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The revision graph only works with JavaScript-enabled browsers.
2015-12-24, by lana
8146147: Java linker indexed property getter does not work for computed nashorn string
2015-12-24, by sundar
Added tag jdk-9+99 for changeset e6f9bacfb9a4
2015-12-23, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+99 for changeset 1e7bf1564066
2015-12-23, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8146377: test/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ failing
2016-01-04, by weijun
8145981: (fs) LinuxWatchService can reports events against wrong directory
2015-12-30, by sebastian
8144355: JDK 9 changes to ZipFileSystem to support multi-release jar files
2015-12-30, by sdrach
8146209: java/net/NetworkInterface/ still fails after fix JDK-8131155
2015-12-28, by xiaofeya
8146197: after push of JDK-8146192
2015-12-28, by xuelei
8145388: URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream returns image/jpg for some JPEG images
2015-12-25, by igerasim
8066982: ZonedDateTime.parse() returns wrong ZoneOffset around DST fall transition
2015-12-25, by igerasim
2015-12-24, by lana
8146192: Add test for JDK-8049321
2015-12-24, by xuelei
8143413: add toEpochSecond methods for efficient access
2015-12-23, by ntv
8058865: JMX Test Refactoring
2015-12-18, by olagneau
8133070: Hot lock on BulkCipher.isAvailable
2015-12-23, by xuelei
8146000: Remove sun.mics.CompoundEnumeration
2015-12-22, by chegar
8146038: CleanerImpl should not depend on ManagedLocalsThread
2015-12-22, by chegar
8146012: CleanerTest fails: Cleanable should have been freed
2015-12-22, by rriggs
2015-12-22, by prr
2015-12-22, by prr
2015-12-14, by prr
2015-12-14, by prr
8144997: "IIOException: Field data is past end-of-stream" when calling
2015-12-11, by bpb
8144245: [PIT] javax/imageio/plugins/shared/
2015-12-11, by bpb
8144654: Improve Marlin logging
2015-12-10, by lbourges
8144445: Maximum size checking in Marlin ArrayCache utility methods is not optimal
2015-12-10, by lbourges
8144446: Automate the Marlin crash test
2015-12-10, by lbourges
8144858: HBShaper.c does not compiler with VS2010
2015-12-10, by prr
2015-12-10, by prr
8071334: Investigate JAB changes required to support the version string change
2015-12-10, by ptbrunet
8040139: Test closed/javax/print/attribute/ fails with NullpointerException
2015-12-10, by psadhukhan
8139169: [macosx] Action registered for keyboard shortcut is called twice
2015-12-10, by aniyogi
8137106: EUDC (End User Defined Characters) are not displayed on Windows with Java 8u60+
2015-12-09, by prr
8144828: Marlin renderer causes unaligned write accesses
2015-12-09, by lbourges
8143909: Behavior of null arguments not specified in javax.sound.midi.spi
2015-12-09, by serb
8144915: TextField throws NPE
2015-12-09, by arapte
7159591: [macosx] In SetFontTest there's no space for the second button
2015-12-08, by serb
8060137: Removing Text from TextField / TextArea is not possible after typing
2015-12-09, by arapte
7160052: GlyphVector.setGlyphPosition can throw an exception on valid input
2015-12-08, by psadhukhan
8144630: Use PrivilegedAction to create Thread in Marlin RendererStats
2015-12-05, by lbourges
8140530: Creating a VolatileImage with size 0, 0 results in no longer working g2d.drawStri
2015-12-04, by psadhukhan
8067660: JFileChooser create new folder fails silently
2015-12-04, by rchamyal
2015-12-03, by prr
8134152: Public API for java 8 DataFlavor fields do not have @since tag
2015-12-03, by aivanov
8131754: AquaTreeUI.getCollapsedIcon() issue reported in java beans tests with a modular build
2015-12-03, by serb
2015-12-02, by prr
8144071: ImageIO does not reset stream if an exception is thrown
2015-12-02, by andrew
8041501: ImageIO reader is not capable of reading JPEGs without JFIF header
2015-12-02, by jdv
6967419: IndexOutOfBoundsException when drawing PNGs
2015-12-02, by jdv
8074967: [macosx] JPEGImageReader incorrectly identifies YCbCr JPEGs as RGB in standard metadata
2015-12-02, by jdv
8030702: Deadlock between subclass of AbstractDocument and UndoManager
2015-12-01, by ssadetsky
8068228: Test closed/java/awt/Mouse/MaximizedFrameTest/MaximizedFrameTest fails with GTKLookAndFeel
2015-12-01, by ssadetsky
8081457: TrayIcon tests fail in OEL 7 only
2015-12-01, by ssadetsky
8055197: TextField deletes multiline strings
2015-11-26, by arapte
7063986: Wrong JNi method call in font scaler
2015-11-25, by psadhukhan
8068619: remove unused internal function in layout
2015-11-24, by srl
8143895: Fix LDFLAGS issues after JDK-8056925
2015-11-24, by erikj
8145862: Improve lazy initialization of fields in
2015-12-22, by redestad
8145988: Use the raw methods of when possible
2015-12-22, by redestad
8145990: Move sun.misc math support classes to jdk.internal.math
2015-12-22, by chegar
8145869: Mark test and as intermittently failing
2015-12-22, by amlu
2015-12-21, by dbuck
2015-12-21, by dbuck
2015-12-21, by dbuck
4906983: constructors throw MalformedURLException in undocumented way
2015-12-15, by sebastian
8136597: java/lang/ProcessHandle/ fails
2015-12-21, by rriggs
8145680: Remove unnecessary explicit initialization of volatile variables in java.base
2015-12-21, by redestad
Added tag jdk-9+99 for changeset 67b9c06ea9a7
2015-12-23, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+99 for changeset c71d1910fc22
2015-12-23, by lana
8144355: JDK 9 changes to ZipFileSystem to support multi-release jar files
2015-12-30, by sdrach
2015-12-24, by lana
8146002: Need to support mirrors for bootstrapping Jib
2015-12-23, by erikj
8145990: Move sun.misc math support classes to jdk.internal.math
2015-12-22, by chegar
Added tag jdk-9+99 for changeset 08c65d3d2d85
2015-12-23, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+99 for changeset f9bcdce2df26
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8057548: Annotate.Worker should be replaced with lambdas
2015-12-21, by alundblad
8076031: javac should use deterministic data structures for managing free type listeners
2015-12-18, by vromero
2015-12-18, by lana
2015-12-17, by lana
7190296: Test for type containment during bounds checking
2015-12-17, by dlsmith
8142876: Javac does not correctly implement wildcards removal from functional interfaces
2015-12-17, by mcimadamore
8144832: cast conversion fails when converting a type-variable to primitive type
2015-12-16, by vromero
8143952: JShell: space in class path causes remote launch failure
2015-12-16, by jlahoda
8067379: Investigate and replace .class files in langtools/test with equivalent .jasm files
2015-12-15, by jjg
8144888: ToolBox should close any file manager it opens
2015-12-15, by jjg
8145342: Some copyright notices are inconsistently and ill formatted
2015-12-14, by vasya
8143133: Wrong MethodParameters on capturing local class with multiple constructors
2015-12-14, by mcimadamore
8144903: JShell: determine incorrectly the type of the expression which is array type of captured type
2015-12-11, by rfield
Added tag jdk-9+98 for changeset fb5570e64ddf
2015-12-18, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+98 for changeset 319480c0f426
2015-12-18, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-12-18, by lana
2015-12-17, by lana
8068839: newDuration(x) produces incorrect outputs for some values of x
2015-12-11, by joehw
Added tag jdk-9+98 for changeset 2358f6213989
2015-12-18, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-12-18, by lana
2015-12-17, by lana
8145669: apply2call optimized callsite fails after becoming megamorphic
2015-12-17, by sundar
8145630: accidental debug printlns in
2015-12-17, by sundar
8145550: Megamorphic invoke should use CompiledFunction variants without any LinkLogic
2015-12-17, by sundar
8145486: jjs should support documentation key shortcut in interactive mode
2015-12-16, by sundar
8144914: Eagerly lookup browser JS object class in BrowserJSObjectLinker
2015-12-14, by attila
8145314: jjs tab-completion should support camel case completion
2015-12-14, by sundar
8144020: Remove long as an internal numeric type
2015-12-14, by hannesw
8144221: fix Nashorn shebang argument handling on Mac/Linux
2015-12-14, by mhaupt
Added tag jdk-9+98 for changeset d1fe6522acf1
2015-12-18, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+98 for changeset 870902be1aa6
2015-12-18, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8145909: tools/jjs/ fails after JDK-8145750 except on windows
