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2013-06-04, by lana
2013-06-03, by lana
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset 0fc814e0feae
2013-06-06, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset 3898a926fa12
2013-06-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-12, by erikj
8010785: JDK 8 build on Linux fails with new build mechanism
2013-06-11, by erikj
2013-06-10, by lana
2013-06-05, by lana
7150256: Add back Diagnostic Command JMX API
2013-06-05, by fparain
8015963: Add at since tags to new ConcurrentHashMap methods
2013-06-05, by chegar
8011719: Properties.loadFromXML fails with a chunked HTTP connection
2013-06-05, by chegar
8015604: JDP packets containing ideographic characters are broken
2013-06-05, by dsamersoff
8015880: GenerateBreakIteratorData build warning
2013-06-05, by alanb
8013649: HashMap spliterator tryAdvance() encounters remaining elements after forEachRemaining()
2013-05-31, by psandoz
8003895: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/ failing again [win64]
2013-06-05, by alanb
2013-06-04, by lana
8014097: add doPrivileged methods with limited privilege scope
2013-06-04, by jdn
8005704: Update ConcurrentHashMap to v8
2013-06-04, by dl
8013903: Japanese calendar field names are not displayed with -Djava.locale.providers=HOST on Windows
2013-06-04, by naoto
8014855: TEST_BUG: java/nio/file/Files/ fails when sym links not supported
2013-06-04, by alanb
8015872: ProblemList.txt updates (6/2013)
2013-06-04, by alanb
8014723: sun/misc/URLClassPath/ failing
2013-06-04, by michaelm
8015790: Remove duplicate spliterator tests
2013-06-04, by psandoz
8005698: Handle Frequent HashMap Collisions with Balanced Trees
2013-06-04, by bchristi
8015856: Remove java/lang/instrument/ from ProblemList.txt
2013-06-04, by sla
2013-06-03, by lana
8015813: add test/tools/pack200/ to ProblemsList
2013-06-03, by ksrini
8014966: Add the proper Javadoc to @Contended
2013-06-03, by shade
8014383: StringJoiner example in class description not in sync with streams API
2013-06-03, by psandoz
8014834: shell tests don't begin with #!/bin/sh
2013-06-03, by emc
6526682: JConsole shows negative CPU Usage
2013-06-03, by nloodin
8014731: class has default constructor generated
2013-06-03, by psandoz
8015008: Primitive iterator over empty sequence, null consumer: forEachRemaining methods do not throw NPE
2013-06-03, by psandoz
8007398: Peformance improvements to Integer and Long string formatting.
2013-02-12, by mduigou
2013-05-31, by mduigou
8015686: {Int|Long}SummaryStatistics toString() throws IllegalFormatConversionException
2013-05-31, by mduigou
7188517: Check on '$' character is missing in the HttpCookie class constructor
2013-05-31, by jzavgren
8008972: Memory leak: Java_java_net_TwoStacksPlainDatagramSocketImpl_receive0 [parfait]
2013-05-31, by jzavgren
8015628: Test Failure in closed/java/io/pathNames/
2013-05-31, by dxu
7006052: awt_InputMethod.c cleanup is needed
2013-05-31, by naoto
8014854: (bf) CharBuffer.chars too slow with default implementation
2013-05-31, by alanb
7107883: getNetworkPrefixLength() does not return correct prefix length
2013-05-31, by chegar
8014732: Minor spec issue: java.util.Spliterator.getExactSizeIfKnown
2013-05-31, by psandoz
6750584: Cipher.wrap/unwrap methods should define UnsupportedOperationException
2013-05-30, by ascarpino
8013069: javax.crypto tests fail with new PBE algorithm names
2013-05-29, by valeriep
7160837: DigestOutputStream does not turn off digest calculation when "close()" is called
