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8190283: Default heap sizing options select a MaxHeapSize larger than available physical memory in some cases
2017-11-07, by bobv
8190703: TestSystemGCWith* infrequently times out on SPARC
2017-11-07, by tschatzl
8152470: Add COMPILER2_OR_JVMCI definition
2017-11-06, by jcm
8190710: Update Graal
2017-11-06, by dlong
8184206: Resolve all string constants in shared classes at CDS dump time
2017-11-06, by jiangli
8187315: [JVMCI] hosted use of JVMCI can crash VM under -Xint
2017-11-06, by dnsimon
8190781: ppc64 + s390: Fix CriticalJNINatives
2017-11-06, by mdoerr
8188102: [JVMCI] Convert special JVMCI oops in nmethod to jweak values
2017-11-06, by dnsimon
8186478: [JVMCI] rename HotSpotResolvedJavaMethod#setNotInlineableOrCompileable
2017-11-06, by dnsimon
2017-11-06, by tschatzl
2017-11-06, by tschatzl
8140255: Move the management of G1YoungRemSetSamplingThread from G1ConcurrentRefine
2017-11-06, by tschatzl
8149127: Rename g1/concurrentMarkThread.* to g1/g1ConcurrentMarkThread.*
2017-11-06, by tschatzl
8163011: AArch64: NMT detail stack trace cleanup
2017-11-06, by dsamersoff
8167409: Invalid value passed to critical JNI function
2017-11-06, by jcm
8186502: Assert when range testing G1RefProcDrainInterval on 64-bit systems
2017-11-06, by lkorinth
8190415: [JVMCI] JVMCIRuntime::adjust_comp_level must not swallow ThreadDeath
2017-11-06, by dnsimon
8190353: [Testbug] test/hotspot/jtreg/gc/logging/ can still fail
2017-11-06, by sjohanss
2017-11-06, by jcm
8167408: Invalid critical JNI function lookup
2017-11-06, by jcm
8177397: [JVMCI] remove unnecessary synchronization
2017-11-05, by dnsimon
8190745: AARCH64: fix for JDK-8189176 may break a build
2017-11-06, by dchuyko
8189440: Event tracing macros for allocation and weak oops processing
2017-11-05, by egahlin
8189425: Minor updates in support of closed changes
2017-11-05, by egahlin
8189731: Disable CFLH when there are no transformers
2017-11-03, by sspitsyn
8187347: Do not abort CDS archive creation when some classes are unverifiable
2017-11-03, by ccheung
8190617: test/jdk/sun/tools/jhsdb/ fails
2017-11-03, by coleenp
8184765: Dynamically resize SystemDictionary
2017-11-02, by gziemski
8189176: AARCH64: Improve _updateBytesCRC32 intrinsic
2017-11-02, by dchuyko
8172232: SPARC ISA/CPU feature detection is broken/insufficient (on Linux).
2017-09-28, by phedlin
2017-10-30, by jwilhelm
8179624: [REDO] Avoid repeated calls to JavaThread::last_frame in InterpreterRuntime
2017-10-26, by iklam
8190491: SA tests failed after 8189610 changes
2017-11-01, by coleenp
8187091: ReturnBlobToWrongHeapTest fails because of problems in CodeHeap::contains_blob()
2017-11-01, by simonis
8189745: AARCH64: Use CRC32C intrinsic code in interpreter and C1
2017-11-01, by dchuyko
8186618: [TESTBUG] Test applications/ctw/ doesn't have timeout and hang on windows
2017-10-31, by iignatyev
8189610: Reconcile jvm.h and all jvm_md.h between java.base and hotspot
2017-10-31, by coleenp
8189368: Add information on current bias holder for BiasedLockRevocation event
2017-10-30, by egahlin
8190351: InitialAndMaxUsageTest does not free allocated blob
2017-10-31, by thartmann
8190285: s390: Some java boolean checks are not correct
2017-10-30, by mdoerr
8190191: Subclasses of jdk.jfr.Event loaded from CDS breaks -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=retransform=false
2017-10-29, by iklam
8177959: G1CollectedHeap::print_on prints incorrect capacity
2017-10-27, by sjohanss
2017-10-27, by kvn
8189064: Crash with compiler/codegen/* on Solaris-sparc
2017-10-27, by kvn
2017-10-27, by sangheki
8185278: fails guarantee(index != trim_index(_head_index + 1)) failed: should not go past head
2017-10-26, by sangheki
2017-10-27, by jcm
8185989: overview.html files should be deleted?
2017-10-26, by jcm
8184777: Factor out species generation logic from BoundMethodHandle
2017-11-16, by redestad
8190974: Parallel stream execution within a custom ForkJoinPool should obey the parallelism
2017-11-08, by psandoz
8190702: JMC packaging causing errors in JDK 10 consolidated repo (macOS)
2017-11-15, by erikj
8068741: javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.getMethodCallSyntax() spec allows null passed as an object
2017-11-15, by sundar
8191306: Math.abs corner case with optimistic typing
2017-11-15, by sundar
8185371: Support for multiple stylesheets in javadoc
2017-11-14, by bpatel
8189631: Missing space in the javadoc for InetAddress.createNameService()
2017-11-14, by igerasim
2017-11-14, by mullan
8175094: Mark the deprecated APIs with forRemoval=true
2017-11-14, by mullan
8191137: keytool fails to format resource strings for keys for some languages after JDK-8171319
2017-11-14, by weijun
2017-11-14, by mullan
8175091: Mark the deprecated{Certificate,Identity,IdentityScope,Signer} APIs with forRemoval=true
2017-11-14, by mullan
8191133: Ant task to fetch underscore.js requires gzip decoding option
2017-11-14, by hannesw
8190410: Help.gmk is not updated after consolidation
2017-11-14, by ihse
8191172: Problem list java/net/httpclient/websocket/
2017-11-14, by xiaofeya
8185119: Uninitialized const when using multiple threads
2017-11-14, by hannesw
8177471: jlink should use the version from java.base.jmod to find modules
2017-11-14, by sundar
8191131: Nashorn test comparator breaks comparator contract
2017-11-13, by hannesw
8190725: Freetype license file provided with configure not included in images
2017-11-13, by erikj
8190391: nashorn "!!" of nonzero even integer var becomes false when returned
2017-11-13, by hannesw
8145635: Add TCP_QUICKACK socket option
2017-11-13, by vtewari
2017-11-10, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+31 for changeset e6278add9ff2
2017-11-10, by lana
8189764: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2017-11
2017-11-09, by dl
8189387: ConcurrentLinkedDeque linearizability continued ...
2017-11-09, by dl
8179314: CountedCompleterTest.testForkHelpQuiesce fails with expected:<21> but was:<13>
2017-11-09, by dl
8190747: ExecutorService/ fails intermittently
2017-11-09, by dl
8191025: (ch) Scattering reads to a subsequence of buffers ignores length
2017-11-09, by bpb
8189953: FileHandler constructor throws NoSuchFileException with absolute path
2017-11-09, by dfuchs
8190258: (tz) Support tzdata2017c
2017-11-09, by rpatil
8190865: Require jtreg 4.2 b10
2017-11-07, by jwilhelm
8190733: Use Class::getPackageName in java.base implementation
2017-11-08, by mchung
8190735: Define all base artifacts for all open/open-debug profiles
2017-11-08, by erikj
8185739: Memory leak in BitmapUtil::BitmapToRgn
2017-11-08, by prr
2017-11-08, by prr
8019816: [TEST_BUG][macosx] closed/java/awt/BasicStroke/ not on EDT
2017-11-07, by serb
2017-11-06, by prr
8189702: Broken links in javadoc for Adobe TIFF related documents
2017-11-06, by jdv
8190744: xattr: No such file LICENSE files
2017-11-08, by erikj
8190884: java/lang/Runtime/exec/LotsOfOutput fails intermittently
2017-11-08, by rriggs
8190427: Test for JDK-8165198 fails intermittently because of GC
2017-11-08, by hannesw
8181151: Fix lint warnings in JAXP repo: cast
2017-11-07, by joehw
8190814: javax/imageio/stream/NullStreamCheckTest writes to the repo
2017-11-07, by martin
8190816: fails to make $WRITABLEJDK writable
2017-11-07, by martin
8190482: InnocuousThread creation should not require the caller to possess enableContextClassLoaderOverride
2017-11-07, by chegar
8186807: JSObject gets ScriptFunction when ScriptObjectMirror is expected
2017-11-07, by hannesw
8164512: Replace ClassLoader use of finalizer with phantom reference to unload native library
2017-11-06, by mchung
8187281: Remove intermittent from OnExitTest
2017-11-06, by rriggs
8190793: Httpserver does not detect truncated request body
2017-11-06, by michaelm
8190795: jjs should show javadoc for java methods on shift-tab
2017-11-06, by sundar
8180744: Update ct.sym for JDK 10
2017-11-06, by jlahoda
8139607: -release option forces StandardJavaFileManager
2017-11-06, by jlahoda
2017-10-30, by jwilhelm
8188151: "assert(entry_for(catch_pco, handler_bcis->at(i), scope_depth)->pco() == handler_pcos->at(i))" failure with C1
2017-10-10, by roland
6523512: has_special_runtime_exit_condition checks for is_deopt_suspend needlessly
2017-10-26, by jcm
8166750: C1 profiling handles statically bindable call sites differently than the interpreter
2017-10-25, by iveresov
8189797: Fix initializer lists in G1ConcurrentMark and G1CMTask
2017-10-25, by tschatzl
8189673: Consistent naming of concurrent threads, tasks and related identifiers
2017-10-25, by tschatzl
8189801: Remove G1MarkingOverheadPercent
2017-10-25, by tschatzl
8189061: serviceability/sa/ - Unable to find instance klass for null
2017-10-24, by sballal
8188785: CCP sets invalid type for java mirror load
2017-10-25, by thartmann
8189649: AOT: assert(caller_frame.cb()->as_nmethod_or_null() == cm) failed: expect top frame nmethod
2017-10-23, by dlong
2017-10-24, by jcm
8168712: [AOT] assert(false) failed: DEBUG MESSAGE: InterpreterMacroAssembler::call_VM_base: last_sp != NULL
2017-10-24, by jcm
8189794: Assert in InstanceKlass::cast called from Exceptions::new_exceptions
2017-10-24, by coleenp
8166317: InterpreterCodeSize should be computed
2017-09-04, by simonis
8171853: Remove Shark compiler
2017-10-15, by rkennke
8188223: IfNode::range_check_trap_proj() should handler dying subgraph with single if proj
2017-10-18, by roland
2017-10-23, by hseigel
8174954: Parameter target type is allowed access after a module read edge or a package export has occurred after failed resolution
2017-10-23, by hseigel
8184914: Use MacroAssembler::cmpoop() consistently when comparing heap objects
2017-10-23, by rkennke
2017-10-23, by tschatzl
8189729: Change _perc suffixes in identifiers to _percent
2017-10-23, by tschatzl
8189665: Change id parameter of G1ConcurrentMark::task() to uint
2017-10-23, by tschatzl
8189666: Replace various inlined percentage calculations with global percent_of()
2017-10-23, by tschatzl
8184667: Clean up G1ConcurrentMark files
2017-10-23, by tschatzl
2017-10-23, by stefank
8189748: More precise closures for WeakProcessor::weak_oops_do calls
2017-10-23, by stefank
8189616: [s390] Remove definition and all uses of STCK instruction
2017-10-23, by lucy
8189776: Remove dead code in jvm.cpp: force_verify_field_access
2017-10-23, by dholmes
8185160: -XX:DumpLoadedClassList omits graal classes
2017-10-21, by iklam
2017-10-22, by jwilhelm
2017-10-21, by jwilhelm
2017-10-21, by sspitsyn
8151815: Could not parse core image with JSnap.
2017-10-21, by ysuenaga
8132547: [AOT] support invokedynamic instructions
2017-10-19, by dlong
8187438: Update Graal
2017-10-11, by dlong
8185712: [windows] Improve native symbol decoder
2017-09-20, by goetz
8149137: Remove _DISABLE_MMU define from G1MMUTracker
2017-10-19, by ehelin
2017-10-20, by dholmes
8189373: jmap -heap exited with error code
2017-10-19, by rkennke
8189193: FindClass should only see classes from the boot loader called from its associated native library
2017-10-19, by mchung
8188245: [Testbug] test/hotspot/jtreg/gc/logging/ can fail
2017-10-19, by sangheki
2017-10-19, by ihse
8189608: Remove duplicated jni.h
2017-10-19, by ihse
8189355: Cleanup of BarrierSet barrier functions
2017-10-19, by eosterlund
8189390: Assert in
2017-10-18, by sangheki
2017-10-18, by coleenp
2017-10-18, by coleenp
8087291: InitialBootClassLoaderMetaspaceSize and CompressedClassSpaceSize should be checked consistent from MaxMetaspaceSize
2017-10-18, by ysuenaga
2017-10-18, by sspitsyn
2017-10-18, by sspitsyn
8175510: Null pointer dereference in getModuleObject of JPLISAgent.c:790
2017-10-18, by sspitsyn
2017-10-18, by stefank
8189360: JvmtiExport::weak_oops_do is called for all JNIHandleBlock instances
2017-10-18, by stefank
8189359: Move native weak oops cleaning out of ReferenceProcessor
2017-10-18, by stefank
8189276: Make SuspendibleThreadSet and related code available to other GCs
2017-10-18, by rkennke
8189607: Remove duplicated jvmticmlr.h
2017-10-18, by ihse
8187230: [aix] Leave OS guard page size at default for non-java threads instead of explicitly setting it
2017-09-07, by stuefe
8187462: IntegralConstant should not be AllStatic
2017-10-17, by kbarrett
2017-10-17, by sspitsyn
2017-10-17, by sspitsyn
8173936: [TESTBUG] test/serviceability/jvmti/ModuleAwareAgents/ClassFileLoadHook/ needs to be re-examined
2017-10-17, by sspitsyn
2017-10-17, by iklam
8176827: Test can't find
2017-10-17, by iklam
8189409: [AOT] Fix paths in aot test scripts
2017-10-17, by iveresov
8185580: Refactor Threads::possibly_parallel_oops_do() to use Threads::parallel_java_threads_do()
2017-10-17, by rkennke
8188919: Generalize GC thread suspend/resume at safepoints
2017-10-17, by eosterlund
8184042: several serviceability/sa tests timed out on MacOS X
2017-10-16, by jgeorge
8188220: Remove Atomic::*_ptr() uses and overloads from hotspot
2017-10-16, by coleenp
2017-10-16, by egahlin
8187042: Events to show which objects are associated with biased object revocations
2017-10-16, by egahlin
2017-10-16, by egahlin
8189274: Allow cutoff attribute for event based tracing
2017-10-16, by egahlin
8173917: Safepoint ID is not consistent across event-based tracing events
2017-10-16, by egahlin
2017-10-16, by jwilhelm
8189333: Fix Zero build after Atomic::xchg changes
2017-10-15, by rkennke
2017-10-14, by jwilhelm
8189244: x86: eliminate frame::adjust_unextended_sp() overhead
2017-10-13, by dlong
8185141: Generalize scavengeable nmethod root handling
2017-10-13, by eosterlund
8189067: SuperWord optimization crashes with "assert(out == prev || prev == __null) failed: no branches off of store slice"
2017-10-13, by thartmann
8179387: Factor out CMS specific code from GenCollectedHeap into its own subclass
2017-10-12, by rkennke
8187667: Disable deprecation warning for readdir_r
2017-09-18, by ehelin
2017-10-12, by sspitsyn
8189069: regression after push of 8187403: "AssertionFailure: addr should be OopHandle"
2017-10-11, by ysuenaga
8189183: [AOT] Fix eclipse project generation after repo consolidation
2017-10-11, by iveresov
8188922: [TESTBUG] runtime/CommandLine/ fails with JDK10 release bits
2017-10-11, by hseigel
8187578: BitMap::reallocate should check if old_map is NULL
2017-09-15, by ehelin
8181592: [TESTBUG] Docker test utils and docker jdk basic test