2015-12-21, by sundar
8134916: LocaleData.cldr for sun/text/resources/ seems to contain wrong data
2015-12-21, by naoto
8138696: java.lang.ref.Cleaner - an easy to use alternative to finalization
2015-12-21, by rriggs
8145686: SimpleConsoleLogger and LogRecord should take advantage of StackWalker to skip classes implementing System.Logger
2015-12-21, by dfuchs
8131155: java/net/NetworkInterface/ failed because of Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
2015-12-21, by xiaofeya
8145750: jjs fails to run simple scripts with security manager turned on
2015-12-21, by sundar
8144723: MethodHandleImpl.initStatics is no longer needed
2015-12-19, by redestad
8049321: Support SHA256WithDSA in JSSE
2015-12-18, by xuelei
2015-12-18, by lana
8145589: fails to compile after JDK-8144479
2015-12-18, by chegar
8056152: API to create Threads that do not inherit inheritable thread-local initial values
2015-12-18, by chegar
8145417: JInfoSanityTest failed with Error attaching to remote server: java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused
2015-12-18, by jbachorik
8145006: Collections.asLifoQueue(null) doesn't throw NPE as specified
2015-12-18, by psandoz
2015-12-17, by lana
8145539: (coll) AbstractMap.keySet and .values should not be volatile
2015-12-17, by shade
8145428: Optimize StringUTF16 compress/copy methods for C1
2015-12-17, by shade
8144553: java/lang/StackWalker/ and fail with stack overflows
2015-12-17, by mchung
8145605: Problem list until a fix for JDK-8145589
2015-12-16, by darcy
8057804: AnnotatedType interfaces provide no way to get annotations on owner type
2015-12-16, by jfranck
8032510: Add java.time.Duration.dividedBy(Duration)
2015-12-16, by rriggs
8129567: CRYPTO_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID occurs if GCM mode parameter which is used as an IV is set to all zeros
2015-12-16, by asmotrak
8144479: Remove character coders from sun.misc
2015-12-16, by chegar
8145416: Move sun.misc.ProxyGenerator to java.lang.reflect
2015-12-16, by chegar
2015-12-15, by amurillo
2015-12-15, by amurillo
2015-12-11, by amurillo
2015-12-07, by jprovino
8144308: com/sun/jdi/ failed with "transport error 202: send failed: Broken pipe"
2015-12-07, by jbachorik
8141526: Allow to collect stdout/stderr from the FinalizationRunner even before the process returns
2015-11-06, by jbachorik
8145430: Fix typo in StackWalker javadoc
2015-12-15, by mchung
8145139: clean up jdk_collections and jdk_concurrent test groups
2015-12-15, by smarks
8142907: Integration of minor fixes from the build-infra project
2015-12-15, by ihse
8143394: PushbackReader throws NullPointerException
2015-12-15, by bpb
8145343: fails after push for JDK-8145260
2015-12-15, by sherman
8078423: [TESTBUG] javax/print/PrintSEUmlauts/ relies on system locale
2015-12-11, by skovalev
8145390: Remove sun.misc.Queue and replace usages with standard Collections
2015-12-15, by chegar
8139572: SimpleDateFormat parse month stand-alone format bug
2015-12-15, by okutsu
8145055: Marlin renderer causes unaligned write accesses
2015-12-14, by lbourges
8145214: Remove sun.misc.Request and RequestProcessor
2015-12-14, by chegar
8144995: Move sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder to
2015-12-14, by chegar
8145260: To bring j.u.z.ZipFile's native implementation to Java to remove the expensive jni cost and mmap crash risk [2]
2015-12-14, by sherman
8144675: Add a filtering collector
2015-12-13, by shinyafox
8145007: Pattern splitAsStream is not late binding as required by the specification
2015-12-13, by psandoz
8140470: javax/xml/crypto/dsig/SecurityManager/ failed with AccessControlException
2015-12-11, by asmotrak
8144952: add wildcards to the Map.ofEntries() method
2015-12-11, by smarks
Added tag jdk-9+98 for changeset 797d5137b545
2015-12-18, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-12-18, by lana
2015-12-17, by lana
2015-12-15, by amurillo
2015-12-11, by amurillo
8145027: Exclude NUMAInterleaveGranularity from
2015-12-09, by jmasa
2015-12-09, by tschatzl
8060697: Improve G1 Heap Growth Heuristics
2015-12-09, by tbenson
2015-12-09, by david
8144837: Improve the printout of heap regions in hs_err dump files.
