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8015657: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 3
2013-06-18, by mfang
2013-06-18, by chegar
2013-06-18, by chegar
2013-06-17, by chegar
2013-06-11, by chegar
2013-06-10, by chegar
8015997: Additional improvement in Javadoc framing
2013-06-07, by bpatel
2013-05-31, by chegar
2013-05-23, by chegar
2013-05-16, by chegar
2013-05-08, by chegar
2013-05-08, by chegar
8012375: Improve Javadoc framing
2013-05-03, by bpatel
2013-04-28, by chegar
2013-04-24, by chegar
8016267: javac, TypeTag refactoring has provoked performance issues
2013-06-18, by vromero
8016607: javac, avoid analyzing lambdas for source 7 compilation
2013-06-18, by vromero
8013789: Compiler should emit bridges in interfaces
2013-06-17, by rfield
8016779: Fix doclint warnings in javax.lang.model
2013-06-17, by darcy
2013-06-16, by lana
8008023: Get rid of utf8 chars in two tests
2013-06-14, by vromero
8016569: javac, add new flag for polymorphic method signatures
2013-06-14, by vromero
8007907: javap, method returns 0 even in case of class not found error
2013-06-11, by vromero
8008547: javac, warning message: use of ''_'' as an identifier might not be supported in future releases, should be more especific
2013-06-11, by vromero
8013576: Add stat support to LambdaToMethod
2013-06-10, by mcimadamore
7113519: test/tools/javac/ passes on windows
2013-06-10, by vromero
8016193: Fix OAC issue in langtools docs
2013-06-07, by jjg
2013-06-06, by mcimadamore
8015648: Duplicate variable in lambda causes javac crash
2013-06-06, by mcimadamore
8015432: javac crashes with stack overflow when method called recursively from nested generic call
2013-06-06, by mcimadamore
8008627: Compiler mishandles three-way return-type-substitutability
2013-06-06, by mcimadamore
7139681: Enhanced for loop: local variable scope inconsistent with JLS
2013-06-06, by mcimadamore
6360970: javac erroneously accept ambiguous field reference
2013-06-06, by mcimadamore
8015701: MethodParameters are not filled in for synthetic captured local variables
2013-06-06, by emc
Added tag jdk8-b95 for changeset 41b9fc8961f6
2013-06-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-24, by lana
2013-06-16, by lana
8013021: Rebase 8005432 & 8003542 against the latest jdk8/jaxws
2013-06-12, by mkos
Added tag jdk8-b95 for changeset fb4997d1f3bf
2013-06-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-24, by lana
8016824: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 3 - jaxp
2013-06-18, by mfang
2013-06-18, by chegar
2013-06-17, by chegar
2013-06-10, by chegar
2013-05-31, by chegar
2013-05-23, by chegar
2013-05-16, by chegar
2013-05-08, by chegar
2013-04-28, by chegar
2013-04-24, by chegar
8016133: Regression: diff. behavior with user-defined SAXParser
2013-06-17, by joehw
2013-06-16, by lana
8016701: JAXP Build failure
2013-06-15, by robm
8015978: Incorrect transformation of XPath expression "string(-0)"
2013-06-14, by coffeys
8016153: Property http://javax.xml.XMLConstants/property/accessExternalDTD is not recognized.
2013-06-10, by joehw
8015016: Improve JAXP 1.5 error message
2013-06-06, by joehw
8013434: Xalan and Xerces internal ObjectFactory need rework
2013-06-06, by dfuchs
8009579: Xpathexception does not honor initcause()
2013-06-06, by dmeetry
Added tag jdk8-b95 for changeset 1db35290f46d
2013-06-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-24, by lana
2013-06-18, by chegar
2013-06-17, by chegar
2013-06-10, by chegar
2013-05-31, by chegar
2013-05-23, by chegar
2013-05-16, by chegar
2013-05-08, by chegar
2013-04-28, by chegar
2013-04-24, by chegar
2013-06-18, by sundar
8008915: URLReader constructor should allow specifying encoding
2013-06-18, by sundar
2013-06-18, by sundar
8016550: has the wrong default
2013-06-17, by sundar
8016618: script mirror object access should be improved
2013-06-14, by sundar
8016235: Use in catch block that may not have been executed in try block caused illegal byte code to be generated
2013-06-14, by lagergren
8016542: String.prototype.replace called with function argument should not replace $ patterns
2013-06-13, by hannesw
8016528: Hex code from escape() should be padded
2013-06-13, by hannesw
8016522: Numeric literal must not be followed by IdentifierStart
2013-06-13, by hannesw
8016518: Parsing of octal string escapes is broken
2013-06-13, by hannesw
8015355: Array.prototype functions don't honour non-writable length and / or index properties
2013-06-13, by sundar
8011893: JS Object builtin prototype is not thread safe
2013-06-12, by hannesw
8016453: loadWithNewGlobal does not allow apply operation
2013-06-12, by jlaskey
8015379: PropertyMap.addProperty() is slow
2013-06-11, by hannesw
2013-06-16, by lana
2013-06-11, by sundar
8015357: a = []; a[0x7fffffff]=1; a.sort()[0] should evaluate to 1 instead of undefined
2013-06-11, by sundar
8016239: loadWithNewGlobal should support user supplied arguments from the caller
2013-06-10, by sundar
8016226: backing out test without third party license approval
2013-06-10, by lagergren
8015892: canBeUndefined too conservative for some use before declaration cases
2013-06-10, by lagergren
8012291: NativeArray is inconsistent in using long for length and index in some places and int for the same in other places
2013-06-07, by hannesw
8015346: JSON parsing issues with escaped strings, octal, decimal numbers
2013-06-06, by sundar
Added tag jdk8-b95 for changeset aee867cdeb80
2013-06-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-24, by lana
8015657: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 3
2013-06-18, by mfang
2013-06-17, by chegar
2013-05-31, by chegar
2013-05-23, by chegar
2013-05-16, by chegar
2013-05-08, by chegar
8000642: Better handling of objects for transportation
2013-04-30, by coffeys
2013-04-28, by chegar
2013-04-24, by chegar
8001032: Restrict object access
2013-04-08, by coffeys
2013-06-16, by lana
8016218: Warnings building corba repo due to missing hashCode methods
2013-06-10, by alanb
Added tag jdk8-b95 for changeset 0664c494ac98
2013-06-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
8016684: JDK8 b94 source with GPL header errors
2013-06-26, by katleman
2013-06-25, by katleman
8017480: Move copying of jfr files to closed makefile
2013-06-25, by erikj
2013-06-24, by lana
2013-06-19, by lana
7025238: HttpURLConnection does not handle URLs with an empty path component.