2017-10-10, by mseledtsov
8185694: Replace SystemDictionaryShared::_java_platform_loader with SystemDictionary::is_platform_class_loader()
2017-10-10, by ccheung
8188052: JNI FindClass needs to specify the class loading context used for library lifecycle hooks
2017-10-10, by mchung
2017-10-10, by jwilhelm
8189071: Require jtreg 4.2 b09
2017-10-10, by jwilhelm
8188828: Intermittent ClassNotFoundException: jdk.test.lib.Platform for compiler tests
2017-10-09, by iklam
8188813: Generalize OrderAccess to use templates
2017-10-09, by eosterlund
8188868: PPC64: Support AES intrinsics on Big Endian
2017-10-09, by mdoerr
8188857: [s390]: CPU feature detection incomplete
2017-10-09, by lucy
8187964: [s390][ppc]: Intrinsify Math.multiplyHigh(long, long)
2017-10-09, by lucy
2017-10-09, by dholmes
8185529: JCK api/java_lang/Object/WaitTests failed with jdk10/hs nightly
2017-10-09, by dholmes
2017-10-09, by sspitsyn
8187403: [Unknown generation] is shown in Stack Memory on HSDB
2017-10-07, by ysuenaga
8187401: Java Stack cannot be shown on HSDB
2017-10-07, by ysuenaga
8187685: NMT: Tracking compiler memory usage of thread's resource area
2017-10-06, by zgu
8174986: CDS archived java heap region may not compatible with AOT
2017-10-06, by jiangli
8188776: can't export package to upgradeable modules
2017-10-06, by kvn
2017-10-06, by coleenp
8178870: instrumentation.retransformClasses cause coredump
2017-10-06, by coleenp
8188775: Module has not been granted
2017-10-06, by kvn
8188802: PPC64: Failure on assert(lrgmask.is_aligned_sets(RegMask::SlotsPerVecX))
2017-10-05, by mhorie
8188224: Generalize Atomic::load/store to use templates
2017-10-05, by eosterlund
8185003: JMX: Add a version of ThreadMXBean.dumpAllThreads with a maxDepth argument
2017-10-05, by uvangapally
8187601: Unrolling more when SLP auto-vectorization failed
2017-09-20, by zyao
8187822: C2 conditonal move optimization might create broken graph
2017-09-27, by roland
2017-10-04, by jwilhelm
2017-10-04, by jwilhelm
8187684: Intrinsify Math.multiplyHigh(long, long)
2017-10-04, by dpochepk
8188773: PPC64 and s390: Fix UseMembar and enable ShareVtableStubs
2017-10-04, by mdoerr
8187969: [s390] z/Architecture Vector Facility Support. Part II
2017-10-04, by lucy
8188757: PPC64: Disable VSR52-63 in
2017-10-04, by mhorie
8188139: PPC64: Superword Level Parallelization with VSX
2017-10-03, by mhorie
8187219: Newer AMD 17h (EPYC) Processor family defaults
2017-10-03, by kvn
2017-10-03, by coleenp
8186777: Make Klass::_java_mirror an OopHandle
2017-10-03, by coleenp
8187570: Comparison between pointer and char in MethodMatcher::canonicalize
2017-09-15, by ehelin
8187977: Generalize Atomic::xchg to use templates
2017-09-26, by eosterlund
2017-10-03, by iignatyev
8185134: [Graal] Introduce vm.graal predicate and tag tests which are not applicable for Graal
2017-10-02, by epavlova
2017-10-03, by iklam
8187979: Clean up info printing at CDS dump time
2017-10-02, by iklam
8188246: Add test/hotspot/jtreg/gc/logging/ to ProblemList.txt
2017-10-02, by dholmes
8185062: Set AssumeMP to true and deprecate the flag
2017-10-02, by dholmes
8186915: AARCH64: Intrinsify squareToLen and mulAdd
2017-10-02, by dpochepk
2017-09-30, by sspitsyn
8175816: SA: HSDB: Compute Liveness results in java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
2017-09-29, by ysuenaga
2017-09-30, by sspitsyn
2017-09-29, by sspitsyn
8187402: UnknownOopException is occurred on Stack Memory window in HSDB
2017-09-29, by ysuenaga
8185979: PPC64: Implement SHA2 intrinsic
2017-09-25, by mdoerr
8138600: eliminate the need of ModuleLoaderMap.dat for CDS
2017-09-29, by ccheung
8188031: Complement fused mac operations on SPARC
2017-09-29, by neliasso
8182279: Updating SPARC feature/capability detection to support Core C5.
2017-09-29, by neliasso
8167199: Add C2 SPARC intrinsic for BigInteger::multiplyToLen() method.
2017-09-29, by neliasso
8011352: C1: TraceCodeBlobStacks crashes fastdebug Solaris SPARC.
2017-09-29, by neliasso
8188117: jdk/test/lib/FileInstaller doesn't work for directories
2017-09-20, by iignatyev
8187020: AOT tests should not fail if devkit dependency isn't resolved
2017-09-01, by iignatyev
8182701: Modify JVMCI to allow Graal Compiler to expose platform MBean
2017-09-28, by jtulach
8186465: Each j.l.Reference elapsed time log is incorrect
2017-09-28, by sangheki
2017-09-28, by hseigel
8186092: Unnecessary loader constraints produced when there are multiple defaults
2017-09-28, by hseigel
8186770: NMT: Report metadata information in NMT summary
2017-09-28, by zgu
8186838: Generalize Atomic::inc/dec with templates
2017-09-26, by eosterlund
8187780: VM crashes while generating replay compilation file
2017-09-28, by thartmann
2017-09-28, by jiangli
8186789: CDS dump crashes at ConstantPool::resolve_class_constants
2017-09-27, by jiangli
8068314: "Java fields that are currently set during shared space dumping" comment is incorrect
2017-09-27, by jiangli
8186578: Zero fails to build on linux-sparc due to sparc-specific code
2017-09-27, by glaubitz
8184286: print_tracing_info() does not use Unified Logging for output
2017-09-21, by sjohanss
8187124: [TESTBUG] Unable to create shared archive file
2017-09-26, by ccheung
2017-09-26, by coleenp
8187331: VirtualSpaceList tracks free space on wrong node
2017-09-20, by zgu
2017-09-26, by cjplummer
2017-09-26, by cjplummer
8179498: attach in linux should be relative to /proc/pid/root and namespace aware
2017-09-26, by cjplummer
2017-09-26, by cjplummer
2017-09-26, by cjplummer
8187629: NMT: Memory miscounting in compiler (C2)
2017-09-25, by zgu
2017-09-26, by hseigel
2017-09-26, by hseigel
8187436: -Xbootclasspath/a causes sanity check assertion with exploded build
2017-09-26, by hseigel
2017-09-26, by coleenp
8081323: ConstantPool::_resolved_references is missing in heap dump
2017-09-26, by coleenp
8187573: [s390] z/Architecture Vector Facility Support
2017-09-26, by lucy
8187597: WrongTypeException is occurred at CLHSDB jstack after JDK-8186837
2017-09-26, by ysuenaga
2017-09-26, by dholmes
2017-09-26, by dholmes
8187590: Zero runtime can lock-up on linux-alpha
2017-09-26, by glaubitz
8187028: [aix] Real thread stack size may be up to 64K smaller than requested one
2017-09-26, by stuefe
8177901: JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112): on checking for an interface
2017-09-26, by sspitsyn
8187040: ThreadCritical crashes on Solaris if used between os::init and os::init_2
2017-09-25, by mgerdin
8187884: [TESTBUG] compiler/classUnloading/anonymousClass/TestAnonymousClassUnloading failed with ClassNotFoundException
2017-09-25, by ccheung
2017-09-25, by jwilhelm
8185976: PPC64: Implement MulAdd and SquareToLen intrinsics
2017-09-25, by goetz
8187547: PPC64: icache invalidation is incorrect in some places
2017-09-25, by goetz
2017-11-03, by prr
2017-11-03, by prr
8188072: JShell: NPE in SourceCodeAnalysis.completionSuggestions()
2017-11-02, by rfield
8190230: [macosx] Order of overlapping of modal dialogs is wrong
2017-11-02, by ssadetsky
8190475: SwingSet2 won't start
2017-11-01, by prr
2017-11-01, by prr
8188030: AWT java apps fail to start when some minimal fonts are present
2017-10-30, by neugens
8159062: [hidpi] DnD on Windows while scaling is non-integer
2017-10-30, by pbansal
8177455: TIFFCompressor has a reference to non-existent method
2017-10-30, by jdv
8186617: The "com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities" class can be dropped in favour of public API
2017-10-27, by serb
8180501: RescaleOp.filter does not document IllegalArgumentException if sizes differ.