2015-12-09, by david
8138745: Implement ExitOnOutOfMemory and CrashOnOutOfMemory in HotSpot
2015-12-09, by kevinw
8144930: gcc 4.1.2: fix build flags after "8114853 variable tracking size limit exceeded"
2015-12-08, by goetz
2015-12-08, by mikael
8144881: Various fixes to linux/sparc
2015-12-08, by mikael
8140485: Class load and creation cleanup
2015-12-08, by mgronlun
8140031: SA: Searching for a value in Threads does not work
2015-12-08, by poonam
8144201: aarch64: jdk/test/com/sun/net/httpserver/ fails with --enable-unlimited-crypto
2015-12-07, by fyang
2015-12-07, by jwilhelm
2015-12-07, by jwilhelm
8142341: GC: current flags need ranges to be implemented
2015-12-04, by sangheki
2015-12-07, by iklam
8143615: compactHashtable.hpp includes .inline.hpp file
2015-12-02, by iklam
2015-12-07, by jprovino
2015-12-07, by jprovino
8144146: Unified Logging tags cannot be reserved keywords
2015-12-04, by mlarsson
8144605: Invalid format specifier when printing in_cset_state_t
2015-12-04, by mikael
2015-12-06, by mikael
8144663: Invalid constraints in memset_with_concurrent_readers_sparc.cpp inline assembly
2015-12-04, by mikael
2015-12-05, by coleenp
8144534: Refactor templateInterpreter and templateInterpreterGenerator functions
2015-12-05, by coleenp
8144690: g1Predictions.hpp includes allocation.inline.hpp
2015-12-05, by tschatzl
8144583: Test sanity/ fails
2015-12-05, by tschatzl
8144192: Enhancements-to-print_siginfo-windows
2015-12-05, by stuefe
8143125: [aix] Further Developments for AIX
2015-11-16, by stuefe
8144702: Using tid decorator in Unified Logging may crash VM
2015-12-05, by stuefe
2015-12-05, by dsamersoff
2015-12-04, by dsamersoff
8131694: backout the fix for JDK-8131331 when JDK-8131693 is fixed
2015-12-04, by dsamersoff
2015-12-05, by iklam
8144491: ElfSymbolTable::lookup returns bad value when the lookup has failed
2015-12-02, by iklam
2015-12-04, by ehelin
8144712: Remove g1RootClosures.inline.hpp
2015-12-04, by ehelin
2015-12-04, by mlarsson
8140556: Add force rotation option to VM.log jcmd
2015-12-03, by ysuenaga
2015-12-04, by jbachorik
8141526: Allow to collect stdout/stderr from the FinalizationRunner even before the process returns
2015-11-06, by jbachorik
8144629: runtime/thread/ test should ran in othervm mode
2015-12-04, by ddmitriev
8132510: Replace ThreadLocalStorage with compiler/language-based thread-local variables
2015-12-04, by dholmes
2015-12-04, by coleenp
8144536: Clean up Unified Logging test directory
2015-12-03, by rprotacio
2015-12-04, by mockner
2015-12-03, by mockner
8142976: Reimplement TraceClassInitialization with Unified Logging
2015-12-02, by mockner
2015-12-04, by tschatzl
8136680: Enable adaptive IHOP by default
2015-12-01, by tschatzl
8114853: variable tracking size limit exceeded in vmStructs.cpp
2015-12-03, by dsamersoff
8144343: [aix] Stack bottom should be page aligned
2015-12-02, by stuefe
8016752: [Newtest] regression test for PrintGCDetails and Verbose flags do not crash when ParOldGC has no memory
2015-11-26, by dfazunen
8144315: update_rs is passed wrong object
2015-12-02, by ehelin
8143291: Remove redundant coding around os::exception_name
2015-12-01, by stuefe
2015-12-01, by jwilhelm
8143251: Test is failing on jdk9/dev
2015-11-26, by sjohanss
8144084: [TESTBUG] 1.9 section not unlock flag in runtime/CommandLine/IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions test
2015-11-30, by ddmitriev
8144072: G1ParScanThreadState::update_rs does not need to call is_in_reserved
2015-11-27, by ehelin
8144067: Pass obj directly to G1ParScanThreadState::update_rs
2015-11-27, by ehelin
8144052: mark_card_deferred does not need to check g1_young_gen
2015-11-27, by ehelin
8144040: UpdateRSetDeferred in G1EvacFailure will never visit survivor regions
2015-11-29, by ehelin
8142402: G1 should not redirty cards in free regions
2015-04-29, by ehelin
8144145: G1GCPhaseTimes should allow externally accounted time
2015-11-29, by ehelin
8144077: Add getter for G1CollectorPolicy::_collectionSetChooser
2015-11-29, by ehelin
8142907: Integration of minor fixes from the build-infra project
2015-12-15, by ihse
Added tag jdk-9+98 for changeset 8743629b4f0c
2015-12-18, by lana
2015-12-18, by lana
2015-12-17, by lana
8145670: New Solaris devkits are missing gobjcopy
2015-12-17, by erikj
8145560: AIX: change '8036003: Add --with-debug-symbols' broke AIX build
2015-12-16, by simonis
8145548: Add default directory for freetype source
2015-12-16, by ihse
2015-12-15, by amurillo
2015-12-15, by amurillo
2015-12-11, by amurillo
2015-12-08, by dholmes
8144677: should allow creating a user specified testset with custom build flavors and build targets
2015-12-07, by cjplummer
2015-12-07, by jprovino
8141526: Allow to collect stdout/stderr from the FinalizationRunner even before the process returns
2015-12-03, by jbachorik
8142907: Integration of minor fixes from the build-infra project
2015-12-15, by ihse
8145391: Updated, devtools, jib and readme with SS12u4
2015-12-15, by erikj
8139272: Add configure variable to set concurrency for jtreg tests
2015-12-15, by ehelin
8144995: Move sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder to
2015-12-14, by chegar
8145008: Add libelf package to Linux devkit
2015-12-14, by erikj
Added tag jdk-9+98 for changeset 6850def997b7
2015-12-18, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+98 for changeset d00ad2d9049a
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+97 for changeset 8a8f52a733dd
2015-12-17, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+97 for changeset 4b9c476efd58
2015-12-17, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+97 for changeset 65254ce59909
2015-12-17, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+97 for changeset 24317dc1c751
2015-12-17, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+97 for changeset f0d109eeff1b
2015-12-17, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+97 for changeset 7c2e29c8d285
2015-12-17, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+97 for changeset e29399d0152b
2015-12-17, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+97 for changeset b05757ebc035
2015-12-17, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+97 for changeset 4edcff1b9a88
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8144095: jshell tool: normalize command parameter handling
2015-12-10, by rfield
2015-12-10, by lana
8145051: Wrong parameter name in synthetic lambda method leads to verifier error
2015-12-10, by sadayapalam
8144287: Enhance DocTree API to support @index javadoc tags.
