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8025230: [cleanup] some more javadoc formatting fixes for swing
2013-09-24, by yan
8025114: Eliminate doclint errors in java.awt.dnd package javadoc
2013-09-24, by yan
8019282: keyRelesed is reached even though key was NOT released
2013-09-23, by serb
7172833: For default java.awt.Toolkit impl methods are not consistent
2013-09-23, by serb
8005255: [macosx] Cleanup warnings in sun.lwawt
2013-09-23, by serb
8015600: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] Test closed/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicMenuUI/4983388/ fails since JDK 8 b75 on MacOSX
2013-09-23, by kshefov
7024235: Nimbus L&F: wrong "packing" of a frame containing tabbed pane
2013-09-20, by malenkov
7124232: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] JSplitPane has wrong divider location
2013-09-20, by kshefov
8017180: [macosx] [TEST_BUG] alt-key doesn't work on macos for menu
2013-09-20, by kshefov
7124314: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] Aqua LAF: JTree doesn't select element by keyboards left and right keys
2013-09-20, by kshefov
7129133: [macosx] Accelerators are displayed as Meta instead of the Command symbol
2013-09-19, by leonidr
7144065: [macosx] Orphaned Choice popup window
2013-09-19, by leonidr
2013-09-18, by lana
7188071: closed/java/awt/TrayIcon/TrayIconSecurity/GrantedTrayIconTest fails
2013-09-18, by leonidr
8016746: Test javax/swing/JTable/7068740/ fails
2013-09-18, by mcherkas
8024839: [Unified Swing/Fx threading] don't schedule an event dispatching from the event dispatch thread
2013-09-18, by ant
8024863: X11: Support GNOME Shell as mutter
2013-09-16, by omajid
8024485: For 5-1 step: if input something into the 'File:' and 'Dir:', the dir output isn't empty in the output window after showing and canceling the file dialog
2013-09-16, by pchelko
8024779: [macosx] SwingNode crashes on exit
2013-09-16, by pchelko
8015588: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] Test java/awt/MenuBar/MenuBarSetFont/ fails on MacOSX
2013-09-16, by kshefov
7020060: [TEST_BUG] java/awt/FullScreen/TranslucentWindow/ failed
2013-09-16, by kshefov
8022512: JLightweightFrame: the content pane should be transparent
2013-09-16, by ant
8008728: [macosx] Swing. JDialog. Modal dialog goes to background
2013-09-16, by alexsch
8012026: [macosx] Component.getMousePosition() does not work in an applet on MacOS
2013-09-13, by pchelko
8015597: [TEST_BUG] [macosx] Test closed/javax/swing/JMenuBar/4750590/ fails since JDK 8 b75 on MacOSX
2013-09-13, by kshefov
8006087: [TEST_BUG] The BACKSPACE key doesn't work and after pressing 'cancel' and 'DONE' button, the case pass automatically.
2013-09-13, by kshefov
8015601: [macosx] Test javax/swing/JInternalFrame/ fails on MacOS X
2013-09-13, by mcherkas
8015455: java/awt/dnd/DisposeFrameOnDragCrash/ hangs on windows
2013-09-13, by pchelko
8015371: The HTML text without tags does not appear inside the WordPad application, and we try to click the button, but the case exits.
2013-09-13, by pchelko
8015453: java/awt/DataFlavor/MissedHtmlAndRtfBug/ failed on windows with jdk8 since b86
2013-09-13, by pchelko
8024170: [SwingNode] Implement cursor change
2013-09-13, by pchelko
8024395: Improve fix for line break calculations
2013-09-12, by dmarkov