2017-10-27, by prr
8187639: TrayIcon is not properly supported on macOS in multi-screen environment
2017-10-26, by serb
8170681: Remove fontconfig header files from JDK source tree
2017-10-25, by prr
2017-10-25, by prr
6463710: ListSelectionModel.setSelectionMode() underspecified
2017-10-25, by aghaisas
8179856: jshell tool: not suitable for pipeline use
2017-10-24, by rfield
8188081: Text selection does not clear after focus is lost
2017-10-24, by ssadetsky
2017-10-23, by prr
8145795: [PIT] java/awt/Window/ScreenLocation/ fails (can assign Integer.MAX_VALUE to Window dimensions)
2017-10-23, by aghaisas
8186559: [macos] the screen location is wrong when using AWT/SWT bridge with dual monitors
2017-10-20, by serb
8187359: JShell: Give comprehensible error when user method name matches Object method
2017-10-20, by rfield
8184219: Fix accessibility of tables in the java.desktop module
2017-10-20, by serb
8187399: Different problems in the javadoc's links in java.desktop package
2017-10-20, by serb
8190502: (fs) Typo in java.nio.file.Files
2017-11-03, by bpb
8190501: (fs) Incorrect error message parameter in java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/
2017-11-03, by bpb
8190500: (ch) ReadableByteChannelImpl::read and WritableByteChannelImpl::write might not throw ClosedChannelException as specified
2017-11-03, by bpb
8190439: Removal of newrmic
2017-11-03, by lancea
8190698: jjs tool of module should not statically depend on java.desktop
2017-11-03, by sundar
2017-11-03, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+30 for changeset 8fee80b92e65
2017-11-03, by lana
8186236: ModuleInfoExtender should be ASM6 aware
2017-11-02, by alanb
8190287: Update JDK's internal ASM to ASMv6
2017-11-02, by ksrini
8190573: Problem list
2017-11-02, by darcy
8178117: Add public state constructors for Int/Long/DoubleSummaryStatistics
2017-04-11, by psandoz
8187681: Compiling for target 9 while also using --patch-module
2017-11-02, by jlahoda
8189595: jshell tool: line redrawn on each completion
2017-11-02, by jlahoda
8190505: Typo in test/jdk/ProblemList.txt
2017-11-02, by xiaofeya
8190315: Test tools/javac/tree/ failing
2017-11-01, by jlahoda
8190399: ProblemList tools/javac/tree/ due to JDK-8190315
2017-11-01, by jjiang
8190441: ProblemList some intermittent CORBA tests
2017-10-31, by rriggs
8189800: Add support for AddressSanitizer
2017-10-31, by asmotrak
8190382: fix small typographic errors in comments
2017-10-30, by smarks
8181155: Fix lint warnings in JAXP repo: fallthrough and static
2017-10-30, by joehw
8189319: Add a java.util.Properties constructor that takes an initial capacity
2017-10-30, by bchristi
8129077: Unfix JDK-8087205
2017-10-30, by ksrini
8175252: Backout changeset for JDK-8176354 due to JDK-8190333
2017-10-30, by jjiang
8185841: Values from getFirstDayOfWeek() are inconsistent with CLDR
2017-10-30, by rgoel
8180310: TestSocketFactory null pointer when updating match bytes
2017-10-29, by rriggs
8190323: "the the" typos
2017-10-29, by rriggs
8176354: sun/security/ssl/X509KeyManager/ failed with "Failed to get the preferable key aliases" erro
2017-10-27, by amjiang
8180289: jarsigner treats timestamped signed jar invalid after the signer cert expires
2017-10-27, by weijun
8159535: Mark deprecated API with forRemoval=true
2017-10-27, by weijun
2017-10-27, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+29 for changeset a6e591e12f12
2017-10-27, by lana
8183896: improve analyzers to allow for the generation of multiple mutations of the same tree
2017-10-26, by vromero
8189777: jlink --module-path default value and automatic addition of $JAVA_HOME/jmods if java.base is missing
2017-10-27, by sundar
8189952: New methods on String: chars() and codePoints() should be marked since 9
2017-10-26, by darcy
8172818: Add since=9 deprecation information to javax.lang.model classes
2017-10-26, by darcy
8187089: StringConcatFactory.makeConcat & makeConcatWithConstants should throw StringConcatException if parameter slot count is over 200
2017-10-26, by mchung
8189963: Remove version of FileChannelImpl::open without the 'direct' parameter
2017-10-26, by bpb
8189919: Update link to license in Docs.gmk
2017-10-26, by iris
8189838: Stack overflow when computing upward projection of an intersection type with fbounds
2017-10-26, by mcimadamore
8190217: Add a JS "static checker" sample for nashorn parser API
2017-10-26, by sundar
8189955: Configuration validation is broken for some types of paths
2017-10-26, by ihse
8189376: Unsorted $(wildcard) causes instable module-deps.gmk
2017-10-26, by ihse
8189618: [aix] No jre image is created during images step
2017-10-26, by mbaesken
8189845: Fix for 8157000 causes significant performance regression
2017-10-25, by ksrini
8190003: Special characters in group names should be escaped
2017-10-25, by jjg
8190182: remove accidental file.