2015-12-01, by ksrini
8136809: Javac fails compiling Collectors.reducing with method reference combiner
2015-12-09, by vromero
8080641: JEP-JDK-8042880 : Implement new tests on Project Coin
2015-12-09, by jlahoda
8144941: test/tools/javac/processing/ should have /nodynamiccopyright
2015-12-08, by alundblad
8138598: Incorrect reference to JLS in javadoc for Types.isSignaturePolymorphic()
2015-12-08, by sadayapalam
8143404: Remove apple script engine code in jdk repository
2015-12-08, by sundar
8144673: Suspect message regarding suitable enclosing instance not being in scope
2015-12-08, by sadayapalam
8059976: Convert JavacFileManager to use java.nio.file internally
2015-12-07, by jjg
Added tag jdk-9+96 for changeset 433994eb0a78
2015-12-10, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+96 for changeset 9bf78b6b2cdb
2015-12-10, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-12-10, by lana
8072081: Supplementary characters are rejected in comments
2015-12-09, by joehw
Added tag jdk-9+96 for changeset 26566f0fde9c
2015-12-10, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8145186: jjs package completion should have a fallback when javac is not available
2015-12-11, by sundar
2015-12-10, by lana
8144979: Context.fromClass should catch exception from Class.getClassLoader call
2015-12-09, by sundar
8144841: Add a sample for pluggable dynalink linker for stream property on arrays and a REAMDE for linker samples
2015-12-08, by sundar
Added tag jdk-9+96 for changeset 33e727a94932
2015-12-10, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+96 for changeset 9b37c8a452b5
2015-12-10, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8133986: (fs) Remove file deletion from test/java/nio/file/FileSystem/ checkNoUOE() method
2015-12-11, by bpb
8145077: AIX: fix harfbuzz support
2015-12-11, by simonis
8144784: Remove @Deprecated annotation from, and com.sun.jarsigner packages
2015-12-11, by mullan
8142398: ManagementAgent.status diagnostic command only outputs the specifically set properties
2015-11-13, by jbachorik
8145106: Still intermittent build error building jdk/src/demo/solaris/jni/Poller/Poller.c
2015-12-11, by erikj
8032027: Add BigInteger square root methods
2015-12-10, by bpb
8139133: Changing the modification time on a unix domain socket file fails
2015-12-10, by bpb
2015-12-10, by lana
8145082: Remove sun.misc.Unsafe dependency from sun.nio.cs.StringUTF16
2015-12-10, by chegar
8136410: AlgorithmDecomposer is not parsing padding correctly
2015-12-10, by xuelei
8142936: Add java.time.Duration methods for days, hours, minutes, seconds, etc.
2015-12-09, by ntv
8025547: Locale.toString() documentation error
2015-12-09, by rgoel
8141370: com/sun/jndi/ldap/ failed intermittently
2015-12-09, by robm
8143127: InvokerBytecodeGenerator emitConst should handle Byte, Short, Character
2015-12-09, by redestad
8143397: It looks like InetAddress.isReachable(timeout) works incorrectly
2015-12-09, by robm
8141651: Deadlock in
2015-12-09, by xuelei
8139232: JEP-269 initial API and skeleton implementations
2015-12-08, by smarks
8144958: changes by JDK-8142508 seems to have broken jtreg
2015-12-08, by sherman
8142508: To bring j.u.z.ZipFile's native implementation to Java to remove the expensive jni cost and mmap crash risk
2015-12-08, by sherman
8144857: Intermittent build error building jdk/src/demo/solaris/jni/Poller/Poller.c
2015-12-08, by erikj
8143404: Remove apple script engine code in jdk repository
2015-12-08, by sundar
8144890: Add the intermittent keyword test
2015-12-08, by xuelei
2015-12-07, by amurillo
2015-12-07, by amurillo
2015-12-03, by amurillo
2015-12-01, by neliasso
8142303: C2 compilation fails with "bad AD file"
2015-11-27, by thartmann
8144880: Instrument intermittently failing test
2015-12-07, by darcy
Added tag jdk-9+96 for changeset 25e9d31417fa
2015-12-10, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-12-10, by lana
2015-12-03, by amurillo
8144529: [JVMCI] compiler/jvmci/errors/ fails to compile after JDK-8143730
2015-12-02, by twisti
8144521: [JVMCI] JVMCI is built on 32-bit Windows compiler2 and tiered builds
2015-12-02, by twisti
8143219: AArch64 broken by 8141132: JEP 254: Compact Strings
2015-11-26, by aph
8144083: [JVMCI] CompilationResult should be finalized by JVMCI compiler and made effectively final
2015-12-01, by twisti
8144028: Use AArch64 bit-test instructions in C2
2015-11-25, by aph
2015-12-01, by twisti
8139921: add mx configuration files to support HotSpot IDE configuration generation
2015-12-01, by twisti
2015-12-01, by neliasso
8129847: Compiling methods generated by Nashorn triggers high memory usage in C2
2015-12-01, by zmajo
8143730: [JVMCI] infopoint recording is too restrictive
2015-11-30, by dnsimon
8142333: Build failure in debugInfoRec.cpp with SS12u4
2015-11-30, by never
8138896: C1: NativeGeneralJump is mixed up with NativeCall in C1 patching code
2015-10-05, by mdoerr
8142303: C2 compilation fails with "bad AD file"
2015-11-27, by thartmann
8143584: Load constant pool tag and class status with load acquire
2015-11-26, by hshi
Added tag jdk-9+96 for changeset 76214951eeab
2015-12-10, by lana
8145185: Rename JAB the build tool to JIB
2015-12-11, by erikj
8145206: Configure broken on Macosx
2015-12-11, by erikj
8145115: make JAVAC_FLAGS=-g no longer works
2015-12-11, by erikj
8036003: Add --with-debug-symbols=[none|internal|external|zipped]
2015-12-11, by ysuenaga
2015-12-10, by lana
8136782: Introduce a build/configure wrapper
2015-12-09, by erikj
8143404: Remove apple script engine code in jdk repository
2015-12-08, by sundar
2015-12-03, by amurillo
2015-12-01, by neliasso
8072008: Emit direct call instead of linkTo* for recursive indy/MH.invoke* calls
2015-11-30, by vlivanov
Added tag jdk-9+96 for changeset 564bf7c0cf4d
2015-12-10, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+96 for changeset 139f19d70350
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-12-07, by lana
8144756: JShell: missing @bug tag for 8142447
2015-12-07, by rfield
8143268: Langtools tools should create output directories as needed.
2015-12-04, by jjg
8008685: DPrinter should include MethodType.recvtype
2015-12-04, by vromero
2015-12-02, by lana
8142447: JShell tool: Command change: re-run n-th command should be re-run by id
2015-12-01, by rfield
2015-11-30, by lana
8143037: JShell should determine commands by prefix
2015-11-30, by jlahoda
8078660: Misleading recommendation from diamond finder.
2015-11-26, by sadayapalam
8144009: ToolBox should have a cleanDirectory method
2015-11-26, by alundblad
8143647: Javac compiles method reference that allows results in an IllegalAccessError
2015-11-26, by sadayapalam
Added tag jdk-9+95 for changeset db3b268801b0
2015-12-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-12-07, by lana
2015-11-30, by lana
8131334: SAAJ Plugability Layer: using java.util.ServiceLoader
2015-11-27, by mkos
Added tag jdk-9+95 for changeset a094c9b01999
2015-12-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-12-07, by lana
8132091: Clean up JAXP code that has dependency on Java version string
2015-12-03, by joehw
2015-12-02, by lana
8142463: Xml schema validation failing after Xerces update; maxOccurs ignored
2015-11-30, by joehw
Added tag jdk-9+95 for changeset 0b5bc9540954
2015-12-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-12-07, by lana
8144519: Add a sample for pluggable dynalink linker that demonstrats beans linker delegation
2015-12-03, by sundar
2015-12-02, by lana
8144473: Nashorn code assumes NashornCallSiteDescriptor always
2015-12-02, by sundar
8144131: ArrayData.getInt implementations do not convert to int32
2015-11-27, by hannesw
2015-11-30, by lana
8144230: Add a sample for pluggable dynalink linker
2015-11-30, by sundar
8144186: Update Main.asm sample to use dynalink public API
2015-11-27, by sundar
8144160: Regression: two tests fail on Windows with "ant test" target
2015-11-27, by sundar
8144051: failing test262parallel run leads to successful build
2015-11-26, by sundar
8143642: Nashorn shebang argument handling is broken
2015-11-26, by mhaupt
8141338: Move jdk.internal.dynalink package to jdk.dynalink
2015-11-24, by attila
8143821: Wrong test name in JDK-8143304
2015-11-23, by hannesw
8141407: Wrong evaluation of a != a when a = NaN
2015-11-23, by hannesw
Added tag jdk-9+95 for changeset a769d473f680
2015-12-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+95 for changeset 643584fab5fe
2015-12-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-12-07, by lana
8144262: LogRecord.getMillis() method is a convenience API that should not have been deprecated
2015-12-07, by dfuchs
8138638: Security tests using jdk/test/sun/security/krb5/auto/ fail intermittently with OutOfMemoryError
2015-12-07, by weijun
8141593: Test RetryHttps timed out intermittently
2015-12-07, by xuelei
8143854: java/util/regex/ failed
2015-12-04, by sherman
8144742: Instrument intermittently failing test
2015-12-04, by darcy
8144660: fails when it tries to run jaccess*.exe -J-version on windows
2015-12-03, by ksrini
8144627: Problem list
2015-12-03, by darcy
8144616: Problem building OpenJDK/harfbuzz on jprt
2015-12-03, by prr
8130246: java/util/Currency/ fails Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
2015-12-03, by rgoel
8143343: add JEP 274 Javadoc tests to JavaDocExamplesTest
2015-12-03, by mhaupt
8072844: Use more efficient LambdaForm type representation
2015-12-03, by mhaupt
8144460: Improve the code coverage for BootstrapLogger and SimpleConsoleLogger APIs and verify bug fix JDK-8144214
2015-12-02, by mli
8144214: Some log messages will be discarded when VM is bootstrapping
2015-12-02, by mli
8144480: Remove test dependencies on sun.misc.BASE64Encoder and BASE64Decoder
2015-12-03, by chegar
8141243: Unexpected timezone returned after parsing a date
2015-12-03, by okutsu
2015-12-02, by prr
2015-12-02, by prr
8144526: Remove Marlin logging use of deleted internal API
2015-12-02, by prr
2015-12-02, by prr
8144074: [PIT] Crash calling Toolkit.getScreenSize() on Windows.
2015-12-02, by prr
8143849: Integrate Marlin renderer per JEP 265
2015-11-23, by lbourges
8143848: changeset was pushed with wrong attributions
2015-11-23, by flar
8076529: Marlin antialiasing renderer integration
2015-11-23, by flar
8143342: Integrate Java Image I/O support for TIFF per JEP 262
2015-11-23, by bpb
2015-11-23, by prr
8143177: Integrate harfbuzz opentype layout engine per JEP 258
2015-11-23, by prr
7146533: [TEST BUG] [macosx] skip java/awt/xembed/server/ for Mac OS X
2015-11-23, by kshefov
8135100: Behavior of null arguments not specified in javax.sound.sampled.spi
2015-11-22, by serb
8056925: Add jaccessinspector and jaccesswalker to the bin directory
2015-11-20, by ptbrunet
8037575: JFrame on Windows doesn't animate when setting ICONIFIED state
2015-11-20, by rchamyal
8142898: Prefer isFile()/isDirectory() over exists() in SoftSynthesizer
2015-11-19, by omajid
8143256: The build is broken after JDK-8081411
2015-11-19, by serb
8081411: Add an API for painting an icon with a SynthContext
2015-11-18, by alexsch
2015-11-17, by prr
2015-11-17, by prr
8067059: PrinterJob.pageDialog() with DialogSelectionType.NATIVE returns a PageFormat when cancelled.
2015-11-18, by psadhukhan
8039412: Stack overflow on Linux using DialogTypeSelection.NATIVE
2015-11-17, by psadhukhan
8132770: Test javax/swing/JRadioButton/FocusTraversal/ fails in MacOSX
2015-11-17, by alexsch
7124218: Space should select cell in the JTable
2015-11-17, by alexsch
8030099: Memory usage of java process increases after pressing start button in test window
2015-11-17, by rchamyal
7162125: [macosx] A font has different behaviour for ligatures depending on its creation mod
2015-11-16, by prr
6288609: JInternalFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation() interferes with "close" behavior
2015-11-16, by rchamyal
8081491: The case print incomplete.
2015-11-16, by psadhukhan
8079253: Test javax/swing/SwingUtilities/TestBadBreak/ fails
2015-11-13, by rchamyal
8137571: Linux HiDPI Graphics support
2015-11-13, by alexsch
8073320: Windows HiDPI Graphics support
2015-11-13, by alexsch
8134116: Add more comprehensive fix and regression test for JDK-8133897
2015-11-12, by ptbrunet
8144533: failing after Verona changes in dev
2015-12-02, by ksrini
8143858: typo in Timer.purge() doc
2015-12-02, by smarks
6856817: Poor performance of Writer#append with CharBuffer
2015-12-02, by vtewari
2015-12-02, by lana
8144349: @since tag missed
2015-12-02, by ntv
8144313: Test SessionTimeOutTests can be timeout
2015-12-02, by xuelei
8143879: jdk/internal/jimage/ crashes jvm in msvcr120.dll
2015-12-02, by rriggs
8143876: test/java/lang/ProcessHandle/ failed intermittently with assertion error
2015-12-02, by rriggs
8143131: Remove unused code from java.lang.invoke
2015-12-02, by redestad
8141690: JDK-8133151 change to is not complete
2015-12-02, by weijun
8130132: jarsigner should emit warning if weak algorithms or keysizes are used
2015-12-02, by weijun
8141457: keytool default cert fingerprint algorithm should be SHA-256
2015-12-02, by weijun
8144093: JEP 244/8051498 - TLS Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension
2015-12-02, by vinnie
8143298: Test fails intermittently
2015-12-02, by xuelei
2015-12-01, by amurillo
2015-11-30, by amurillo
2015-11-30, by jwilhelm
8143121: javax/management/remote/mandatory/loading/ fails intermittently
2015-11-26, by akulyakh
8142336: Convert the SA agent build to modular build-infra makefiles
2015-11-24, by erikj
8143967: The stream state check should handle unsigned anchor value
2015-11-24, by mchung
8143911: Reintegrate JEP 259: Stack-Walking API
2015-11-24, by mchung
2015-11-24, by ctornqvi
8143931: Back out JDK-8140450
2015-11-24, by ctornqvi
8140687: Move @Contended to the jdk.internal.vm.annotation package
2015-11-24, by chegar
2015-11-24, by jiangli
2015-11-23, by jiangli
2015-11-23, by jiangli
2015-11-23, by jiangli
2015-11-19, by jiangli
8140802: Clean up and refactor of class loading code for CDS
2015-06-24, by iklam
8140450: Implement JEP 259: Stack-Walking API
2015-11-23, by mchung
2015-11-27, by amurillo
2015-11-23, by neliasso
2015-11-16, by neliasso
8042997: Make intrinsic some or all check index/range methods
2015-11-16, by roland
8143926: ObjectStreamField constructor eagerly load ObjectStreamClass
2015-12-01, by redestad
8144294: jdk/security/jarsigner/ failed to clean up files after test on Windows
2015-12-01, by weijun
8144107: jdk/security tests not included
2015-12-01, by weijun
8136442: Don't tie Certificate signature algorithms to ciphersuites
2015-12-01, by xuelei
2015-11-30, by lana
8142872: Remove support for from 9
2015-11-30, by robm
8043138: Attach API should not require jvmstat rmi protocol
2015-11-13, by jbachorik
8144210: Runtime.currentRuntime should be final
2015-11-29, by alanb
8131334: SAAJ Plugability Layer: using java.util.ServiceLoader
2015-11-27, by mkos
8143087: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2015-11
2015-11-25, by dl
8142441: Improve jtreg tests for java.util.concurrent
2015-11-25, by dl
8139574: ReentrantReadWriteLock documentation example has compile time error
2015-11-25, by dl
8072015: java/util/Collections/ failed TreeSet(reverseOrder)
2015-11-25, by dl
8140471: java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/ timed out
2015-11-25, by dl
8140468: java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/ failed with java.lang.Error: Completed == 4; expected 2
2015-11-25, by dl
8141031: java/util/concurrent/Phaser/ starts failing intermittently
2015-11-25, by dl
8143086: Document that ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.newThread can return null to reject request
2015-11-25, by dl
8143073: Improve documentation for ConcurrentHashMap serialized form
2015-11-25, by dl
8140587: Atomic*FieldUpdaters should use Class.isInstance instead of direct class check
2015-11-25, by dl
8085984: Add JDBC Sharding API
2015-11-25, by lancea
8143165: Add Statement.isSimpleIdentifier and update enquoteLiteral
2015-11-25, by lancea
8143798: jck failures: api/java_lang/invoke/MethodHandle/index_MethodsTests[asSpreaderWMTE]: java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
2015-11-25, by mhaupt
7047633: remove @ignore 6876961 from test/java/util/ResourceBundle/
2015-11-25, by okutsu
8143913: MSCAPI keystore should accept Certificate[] in setEntry()
2015-11-25, by weijun
8143377: Test fails
2015-11-25, by amjiang
7011840: TEST_BUG java/util/Locale/
2015-11-24, by rgoel