2013-06-19, by arieber
8016698: Cleanup overrides warning in sun/tools/
2013-06-19, by khazra
8016576: Overrides warnings in jdi and jconsole
2013-06-19, by khazra
8016592: Clean-up Javac Overrides Warnings In javax/management/
2013-06-19, by dxu
2013-06-19, by chegar
8017057: More ProblemList.txt updates (6/2013)
2013-06-19, by chegar
2013-06-19, by chegar
2013-06-19, by chegar
4837946: Faster multiplication and exponentiation of large integers
2013-06-19, by bpb
2013-06-19, by chegar
8017044: anti-delta fix for 8015402
2013-06-19, by chegar
7188658: Add possibility to disable client initiated renegotiation
2013-06-19, by xuelei
8015657: jdk8 l10n resource file translation update 3
2013-06-18, by mfang
8000456: Add programmatic deadlock detection in SSLEngineDeadlock
2013-06-18, by xuelei
8016446: Improve forEach/replaceAll for Map, HashMap, Hashtable, IdentityHashMap, WeakHashMap, TreeMap, ConcurrentMap
2013-06-18, by mduigou
2013-06-18, by mduigou
8015395: NumberFormatException during startup if JDK-internal property java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high set to bad value
2013-06-18, by bpb
2013-06-18, by chegar
2013-06-18, by chegar
2013-06-17, by chegar
2013-06-17, by chegar
8012156: tools/javac/file/zip/ fails for win32/64 in 7u25 nightly runs
2013-06-14, by chegar
8014737: java/lang/invoke/7196190/ fails after 8009424
2013-05-22, by chegar
8014718: Netbeans IDE begins to throw a lot exceptions since 7u25 b10
2013-05-20, by leonidr
8014205: Most of the Swing dialogs are blank on one win7 MUI
2013-05-17, by bae
8010727: WLS fails to add a logger with "" in its own LogManager subclass instance
2013-05-14, by mchung
8014427: REGRESSION: closed/javax/imageio/plugins/bmp/ fails since 7u25 b09
2013-05-14, by bae
8014281: Better checking of XML signature
2013-05-14, by xuelei
8010714: XML DSig API allows a RetrievalMethod to reference another RetrievalMethod
2013-05-13, by mullan
8013196: TimeZone.getDefault() throws NPE due to sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext()
2013-05-09, by coffeys
8009424: Restrict publicLookup with additional checks
2013-05-08, by twisti
8011139: (reflect) Revise checking in getEnclosingClass
2013-05-07, by jfranck
8012933: Test closed/java/awt/Dialog/DialogAnotherThread/ fails since jdk 7u25 b07
2013-05-06, by leonidr
8008744: Rework part of fix for JDK-6741606
2013-05-02, by mullan
8012243: about 30% regression on specjvm2008.serial on 7u25 comparing 7u21
2013-05-02, by dfuchs
8012330: [macosx] Sometimes the applet showing the modal dialog itself loses the ability to gain focus
2013-04-30, by alexsch
8012597: Better image channel verification
2013-04-30, by bae
8009217: REGRESSION: test com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/transforms/ fails to compile since 7u21b03
2013-04-29, by mullan
8012617: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with some fonts using LineBreakMeasurer
2013-04-26, by prr
8012601: Better validation of image layouts
2013-04-26, by bae
8012421: Better positioning of PairPositioning
2013-04-25, by prr
2013-06-10, by chegar
2013-05-31, by chegar
2013-05-23, by chegar
2013-05-16, by chegar
2013-05-08, by chegar
2013-05-01, by chegar
2013-04-28, by chegar
8012438: Better image validation
2013-04-24, by bae
2013-04-23, by chegar
8011557: Improve reflection utility classes
2013-04-17, by mchung
2013-04-22, by chegar
2013-04-19, by chegar
8003559: Update display of applet windows
2013-03-27, by leonidr
6741606: Integrate Apache Santuario
2013-04-22, by mullan
8011154: java/awt/Frame/ShapeNotSetSometimes/ failed since 7u25b03 on windows
2013-04-09, by anthony
8012917: ObjectStreamClass and ObjectStreamField should be CallerSensitive aware
2013-04-22, by chegar
8008132: Better serialization support
2013-04-22, by smarks
8012689: CallerSensitive annotation should not have CONSTRUCTOR Target
2013-04-22, by mchung
8012692: should be CallerSensitive aware
2013-04-22, by chegar
8007812: (reflect) Class.getEnclosingMethod problematic for some classes
2013-04-19, by jfranck
8006611: Improve scripting
2013-04-19, by sundar
8009071: Improve shape handling
2013-04-18, by anthony
8011695: [tck-red] Application can not be run, the Security Warning dialog is gray.
2013-04-16, by leonidr
8012112: java/awt/image/mlib/ fails on sparc solaris
2013-04-15, by bae
8011992: java/awt/image/mlib/ failed since jdk7u25b05
2013-04-12, by bae
8011243: Improve ImagingLib
2013-04-10, by bae
8011257: Better Byte Component Rasters
2013-04-08, by prr
8011253: Better Short Component Rasters
2013-04-08, by prr
8011248: Better Component Rasters
2013-04-08, by prr
8009235: Improve handling of TSA data
2013-04-08, by vinnie
8008593: Better URLClassLoader resource management
2013-04-08, by chegar
8001330: Improve on checking order
2013-04-05, by mullan
8008611: Better handling of annotations in JMX
2013-03-21, by egahlin
8007467: Better JMX type conversion
2013-04-02, by sjiang
8005007: Better glyph processing
2013-04-01, by prr
8008124: Better compliance testing
2013-03-31, by dsamersoff
8008120: Improve JMX class checking
2013-03-31, by dsamersoff
8007471: Improve MBean notifications
2013-03-31, by dsamersoff
8006328: Improve robustness of sound classes
2013-03-29, by serb
8001038: Resourcefully handle resources
2013-03-29, by jgodinez
8008982: Adjust JMX for underlying interface changes
2013-03-28, by jbachorik
8001318: Socket.getLocalAddress not consistent with InetAddress.getLocalHost
2013-03-28, by khazra
8009554: Improve SerialJavaObject.getFields
2013-03-28, by lancea
8007925: Improve cmsStageAllocLabV2ToV4curves
2013-03-27, by jgodinez
8009654: Improve stability of cmsnamed
2013-03-27, by jgodinez
8010209: Better provision of factories
2013-03-27, by jbachorik
8008128: Better API coherence for JMX
2013-03-27, by jfdenise
8008615: Improve robustness of JMX internal APIs
2013-03-26, by sjiang
8009004: Better implementation of RMI connections
2013-03-26, by jfdenise
8009067: Improve storing keys in KeyStore
2013-03-21, by vinnie
8008623: Better handling of MBeanServers
2013-03-21, by jbachorik
8004584: Augment applet contextualization
2013-03-21, by leonidr
8010213: Some api/javax_net/SocketFactory tests fail in 7u25 nightly build
2013-03-20, by khazra
8007929: Improve CurvesAlloc
2013-03-20, by jgodinez
8001309: Better handling of annotation interfaces
2013-03-19, by darcy
8009013: Better handling of T2K glyphs
2013-03-19, by jgodinez
8003703: Update RMI connection dialog box
2013-03-19, by sla
8001043: Clarify definition restrictions
2013-03-18, by dfuchs
8009996: tests javax/management/mxbean/ and javax/management/mxbean/ fail
2013-03-18, by jbachorik
8007927: Improve cmsAllocProfileSequenceDescription
2013-03-15, by jgodinez
8001033: Refactor network address handling in virtual machine identifiers
2013-03-13, by dmocek
7170730: Improve Windows network stack support.