2017-10-25, by jjg
8189843: Missing \"id\" attributes in table rows
2017-10-25, by jjg
8189841: Error in alternate row coloring in package-summary files
2017-10-25, by jjg
8189775: java/nio/channels/FileChannel/directio/ failed with NumberFormatException
2017-10-25, by bpb
8183037: Overview summary page should have a table with tabs for groups
2017-10-25, by bpatel
8062385: Remove @SuppressWarnings("cast") and casts for NIO related usages when JDK 9 becomes the bootstrap JDK
2017-10-25, by darcy
8189431: Netbeans nb_native project needs to be adapted to new repo structure
2017-10-17, by stuefe
8183901: Fix broken links to "Package Sealing" in the JAR spec
2017-10-25, by bchristi
8176891: Fix lint warnings in JAXP repo: serial
2017-10-24, by joehw
8189272: CLDR and JRE LocaleProviderAdapters silently swallow exceptions
2017-10-24, by naoto
8189291: Test policy should extend the default system policy
2017-10-24, by naoto
8189682: JDK demos/tests should be in a separate bundle than hotspot ones
2017-10-24, by erikj
8189796: Incorrect end position for missing statement
2017-10-24, by jlahoda
8187247: canonical import check compares classes by simple name
2017-10-23, by cushon
8165198: Inconsistent values with JavaImporter after accessing undefined variable
2017-10-23, by hannesw
8189266: (ann) Optimize AnnotationInvocationHandler.invoke
2017-10-23, by redestad
8187974: Merge Java Mission Control 6.1 3rdpartyreame with the JDK 18.3 3rdpartyreadme
2017-10-23, by erikj
8189664: Stop producing from test makefiles unless asked to
2017-10-23, by erikj
8189119: Devkit for Linux needs to include fontconfig-devel
2017-10-23, by erikj
8189056: javadoc target for stable specdiff comparisons
2017-10-23, by ihse
2017-10-21, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+28 for changeset 92f08900cb3c
2017-10-21, by lana
8189706: javadoc for the JDK APIs should summarize overridden methods with no specification changes
2017-10-20, by ksrini
8164900: Add support for O_DIRECT
2017-10-17, by bpb
8189405: More cleanup in HtmlWriter
2017-10-20, by jjg
2017-10-20, by henryjen
8187556: Backout of a fix reintroduced a dependency that had since been removed
2017-09-14, by jwilhelm
8184937: LCMS error 13: Couldn't link the profiles
2017-08-14, by rpatil
8174109: Better queuing priorities
2017-08-02, by smarks
8181612: More stable connection processing
2017-07-26, by prappo
8181048: Refactor existing providers to refer to the same constants for default values for key length
2017-07-13, by valeriep
8182879: Add warnings to keytool when using JKS and JCEKS
2017-07-12, by weijun
8183028: Improve CMS header processing
2017-07-06, by prr
8181432: Better processing of unresolved permissions
2017-07-06, by weijun