2013-05-30, by ascarpino
8014618: Need to strip leading zeros in TlsPremasterSecret of DHKeyAgreement
2013-05-30, by xuelei
8015271: Conversion table for EUC-KR is incorrect
2013-05-30, by sherman
8014393: Minor typo in the spec for
2013-05-28, by psandoz
8014409: Spec typo: extra } in the spec for j.u.s.StreamBuilder
2013-05-30, by psandoz
8015627: test/com/sun/jmx/remote/NotificationMarshalVersions/ fails in agentvm mode
2013-05-30, by jbachorik
8015299: Memory leak in jdk/src/solaris/bin/java_md_solinux.c
2013-05-30, by jzavgren
4759491: method ZipEntry.setTime(long) works incorrectly
2013-05-29, by sherman
2013-06-05, by lana
2013-06-05, by lana
2013-06-05, by lana
8013370: Null pointer exception when adding more than 9 accelators to a JMenuBar
2013-06-05, by malenkov
8015339: Correct a wording in javadoc of java.awt.ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy
2013-06-05, by ant
8015425: [macosx] A follow-up for the fix 8010721
2013-06-05, by vkarnauk
8015375: Edits to text components hang for clipboard access
2013-06-05, by mcherkas
6337518: Null Arrow Button Throws Exception in BasicComboBoxUI
2013-06-03, by alitvinov
8015500: Prevent sending multiple WINDOW_CLOSED events for already disposed windows
2013-06-03, by anthony
7151823: The test incorrectly recognizing OS
2013-06-03, by alitvinov
8015477: Support single threaded AWT/FX mode.
2013-06-03, by pchelko
6436314: Vector could be created with appropriate size in DefaultComboBoxModel
2013-05-31, by vkarnauk
7068740: If you wrap a JTable in a JLayer you can't use the page up and page down cmds
2013-05-31, by vkarnauk
8013557: XMLEncoder in 1.7 can't encode objects initialized in no argument constructor
2013-05-31, by malenkov
8015589: Test java/awt/Window/Grab/ fails on MacOSX
2013-05-31, by ant
8013189: JMenuItems draw behind TextArea
2013-05-31, by anthony
8013773: requestFocusInWindow to a disabled component prevents window of getting focused
2013-05-30, by ant
8013424: Regression: java.awt.datatransfer.FlavorListeners not notified on Linux/Java 7
2013-05-30, by ant
8015303: [macosx] Application launched via custom URL Scheme does not receive URL
2013-05-30, by anthony
2013-06-05, by lana
8015556: [macosx] surrogate pairs do not render properly.
2013-05-31, by prr
8015606: Text is not rendered correctly if destination buffer is custom
2013-05-31, by bae
8011693: Remove redundant fontconfig files
2013-05-30, by andrew
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset 9bf66362d942
2013-06-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag hs25-b36 for changeset 0403dabe9186
2013-06-07, by amurillo
2013-06-07, by amurillo
2013-06-06, by kvn
8014246: remove assert to catch access to object headers in index_oop_from_field_offset_long
2013-06-06, by anoll
8015252: Enable HotSpot build with Clang
2013-06-04, by simonis
8010724: [parfait] Null pointer dereference in hotspot/src/share/vm/c1/c1_LIRGenerator.cpp
2013-06-04, by morris
2013-06-03, by kvn
8005956: C2: assert(!def_outside->member(r)) failed: Use of external LRG overlaps the same LRG defined in this block
2013-06-03, by adlertz
8013329: File leak in hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/compileBroker.cpp
2013-06-03, by anoll
8010460: Interpreter on some platforms loads ConstMethod::_max_stack and misses extra stack slots for JSR 292
2013-04-24, by roland
8013496: Code cache management command line options work only in special order. Another order of arguments does not deliver the second parameter to the jvm.