2013-03-14, by khazra
8008607: Better input checking in JMX
2013-03-14, by jbachorik
8008585: Better JMX data handling
2013-03-14, by jbachorik
8009034: Improve resulting notifications in JMX
2013-03-12, by jbachorik
8009038: Improve JMX notification support
2013-03-12, by jbachorik
8008603: Improve provision of JMX providers
2013-03-07, by jbachorik
8000638: Improve deserialization
2013-03-04, by dmocek
8004288: (fs) Files.probeContentType problems
2013-02-27, by alanb
8001034: Memory management improvements
2013-02-27, by bae
8016046: (process) Strict validation of input should be security manager case only [win].
2013-06-18, by uta
8015402: Lambda metafactory should not attempt to determine bridge methods
2013-06-17, by rfield
8014620: Signature.getAlgorithm return null in special case
2013-06-17, by youdwei
7177472: JSR292: MethodType interning penalizes scalability
2013-06-17, by twisti
8016236: Class.getGenericInterfaces performance improvement
2013-06-17, by shade
8016747: Replace deprecated PlatformLogger isLoggable(int) with isLoggable(Level)
2013-06-17, by chegar
2013-06-16, by lana
8015978: Incorrect transformation of XPath expression "string(-0)"
2013-06-14, by coffeys
8014307: Memory leak ... security/jgss/wrapper/GSSLibStub.c
2013-06-14, by jzavgren
7169142: CookieHandler does not work with localhost
2013-06-13, by khazra
8015421: NegativeArraySizeException occurs in ChunkedOutputStream() with Integer.MAX_VALUE
2013-06-13, by khazra
7181748: java/lang/ThreadGroup/ test fails intermittently
2013-06-13, by igerasim
8016251: Balanced spliterator for SpinedBuffer
2013-06-13, by psandoz
7040556: SimpleDateFormat.format Portuguese Month should not be capitalized
2013-06-12, by yhuang
8015274: TEST_BUG: Step2: After selecting 'View Warning Log', it is empty instead of FileNotFound.
2013-06-13, by weijun
8014310: JAAS/Krb5LoginModule using des encytypes failure with NPE after JDK-8012679
2013-06-13, by weijun
8016448: java/util/BitSet/ no longer compiles, missed by 8015895
2013-06-12, by henryjen
8010325: Remove hash32() method and hash32 int field from java.lang.String
2013-06-12, by bchristi
8016369: java/lang/instrument/ failing again
2013-06-12, by alanb
8016370: javadoc warnings, unexpected </p> mostly
2013-06-12, by alanb
8016213: Convert j2se NetBeans project to use top-level make targets
2013-06-11, by mduigou
8015960: java/util/Locale/ failing again on Windows
2013-06-11, by naoto
2013-06-11, by alanb
8016311: Update j.u.c. tests to avoid using Thread.stop(Throwable)
2013-06-11, by alanb
7059085: Retire Thread.stop(Throwable) so that it throws UOE
2013-06-11, by alanb
8015895: Int/LongStream.range/rangeClosed
2013-06-11, by psandoz
8013827: File.createTempFile hangs with temp file starting with 'com1.4'
2013-06-10, by dxu
8016217: More javadoc warnings
2013-06-10, by alanb
8015792: Rename Spliterators.spliteratorFromIterator to Spliterators.iterator
2013-06-10, by psandoz
8015798: Rename IntStream.longs/doubles and LongStream.doubles to asXxxStream
2013-06-10, by psandoz
8015492: Remove DoubleStream.range methods
2013-06-10, by psandoz
8016209: TEST_BUG: non-compliant jmc in the bin directory hangs testing
2013-06-08, by ksrini
7124706: enable test when fix for 8013063 is promoted
2013-06-07, by coleenp
8015728: (zipfs) demo/zipfs/ failing
2013-06-07, by sherman
8016101: Fix typo in SerialRef and missing @param in SerialStruct
2013-06-07, by lancea
7051862: CookiePolicy spec conflicts with CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ORIGINAL_SERVER
2013-06-07, by khazra
7064270: java/text/Format/DateFormat/ fails on OEL5.6 hi_IN.UTF-8
2013-06-07, by okutsu
7177315: SimpleDateFormat parses wrong 2-digit year if input contains spaces
2013-06-07, by okutsu
8016117: New sun.misc.FDBigInteger class as part of 7032154
2013-06-06, by bpb
8016063: getFinalAttributes should use FindClose
2013-06-06, by robm
7032154: Performance tuning of sun.misc.FloatingDecimal/FormattedFloatingDecimal
2013-06-05, by bpb
2013-06-06, by mduigou
8015522: CharSequence.codePoints can be faster
2013-06-05, by henryjen
8009579: Xpathexception does not honor initcause()
2013-06-06, by dmeetry
8016019: Remove setProtectionDomain0 and JVM_SetProtectionDomain in JDK
2013-06-06, by emc
8000450: Restrict access to com/sun/corba/se/impl package
2013-06-06, by coffeys
8015470: Remove redundant calls of toString() on String objects
2013-06-06, by dholmes
2013-06-19, by lana
8005661: [parfait] Possible buffer overrun in jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/awt/awt_GraphicsEnv.c
2013-06-19, by pchelko
8013442: No file filter selected in file type combo box when using JFileChooser
2013-06-19, by malenkov
8013571: TreeModelEvent doesn't accept "null" for root as Javadoc specifies.
2013-06-17, by malenkov
2013-06-14, by lana
8014821: Regression: Focus issues with Oracle WebCenter Capture applet
2013-06-14, by ant
6847588: AWT test fails
2013-06-13, by alitvinov
8013468: [macosx] Cursor does not update properly when in fullscreen mode on Mac
2013-06-13, by pchelko
8015454: java/awt/Focus/TypeAhead/ hangs with jdk8 since b56
2013-06-12, by ant
8009984: [parfait] Buffer overrun at jdk/src/macosx/native/com/apple/laf/AquaFileView.m
2013-06-11, by alexsch
8015336: BasicComboBoxEditor throws NullPointerException
2013-06-11, by malenkov
7184908: TEST_BUG: [macosx] closed/com/sun/java/swing/plaf/gtk/4928019/ fails
2013-06-11, by kshefov
8012569: TEST_BUG: java/awt/GraphicsDevice/ fails
2013-06-11, by kshefov
7105030: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] The tests never finishes
2013-06-10, by kshefov
8015853: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when running SwingSet2 demo
2013-06-06, by dmarkov
7109977: [macosx] test fails on Mac trying to click in the reserved corner
2013-06-06, by kshefov
8015976: OpenJDK part of bug JDK-8015812 [TEST_BUG] Tests have conflicting test descriptions
2013-06-06, by kshefov
2013-06-19, by lana
8015334: Memory leak when kerning is used on Windows.
