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6526682: JConsole shows negative CPU Usage
2013-06-03, by nloodin
8014731: class has default constructor generated
2013-06-03, by psandoz
8015008: Primitive iterator over empty sequence, null consumer: forEachRemaining methods do not throw NPE
2013-06-03, by psandoz
8007398: Peformance improvements to Integer and Long string formatting.
2013-02-12, by mduigou
2013-05-31, by mduigou
8015686: {Int|Long}SummaryStatistics toString() throws IllegalFormatConversionException
2013-05-31, by mduigou
7188517: Check on '$' character is missing in the HttpCookie class constructor
2013-05-31, by jzavgren
8008972: Memory leak: Java_java_net_TwoStacksPlainDatagramSocketImpl_receive0 [parfait]
2013-05-31, by jzavgren
8015628: Test Failure in closed/java/io/pathNames/
2013-05-31, by dxu
7006052: awt_InputMethod.c cleanup is needed
2013-05-31, by naoto
8014854: (bf) CharBuffer.chars too slow with default implementation
2013-05-31, by alanb
7107883: getNetworkPrefixLength() does not return correct prefix length
2013-05-31, by chegar
8014732: Minor spec issue: java.util.Spliterator.getExactSizeIfKnown
2013-05-31, by psandoz
6750584: Cipher.wrap/unwrap methods should define UnsupportedOperationException
2013-05-30, by ascarpino
8013069: javax.crypto tests fail with new PBE algorithm names
2013-05-29, by valeriep
7160837: DigestOutputStream does not turn off digest calculation when "close()" is called
2013-05-30, by ascarpino
8014618: Need to strip leading zeros in TlsPremasterSecret of DHKeyAgreement
2013-05-30, by xuelei
8015271: Conversion table for EUC-KR is incorrect
2013-05-30, by sherman
8014393: Minor typo in the spec for
2013-05-28, by psandoz
8014409: Spec typo: extra } in the spec for j.u.s.StreamBuilder
2013-05-30, by psandoz
8015627: test/com/sun/jmx/remote/NotificationMarshalVersions/ fails in agentvm mode
2013-05-30, by jbachorik
8015299: Memory leak in jdk/src/solaris/bin/java_md_solinux.c
2013-05-30, by jzavgren
4759491: method ZipEntry.setTime(long) works incorrectly
2013-05-29, by sherman
2013-06-05, by lana
2013-06-05, by lana
2013-06-05, by lana
8013370: Null pointer exception when adding more than 9 accelators to a JMenuBar
2013-06-05, by malenkov
8015339: Correct a wording in javadoc of java.awt.ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy
2013-06-05, by ant
8015425: [macosx] A follow-up for the fix 8010721
2013-06-05, by vkarnauk
8015375: Edits to text components hang for clipboard access
2013-06-05, by mcherkas
6337518: Null Arrow Button Throws Exception in BasicComboBoxUI
2013-06-03, by alitvinov
8015500: Prevent sending multiple WINDOW_CLOSED events for already disposed windows
2013-06-03, by anthony
7151823: The test incorrectly recognizing OS
2013-06-03, by alitvinov
8015477: Support single threaded AWT/FX mode.
2013-06-03, by pchelko
6436314: Vector could be created with appropriate size in DefaultComboBoxModel
2013-05-31, by vkarnauk
7068740: If you wrap a JTable in a JLayer you can't use the page up and page down cmds
2013-05-31, by vkarnauk
8013557: XMLEncoder in 1.7 can't encode objects initialized in no argument constructor
2013-05-31, by malenkov
8015589: Test java/awt/Window/Grab/ fails on MacOSX
2013-05-31, by ant
8013189: JMenuItems draw behind TextArea
2013-05-31, by anthony
8013773: requestFocusInWindow to a disabled component prevents window of getting focused
2013-05-30, by ant
8013424: Regression: java.awt.datatransfer.FlavorListeners not notified on Linux/Java 7
2013-05-30, by ant
8015303: [macosx] Application launched via custom URL Scheme does not receive URL
2013-05-30, by anthony
2013-06-05, by lana
8015556: [macosx] surrogate pairs do not render properly.
2013-05-31, by prr
8015606: Text is not rendered correctly if destination buffer is custom
2013-05-31, by bae
8011693: Remove redundant fontconfig files
2013-05-30, by andrew
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset 9bf66362d942
2013-06-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke