-26, by prr
Added tag jdk8-b46 for changeset c35f7a2acbec
2012-07-05, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b46 for changeset 7604568cf818
2012-07-05, by katleman
2012-07-11, by katleman
7182051: Update of latest build-infra Makefiles (missing files)
2012-07-05, by erikj
7181504: Update of latest build-infra Makefiles
2012-07-03, by erikj
Added tag jdk8-b46 for changeset 8e117f8b08eb
2012-07-05, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b46 for changeset 600c9a1feb01
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b45 for changeset b34aca67a4db
2012-06-28, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b45 for changeset 466ddaf02777
2012-06-28, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b45 for changeset a21c904ee700
2012-06-28, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b45 for changeset 27f3d36a24d5
2012-06-28, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b45 for changeset 82534e9c5cc7
2012-06-28, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs24-b15 for changeset e4f98cec6edd
2012-06-29, by amurillo
2012-06-29, by amurillo
7179759: ENV: Nightly fails during jdk copiyng for solaris platforms after FDS unzipping
2012-06-29, by coleenp
2012-06-29, by jcoomes
6921087: G1: remove per-GC-thread expansion tables from the fine-grain remembered sets
2012-06-25, by johnc
2012-06-28, by kvn
7179138: Incorrect result with String concatenation optimization
2012-06-26, by kvn
7178280: Failed new vector regression tests
2012-06-22, by kvn
7129715: MAC: SIGBUS in nsk stress test
2012-06-21, by roland
7177923: SIGBUS on sparc in compiled code for java.util.Calendar.clear()
2012-06-19, by kvn
7157365: jruby/bench.bench_timeout crashes with JVM internal error
2012-06-18, by twisti
7176856: add the JRE name to the error log
2012-06-18, by twisti
7174363: Arrays.copyOfRange leads to VM crash with -Xcomp -server if executed by testing framework
2012-06-18, by roland
7119644: Increase superword's vector size up to 256 bits
2012-06-15, by kvn
2012-06-28, by bdelsart
7156729: PPC: R_PPC_REL24 relocation error related to some libraries built without -fPIC
2012-06-25, by dlong
7177409: Perf regression in JVM_GetClassDeclaredFields after generic signature changes.
2012-06-22, by jiangli
7178113: build environment change
2012-06-19, by collins
7178667: ALT_EXPORT_PATH does not export server jvm on macosx
2012-06-27, by sla
2012-06-25, by coleenp
7178670: runtime/7158800/ fails in SymbolTable::rehash_table
2012-06-25, by coleenp
7178846: IterateThroughHeap: heap_iteration_callback passes a negative size
2012-06-25, by sla
7177128: SA cannot get correct system properties after 7126277
2012-06-22, by minqi
7175133: jinfo failed to get system properties after 6924259
2012-06-22, by minqi
2012-06-20, by dcubed
7175255: symlinks are wrong, which caused jdk8-promote-2 to fail (client/64/64 directories in debuginfo zips)
2012-06-20, by dcubed
2012-06-18, by sla
7177307: fix fo CR7158800 doesn't contain
2012-06-15, by coleenp
2012-06-14, by poonam
6310967: SA: jstack -m produce failures in output
2012-06-14, by poonam
7158800: Improve storage of symbol tables
2012-06-13, by coleenp
7175515: new hotspot build - hs24-b15
2012-06-15, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b45 for changeset 8ff1c75f204a
2012-06-28, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b45 for changeset 07ad352154a8
2012-06-28, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b45 for changeset 9b19b2302c28
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-06-25, by lana
7178763: javadoc OutOfMemory error results in several jdk8 tl nightly failures
2012-06-22, by jjg
7178297: provide mapping from doc comment position to source file position
2012-06-21, by jjg
7174143: encapsulate doc comment table
2012-06-20, by jjg
7177701: error: Filling jar message during javax/imageio/metadata/IIOMetadataFormatImpl compilation
2012-06-19, by mcimadamore
2012-06-17, by lana
7160072: (javac) JavacParserTests needs cleanup
2012-06-11, by ksrini
Added tag jdk8-b44 for changeset 96e306b8f5e5
2012-06-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b44 for changeset fc9fe83a8a52
2012-06-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-06-26, by lana
2012-06-07, by asaha
2012-05-21, by asaha
2012-05-08, by asaha
7157609: Issues with loop
2012-04-10, by joehw
2012-06-25, by lana
2012-06-17, by lana
7144423: StAX EventReader swallows the cause of error
2012-06-12, by joehw
7157610: NullPointerException occurs when parsing XML doc
2012-06-11, by joehw
Added tag jdk8-b44 for changeset b52db8219e73
2012-06-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-06-26, by lana
2012-06-07, by asaha
2012-05-21, by asaha
2012-05-08, by asaha
2012-04-10, by asaha
2012-03-28, by mbankal
7079902: Refine CORBA data models
2012-03-28, by mbankal
7143851: Improve IIOP stub and tie generation in RMIC
2012-03-26, by coffeys
Added tag jdk8-b44 for changeset fab97dcc43bb
2012-06-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-06-26, by lana
2012-06-07, by asaha
7171228: closed/java/lang/SecurityManager/ failure
2012-05-24, by asaha
2012-05-21, by asaha
7165628: Issues with java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup
2012-05-18, by jrose
7123896: Unexpected behavior due to Solaris using separate IPv4 and IPv6 port spaces
2012-05-17, by coffeys
2012-05-08, by asaha
7143606: File.createTempFile should be improved for temporary files created by the platform.
2012-04-11, by robm
2012-04-10, by asaha
7143851: Improve IIOP stub and tie generation in RMIC
2012-03-26, by coffeys
7143872: Improve certificate extension processing
2012-02-29, by weijun
7143614: SynthLookAndFeel stability improvement
2012-02-28, by rupashka
7143617: Improve fontmanager layout lookup operations
2012-02-28, by bae
7145239: Finetune package definition restriction
2012-02-22, by mullan
2012-06-25, by lana
7176784: Windows authentication not working on some computers
2012-06-25, by chegar
7178483: Change version string for Embedded releases
2012-06-20, by dholmes
7166487: checkSequenceNumber method never called within readRecord of SSLEngineImpl
2012-06-19, by xuelei
6901992: InvalidJarIndexException due to bug in sun.misc.JarIndex.merge()
2012-06-19, by chegar
6380549: (rb) ResourceBundle.Control global binding support
2012-06-19, by okutsu
7177617: TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/ failing (win)
2012-06-18, by alanb
2012-06-17, by lana
7177556: Put on the ProblemList until test can be reworked
2012-06-15, by wetmore
7175758: Improve unit test of Map iterators and Iterator.remove()
2012-06-15, by mduigou
7176485: (bf) Allow temporary buffer cache to grow to IOV_MAX
2012-06-15, by alanb
2012-06-15, by mullan
2012-06-15, by mullan
7176326: CertPath/CertPathBuilderTest failures after webrev 6854712_6637288_7126011
2012-06-15, by mullan
7156963: Incorrect copyright header in java/io/SerialCallbackContext
2012-06-15, by coffeys
7145913: CachedRowSetSwriter.insertNewRow() throws SQLException
2012-06-14, by lancea
7173919: Minor optimization of hashing methods
2012-06-13, by mduigou
7176630: (sc) SocketChannel.write does not write more than 128k when channel configured blocking [win]
2012-06-14, by alanb
7176574: sun/security/krb5/auto/ failed with solaris-i586
2012-06-13, by weijun
2012-06-12, by ohair
7176138: Fixes for missing close() calls and possible null pointer reference instead of fatal error
2012-06-12, by ohair
7171918: XmlReaderContentHandler.endElement does not handle a Delete Tag properly
2012-06-12, by lancea
7171917: CachedRowSetImpl.populate does not handle map properly
2012-06-11, by lancea
7175775: Disable SA options in jinfo/ test until SA updated for new hash and String count/offset
2012-06-10, by alanb
2012-06-25, by lana
7174718: [macosx] Regression in 7u6 b12: PopupFactory leaks DefaultFrames.
2012-06-25, by anthony
7170716: JVM crash when opening an AWT app from a registered file.