2013-05-31, by anoll
8015441: runThese crashed with assert(opcode == Op_ConP || opcode == Op_ThreadLocal || opcode == Op_CastX2P ..) failed: sanity
2013-05-31, by kvn
8009981: nashorn tests fail with -XX:+VerifyStack
2013-05-31, by roland
8015266: fix some -Wsign-compare warnings in adlc
2013-05-30, by twisti
8015585: Missing regression test for 8011771
2013-05-30, by roland
2013-06-06, by dcubed
8009302: Mac OS X: JVM crash on infinite recursion on Appkit Thread
2013-06-05, by hseigel
8010257: remove unused thread-local variables _ScratchA and _ScratchB
2013-06-04, by dcubed
2013-06-05, by nloodin
8015803: fails 'can not access a member of class Test8015436 with modifiers "public static"'
2013-06-04, by sspitsyn
8014052: JSR292: assert(end_offset == next_offset) failed: matched ending
2013-06-03, by sspitsyn
8015385: Remove RelaxAccessControlCheck for JDK 8 bytecodes
2013-06-03, by hseigel
2013-06-01, by dcubed
6726963: multi_allocate() call does not CHECK_NULL and causes crash in fastdebug bits
2013-05-31, by ctornqvi
8014709: Constructor.getAnnotatedReturnType() returns empty AnnotatedType
2013-05-31, by rbackman
8015436: compiler/ciReplay/ fails with assert() index is out of bounds
2013-05-30, by sspitsyn
8014912: Restore PrintSharedSpaces functionality after NPG
2013-05-28, by iklam
2013-06-04, by johnc
6976350: G1: deal with fragmentation while copying objects during GC
2013-06-03, by tamao
8015244: G1: Verification after a full GC is incorrectly placed.
2013-06-04, by johnc
8013895: G1: G1SummarizeRSetStats output on Linux needs improvemen
2013-05-28, by tschatzl
2013-06-01, by jwilhelm
8015486: PSScavenge::is_obj_in_young is unnecessarily slow with UseCompressedOops
2013-05-30, by stefank
6725714: par compact - add a table to speed up bitmap searches
2013-05-30, by jcoomes
8015690: new hotspot build - hs25-b36
2013-05-31, by amurillo
Added tag hs25-b35 for changeset 02ffee063e24
2013-05-31, by amurillo
2013-05-31, by amurillo
2013-05-31, by jwilhelm
8015422: Large performance hit when the StringTable is walked twice in Parallel Scavenge
2013-05-27, by stefank
8015428: Remove unused CDS support from StringTable
2013-05-27, by stefank
8015268: NPG: 2.5% regression in young GC times on CRM Sales Opty
2013-05-27, by stefank
2013-05-24, by jwilhelm
8007762: Rename a bunch of methods in size policy across collectors
2013-05-22, by tamao
8015007: Incorrect print format in error message for VM cannot allocate the requested heap
2013-05-21, by tamao
2013-05-30, by jiangli
2013-05-28, by jprovino
8011064: Some tests have failed with SIGSEGV on arm-hflt on build b82
2013-05-28, by jprovino
8013461: There is a symbol AsyncGetCallTrace in libjvm.symbols that does not exist in minimal/libjvm.a when DEBUG_LEVEL == release
2013-05-28, by jprovino
2013-05-28, by dcubed
8015493: runtime/contended/ fails with OutOfMemory
2013-05-28, by shade
2013-05-28, by zgu
8015265: revise the fix for 8007037
2013-05-24, by ccheung
8015329: Print reason for failed MiniDumpWriteDump() call
2013-05-28, by ctornqvi
8015270: @Contended: fix multiple issues in the layout code
2013-05-27, by shade
8013945: CMS fatal error: must own lock MemberNameTable_lock
2013-05-24, by sspitsyn
2013-05-24, by dcubed
8014288: perf regression in nashorn JDK-8008448.js test after 8008511 changes
2013-05-23, by sspitsyn
8009576: Test returns ClassNotFoundException
2013-05-23, by ctornqvi
8003421: NPG: Move oops out of InstanceKlass into mirror
2013-05-22, by coleenp
2013-05-21, by dholmes
8013726: runtime/memory/ fails due to 'assert(bytes % os::vm_allocation_granularity() == 0) failed: reserve block size'