2013-06-17, by prr
2013-06-14, by lana
8016485: Windows native print dialog does not reflect default printer settings
2013-06-13, by prr
8013810: PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices() does not return consistent result
2013-06-07, by jgodinez
6830714: cmm test failures with OpenJDK
2013-06-07, by bae
8013430: REGRESSION: closed/java/awt/color/ICC_Profile/LoadProfileTest/ fails with invalid type code: EE since 8b87
2013-06-06, by bae
Added tag jdk8-b95 for changeset b537ef8da8d5
2013-06-20, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
8017323: JDK8 b95 source with GPL header errors
2013-06-26, by katleman
2013-06-25, by amurillo
Added tag hs25-b38 for changeset 5fa5cb572ab6
2013-06-21, by amurillo
2013-06-21, by amurillo
2013-06-20, by kvn
8001345: VM crashes with assert(n->outcnt() != 0 || C->top() == n || n->is_Proj()) failed: No dead instructions after post-alloc
2013-06-19, by adlertz
8002160: Compilation issue with adlc using latest SunStudio compilers
2013-06-17, by drchase
2013-06-14, by kvn
8016157: During CTW: C2: assert(!def_outside->member(r)) failed: Use of external LRG overlaps the same LRG defined in this block
2013-06-14, by adlertz
8010124: JVM_GetClassContext: use GrowableArray instead of KlassLink
2013-06-13, by drchase
2013-06-11, by kvn
8014959: assert(Compile::current()->live_nodes() < (uint)MaxNodeLimit) failed: Live Node limit exceeded limit
2013-06-11, by drchase
8003268: SharedRuntime::generate_native_wrapper doesn't save all registers across runtime tracing calls for JNI critical native methods
2013-06-11, by twisti
8008407: remove SPARC V8 support
2013-06-07, by morris
2013-06-07, by kvn
8015437: SPARC cbcond branch offset out of 10-bit range
2013-06-07, by morris
2013-06-20, by ehelin
8015903: Format issue with -XX:+PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy on JDK8
2013-06-19, by poonam
8016556: G1: Use ArrayAllocator for BitMaps
2013-06-18, by brutisso
8015237: Parallelize string table scanning during strong root processing
2013-06-18, by johnc
8012265: VM often crashes on solaris with a lot of memory
2013-06-14, by brutisso
2013-06-19, by nloodin
8015660: "Failed: init recursive calls: 24. After deopt 25"
2013-06-18, by minqi
2013-06-18, by zgu
8013651: NMT: reserve/release sequence id's in incorrect order due to race
2013-06-18, by zgu
8016304: ThreadMXBean.getDeadlockedThreads reports bogus deadlocks on JDK 8
2013-06-17, by sla
8013917: Kitchensink crashed with SIGSEGV in BaselineReporter::diff_callsites
2013-06-10, by zgu
8016105: Add complementary RETURN_NULL allocation macros in allocation.hpp
2013-06-15, by mgronlun
2013-06-14, by sspitsyn
6493116: JVMTI Doc: GetOwnedMonitorStackDepthInfo has a typo in monitor_info_ptr parameter description
2013-06-14, by sspitsyn
2013-06-14, by dcubed
2013-06-14, by dcubed
7178026: os::close can restart ::close but that is not a restartable syscall
2013-06-14, by rdurbin
2013-06-14, by zgu
2013-06-14, by zgu
8011968: Kitchensink crashed with SIGSEGV in MemBaseline::baseline
2013-06-14, by zgu
2013-06-14, by zgu
8014431: cleanup warnings indicated by the -Wunused-value compiler option on linux
2013-06-13, by ccheung
2013-06-14, by ctornqvi
8015324: Create tests for CDS feature
2013-06-13, by ctornqvi
8016065: Write regression test for 7167142
2013-06-13, by ctornqvi
8013057: assert(_needs_gc || SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()) failed: only read at safepoint
2013-06-13, by dcubed
8016567: new hotspot build - hs25-b38
2013-06-14, by amurillo
2013-06-24, by lana
2013-06-19, by chegar
2013-06-17, by chegar
2013-05-31, by chegar
2013-05-23, by chegar
2013-05-16, by chegar
2013-05-08, by chegar
2013-05-01, by chegar
2013-04-28, by chegar
2013-04-24, by chegar
8011896: Add check for invalid offset for new AccessControlContext isAuthorized field
2013-04-22, by mullan
8001330: Improve on checking order
2013-04-05, by mullan
7158805: Better rewriting of nested subroutine calls
2013-03-07, by hseigel
Added tag jdk8-b95 for changeset 2ee055cdda86
2013-06-20, by katleman
2013-06-25, by katleman
8012564: The SOURCE value in release file of JDK 8 doesn't contain valid changesets for some OS since b74
2013-06-25, by erikj
2013-06-24, by lana
2013-06-19, by lana
8016780: README-builds.html misses crucial requirement on bootstrap JDK
2013-06-18, by smarks
8016572: Pass CONCURRENCY=$(JOBS) to test/Makefile
2013-06-17, by mduigou
Added tag jdk8-b95 for changeset 0229eabb2693
2013-06-20, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b95 for changeset 49fe9c804913
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b94 for changeset f7887244ecd2
2013-06-13, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b94 for changeset 62123b1d4f2a
2013-06-13, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b94 for changeset a825382915a9
2013-06-13, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b94 for changeset ac5976df1b9c
2013-06-13, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b94 for changeset 1921ac5090fc
2013-06-13, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-18, by katleman
8014231: --with-alsa configuration options don't add include or lib directories to proper flags
2013-06-13, by erikj
2013-06-14, by amurillo
8005008: Add Java Flight Recorder Phase II
2013-06-10, by sla
Added tag jdk8-b94 for changeset 166c25c5681e
2013-06-13, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs25-b37 for changeset d8e8521557b2
2013-06-13, by amurillo
2013-06-13, by amurillo
8005849: JEP 167: Event-Based JVM Tracing
2013-06-10, by sla
8016078: new hotspot build - hs25-b37
2013-06-07, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b94 for changeset 847c7c6c4e4a
2013-06-13, by katleman
2013-06-18, by katleman
8015377: Support using compiler devkits on Linux
2013-06-18, by erikj
8014404: Debug flag not added to jdk native compile when --enable-debug is set
2013-06-18, by erikj
8016520: jdk native build does not fail on compilation error on windows
2013-06-14, by erikj
8014231: --with-alsa configuration options don't add include or lib directories to proper flags
2013-06-13, by erikj
Added tag jdk8-b94 for changeset 4ee958900191
2013-06-13, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b94 for changeset 0d804e3b955d
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-10, by lana
7186887: Test can fail on a slow machine
2013-06-05, by kizune
2013-06-04, by lana
8004643: Reduce javac space overhead introduced with compiler support for repeating annotations
2013-06-04, by jjg
7165659: javac incorrectly sets strictfp access flag on inner-classes
2013-06-04, by vromero
8015505: Spurious inference error when return type of generic method requires unchecked conversion to target
2013-06-04, by mcimadamore
8008160: Five lambda TargetType tests have @ignore
2013-06-04, by mcimadamore
7116676: RichDiagnosticFormatter throws NPE when formatMessage is called directly
2013-06-04, by mcimadamore
8007687: javadoc -X does not include -Xdoclint
2013-06-03, by jjg
8006615: [doclint] move remaining messages into resource bundle
2013-06-03, by jjg
2013-06-03, by lana
2013-06-03, by lana
8013405: DocLint should support <LI value="value">
2013-06-03, by jjg
6695379: Copy method annotations and parameter annotations to synthetic bridge methods
2013-06-01, by vromero
8010737: javac, known parameter's names should be copied to automatically generated constructors for inner classes
2013-06-01, by vromero
7179353: try-with-resources fails to compile with generic exception parameters
2013-05-31, by vromero
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset 1697301ac053
2013-06-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset a233c04832cf
2013-06-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-10, by lana
2013-06-04, by lana
8015630: Remove default restriction settings of jaxp 1.5 properties in JDK8
2013-06-04, by joehw
2013-06-03, by lana
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset 3ea33579af2b
2013-06-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-10, by lana
2013-06-05, by jlaskey
8015910: Nashorn JavaFX includes are out of sync with JavaFX repo
2013-06-05, by jlaskey
8015911: $EXEC does not handle large outputs
2013-06-05, by jlaskey
8015350: Array.prototype.reduceRight issue with large length and index
2013-06-05, by hannesw
8015961: Several small code-gardening fixes
2013-06-05, by attila
8015955: ObjectNode.elements should be stronger typed
2013-06-05, by attila
2013-06-05, by sundar
8015945: loadWithNewGlobal return value has to be properly wrapped
2013-06-05, by sundar
8015830: Javascript mapping of ScriptEngine bindings does not expose keys
2013-06-04, by sundar
8015855: test/script/basic/JDK-8012164.js fails on Windows
2013-06-04, by sundar
8015814: loadWithNewGlobal needs to wrap createGlobal in AccessController.doPrivileged
2013-06-03, by jlaskey
8015796: Race condition in RuntimeCallsites
2013-06-03, by jlaskey
8015741: Need a global.load function that starts with a new global scope.
2013-06-03, by jlaskey
8015345: Function("}),print('test'),({") should throw SyntaxError
2013-06-03, by sundar
8015727: Thread safe print function
2013-05-31, by jlaskey
8012164: Error.stack needs trimming
2013-05-31, by sundar
8015673: Type for :e symbol is wrong
2013-05-31, by attila
8015674: CodeGenerator.initSymbols mutates a list
2013-05-31, by attila
8015684: FieldObjectCreator.putField ignores getValueType
2013-05-31, by attila
8015693: reduce NodeLiteralNode to NullLiteralNode
2013-05-31, by attila
8015353: Date.parse illegal string parsing issues
2013-05-30, by sundar
8015636: Add more typed arrays code coverage tests.
2013-05-29, by jlaskey
2013-06-04, by lana
2013-06-03, by lana
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset 0fc814e0feae
2013-06-06, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset 3898a926fa12
2013-06-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-12, by erikj
8010785: JDK 8 build on Linux fails with new build mechanism
2013-06-11, by erikj
2013-06-10, by lana
2013-06-05, by lana
7150256: Add back Diagnostic Command JMX API
2013-06-05, by fparain
8015963: Add at since tags to new ConcurrentHashMap methods
2013-06-05, by chegar
8011719: Properties.loadFromXML fails with a chunked HTTP connection
2013-06-05, by chegar
8015604: JDP packets containing ideographic characters are broken
2013-06-05, by dsamersoff
8015880: GenerateBreakIteratorData build warning
2013-06-05, by alanb
8013649: HashMap spliterator tryAdvance() encounters remaining elements after forEachRemaining()
2013-05-31, by psandoz
8003895: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/ failing again [win64]
2013-06-05, by alanb
2013-06-04, by lana
8014097: add doPrivileged methods with limited privilege scope
2013-06-04, by jdn
8005704: Update ConcurrentHashMap to v8
2013-06-04, by dl
8013903: Japanese calendar field names are not displayed with -Djava.locale.providers=HOST on Windows
2013-06-04, by naoto
8014855: TEST_BUG: java/nio/file/Files/ fails when sym links not supported
2013-06-04, by alanb
8015872: ProblemList.txt updates (6/2013)
2013-06-04, by alanb
8014723: sun/misc/URLClassPath/ failing
2013-06-04, by michaelm
8015790: Remove duplicate spliterator tests
2013-06-04, by psandoz
8005698: Handle Frequent HashMap Collisions with Balanced Trees
2013-06-04, by bchristi
8015856: Remove java/lang/instrument/ from ProblemList.txt
2013-06-04, by sla
2013-06-03, by lana
8015813: add test/tools/pack200/ to ProblemsList
2013-06-03, by ksrini
8014966: Add the proper Javadoc to @Contended
2013-06-03, by shade
8014383: StringJoiner example in class description not in sync with streams API
2013-06-03, by psandoz
8014834: shell tests don't begin with #!/bin/sh
2013-06-03, by emc
6526682: JConsole shows negative CPU Usage
2013-06-03, by nloodin
8014731: class has default constructor generated
2013-06-03, by psandoz
8015008: Primitive iterator over empty sequence, null consumer: forEachRemaining methods do not throw NPE
2013-06-03, by psandoz
8007398: Peformance improvements to Integer and Long string formatting.
2013-02-12, by mduigou
2013-05-31, by mduigou
8015686: {Int|Long}SummaryStatistics toString() throws IllegalFormatConversionException
2013-05-31, by mduigou
7188517: Check on '$' character is missing in the HttpCookie class constructor
2013-05-31, by jzavgren
8008972: Memory leak: Java_java_net_TwoStacksPlainDatagramSocketImpl_receive0 [parfait]
2013-05-31, by jzavgren
8015628: Test Failure in closed/java/io/pathNames/
2013-05-31, by dxu
7006052: awt_InputMethod.c cleanup is needed
2013-05-31, by naoto
8014854: (bf) CharBuffer.chars too slow with default implementation
2013-05-31, by alanb
7107883: getNetworkPrefixLength() does not return correct prefix length
2013-05-31, by chegar
8014732: Minor spec issue: java.util.Spliterator.getExactSizeIfKnown
2013-05-31, by psandoz
6750584: Cipher.wrap/unwrap methods should define UnsupportedOperationException
2013-05-30, by ascarpino
8013069: javax.crypto tests fail with new PBE algorithm names
2013-05-29, by valeriep
7160837: DigestOutputStream does not turn off digest calculation when "close()" is called
2013-05-30, by ascarpino
8014618: Need to strip leading zeros in TlsPremasterSecret of DHKeyAgreement
2013-05-30, by xuelei
8015271: Conversion table for EUC-KR is incorrect
2013-05-30, by sherman
8014393: Minor typo in the spec for
2013-05-28, by psandoz
8014409: Spec typo: extra } in the spec for j.u.s.StreamBuilder
2013-05-30, by psandoz
8015627: test/com/sun/jmx/remote/NotificationMarshalVersions/ fails in agentvm mode
2013-05-30, by jbachorik
8015299: Memory leak in jdk/src/solaris/bin/java_md_solinux.c
2013-05-30, by jzavgren
4759491: method ZipEntry.setTime(long) works incorrectly
2013-05-29, by sherman
2013-06-05, by lana
2013-06-05, by lana
2013-06-05, by lana
8013370: Null pointer exception when adding more than 9 accelators to a JMenuBar
2013-06-05, by malenkov
8015339: Correct a wording in javadoc of java.awt.ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy
2013-06-05, by ant
8015425: [macosx] A follow-up for the fix 8010721
2013-06-05, by vkarnauk
8015375: Edits to text components hang for clipboard access
2013-06-05, by mcherkas
6337518: Null Arrow Button Throws Exception in BasicComboBoxUI
2013-06-03, by alitvinov
8015500: Prevent sending multiple WINDOW_CLOSED events for already disposed windows
2013-06-03, by anthony
7151823: The test incorrectly recognizing OS
2013-06-03, by alitvinov
8015477: Support single threaded AWT/FX mode.
