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The revision graph only works with JavaScript-enabled browsers.
8165271: Fix use of reflection to gain access to private fields
2016-10-12, by ddehaven
8166530: sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ fails intermittently
2016-10-20, by asmotrak
8168405: Pending exceptions in java.base/windows/native
2016-10-20, by prappo
8146257: sun/net/www/protocol/jar/ fails intermittently with java.lang.RuntimeException: some jar_cache files left behind
2016-10-20, by amlu
8157965: update httpserver logging to use java.lang.System.Logger
2016-10-20, by dfuchs
8168374: fails on all platforms
2016-10-20, by weijun
8163304: jarsigner -verbose -verify should print the algorithms used to sign the jar
2016-10-20, by weijun
8167591: Add MD5 to signed JAR restrictions
2016-10-19, by ascarpino
8166183: jshell tool: on return from Ctrl-Z, garbage on screen, dies with Ctrl-C
2016-10-19, by jlahoda
8071588: The spec for javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.getProgram() should specify NPEs thrown
2016-10-19, by sundar
8167647: Copy-and-paste bug in
2016-10-19, by weijun
8165064: Enhance thread contexts in JNDI
2016-10-13, by vinnie
8167628: Test for RMI API to export an object with a serialization filter
2016-10-12, by rriggs
8166381: Back out changes to the file to not disable MD5
2016-09-21, by ascarpino
8165816: jarsigner -verify shows jar unsigned if it was signed with a weak algorithm
2016-09-14, by weijun
8162411: Service Menu services 2
2016-07-27, by ssadetsky
8155973: Tighten jar checks
2016-07-21, by ascarpino
8160838: Better HTTP service
2016-07-18, by chegar
8157749: Improve handling of DNS error replies
2016-07-15, by msheppar
8160098: Clean up color profiles
2016-07-14, by prr
8157739: Classloader Consistency Checking
2016-07-12, by hb
8160934: isnan() is not available on older MSVC compilers
2016-07-12, by aivanov
8161342: Service Menu services
2016-07-11, by ssadetsky
8160090: Better signature handling in pack200
2016-07-05, by ksrini
8160094: Improve pack200 layout
2016-07-05, by ksrini
8159495: Fix Index Offsets
2016-07-05, by prr
8157653: [Parfait] Uninitialised variable in awt_Font.cpp
2016-06-30, by prr
8159515: Improve indy validation
2016-06-29, by coleenp
8157764: Better handling of interpolation plugins
2016-06-28, by vadim
8157759: LCMS Transform Sampling Enhancement
2016-06-28, by vadim
8157753: Audio replay enhancement
2016-06-28, by serb
8159519: Reformat JDWP messages
2016-06-28, by dcubed
8158302: Handle contextual glyph substitutions
2016-06-01, by vadim
8146490: Direct indirect CRL checks
2016-06-03, by vinnie
8165274: SHA1 certpath constraint check fails with OCSP certificate
2016-10-18, by ascarpino
8167558: Add new JMOD section for header files and man pages
2016-10-18, by mchung
6378384: (reflect) subclass can’t access superclass’s protected fields and methods by reflection
2016-10-18, by plevart
8168091: jlink should check security permission early when programmatic access is used
2016-10-18, by sundar
8168093: Need a way for the launcher to query the JRE location using Windows registry.
2016-10-17, by asemenyuk
2016-10-18, by mullan
8168078: Remove permission to read all system properties granted to the module
2016-10-18, by mullan
8168073: Speed up URI creation during module bootstrap
2016-10-18, by redestad
8071678: javax.script.ScriptContext setAttribute method should clarify behavior when GLOBAL_SCOPE is used and global scope object is null
2016-10-18, by sundar
8168096: markup error in "since" element spec of @Deprecated
2016-10-17, by smarks
8167437: Fix module dependencies for tests that use internal API (java/lang)
2016-10-17, by skovalev
2016-10-17, by mullan
8165712: Grant permission to read specific properties instead of all to the jdk.crypto.ucrypto module
2016-10-17, by mullan
Added tag jdk-9+141 for changeset f31d65424ed0
2016-10-20, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-10-20, by lana
8161044: PPC64: Improve internal array handling
2016-07-25, by zmajo
8157176: Improved classfile parsing
2016-06-27, by hseigel
8159503: Amend Annotation Actions
2016-07-01, by rprotacio
8160591: Improve internal array handling
2016-07-01, by zmajo
8159511: Stack map validation
2016-06-30, by hseigel
8159515: Improve indy validation
2016-06-29, by coleenp
8155968: Update command line options
2016-06-09, by gziemski
8156794: Extend data sharing
2016-05-12, by jiangli
Added tag jdk-9+141 for changeset 9bd03c20ec2f
2016-10-20, by lana
8168302: --disable-warnings-as-errors doesn't work for the hotspot build on Solaris
2016-10-21, by simonis
8168409: Update list of tools run by the jtreg timeouthandler
2016-10-21, by sla
8145471: javac changes for enhanced deprecation
2016-10-20, by jjg
2016-10-20, by lana
8163984: Fix license and copyright headers in jdk9 under test/lib
2016-10-18, by dholmes
8167558: Add new JMOD section for header files and man pages
2016-10-18, by mchung
Added tag jdk-9+141 for changeset 7259f8d1b31a
2016-10-20, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+141 for changeset 9aadd2163b56
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8145263: JShell: Fix the format of SourceCodeAnalysis#documentation
2016-10-17, by shinyafox
8167000: Refine handling of multiple maximally specific abstract methods
2016-10-17, by mcimadamore
8167965: (jdeprscan) using --release option with 8 or earlier throws exception
2016-10-13, by smarks
2016-10-13, by lana
8141636: Javadoc search should support camelCase search
2016-10-13, by bpatel
8167630: jdeps --generate-module-info forgets to close the resource after checking any unnamed package
2016-10-12, by mchung
8164689: Retrofit jar, jlink, jmod as a ToolProvider
2016-10-12, by mchung
8167354: Missing jtreg output when run using langtools makefiles
2016-10-10, by mlarsson
8167442: Langtools ant build not working after addition of -Xlint:exports
2016-10-11, by jlahoda
8166890: JShell: locks forever when input is piped
2016-10-11, by jlahoda
8167456: Tweak IntelliJ langtools project's jtreg settings
2016-10-11, by mcimadamore
8167320: Trying to document only java.base causes a NPE in javac
2016-10-11, by jlahoda
8167424: Various trivial fixes in build system
2016-10-11, by ihse
8167128: JShell: /drop of statement gives confusing output
2016-10-10, by rfield
Added tag jdk-9+140 for changeset 5429549751ad
2016-10-13, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+140 for changeset 4f24b84a3775
2016-10-13, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8167478: javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/parsers/ failed with " access denied ("" "sko?ice")"
2016-10-17, by fyuan
2016-10-13, by lana
8058152: JDK accepts XSLT stylesheet having import element erroneously placed
2016-10-12, by joehw
8152530: NullPointerException when xmlns=""
2016-10-11, by joehw
Added tag jdk-9+140 for changeset c4036f85c0c5
2016-10-13, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-10-13, by lana
8167614: Avoid module dependency from jdk.dynalink to jdk.internal.module of java.base module
2016-10-12, by sundar
8167443: Nashorn static method linking bypasses autoexported linkers
2016-10-12, by attila