2012-06-22, by anthony
7172430: [macosx] debug message in non debug jdk build
2012-06-19, by kizune
7174970: NLS [ccjk] Extra mnemonic keys at standard filechooserdialog (open and save) in metal L&F
2012-06-18, by alexsch
2012-06-17, by lana
7171163: [macosx] Shortcomings in the design of the secondary native event loop made JavaFX DnD deadlock
2012-06-15, by kizune
7150049: [macosx] closed/javax/swing/JCheckBox/4449413/ check the checkbox again,it auto fail
2012-06-13, by alexsch
7176644: [macosx] Missing NSAutoreleasePool in CGLGraphicsConfig.m OGLGC_DestroyOGLGraphicsConfig
2012-06-13, by anthony
7155887: ComboBox does not display focus outline in GTK L&F
2012-06-11, by luchsh
7173487: closed/java/awt/Frame/RemoveNotifyTest/RemoveNotifyTest.html
2012-06-09, by kizune
2012-06-09, by rupashka
2012-06-25, by lana
7124536: [macosx] PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService() return null
2012-06-19, by prr
2012-06-17, by lana
7158366: [macosx] Print-to-file dialog doesn't have an entry field for a name
2012-06-14, by prr
7153693: Three 2D_ImageIO tests failed due ImageFormatException on OEL 6.* Unbreakable Kernel x64
2012-06-14, by bae
7027300: Unsynchronized HashMap access causes endless loop
2012-06-13, by prr
Added tag jdk8-b44 for changeset 5a7d295a9b76
2012-06-21, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-06-26, by lana
2012-06-07, by asaha
2012-05-21, by asaha
2012-05-08, by asaha
7160757: Problem with hotspot/runtime_classfile
2012-05-03, by kamg
2012-05-08, by asaha
7160677: missing else in fix for 7152811
2012-04-12, by never
2012-04-10, by asaha
7152811: Issues in client compiler
2012-04-04, by never
7110720: Issue with vm config file loadingIssue with vm config file loading
2012-03-29, by kamg
Added tag jdk8-b44 for changeset 1531e68c3b60
2012-06-21, by katleman
2012-06-25, by lana
2012-06-17, by lana
7175802: Missing jdk_jfr in top-level make file
2012-06-11, by sla
Added tag jdk8-b44 for changeset 053c1b820253
2012-06-21, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b44 for changeset 7e981cb0ad6a
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b43 for changeset a689392675ed
2012-06-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b43 for changeset a6336eb51596
2012-06-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b43 for changeset d382060bd755
2012-06-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b43 for changeset cb67f4b91b0c
2012-06-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b43 for changeset d3f312fc19e1
2012-06-14, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs24-b14 for changeset 812bed29656a
2012-06-15, by amurillo
2012-06-15, by amurillo
2012-06-14, by kvn
7174928: JSR 292: unresolved invokedynamic call sites deopt and osr infinitely
2012-06-13, by twisti
7173340: C2: code cleanup: use PhaseIterGVN::replace_edge(Node*, int, Node*) where applicable
2012-06-12, by kvn
7174218: remove AtomicLongCSImpl intrinsics
2012-06-12, by twisti
7169782: C2: SIGSEGV in LShiftLNode::Ideal(PhaseGVN*, bool)
2012-06-12, by kvn
7174532: jdk/test/java/lang/Math/ failing on x86
2012-06-12, by roland
2012-06-11, by kvn
7174510: 19 JCK compiler tests fail with C2 error: memNode.cpp:812 - ShouldNotReachHere
2012-06-11, by kvn
7063674: Wrong results from basic comparisons after calls to Long.bitCount(long)
2012-06-11, by twisti
2012-06-11, by kvn
7174884: C1: failures after 7171890: assert(cur_state != NULL) failed: state_before must be set
2012-06-06, by twisti
7171890: C1: add Class.isInstance intrinsic
2012-06-05, by roland
7173635: should include release jdk7u6
2012-06-01, by amurillo
7172843: C1: fix "assert(has_printable_bci()) failed: _printable_bci should have been set"
2012-05-30, by twisti
7170145: C1 doesn't respect the JMM with volatile field loads
2012-05-25, by twisti
7170463: C2 should recognize "obj.getClass() == A.class" code pattern
2012-05-25, by kvn
2012-06-14, by sla
7175914: Usage of gcc with precompiled headers produces wrong build dependencies
2012-06-11, by kamg
2012-06-11, by sla
7172708: 32/64 bit type issues on Windows after Mac OS X port
2012-06-08, by dholmes
7170275: os::print_os_info needs to know about Windows 8
2012-06-06, by mikael
7171703: JNI DefineClass crashes client VM when first parameter is NULL
2012-06-05, by fparain
2012-06-11, by bdelsart
7172967: Eliminate constMethod's _method backpointer to methodOop.