2013-06-03, by pchelko
6436314: Vector could be created with appropriate size in DefaultComboBoxModel
2013-05-31, by vkarnauk
7068740: If you wrap a JTable in a JLayer you can't use the page up and page down cmds
2013-05-31, by vkarnauk
8013557: XMLEncoder in 1.7 can't encode objects initialized in no argument constructor
2013-05-31, by malenkov
8015589: Test java/awt/Window/Grab/ fails on MacOSX
2013-05-31, by ant
8013189: JMenuItems draw behind TextArea
2013-05-31, by anthony
8013773: requestFocusInWindow to a disabled component prevents window of getting focused
2013-05-30, by ant
8013424: Regression: java.awt.datatransfer.FlavorListeners not notified on Linux/Java 7
2013-05-30, by ant
8015303: [macosx] Application launched via custom URL Scheme does not receive URL
2013-05-30, by anthony
2013-06-05, by lana
8015556: [macosx] surrogate pairs do not render properly.
2013-05-31, by prr
8015606: Text is not rendered correctly if destination buffer is custom
2013-05-31, by bae
8011693: Remove redundant fontconfig files
2013-05-30, by andrew
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset 9bf66362d942
2013-06-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs25-b36 for changeset 0403dabe9186
2013-06-07, by amurillo
2013-06-07, by amurillo
2013-06-06, by kvn
8014246: remove assert to catch access to object headers in index_oop_from_field_offset_long
2013-06-06, by anoll
8015252: Enable HotSpot build with Clang
2013-06-04, by simonis
8010724: [parfait] Null pointer dereference in hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_LIRGenerator.cpp
2013-06-04, by morris
2013-06-03, by kvn
8005956: C2: assert(!def_outside->member(r)) failed: Use of external LRG overlaps the same LRG defined in this block
2013-06-03, by adlertz
8013329: File leak in hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.cpp
2013-06-03, by anoll
8010460: Interpreter on some platforms loads ConstMethod::_max_stack and misses extra stack slots for JSR 292
2013-04-24, by roland
8013496: Code cache management command line options work only in special order. Another order of arguments does not deliver the second parameter to the jvm.
2013-05-31, by anoll
8015441: runThese crashed with assert(opcode == Op_ConP || opcode == Op_ThreadLocal || opcode == Op_CastX2P ..) failed: sanity
2013-05-31, by kvn
8009981: nashorn tests fail with -XX:+VerifyStack
2013-05-31, by roland
8015266: fix some -Wsign-compare warnings in adlc
2013-05-30, by twisti
8015585: Missing regression test for 8011771
2013-05-30, by roland
2013-06-06, by dcubed
8009302: Mac OS X: JVM crash on infinite recursion on Appkit Thread
2013-06-05, by hseigel
8010257: remove unused thread-local variables _ScratchA and _ScratchB
2013-06-04, by dcubed
2013-06-05, by nloodin
8015803: fails 'can not access a member of class Test8015436 with modifiers "public static"'
2013-06-04, by sspitsyn
8014052: JSR292: assert(end_offset == next_offset) failed: matched ending
2013-06-03, by sspitsyn
8015385: Remove RelaxAccessControlCheck for JDK 8 bytecodes
2013-06-03, by hseigel
2013-06-01, by dcubed
6726963: multi_allocate() call does not CHECK_NULL and causes crash in fastdebug bits
2013-05-31, by ctornqvi
8014709: Constructor.getAnnotatedReturnType() returns empty AnnotatedType
2013-05-31, by rbackman
8015436: compiler/ciReplay/ fails with assert() index is out of bounds
2013-05-30, by sspitsyn
8014912: Restore PrintSharedSpaces functionality after NPG
2013-05-28, by iklam
2013-06-04, by johnc
6976350: G1: deal with fragmentation while copying objects during GC
2013-06-03, by tamao
8015244: G1: Verification after a full GC is incorrectly placed.
