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8024492: [TESTBUG] Test library class needs to include methods for missing OS's and architectures
2013-09-25, by ctornqvi
8024677: [TESTBUG] Move tests for classes in /testlibrary
2013-09-25, by ctornqvi
8023956: Provide a work-around to broken Linux 32 bit "Exec Shield" using CS for NX emulation (crashing with SI_KERNEL)
2013-09-25, by dsimms
8025536: new hotspot build - hs25-b53
2013-09-26, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b110 for changeset 5feed41054de
2013-10-02, by katleman
2013-10-08, by katleman
8005924: Make it possible to set both --with-user-release-suffix and --with-build-number
2013-10-07, by erikj
8025920: webrev.ksh does not provide any details about changes in zip files
2013-10-07, by thurka
8008944: Correct typos
2013-10-03, by ihse
Added tag jdk8-b110 for changeset 6766207925ff
2013-10-02, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b110 for changeset b5d2bf482a3e
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-09-26, by lana
8011738: Write test to check for bootstrap attributes for lambda expressions in class file
2013-09-26, by sogoel
8025139: javac patch for using bootstrap compiler for debugging is not working properly
2013-09-26, by vromero
8025491: Javac regression test tools/javac/T8003967/ failing
2013-09-26, by jlahoda
8004825: javadoc crash DocletAbortException
2013-09-25, by bpatel
8025412: Add legal header and comments to test/tools/doclint/tidy/util/
2013-09-25, by jjg
2013-09-25, by mfang
2013-09-25, by mfang
2013-09-24, by mfang
8025215: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 4
2013-09-24, by mfang
8025407: TypeAnnotations does not use Context
2013-09-25, by jjg
8016328: Regression : Javadoc i18n regression caused by fix for 8012375
2013-09-24, by bpatel
8002154: [doclint] doclint should check for issues which are errors in javadoc
2013-09-24, by jjg
8025272: doclint needs to check for valid usage of @value tag
2013-09-24, by jjg
8025246: [doclint] doclint is showing error on anchor already defined when it's not
2013-09-24, by jjg
8025050: Doclint doesn't recognize <dfn> tag
2013-09-24, by jjg
6499673: Assertion check for TypeVariable.getUpperBound() fails.
2013-09-23, by emc
4881267: improve diagnostic for "instanceof T" for type parameter T
2013-09-23, by kizune
7154966: CRs found to be in Fixed state with no test and no noreg- keyword.
2013-09-23, by kizune
6386236: Please rename
2013-09-23, by alundblad
8024988: javac, LVT test harness should generate tests .class files in the scratch folder
2013-09-23, by alundblad
2013-09-22, by lana
2013-09-20, by lana
8024696: Missing null check in bound method reference capture
2013-09-22, by vromero
8023835: TreeMaker.QualIdent() too leafy
2013-09-20, by jlahoda
8025110: TreeCopier does not correctly copy LabeledStatementTree
2013-09-19, by jjg
8024437: Inferring the exception thrown: sometimes fails to compile
2013-09-19, by vromero
8024609: sjavac assertion fails during call to BuildState.collectArtifacts
2013-09-19, by ohrstrom
8022567: Javac Should Generate Warnings For Raw Array Type
2013-09-19, by jlahoda
8017248: Compiler Diacritics Issue
2013-09-19, by kizune
8024096: some javadoc tests may contain false positive results
2013-09-18, by bpatel
8015249: javadoc fails to document static final fields in annotation types
2013-09-18, by bpatel
8024127: javac, Code_attribute.exception_table_langth should be Code_attribute.exception_table_length
2013-09-18, by alundblad
8024538: -Xdoclint + -Xprefer:source + incremental compilation == FAIL
2013-09-17, by jjg
Added tag jdk8-b109 for changeset 70dd6db0a869
2013-09-26, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b109 for changeset 839c7fc1db4c
2013-09-26, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b109 for changeset 927782ec0a1e
2013-09-26, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-09-26, by lana
2013-09-26, by sundar
8025486: RegExp constructor arguments are not evaluated in right order
2013-09-26, by hannesw
8025197: String replace method fails with regexp /$/gi
2013-09-26, by hannesw
8025434: RegExp lastIndex can exceed int range
2013-09-25, by hannesw
8025325: parseFloat does not handle '.' in exponent part
2013-09-25, by sundar
8025312: parseInt should convert 'radix' argument to ToInt32 even if empty string is parsed
2013-09-24, by sundar
2013-09-23, by sundar
8025163: Date methods should not return -0
2013-09-21, by hannesw
8025149: JSON.stringify does not handle 'space' argument as per the spec.
2013-09-20, by sundar
8025147: Trailing comma is not allowed in JSONArray and JSONObject
2013-09-20, by sundar
2013-09-20, by lana
8022587: ClassCache is not optimal and leaks Source instances
2013-09-20, by hannesw
8025111: undefined or null 'with' expression in empty with block should throw TypeError
2013-09-20, by sundar
8025090: 'while' statement with 'test' using var before being declared in body results in VerifyError
2013-09-19, by sundar
8025080: Object literal getter, setter function with number format property name results in ClassFormatError
2013-09-19, by sundar
8023154: compileAllTests fails with: 2 tests failed to compile
2013-09-19, by hannesw
8025048: true as case label results in ClassCastException
2013-09-19, by sundar
8024973: Using a different ScriptContext with a CompiledScript results in ScriptException
2013-09-18, by sundar
8024972: for (LeftHandSideExpression in Expression) crashes the compiler
2013-09-18, by sundar
Added tag jdk8-b109 for changeset a9c63e60bf10
2013-09-26, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b109 for changeset 663d34cd5856
2013-09-26, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-10-02, by erikj
8019219: Fix typo in jdk/makefiles "default" targets
2013-10-01, by ihse
2013-10-01, by katleman
8020552: [launcher] changes to support removal of Solaris 32-bit distribution
2013-09-27, by ksrini
2013-09-26, by lana
8025173: HashMap.put() replacing an existing key can trigger a resize()
2013-09-26, by bchristi
2013-09-25, by mfang
2013-09-24, by mfang
8025215: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 4
2013-09-24, by mfang
8025140: TEST_BUG: java/util/logging/Logger/getGlobal tests fail due to timeout
2013-09-25, by dfuchs
8014659: NPG: performance counters for compressed klass space
2013-08-29, by stefank
2013-09-22, by lana
2013-09-20, by lana
8023130: (process) ProcessBuilder#inheritIO does not work on Windows
2013-09-23, by alanb
8024341: j.u.regex.Pattern.splitAsStream() doesn't correspond to split() method if using an example from the spec
2013-09-20, by psandoz
8024331: j.u.Map.computeIfPresent() default/nondefault implementations don't throw NPE if the remappingFunction is null and the key is absent
2013-09-20, by bpb
8024253: ThreadLocal random can use SecureRandom for the initial seed
2013-09-20, by psandoz
7200277: [parfait] potential buffer overflow in npt/utf.c
2013-09-20, by sla
8025076: Fix for JDK-8017248 breaks jprt submission for non-unicode locales
2013-09-20, by kizune