2012-06-06, by jiangli
2012-06-08, by jcoomes
7173460: G1: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ failes with G1
2012-06-04, by brutisso
7172388: G1: _total_full_collections should not be incremented for concurrent cycles
2012-06-05, by brutisso
7172226: HotSpot fails to build with GCC 4.7 because of stricter c++ argument dependent lookup
2012-06-04, by mgerdin
7166498: JVM crash in ClassVerifier
2012-06-04, by kamg
2012-06-02, by dholmes
7155453: [macosx] re-enable jbb tests in JPRT
2012-06-01, by mikael
7173438: new hotspot build - hs24-b14
2012-06-01, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b43 for changeset 6e8bd51d480c
2012-06-14, by katleman
2012-06-20, by katleman
7178241: Basic script for JDK source code legal headers conformance verification
2012-06-19, by mbykov
Added tag jdk8-b43 for changeset 5d9bc9df9263
2012-06-14, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b43 for changeset 69d8a827cdf9
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-06-13, by katleman
7170079: Adjustments to build-infra makefiles
2012-06-07, by erikj
2012-06-08, by lana
2012-06-05, by lana
7159016: Static import of member in processor-generated class fails in JDK 7
2012-05-31, by jjh
7160084: javac fails to compile an apparently valid class/interface combination
2012-05-31, by mcimadamore
7166552: Inference: cleanup usage of Type.ForAll
2012-05-31, by mcimadamore
2012-05-25, by lana
7157798: Add 6 test scenarios for testing inheritance of multiple same-name methods from mulitple interfaces
2012-05-21, by jjh
Added tag jdk8-b42 for changeset 3e580bb83096
2012-06-07, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-06-13, by katleman
7170079: Adjustments to build-infra makefiles
2012-06-07, by erikj
Added tag jdk8-b42 for changeset 489ab38ab6db
2012-06-07, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-06-13, by katleman
7170079: Adjustments to build-infra makefiles
2012-06-07, by erikj
2012-06-08, by lana
7157608: One feature is not recognized.
2012-06-08, by joehw
7151118: Regressions on 7u4 b11 comp. 7u4 b06 on specjvm2008.xml.transform subbenchmark
2012-06-07, by joehw
Added tag jdk8-b42 for changeset 8fc801f2ef62
2012-06-07, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-06-13, by katleman
7176691: prtconf: devinfo facility not available in corba building
2012-06-13, by ohair
7170079: Adjustments to build-infra makefiles
2012-06-07, by erikj
Added tag jdk8-b42 for changeset 79b9edd5f45f
2012-06-07, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-06-13, by katleman
7175966: Fix windows build issues for build-infra project
2012-06-11, by erikj
7170079: Adjustments to build-infra makefiles
2012-06-07, by erikj
2012-06-07, by ohair
2012-06-08, by lana
7161881: (dc) DatagramChannel.bind(null) fails if IPv4 socket and running with preferIPv6Addresses=true
2012-06-08, by robm
2012-06-08, by sla
7165257: Add JFR tests to the JDK code base
2012-06-07, by sla
2012-06-08, by lancea
7172551: Remove Native calls from DriverManager for jigsaw
2012-06-07, by lancea
7175413: Typo in comments of JVM_SupportsCX8 in jvm.h
2012-06-08, by chegar
7174736: JCK test api/java_util/HashMap/index_EntrySet failing
2012-06-07, by mduigou
7174723: TEST_BUG: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ failing [win]
2012-06-07, by alanb
7175041: HttpTimestamper should accept https URI
2012-06-07, by weijun
7163471: Licensee source bundle failed around 7u4
2012-06-05, by nloodin
7164256: EnumMap clone doesn't clear the entrySet keeping a reference to the original Map
2012-06-07, by alanb
7175011: ProblemList.txt updates (6/2012)
2012-06-07, by alanb
2012-06-06, by dcubed
7174861: all/OPT jdk build on Solaris with FDS enabled sets wrong options
2012-06-06, by jonas
7172149: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Signature.verify
2012-06-06, by xuelei
7174244: NPE in Krb5ProxyImpl.getServerKeys()
2012-06-06, by xuelei
7173645: (props) System.getProperty("") should return "Windows Server 2012" for Windows Server 2012
2012-06-06, by khazra
7172826: (se) Selector based on the Solaris event port mechanism
2012-06-06, by alanb
7174351: test/sun/security/tools/keytool/ failed after new Hashtable
2012-06-06, by weijun
2012-06-05, by lana
6183404: Many eudc characters are incorrectly mapped in MS936 and GBK converter
2012-06-05, by sherman
7173515: (se) fails with OOME on Solaris when unlimited file descriptors
2012-06-05, by alanb
7172701: KDC tests cleanup
2012-06-05, by weijun
7173044: MemoryMonitor hangs if getMax method in MemoryUsage object returns -1
2012-06-05, by zhouyx
7173036: test/com/sun/jdi/ does not run as expected
2012-06-04, by weijun
7166055: Javadoc for WeakHashMap contains misleading advice
2012-06-04, by littlee
7173432: Handle null key at HashMap resize
2012-06-01, by mduigou
2012-05-31, by mullan
2012-05-31, by mullan
6854712: Revocation checking enhancements (JEP-124)
2012-05-30, by mullan
7126277: Alternative String hashing implementation
2012-05-30, by mduigou
6924259: Remove offset and count fields from java.lang.String
2012-05-17, by mduigou
7168401: pack200 does not produce a compatible pack file for JDK7 classes if indy is not present
2012-05-29, by ksrini
7171591: getDefaultScopeID() in src/solaris/native/java/net/net_util_md.c should return a value
2012-05-29, by khazra
7172177: test/java/util/TimeZone/ failing on all platforms
2012-05-29, by littlee
2012-05-25, by lana
7170449: Management is completely broken at least on Solaris 11 X86
2012-05-25, by dcubed
7171474: Incorrect @see tags in java.lang.NumberFormatException javadoc
2012-05-24, by jgish
7017818: NLS: cannot be handled by translation team
2012-05-25, by egahlin
7171028: dots are missed in the datetime for Slovanian
2012-05-25, by youdwei
7094176: (tz) Incorrect TimeZone display name when DST not applicable / disabled
2012-05-25, by youdwei
7117230: clean up warnings in java.text
2012-05-24, by dbhole
2012-05-24, by nloodin
7143353: -Xrunhprof fails in Java 7 due to bad switch
2012-05-24, by nloodin
7160725: Strange or obsolete @see tags in some exception java.lang javadoc
2012-05-24, by jgish
7169050: (se) slow on Solaris due to insertion of POLLREMOVE and 0 events
2012-05-24, by alanb
7170169: (props) System.getProperty("") should return "Windows 8" when run on Windows 8
2012-05-23, by khazra
7162687: enhance KDC server availability detection
2012-05-23, by weijun
2012-06-08, by lana
7175566: [macosx] Glich in fix for CR7124247 caused MacOS crash during PIT testing
2012-06-08, by kizune
7092551: Double-click in TextField sets caret to the beginning
2012-06-08, by alexsch
7156657: Version 7 doesn't support translucent popup menus against a translucent window
2012-06-07, by rupashka
2012-06-07, by kizune
7124247: [macosx] Implement GraphicsDevice.setDisplayMode()
2012-06-07, by kizune
7152952: [macosx] List rows overlap with enlarged font
2012-06-07, by alexsch
7174233: Openjdk is missing some key maps on the Japanese keyboards
2012-06-07, by littlee
7169285: [macosx] Test api/javax_swing/JPopupMenu/descriptions.html#setgetXXX doesn't take Mac main menu
2012-06-06, by alexsch
2012-06-05, by lana
7123957: Switch of Gnome theme ends up deadlocked in GTKEngine.native_switch_theme
2012-06-05, by dcherepanov
7172722: Latest jdk7u from OSX broke universal build
2012-06-05, by anthony
7043963: AWT workaround missing for Mutter.
2012-06-04, by omajid
7161766: [macosx] javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6694823/ failed on Mac OS X
2012-06-04, by alexsch
7112115: Component.getLocationOnScreen() work incorrectly if create window in point (0, 0) on oel
2012-06-01, by denis
7150089: [macosx] Default for a custom cursor created from non-existent image is not transparent
2012-05-31, by leonidr
7171806: Missing test for bug ID 6800513 fix
2012-05-30, by neugens
7141296: [macosx] Mouse Wheel Turn closes combobox popup
2012-05-30, by alexsch
7146131: [macosx] When click the show optionpane button,it display partly of dialog and hung until timeout
2012-05-30, by alexsch
7170655: Frame size does not follow font size change with XToolkit
2012-05-30, by luchsh
2012-05-25, by lana
7171776: one more setGlobalCurrentFocusCycleRoot call requires doPrivileged
2012-05-25, by ant
6800513: GTK-LaF renders menus incompletely
2012-05-25, by neugens
7144064: [macosx] "Could not find class" error in JTree's ctor when called in headless mode
2012-05-24, by kizune
7170996: IME composition window does not disappear when file dialog is closed : Japanese WinXP
2012-05-23, by zhouyx
7160293: [macosx] FileDialog appears on secondary display
2012-05-22, by dcherepanov
2012-06-08, by lana
2012-06-07, by ohair
7170969: Add @GenerateNativeHeader to classes whose fields need to be exported for JNI
2012-06-07, by erikj
2012-06-05, by lana
7120895: FontConfiguration should not use thread contextClassLoader
2012-05-31, by bae
7171223: Building ExtensionSubtables.cpp should use -fno-strict-aliasing
2012-05-30, by andrew
2012-05-25, by lana
7146550: [macosx] DnD test failure in createCompatibleWritableRaster()
2012-05-25, by bae
Added tag jdk8-b42 for changeset 14313c0fbca4
2012-06-07, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b42 for changeset f095886560ac
2012-06-07, by cl
2012-06-13, by katleman
2012-06-08, by ohair
7170091: Fix missing wait between repo cloning in
2012-06-08, by ohair
7170079: Adjustments to build-infra makefiles
2012-06-07, by erikj
2012-06-08, by lana
7165257: Add JFR tests to the JDK code base
2012-06-07, by sla
Added tag jdk8-b42 for changeset b8b7f69608fb
2012-06-07, by cl
Added tag jdk8-b42 for changeset 5c5a64ec0839
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b41 for changeset b7d886b99bba
2012-06-01, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b41 for changeset 39a51a9b90e1
2012-06-01, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b41 for changeset 1ef14f73e385
2012-06-01, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b41 for changeset 039a50f38068
2012-06-01, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b41 for changeset e29decc8b008
2012-06-01, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs24-b13 for changeset 4f7547c15006
2012-06-01, by amurillo
2012-06-01, by amurillo
2012-06-01, by jcoomes
7172279: G1: Clean up TraceGen0Time and TraceGen1Time data gathering
2012-05-31, by brutisso
7158682: G1: Handle leak when running nsk.sysdict tests
2012-05-30, by johnc
7171936: LOG_G incorrectly defined in globalDefinitions.hpp
2012-05-25, by brutisso
7143858: G1: Back to back young GCs with the second GC having a minimally sized eden
2012-05-29, by johnc
7168848: Add test to check that humongous object allocation path also checks the heap occupancy.
2012-05-21, by mnunez
7169062: CMS: Assertion failed with -XX:+ObjectAlignmentInBytes=64
2012-05-17, by brutisso
2012-05-30, by dholmes
2012-05-26, by jprovino
7170197: Update JPRT default build targets to support embedded builds
2012-05-23, by dholmes
7168280: Eliminate the generic signature index slot from field array for field without generic signature.