2013-06-04, by johnc
8013895: G1: G1SummarizeRSetStats output on Linux needs improvemen
2013-05-28, by tschatzl
2013-06-01, by jwilhelm
8015486: PSScavenge::is_obj_in_young is unnecessarily slow with UseCompressedOops
2013-05-30, by stefank
6725714: par compact - add a table to speed up bitmap searches
2013-05-30, by jcoomes
8015690: new hotspot build - hs25-b36
2013-05-31, by amurillo
Added tag hs25-b35 for changeset 02ffee063e24
2013-05-31, by amurillo
2013-05-31, by amurillo
2013-05-31, by jwilhelm
8015422: Large performance hit when the StringTable is walked twice in Parallel Scavenge
2013-05-27, by stefank
8015428: Remove unused CDS support from StringTable
2013-05-27, by stefank
8015268: NPG: 2.5% regression in young GC times on CRM Sales Opty
2013-05-27, by stefank
2013-05-24, by jwilhelm
8007762: Rename a bunch of methods in size policy across collectors
2013-05-22, by tamao
8015007: Incorrect print format in error message for VM cannot allocate the requested heap
2013-05-21, by tamao
2013-05-30, by jiangli
2013-05-28, by jprovino
8011064: Some tests have failed with SIGSEGV on arm-hflt on build b82
2013-05-28, by jprovino
8013461: There is a symbol AsyncGetCallTrace in libjvm.symbols that does not exist in minimal/libjvm.a when DEBUG_LEVEL == release
2013-05-28, by jprovino
2013-05-28, by dcubed
8015493: runtime/contended/ fails with OutOfMemory
2013-05-28, by shade
2013-05-28, by zgu
8015265: revise the fix for 8007037
2013-05-24, by ccheung
8015329: Print reason for failed MiniDumpWriteDump() call
2013-05-28, by ctornqvi
8015270: @Contended: fix multiple issues in the layout code
2013-05-27, by shade
8013945: CMS fatal error: must own lock MemberNameTable_lock
2013-05-24, by sspitsyn
2013-05-24, by dcubed
8014288: perf regression in nashorn JDK-8008448.js test after 8008511 changes
2013-05-23, by sspitsyn
8009576: Test returns ClassNotFoundException
2013-05-23, by ctornqvi
8003421: NPG: Move oops out of InstanceKlass into mirror
2013-05-22, by coleenp
2013-05-21, by dholmes
8013726: runtime/memory/ fails due to 'assert(bytes % os::vm_allocation_granularity() == 0) failed: reserve block size'
2013-05-21, by mikael
8014059: JSR292: Failed to reject invalid class cplmhl00201m28n
2013-05-21, by bharadwaj
8015305: new hotspot build - hs25-b35
2013-05-24, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset 2b7343cbcbbf
2013-06-06, by katleman
2013-06-12, by erikj
8010785: JDK 8 build on Linux fails with new build mechanism
2013-06-11, by erikj
8008707: build-infra: Closed (deploy) can't be built using environment from SDK SetEnv.cmd
2013-06-11, by erikj
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset 2567cad1138a
2013-06-06, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset b72ae39e1329
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-03, by lana
2013-05-29, by lana
8015641: genstubs needs to cope with static interface methods
2013-05-29, by jjg
7053059: VerifyError with double Assignment using a Generic Member of a Superclass
2013-05-29, by vromero
8012333: javac, ClassFile should have a read(Path) method
2013-05-28, by vromero
6970173: Debug pointer at bad position
2013-05-28, by vromero
7030476: Fix conflicting use of JCTree/JCExpression
2013-05-27, by vromero
8014836: Have GenericDeclaration extend AnnotatedElement
2013-05-24, by darcy
8014494: javac crashes when varargs element of a method reference is inferred from the context
2013-05-24, by mcimadamore
8014649: Regression: bug in Resolve.resolveOperator
2013-05-24, by mcimadamore
8014643: Parser regression in JDK 8 when compiling super.x
2013-05-24, by mcimadamore
8010680: Clarify "present" and annotation ordering in javax.lang.model
2013-05-22, by darcy
2013-05-22, by lana
7164114: Two jtreg tests are not run due to no file extension on the test files
2013-05-21, by vromero
8005207: test has 2 @bug tags
2013-05-21, by vromero
7060779: test/tools/javac/diags/ leaves directories in tempdir
2013-05-21, by vromero
7177168: Redundant array copy in UnsharedNameTable
2013-05-21, by vromero
8013180: Qualified type reference with annotations in throws list crashes compiler
2013-05-21, by jfranck
6885876: add comments to javac/util/
2013-05-17, by jjg
Added tag jdk8-b92 for changeset fe7926936461
2013-05-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b92 for changeset 3e02d3c20e99
2013-05-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-03, by lana
2013-05-29, by lana
2013-05-22, by lana
8012683: Remove unused, obsolete ObjectFactory classes
2013-05-20, by joehw
8014891: Redundant setting of external access properties in setFeatures
2013-05-20, by joehw
Added tag jdk8-b92 for changeset d2f0e76ff056
2013-05-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-03, by lana
2013-05-29, by lana
8015349: "abc".lastIndexOf("a",-1) should evaluate to 0 and not -1
2013-05-29, by sundar
8011023: Math round didn't conform to ECMAScript 5 spec
2013-05-29, by lagergren
8005979: A lot of tests are named "runTest" in reports
2013-05-29, by sundar
8015459: Octane test run fails on Turkish locale
2013-05-28, by sundar
8015447: Octane harness fixes for rhino and entire test runs: ant octane, ant octane-v8, ant octane-rhino
2013-05-27, by lagergren
8015352: "i".toUpperCase() => currently returns "Ä°", but should be "I" (with Turkish locale)
2013-05-27, by sundar
2013-05-27, by lagergren
8014219: Make the run-octane harness more deterministic by not measuring elapsed time every iteration. Also got rid of most of the run logic in base.js and call benchmarks directly for the same purpose
2013-05-27, by lagergren
8015348: RegExp("[") results in StackOverflowError
2013-05-27, by hannesw
8015351: Nashorn shell does not start with Turkish locale
2013-05-24, by sundar
8015354: JSON.parse should not use [[Put]] but use [[DefineOwnProperty]] instead
2013-05-24, by sundar
8011630: JSON parsing performance issue
2013-05-24, by hannesw
8012522: Clean up lexical contexts - split out stack based functionality in CodeGenerator and generify NodeVisitors based on their LexicalContext type to avoid casts
2013-05-23, by lagergren
2013-05-23, by jlaskey
8015278: Revert accidental changes to build.xml
2013-05-23, by attila
8012083: Array literal constant folding issue
2013-05-23, by lagergren
8015267: Allow conversion of JS arrays to Java List/Deque
2013-05-23, by attila
8010804: Review long and integer usage conventions
2013-05-22, by hannesw
8014735: Typed Array, BYTES_PER_ELEMENT should be a class property
2013-05-22, by sundar
8008947: ScriptEnvironment ctor should be public
2013-05-22, by sundar
8014827: readLine should accept a prompt as an argument
2013-05-21, by jlaskey
8014953: Have NativeJavaPackage throw a ClassNotFoundException when invoked
2013-05-21, by attila
2013-05-22, by lana
8014797: rename Java.toJavaArray/toJavaScriptArray to, respectively.