8167424: Various trivial fixes in build system
2016-10-11, by ihse
Added tag jdk-9+140 for changeset aa60c8d89a92
2016-10-13, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-10-13, by lana
8167424: Various trivial fixes in build system
2016-10-11, by ihse
Added tag jdk-9+140 for changeset 522e6a7f6e61
2016-10-13, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8167992: Update documentation of java.util.Date class
2016-10-17, by rgoel
8167166: Java API docs mention a non-existent method getNanosOfSecond
2016-10-14, by rriggs
8167957: Remove FilePermission from default policy for jdk.charsets module
2016-10-13, by sherman
2016-10-13, by lana
8167237: Jar tool can not correctly find/process the --release option if it occurs before the file list
2016-10-13, by sdrach
8166258: Unexpected code conversion by HKSCS converters
2016-10-13, by sherman
8167371: KeyStoreSpi.engineSetEntry should throw an Exception if password protection alg is specified
2016-10-13, by vinnie
8055033: Shell tests for jrunscript don't pass through VM options
2016-10-13, by sundar
8164322: Test sun/security/pkcs11/ shall be updated to run on ARM platforms
2016-10-13, by tidu
8164689: Retrofit jar, jlink, jmod as a ToolProvider
2016-10-12, by mchung
8166460: jdk/internal/util/jar/TestVersionedStream gets Assertion error
2016-10-12, by sdrach
8134373: use collections convenience factories in the JDK
2016-10-12, by smarks
8167614: Avoid module dependency from jdk.dynalink to jdk.internal.module of java.base module
2016-10-12, by sundar
8162723: Array index overflow in Base64 utility class
2016-10-12, by mullan
8167479: arm 32/64 slowdebug fails to build on unpack200
2016-10-12, by erikj
8167524: Rogue character in Stream javadoc
2016-10-11, by psandoz
8167459: Add debug output for indicating if a chosen ciphersuite was legacy
2016-10-11, by wetmore
8166890: JShell: locks forever when input is piped
2016-10-11, by jlahoda
8167387: has a bad runpath
2016-10-11, by erikj
8163482: adds a trailing colon when header-names is empty
2016-10-11, by vtewari
8167472: Chrome interop regression with JDK-8148516
2016-10-11, by xuelei
8167424: Various trivial fixes in build system
2016-10-11, by ihse
8165275: Replace the reflective call to the implUpdate method in HandshakeMessage::digestKey
2016-10-11, by valeriep
Added tag jdk-9+140 for changeset 9c298252e385
2016-10-13, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2016-10-13, by lana
8167446: Add back PermSize and MaxPermSize
2016-10-13, by mockner
8167511: needs update for JDK-8162401
2016-10-13, by mchung
8167424: Various trivial fixes in build system
2016-10-11, by ihse
Added tag jdk-9+140 for changeset ddbbb16c6b6e
2016-10-13, by lana
2016-10-13, by lana
8166937: [Solaris] Missing and from JDK 9 b138
2016-10-12, by erikj
8167488: Race condition in build with new exploded-image-optimize target
2016-10-12, by erikj
8158181: Stop adding missing newline to manifest files
2016-10-11, by ihse
8157623: Make --enable-ccache work properly with CCACHE from the environment
2016-10-12, by ihse
8167424: Various trivial fixes in build system
2016-10-11, by ihse
Added tag jdk-9+140 for changeset 0ffcfee0d9a9
2016-10-13, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+140 for changeset 0875007901f7
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
4649116: Add option to include full package description at top, before interface table
2016-10-10, by bpatel
8165991: Fix DocTreeFactory newDocCommentTree
2016-10-10, by ksrini
8151102: Cleanup javadoc exception handling
2016-10-10, by ksrini
8167343: JShell: Completeness analysis infers an incomplete declaration as COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI, which is a first line of Allman style
2016-10-11, by shinyafox
8166648: jib make run-test for langtools results in intermittent failures on windows-x86
2016-10-07, by tbell
8159855: Create an SPI for tools
2016-10-07, by jjg
8072604: Improve handling of direct use of accept with TreePathScanner
2016-10-07, by jjg
8166799: ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name
2016-10-06, by iris
2016-10-06, by lana
8153362: Add javac -Xlint warning to list exposed types which are not accessible
2016-10-06, by jlahoda
8167014: jdeps: Missing message: warn.skipped.entry
2016-10-05, by mchung
8166846: jdeps fails to generate module info if there is any class in unnamed package
2016-10-05, by mchung
8167070: Performance regression in compound scopes
2016-10-05, by mcimadamore
8166860: Add magic number to jmod file
2016-10-04, by mchung
8161338: (jdeprscan) remove JEP 293 non-conforming -cp option
2016-10-04, by smarks
8166472: javac/javadoc expands @files incorrectly
2016-10-04, by jjg
Added tag jdk-9+139 for changeset 72fcbd6294cb
2016-10-06, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8166799: ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name
2016-10-06, by iris
Added tag jdk-9+139 for changeset 4cec206d8052
2016-10-06, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8139584: XMLStreamWriterImpl does not write 'standalone' property
2016-10-07, by joehw
8166799: ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name
2016-10-06, by iris
2016-10-06, by lana
8167002: JAXP schema validator: Use HashSet instead of ArrayList for tracking XML IDs
2016-10-03, by martin
Added tag jdk-9+139 for changeset e1cb4c42ee86
2016-10-06, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8167018: Nashorn and jjs should support --module-path and --add-modules options
2016-10-07, by sundar
8167289: Backport ES6 updates from Graal.js
2016-10-07, by hannesw
8166799: ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name
2016-10-06, by iris
2016-10-06, by lana
8167117: insert missing final keywords
2016-10-06, by attila
8167157: ant build fails with [javadoc] javadoc: error - Illegal package name: "implNote:a:Implementation Note:"
2016-10-05, by sundar
Added tag jdk-9+139 for changeset 1c5f97d2d3fb
2016-10-06, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8166799: ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name
2016-10-06, by iris
Added tag jdk-9+139 for changeset 1c034834ae82
2016-10-06, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8164814: Deprecate Atomic*.weakCompareAndSet and defer to Atomic*.weakCompareAndSetPlain
2016-10-10, by psandoz
8162401: Support multiple --add-exports and --add-reads with the same module/package
2016-10-10, by mchung
2016-10-10, by prr
2016-10-10, by prr
2016-10-10, by prr
2016-10-03, by prr
8165619: Frame is not repainted if created in state=MAXIMIZED_BOTH on Unity
2016-10-03, by ssadetsky
8132664: closed/javax/swing/DataTransfer/DefaultNoDrop/ locks on Windows
2016-09-30, by ssadetsky
8165234: Provide a way to not close toggle menu items on mouse click on component level
2016-09-30, by alexsch
8162591: All existing gradient paint implementations have issues with coordinates/sizes larger than Short.MAX_VALUE (exactly) on any Linux systems
2016-09-30, by ceisserer
2016-09-30, by prr
8166685: We should unpin stream and pixel buffer in case of setjmp during writeImage in JPEG.
2016-09-29, by jdv
8164931: Verify if writer.abort() works properly for all writers in IIOWriteProgressListener.
2016-09-29, by jdv
8164536: enableSuddenTermination() - Not throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and it will not allow the caller to invoke System.exit
2016-09-28, by azvegint
8162531: needs updating
2016-09-27, by prr
8165829: Android Studio 2.x crashes with NPE at sun.lwawt.macosx.CAccessibility.getAccessibleIndexInParent
2016-09-27, by ant
8160160: The menu displayed nothing with the option"-server -d64 -Xmixed".
2016-09-27, by ssadetsky
8155753: Removing a monitor in the OS dispaly configuration causes assertion fails under Windows if D3D is on
2016-09-26, by ssadetsky
8165947: One more page printed before the test page with OpenJDK
2016-09-26, by psadhukhan
8154043: Fields not reachable anymore by tab-key, because of new tabbing behaviour of radio button groups.
2016-09-26, by ssadetsky
8149371: multi-res. image: -Dsun.java2d.uiScale does not work for Window icons (some ambiguity for Window.setIconImages()?)
2016-09-26, by rchamyal
8166288: Au file format can be validated better
2016-09-25, by serb
8161910: [PIT] regression: HW/LW mixing seems broken on Unity
2016-09-23, by ssadetsky
8165594: Bad rendering of Swing UI controls with Windows Classic L&F on HiDPI display
2016-09-23, by alexsch
8140311: SwingInterop crashes at window close
2016-09-20, by azvegint
8166015: [PIT][TEST_BUG] stray character in java/awt/Focus/ModalDialogActivationTest/
2016-09-20, by arapte
8163261: regression on Linux: java/awt/LightweightDispatcher/
2016-09-20, by arapte
2016-09-19, by ddehaven
8165717: [macosx] Various memory leaks in jdk9
2016-09-16, by serb
8150176: [hidpi] wrong resolution variant of multi-res. image is used for TrayIcon
2016-09-15, by rchamyal
8163270: [macosx] Robot(gc) issue on dual-screen system
2016-09-15, by mhalder
8162102: access denied to System Property awt.robot.gtk
2016-09-15, by arapte
8160056: TextField.setText breaks the contract of EOL
2016-09-14, by arapte
8162461: Hang due to JNI up-call made whilst holding JNI critical lock.
2016-09-14, by jdv
8165103: Update to "denyAfter constraint check" exception message
2016-10-10, by ascarpino
8167295: Further cleanup to the native parts of libnet/libnio
2016-10-10, by clanger
8165101: AnchorCertificates throws NPE when cacerts file not found
2016-10-10, by ascarpino
8156054: Test Task: Develop new tests for JEP C155: Remove FilePermission Pathname Canonicalization
2016-10-10, by ssahoo
8164705: Remove pathname canonicalization from FilePermission
2016-10-10, by weijun
8159855: Create an SPI for tools
2016-10-07, by jjg
8151486: Class.forName causes memory leak
2016-10-07, by bchristi
8167018: Nashorn and jjs should support --module-path and --add-modules options
2016-10-07, by sundar
8166799: ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name
2016-10-06, by iris
8167181: Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in
2016-10-07, by weijun
2016-10-06, by lana
8167005: Comment on the need for an empty constructor in ArrayList$Itr
2016-10-06, by redestad
2016-10-05, by amurillo
2016-10-05, by amurillo
2016-09-30, by amurillo
8166045: jdk/internal/misc/Unsafe tests fail due to timeout
2016-09-28, by mikael
2016-09-27, by dlong
2016-09-26, by dlong
2016-09-20, by dlong
8154122: Intrinsify fused mac operations
2016-08-26, by vdeshpande
2016-09-23, by amurillo
8161225: Assert failure in JVMTI GetNamedModule at JPLISAgent.c line: 792
2016-09-21, by cjplummer
8160987: JDWP ClassType.InvokeMethod doesn't validate class
2016-09-21, by hseigel
8164011: --patch-module support for CDS
2016-09-20, by ccheung
2016-10-05, by mullan
8166632: Document how to grant permissions for a module jrt:/<module> in the image
2016-10-05, by mullan
8166791: Fix module dependencies for networking component tests
2016-10-03, by skovalev
8166875: (tz) Support tzdata2016g
2016-10-05, by rpatil
8150736: Excessive disk space used by build system
2016-10-05, by erikj
8166860: Add magic number to jmod file
2016-10-04, by mchung
8166981: RGBColorConvertTest has wrong @run line
2016-09-30, by martin
8166976: TestCipherPBECons has wrong @run line
2016-09-30, by martin
Added tag jdk-9+139 for changeset 5da543633b3b
2016-10-06, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8166799: ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name
2016-10-06, by iris
2016-10-06, by lana
2016-10-05, by amurillo
2016-10-05, by amurillo
2016-09-30, by amurillo
8166765: [ppc] Port "8163014: Mysterious/wrong value for long frame local variable on 64-bit"
2016-09-27, by goetz
8166777: [ppc] port "8164086: Checked JNI pending exception check should be cleared"
2016-09-27, by goetz