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8020467: Inconsistency between usage.getUsed() and isUsageThresholdExceeded() with CMS Old Gen pool
2013-10-30, by jbachorik
6931564: Incorrect display name of Locale for south africa
2013-10-30, by mfang
6192407: s10_70, ko, s1/dvd, minor misspelling under "Select Software Localizations"
2013-10-30, by mfang
8022229: Intermittent test failures in sun/tools/jstatd
2013-10-30, by ykantser
8026880: NetworkInterface native initializing code should check fieldID values
2013-10-30, by chegar
8027058: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ Failed to initialize connector
2013-10-30, by jbachorik
8025521: [de] mnemonic conflict in FileChooser for GTK Style feel&look
2013-10-29, by mfang
2013-10-29, by mfang
8008647: [es] minor cosmetic issues in translated java command line outputs
2013-10-29, by mfang
8027358: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ failing since JDK-8004926
2013-10-29, by jbachorik
8025646: [pt_BR] overtranslation of option in java command line output
2013-10-29, by mfang
8008437: [sv] over-translation in java command line outputs
2013-10-29, by mfang
8026108: [it, ja, zh_CN] wrong translation in jar example.
2013-10-29, by mfang
8027466: Revert jdk/THIRD_PARTY_README to known good version
2013-10-29, by chegar
2013-10-29, by jlaskey
2013-09-30, by jlaskey
2013-09-13, by jlaskey
2013-08-27, by jlaskey
2013-07-24, by jlaskey
2013-07-16, by jlaskey
2013-06-05, by jlaskey
2013-05-29, by jlaskey
2013-05-23, by jlaskey
2013-05-14, by jlaskey
2013-04-29, by jlaskey
2013-04-22, by jlaskey
2013-04-17, by jlaskey
2013-04-15, by jlaskey
2013-04-09, by jlaskey
2013-04-01, by jlaskey
2013-03-26, by jlaskey
2013-03-15, by jlaskey
2013-03-02, by jlaskey
8008775: Remove non-ascii from jdk/THIRD_PARTY_README
2013-02-22, by jlaskey
8008757: NEWBUILD=true has separate launcher code for jjs
2013-02-22, by jlaskey
8008756: THIRD_PARTY_README contains Unicode
2013-02-22, by jlaskey
2013-02-22, by jlaskey
8008721: Tweaks to make all NEWBUILD=false round 4
2013-02-22, by jlaskey
8008447: Tweaks to make all NEWBUILD=false round 3
2013-02-21, by jlaskey
2013-02-04, by jlaskey
8006676: Integrate Nashorn into new build system
2013-01-28, by jlaskey
8026772: test/sun/util/resources/TimeZone/ failing
2013-10-24, by aefimov
8027371: Add JDI tests for breakpointing and stepping in lambda code
2013-10-29, by sla
2013-10-28, by lana
8026863: regression in anonymous Logger.setParent method
2013-10-28, by dfuchs
5063500: Formatter spec says "char" is not an integral type
2013-10-25, by smarks
8004926: sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ oftenly times out
2013-10-25, by jbachorik
7079145: Remove java/net/ipv6tests/ from the ProblemList.txt
2013-10-25, by ewang
8026929: remove accelerators from policytool resources
2013-10-25, by weijun
8004476: XSLT Extension Functions Don't Work in WebStart
2013-10-24, by joehw
8025003: Base64 should be less strict with padding
2013-10-24, by sherman
8026502: java/lang/invoke/ fails on all platforms
2013-10-24, by twisti
8023651: j.l.r.Constructor.getAnnotatedReceiverType() and j.l.r.Constructor.getAnnotatedReturnType() for inner classes return incorrect result
2013-10-24, by jfranck
8019646: Clarify javadoc contract of LambdaMetafactory
2013-10-24, by briangoetz
8023862: deprecate HTTP proxying from RMI
2013-10-24, by smarks
8027170: Annotations declared on super-super-class should be overridden by super-class.
2013-10-24, by alundblad
8024521: (process) Async close issues with Process InputStream
2013-10-23, by igerasim
8026344: j.u.c.a *Adder and *Accumulator extend a package private class that is Serializable
2013-10-24, by alanb
8009681: TEST_BUG: may fail when there are unexpected background threads
2013-10-15, by sla
7122887: JDK ignores Gnome3 proxy settings
2013-10-23, by dxu
8025868: Several lang/LMBD JCK tests fail with java.lang.BootstrapMethodError
2013-10-23, by rfield
8024688: further split Map and ConcurrentMap defaults eliminating looping from Map defaults, Map.merge fixes and doc fixes.
2013-10-23, by mduigou
8026405: javax/xml/ws/clientjar/ failing on JDK 8 nightly aurora test runs
2013-10-23, by coffeys
8027176: Remove redundant jdk/lambda/vm/
2013-10-23, by rfield
5036554: unmarshal error on CORBA alias type in CORBA any
2013-10-23, by coffeys
8020802: Need an ability to create jar files that are invariant to the pack200 packing/unpacking
2013-10-23, by kizune
8026789: Update test/java/lang/instrument/Re(transform|define) test to use NMT for memory leak detection
2013-10-23, by sla
8020758: HttpCookie constructor does not throw IAE when name contains a space
2013-10-23, by chegar
7112404: 2 tests in java/lang/management/ManagementFactory fails with G1 because expect non-zero pools
2013-10-23, by jbachorik
8025734: Use literal IP address where possible in SocketPermission generated by HttpURLPermission
2013-10-23, by michaelm
7105883: JDWP: agent crash if there exists a ThreadGroup with null name
2013-10-23, by egahlin
8027026: Change keytool -genkeypair to use -keyalg RSA
2013-10-23, by weijun
2013-10-22, by mullan
8025763: Provider does not override new Hashtable methods
2013-10-22, by ascarpino
8025909: Lambda Library Spec Updates
2013-10-22, by henryjen
8026427: deprecate obsolete APIs from java.rmi
2013-10-22, by smarks
2013-10-22, by mfang
6607048: clear extra l10n resource files in demo
2013-10-22, by mfang
8026109: [ja] overtranslation of jarsigner in command line output
2013-10-22, by mfang
8026982: javadoc errors in core libs
2013-10-22, by rriggs
2013-10-22, by rriggs
2013-10-22, by rriggs
8024686: Cleanup of java.time serialization source
2013-10-22, by rriggs
8027062: Fix lint and doclint issues in java.lang.{ClassLoader, ClassValue, SecurityManager}
2013-10-22, by darcy
8025287: NPE in api/java_security/cert/PKIXRevocationChecker/GeneralTests_GeneralTests
2013-10-22, by juh
7179567: JCK8 tests: api/java_net/URLClassLoader/index.html#Ctor3 failed with NPE
2013-10-22, by bpb
8026873: tools/launcher/ fails in jprt because of jmc.ini
2013-10-22, by kizune
8026818: Defmeth failures with -mode invoke
2013-10-22, by drchase
8026806: Incomplete test of getaddrinfo() return value could lead to incorrect exception for Windows Inet 6
2013-10-22, by bpb
7074436: (sc) SocketChannel can do short gathering writes when channel configured blocking (win)
2013-10-22, by alanb
2013-10-22, by mullan
2013-10-22, by mullan
8021191: Add isAuthorized check to limited doPrivileged methods
2013-10-22, by mullan
8017779: java/net/Authenticator/ fails
2013-10-22, by chegar
8023390: Test java/net/NetworkInterface/ failed with the latest jdk8 build
2013-10-15, by igerasim
8024833: (fc) does not handle async close/interrupt correctly
2013-10-22, by alanb
8021257:** should be on restricted package list
2013-10-22, by alanb
8004912: Repeating annotations - getAnnotationsByType(Class<T>) is not working as expected for few inheritance scenarios
2013-10-22, by alundblad
8026962: Put java/lang/management/ClassLoadingMXBean/ into ProblemList.txt
2013-10-22, by ykantser
8009411: (reflect) Class.getMethods should not include static methods from interfaces
2013-10-22, by jfranck
2013-10-22, by juh
2013-10-21, by juh
8024603: Turn on javac lint checking for auxiliaryclass, empty, and try in jdk build
2013-10-21, by darcy
8025238: nsk/jvmti/scenarios/bcinstr/BI04/bi04t002 crashed with SIGSEGV
2013-10-21, by sla
8008386: (cs) Unmappable leading should be decoded to replacement.
2013-10-21, by sherman
8020037: String.toLowerCase incorrectly increases length, if string contains \u0130 char
2013-10-22, by peytoia
8022658: Revisit FunctionalInterface on some core libs types
2013-10-21, by darcy
8026842: Remove Time-Zone IDs HST/EST/MST
2013-10-21, by sherman
7140929: fails intermittently
2013-10-21, by jbachorik
8026499: Root Logger level can be reset unexpectedly
2013-10-21, by dfuchs
8016344: (props) Properties.storeToXML behaviour has changed from JDK 6 to 7
2013-10-21, by dfuchs
8024613: javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/ failing intermittently
2013-10-21, by jbachorik
7197919: java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ has concurency issues
2013-10-21, by jbachorik
8025631: Enhance Lambda construction
2013-10-20, by rfield
8026794: Test tools/pack200/ fails while opening golden.jar.native.IST on linux-ppc(v2)
2013-10-19, by ksrini
8024071: In ManagementAgent.start it should be possible to set the parameter.
2013-10-19, by dsamersoff
8026854: java.time.temporal.TemporalQueries doesn't compile after javac modification to lambda flow analysis
2013-10-19, by vromero
8025828: Late binding of Chronology to appendValueReduced
2013-10-18, by rriggs
8004213: JDP packet needs pid, broadcast interval and rmi server hostname fields
2013-10-19, by dsamersoff
8024660: TEST_BUG: java/lang/ProcessBuilder/* leaving hotspot.log open in fastdebug builds
2013-10-18, by robm