2013-05-21, by mikael
8014059: JSR292: Failed to reject invalid class cplmhl00201m28n
2013-05-21, by bharadwaj
8015305: new hotspot build - hs25-b35
2013-05-24, by amurillo
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset 2b7343cbcbbf
2013-06-06, by katleman
2013-06-12, by erikj
8010785: JDK 8 build on Linux fails with new build mechanism
2013-06-11, by erikj
8008707: build-infra: Closed (deploy) can't be built using environment from SDK SetEnv.cmd
2013-06-11, by erikj
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset 2567cad1138a
2013-06-06, by katleman
Added tag jdk8-b93 for changeset b72ae39e1329
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-03, by lana
2013-05-29, by lana
8015641: genstubs needs to cope with static interface methods
2013-05-29, by jjg
7053059: VerifyError with double Assignment using a Generic Member of a Superclass
2013-05-29, by vromero
8012333: javac, ClassFile should have a read(Path) method
2013-05-28, by vromero
6970173: Debug pointer at bad position
2013-05-28, by vromero
7030476: Fix conflicting use of JCTree/JCExpression
2013-05-27, by vromero
8014836: Have GenericDeclaration extend AnnotatedElement
2013-05-24, by darcy
8014494: javac crashes when varargs element of a method reference is inferred from the context
2013-05-24, by mcimadamore
8014649: Regression: bug in Resolve.resolveOperator
2013-05-24, by mcimadamore
8014643: Parser regression in JDK 8 when compiling super.x
2013-05-24, by mcimadamore
8010680: Clarify "present" and annotation ordering in javax.lang.model
2013-05-22, by darcy
2013-05-22, by lana
7164114: Two jtreg tests are not run due to no file extension on the test files
2013-05-21, by vromero
8005207: test has 2 @bug tags
2013-05-21, by vromero
7060779: test/tools/javac/diags/ leaves directories in tempdir
2013-05-21, by vromero
7177168: Redundant array copy in UnsharedNameTable
2013-05-21, by vromero
8013180: Qualified type reference with annotations in throws list crashes compiler
2013-05-21, by jfranck
6885876: add comments to javac/util/
2013-05-17, by jjg
Added tag jdk8-b92 for changeset fe7926936461
2013-05-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b92 for changeset 3e02d3c20e99
2013-05-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-03, by lana
2013-05-29, by lana
2013-05-22, by lana
8012683: Remove unused, obsolete ObjectFactory classes
2013-05-20, by joehw
8014891: Redundant setting of external access properties in setFeatures
2013-05-20, by joehw
Added tag jdk8-b92 for changeset d2f0e76ff056
2013-05-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-06-03, by lana
2013-05-29, by lana
8015349: "abc".lastIndexOf("a",-1) should evaluate to 0 and not -1
2013-05-29, by sundar
8011023: Math round didn't conform to ECMAScript 5 spec
2013-05-29, by lagergren
8005979: A lot of tests are named "runTest" in reports
2013-05-29, by sundar
8015459: Octane test run fails on Turkish locale
2013-05-28, by sundar
8015447: Octane harness fixes for rhino and entire test runs: ant octane, ant octane-v8, ant octane-rhino
2013-05-27, by lagergren
8015352: "i".toUpperCase() => currently returns "İ", but should be "I" (with Turkish locale)
2013-05-27, by sundar
2013-05-27, by lagergren
8014219: Make the run-octane harness more deterministic by not measuring elapsed time every iteration. Also got rid of most of the run logic in base.js and call benchmarks directly for the same purpose
2013-05-27, by lagergren
8015348: RegExp("[") results in StackOverflowError
2013-05-27, by hannesw