2012-05-21, by jiangli
2012-05-29, by zgu
2012-05-26, by zgu
2012-05-24, by zgu
2012-05-24, by dcubed
7165598: enable FDS on Solaris X64 when 7165593 is fixed
2012-05-24, by dcubed
7171422: Change 7161732 breaks SA on Windows
2012-05-24, by rbackman
7161732: Improve handling of thread_id in OSThread
2012-05-22, by rbackman
7171853: new hotspot build - hs24-b13
2012-05-25, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b41 for changeset 609e4849830f
2012-06-01, by cl
Added tag jdk8-b41 for changeset beca65859e06
2012-06-01, by cl
Added tag jdk8-b41 for changeset c029c972396c
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b40 for changeset 305a3d828f11
2012-05-24, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b40 for changeset 907be86f2bd8
2012-05-24, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b40 for changeset aaf5a4412dd3
2012-05-24, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b40 for changeset 966bd1f6ee4c
2012-05-24, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-05-30, by katleman
7171653: 32-bit cross-compile on 64-bit build host generates 64-bit data for awt/X11 leading to crash
2012-05-30, by dholmes
7172014: Remove empty and unused javah include files
2012-05-25, by ihse
Added tag jdk8-b40 for changeset 95f428cdf9d2
2012-05-24, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs24-b12 for changeset 686dd42705db
2012-05-25, by amurillo
2012-05-25, by amurillo
2012-05-24, by kvn
7169934: pow(x,y) or x64 computes incorrect result when x<0 and y is an odd integer
2012-05-21, by roland
7170053: crash in C2 when using -XX:+CountCompiledCalls
2012-05-18, by twisti
7167254: Crash on OSX in Enumerator.nextElement() with compressed oops
2012-05-18, by roland
7133857: exp() and pow() should use the x87 ISA on x86
2012-05-15, by roland
2012-05-22, by zgu
7170010: conditional "ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES ?= 0" setting is not reliable on Windows
2012-05-18, by dcubed
7169409: enabling ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES causes unexpected test failures on Windows X86
2012-05-16, by dcubed
7165755: OS Information much longer on linux than other platforms
2012-05-10, by nloodin
7169102: 7165060 merge lost changes to make/windows/makefiles/defs.make
2012-05-15, by dcubed
2012-05-15, by dcubed
7165060: dtrace tests fail with FDS debug info files
2012-05-15, by dcubed
2012-05-12, by zgu
2012-05-10, by zgu
7157734: hotspot test scripts not testing 64-bit JVM under JPRT/JTREG.
2012-05-11, by kevinw
7163117: Agent can't connect to process on Mac OSX
2012-05-09, by nloodin
2012-05-09, by dholmes
7167406: (Zero) Fix for InvokeDynamic needed
2012-05-09, by dholmes
7162726: Wrong filter predicate of visible locals in SA JSJavaFrame
2012-05-08, by sla
7170006: new hotspot build - hs24-b12
2012-05-18, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b40 for changeset 287fd8991324
2012-05-24, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b40 for changeset 7693b47ff4f5
2012-05-24, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b40 for changeset 6e4e654931b9
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-05-21, by lana
2012-05-11, by lana
7166990: java/compiler Inherited interfaces using generics sometimes looses the generic type
2012-05-11, by sundar
7159445: (javac) emits inaccurate diagnostics for enhanced for-loops
2012-05-10, by ksrini
7166010: (javac) JavacMessager incorrectly restores log source file
2012-05-04, by ksrini
Added tag jdk8-b39 for changeset 679d89b6a21a
2012-05-17, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b39 for changeset b5e60661b9a2
2012-05-17, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b39 for changeset a70d185bcc77
2012-05-17, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b39 for changeset 999611eec364
2012-05-17, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2012-05-21, by lana
7167157: jcmd command file parsing does not respect the "stop" command
2012-05-21, by sla
7170087: tools/launcher/ test has wrong bugID for 7151434
2012-05-21, by ksrini
7170203: TEST_BUG: test/java/nio/MappedByteBuffer/ failing intermittently
2012-05-21, by alanb
7170308: timing error in the krb5 test
2012-05-21, by weijun
7169496: Problem with the SHA-224 support for SunMSCAPI provider
2012-05-18, by valeriep
7145960: sun/security/mscapi/ failing on windows
2012-05-17, by xuelei
7168110: Misleading jstack error message
2012-05-17, by robm
7168520: No jdk8 TL Nightly linux builds due to broken link in b39-2012-05-13_231
2012-05-17, by dcubed
7168505: (bf) MappedByteBuffer.load does not load buffer's content into memory
2012-05-16, by alanb