2013-05-20, by attila
8014909: ant test compilation error with
2013-05-20, by sundar
8006069: Range analysis first iteration, runtime specializations
2013-05-20, by lagergren
8014823: Reprise - Smoke test fail: Windows JDK-8008554.js - access denied ("" "//C/aurora/sandbox/nashorn~source/test/script/basic/NASHORN-99.js" "read")
2013-05-17, by jlaskey
2013-05-17, by jlaskey
8012359: Increase code coverage in Joni
2013-05-16, by hannesw
8013919: Original exception no longer thrown away when a finally rethrows
2013-05-16, by lagergren
8009141: Avoid netscape.javascript.JSObject in nashorn code
2013-05-16, by sundar
8014647: Allow class-based overrides to be initialized with a ScriptFunction
2013-05-15, by attila
8014648: Exclude testing and infrastructure packages from code coverage, round two
2013-05-15, by jlaskey
8012305: Function.bind can't be called on prototype function inside constructor
2013-05-15, by sundar
8014646: Update the Java interop documentation in the Java Scripting Programmer's Guide
2013-05-15, by attila
8014639: Remove debug flag from test runs
2013-05-15, by attila
8014426: Original exception no longer thrown away when a finally rethrows
2013-05-14, by lagergren
8011718: binding already bound function with extra arguments fails
2013-05-14, by attila
2013-05-14, by jlaskey
8014512: Exclude testing and infrastructure packages from code coverage
2013-05-14, by jlaskey
Added tag jdk8-b92 for changeset 3ed2867af3bf
2013-05-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b92 for changeset 8ada1018118c
2013-05-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
6983966: remove lzma and upx from repository JDK8
2013-06-05, by katleman
8015644: makefile changes to allow integration of new features
2013-06-04, by katleman
2013-06-04, by katleman
7195481: FDS: debuginfo file for is missed
2013-05-31, by erikj
2013-05-30, by erikj
8013489: New build system does not run codesign on SA-related launchers on OS X
2013-05-29, by erikj
2013-06-03, by lana
2013-05-29, by lana
7174966: With OCSP enabled on Java 7 get error 'Wrong key usage' with Comodo certificate
2013-05-29, by vinnie
8014928: (fs) Files.readAllBytes() copies content to new array when content completely read
2013-05-29, by alanb
8015440: java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ fails with RuntimeException
2013-05-29, by sla
8009258: TEST_BUG:java/io/pathNames/ fails intermittently
2013-05-28, by ewang
8010815: some constructors issues in com.sun.jndi.toolkit
2013-05-28, by xuelei
6251788: (rb) PropertyResourceBundle doesn't document exceptions
2013-05-28, by naoto
8001750: CharsetDecoder.replacement should not be changeable except via replaceWith method
2013-05-28, by sherman
7038105: File.isHidden() should return true for pagefile.sys and hiberfil.sys
2013-05-28, by robm
8014420: Default JDP address does not match the one assigned by IANA
2013-05-28, by dsamersoff
8005472: com/sun/jmx/remote/NotificationMarshalVersions/ failed on windows
2013-05-28, by jbachorik
6470730: Disconnect button leads to wrong popup message
2013-05-27, by nloodin
2013-05-27, by chegar
8015439: Minor/sync/cleanup of ConcurrentHashMap
2013-05-27, by chegar
7038914: VM could throw uncaught OOME in ReferenceHandler thread
2013-05-27, by plevart
8014394: (fs) WatchService failing when watching \\server\$d
2013-05-27, by uta
8007333: [launcher] removes multiple back slashes
2013-05-24, by ksrini
8014196: ktab creates a file with zero kt_vno
2013-05-24, by weijun
8014076: Arrays parallel and serial sorting improvements
2013-05-23, by dl
8014048: Online user guide of jconsole points incorrect link
2013-05-23, by nloodin
8014836: Have GenericDeclaration extend AnnotatedElement
2013-05-22, by darcy
8014814: (str) StringBuffer "null" is not appended
2013-05-22, by dholmes
7056126: DateFormatSymbols documentation has incorrect description about DateFormat
2013-05-22, by naoto
2013-05-22, by lana
2013-05-22, by lana
8014819: set max size for jtreg testvms
2013-05-22, by mduigou
8010182: Thread safety of Thread get/setName()
2013-05-22, by chegar
2013-05-21, by yhuang
7074882: Locale data needs correction (Month names for Maltese language)
2013-05-20, by yhuang
8014892: More ProblemList.txt updates (5/2013)
2013-05-21, by alanb
8014857: Enable ergonomic VM selection in arm/jvm.cfg
2013-05-21, by dholmes
8004789: (zipfs) zip provider doesn't work correctly with file systems providers rather than the default
2013-05-20, by sherman
8014477: (str) Race condition in String.contentEquals when comparing with StringBuffer
2013-05-17, by plevart
2013-05-18, by mduigou
8006884: (fs) Add Files.list, lines and find
2013-05-09, by henryjen
8004015: Additional static and instance utils for functional interfaces.
2013-05-17, by mduigou
8014133: Spliterator.OfPrimitive
2013-05-15, by psandoz
8013334: Spliterator behavior for LinkedList contradicts Spliterator.trySplit
2013-05-15, by psandoz
8012261: update policytool to support
2013-05-18, by weijun
8011136: FileInputStream.available and skip inconsistencies
2013-05-17, by dxu
2013-05-29, by lana
8014863: Line break calculations in Java 7 are incorrect.
2013-05-29, by mcherkas
8009911: [macosx] SWT app freeze when going full screen using Java 7 on Mac
2013-05-29, by pchelko
7039616: java/awt/Window/TranslucentJAppletTest/ should be updated
2013-05-28, by anthony
8000422: [macosx] Views keep scrolling back to the drag position after DnD
2013-05-28, by pchelko
8014726: TEST_BUG: java/awt/WMSpecificTests/Metacity/ should be modified
2013-05-27, by serb
8010721: [macosx] In JDK7 the menu bar disappears when a Dialog is shown
2013-05-27, by vkarnauk
8013416: Java Bean Persistence with XMLEncoder
2013-05-24, by malenkov
8013437: Test sun/awt/datatransfer/ fails to compile since 8b86
2013-05-24, by ant
8014924: JToolTip#setTipText() sometimes (very often) not repaints component.
2013-05-23, by alexsch
2013-05-22, by lana
8005607: Recursion in J2DXErrHandler() Causes a Stack Overflow on Linux
2013-05-21, by alitvinov
7011777: JDK 6 parses html text with script tags within comments differently from previous releases
2013-05-21, by mcherkas
2013-05-29, by lana
8012381: [macosx]Unable to print out the defined page for 2D_PrintingTiger/JTablePrintPageRangesTest
2013-05-29, by jgodinez
7183520: [macosx]Unable to print out the defined page for 2D_PrintingTiger/JTablePrintPageRangesTest.
2013-05-29, by jgodinez
8008535: JDK7 Printing : CJK and Latin Text in a string overlap
2013-05-24, by prr
8012629: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError exception throw by getAllFonts() on MacOSX
2013-05-23, by jchen
2013-05-22, by lana
8003444: Fix potential NULL pointer dereference
2013-05-17, by jchen
Added tag jdk8-b92 for changeset 874119ae66c4
2013-05-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b92 for changeset b34bf6985a14
2013-05-30, by katleman
6983966: remove lzma and upx from repository JDK8
2013-06-05, by katleman
2013-06-04, by katleman
2013-06-04, by katleman
8015510: (s) Improve JTReg location detection and provide location to test/Makefile
2013-06-04, by mduigou
8015784: Add configure parameter --with-update-version
2013-06-04, by erikj
8014003: New build does not handle symlinks in workspace path
2013-05-31, by erikj
8013489: New build system does not run codesign on SA-related launchers on OS X
2013-05-29, by erikj
8013920: Configure sets JOBS to 0 if memory is too low.
2013-05-29, by erikj
2013-06-04, by jqzuo
2013-05-29, by pbhat
8014762: Add JMC configure option mapping to Jprt.gmk
2013-05-28, by jqzuo
Added tag jdk8-b92 for changeset b51d66ab6ffd
2013-05-30, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b92 for changeset 2fd6acba737b
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8015525: JDK8 b91 source with GPL header errors
2013-05-29, by katleman
2013-05-28, by katleman
8012566: Replace find, rm, printf and similar with their proper variables
2013-05-28, by erikj
Added tag jdk8-b91 for changeset a5e4cac27b50
2013-05-23, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b91 for changeset 1b09fbc97609
2013-05-23, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
8015525: JDK8 b91 source with GPL header errors
2013-05-29, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b91 for changeset e4e0796ef6c5
2013-05-23, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke