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2013-10-22, by mullan
2013-10-22, by mullan
8021191: Add isAuthorized check to limited doPrivileged methods
2013-10-22, by mullan
8017779: java/net/Authenticator/ fails
2013-10-22, by chegar
8023390: Test java/net/NetworkInterface/ failed with the latest jdk8 build
2013-10-15, by igerasim
8024833: (fc) does not handle async close/interrupt correctly
2013-10-22, by alanb
8021257:** should be on restricted package list
2013-10-22, by alanb
8004912: Repeating annotations - getAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) is not working as expected for few inheritance scenarios
2013-10-22, by alundblad
8026962: Put java/lang/management/ClassLoadingMXBean/ into ProblemList.txt
2013-10-22, by ykantser
8009411: (reflect) Class.getMethods should not include static methods from interfaces
2013-10-22, by jfranck
2013-10-22, by juh
2013-10-21, by juh
8024603: Turn on javac lint checking for auxiliaryclass, empty, and try in jdk build
2013-10-21, by darcy
8025238: nsk/jvmti/scenarios/bcinstr/BI04/bi04t002 crashed with SIGSEGV
2013-10-21, by sla
8008386: (cs) Unmappable leading should be decoded to replacement.
2013-10-21, by sherman
8020037: String.toLowerCase incorrectly increases length, if string contains \u0130 char
2013-10-22, by peytoia
8022658: Revisit FunctionalInterface on some core libs types
2013-10-21, by darcy
8026842: Remove Time-Zone IDs HST/EST/MST
2013-10-21, by sherman
7140929: fails intermittently
2013-10-21, by jbachorik
8026499: Root Logger level can be reset unexpectedly
2013-10-21, by dfuchs
8016344: (props) Properties.storeToXML behaviour has changed from JDK 6 to 7
2013-10-21, by dfuchs
8024613: javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/ failing intermittently
2013-10-21, by jbachorik
7197919: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ has concurency issues
2013-10-21, by jbachorik
8025631: Enhance Lambda construction
2013-10-20, by rfield
8026794: Test tools/pack200/ fails while opening golden.jar.native.IST on linux-ppc(v2)
2013-10-19, by ksrini
8024071: In ManagementAgent.start it should be possible to set the parameter.
2013-10-19, by dsamersoff
8026854: java.time.temporal.TemporalQueries doesn't compile after javac modification to lambda flow analysis
2013-10-19, by vromero
8025828: Late binding of Chronology to appendValueReduced
2013-10-18, by rriggs
8004213: JDP packet needs pid, broadcast interval and rmi server hostname fields
2013-10-19, by dsamersoff
8024660: TEST_BUG: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/* leaving hotspot.log open in fastdebug builds
2013-10-18, by robm
2013-10-18, by alanb
8026876: (fs) Build issue with src/solaris/classes/sun/nio/fs/
2013-10-18, by alanb
8026028: [findbugs] findbugs report some issue in com.sun.jmx.snmp package
2013-10-18, by sjiang
7050570: (fs) FileSysteProvider fails to initializes if run with file.encoding set to Cp037
2013-10-18, by alanb
8026756: Test java/util/zip/GZIP/ failed
2013-10-18, by igerasim
8026859: (fs) test/java/nio/file/Files/ fails to compile intermittently
2013-10-18, by alanb
8021897: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION on debugging String.contentEquals()
2013-10-18, by sla
8025971: Remove ZoneId.OLD_SHORT_IDS
2013-10-17, by sherman
8026840: Fix new doclint issues in javax.naming
2013-10-17, by darcy
8025799: Restore sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass(int) until a replacement API is provided
2013-10-17, by mchung
2013-10-31, by lana
8013581: [macosx] Key Bindings break with awt GraphicsEnvironment setFullScreenWindow
2013-10-30, by leonidr
8027152: Regression: test closed/java/awt/Serialize/NullSerializationTest/NullSerializationTest.html fails since JDK 8 b112
2013-10-30, by pchelko
8027151: AWT_DnD/Basic_DnD/Automated/DnDMerlinQL/MultipleJVM failing on windows machine
2013-10-29, by bagiras
8027442: JDK compilation fails on MacOS
2013-10-29, by malenkov
8022746: List of spelling errors in API doc
2013-10-29, by malenkov
8027157: [SwingNode] needs explicit expose for JWindow
2013-10-29, by ant
2013-10-25, by lana
7172770: Default Toolkit implementation return null value for property "awt.dynamicLayoutSupported"
2013-10-25, by serb
8026705: [TEST_BUG] java/beans/Introspector/ failed
2013-10-25, by malenkov
8027066: XMLDecoder in java 7 cannot properly deserialize object arrays
2013-10-25, by alitvinov
8027025: [macosx] getLocationOnScreen returns 0 if parent invisible
2013-10-24, by pchelko
8027030: AWT Multiple JVM DnD Test Failing on Linux (OEL and Ubuntu) and Solaris (Sparc and x64)
2013-10-24, by pchelko
7090424: TestGlyphVectorLayout failed automately with java.lang.StackOverflowError
2013-10-24, by serb
8020851: java.awt.event.WindowEvent spec should state that WINDOW_CLOSED event may not be delivered under certain circumstances
2013-10-23, by serb
8020209: [macosx] Mac OS X key event confusion for "COMMAND PLUS"
2013-10-22, by leonidr
8026476: Choice does not get mouse events if it does not have enough place for popup menu
2013-10-18, by serb
7002846: Fix for 6989505 may be incomplete
2013-10-18, by yan
8026356: [macosx] Found one Java-level deadlock:"AWT-EventQueue-0" && main
2013-10-17, by serb
8022657: Add FunctionalInterface annotation to awt interfaces
2013-10-17, by serb