7164636: (prefs) Cleanup src/macosx/classes/java/util/prefs
2012-05-15, by khazra
7164191: properties.putAll API may fail with ConcurrentModifcationException on multi-thread scenario
2012-05-15, by dsamersoff
7167988: PKIX CertPathBuilder in reverse mode doesn't work if more than one trust anchor is specified
2012-05-14, by xuelei
7144861: speed up RMI activation tests
2012-05-11, by olagneau
2012-05-11, by lana
7071826: Avoid benign race condition in initialization of UUID
2012-05-11, by mduigou
7167359: (tz) SEGV on solaris if TZ variable not set
2012-05-11, by coffeys
7163874: InetAddress.isReachable should support pinging
2012-05-11, by youdwei
2012-05-10, by valeriep
2012-05-08, by valeriep
4963723: Implement SHA-224
2012-05-08, by valeriep
7163470: Build fails if javax.crypto src files not present
2012-05-10, by coffeys
7096436: (sc) SocketChannel.connect fails on Windows 8 when channel configured non-blocking
2012-05-09, by khazra
7167362: SecureRandom.init should be converted, amendment to 7084245
2012-05-09, by wetmore
7165118: (prefs) AbstractPreferences.remove(null) does not throw NPE
2012-05-09, by khazra
7166955: (pack200) JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs needs additional checking
2012-05-09, by ksrini
7165722: Invalid path in MemoryMonitor demo's README.txt
2012-05-09, by luchsh
7166570: JSSE certificate validation has started to fail for certificate chains
2012-05-08, by xuelei
7167092: Need to put the return clause in the synchronized block
2012-05-08, by xuelei
7157656: (zipfs) SeekableByteChannel to entry in zip file always reports its position as 0
2012-05-08, by sherman
7014640: To add a metachar \R for line ending and character classes for vertical/horizontal ws \v \V \h \H
2012-05-08, by sherman
7103570: AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater does not work when SecurityManager is installed
2012-05-08, by dholmes
7166687: InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() returns FQDN
2012-05-07, by robm
7166048: Remove the embeded epoll data structure.
2012-05-07, by zhouyx
7153184: NullPointerException when calling SSLEngineImpl.getSupportedCipherSuites
2012-05-04, by xuelei
7166598: FilteredRowSetImpl can result in Invalid Cursor Position
2012-05-04, by lancea
7160714: Strange or obsolete @see tags in some exception java.util javadoc
2012-05-02, by jgish
7165102: Only run assertion on Integer autoboxing cache size once
2012-05-02, by forax
2012-05-21, by lana
7170427: setGlobalCurrentFocusCycleRoot unexpectedly throws SecurityException
2012-05-22, by ant
7168144: No appropriate CCC request for changes introduced by 7154030
2012-05-21, by rupashka
7156191: [macosx] Can't type into applet demos in Pivot
2012-05-18, by dcherepanov
7145827: [macosx] JCK failure in b11: FocusableWindow3
2012-05-17, by ant
7145768: [macosx] Regression: failure in b11 of ModalDialogInFocusEventTest
2012-05-17, by ant
7125044: [macosx] Test failure because Component.transferFocus() works differently in applet and application.
2012-05-17, by ant
7154072: [macosx] swallowing key events
2012-05-17, by ant
7142565: [macosx] Many special keys processed twice in text fields
2012-05-17, by ant
7166322: closed/javax/swing/text/html/HTMLEditorKit/4242228/ failed since 1.8.0b36
2012-05-17, by rupashka
7148281: [macosx] JTabbedPane tabs with HTML text do not render correctly
2012-05-17, by alexsch
7158928: [macosx] NLS: Please change the mnemonic assignment system
2012-05-16, by alexsch
7169226: NLS: Please change the mnemonic assignment system for windows and motif properties
2012-05-16, by alexsch
7168851: [macosx] Netbeans crashes in CImage.nativeCreateNSImageFromArray
2012-05-16, by anthony
7124337: [macosx] FileDialog fails to select multiple files
2012-05-16, by dcherepanov
7168550: [macosx] duplicate OGL context state changes related to vertex cache
2012-05-15, by dcherepanov
7110683: Issues with some KeyboardFocusManager method
2012-05-12, by ant
7149005: [macosx] Java Control Panel's UI controls are distorted when draging scroll bar.
2012-05-12, by alexp
7024965: Stylepad demo: remove non-translatable resources from file
2012-05-12, by alexsch
7149062: [macosx] dock menu don't show available frames
2012-05-11, by anthony
7166437: [macosx] Support for Window.Type.UTILITY on the Mac
2012-05-11, by anthony
2012-05-10, by lana
7080109: lacks doPrivileged() to access system event queue
2012-05-10, by serb
7147055: [macosx] Cursors are changing over a blocked window; also blinking
2012-05-04, by serb
7146237: closed/java/awt/Focus/SetFocusTraversalKeysTest/SetFocusTraversalTest.html failed since 1.8.0b19
2012-05-04, by bagiras