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8081315: 8077982 giflib upgrade breaks system giflib builds with earlier versions
2015-06-08, by andrew
8079450: [TESTBUG] javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/8041642/ fails
2015-06-08, by sgupta
8085910: OGL text renderer: gamma lut cleanup
2015-06-05, by bae
8068886: IDEA IntelliJ crashes in objc_msgSend when an accessibility tool is enabled
2015-06-04, by anashaty
8078606: Deadlock in awt clipboard
2015-06-04, by anashaty
2015-06-03, by ddehaven
8081886: CGGlyphImages.m no longer builds with x code 4.x
2015-06-03, by prr
8076312: The behavior of the javax.swing.SwingContainer.delegate contradicts spec
2015-06-03, by serb
8081313: tidy warnings
2015-06-03, by avstepan
8077036: swing docs: fix some tidy warnings
2015-06-03, by avstepan
8077409: Drawing deviates when validate() is invoked on java.awt.ScrollPane
2015-06-03, by mcherkas
8079084: Behavior of BeanProperty.enumerationValues() contradicts spec
2015-06-02, by serb
8081019: Check peer to null in CPlatformWindow.checkZoom()
2015-06-01, by alexsch
8080086: Test javax/imageio/plugins/png/ fails on Linux with G1 GC
2015-06-01, by psadhukhan
8081447: System JPEG builds include in-tree jpeglib.h, resulting in build failure
2015-05-29, by andrew
8023794: [macosx] LCD Rendering hints seems not working without FRACTIONALMETRICS=ON
2015-05-29, by bae
8081295: Build failed with GCC 5.1.1
2015-05-29, by ysuenaga
8041470: JButtons stay pressed after they have lost focus if you use the mouse wheel
2015-05-28, by anashaty
8061831: [OGL] "java.lang.InternalError: not implemented yet" during the blit of VI to VI in xor mode
2015-05-23, by serb
8079652: Could not enable D3D pipeline
2015-05-27, by vadim
8098850: Remove remaining native2ascii resource files and man pages
2015-06-16, by mchung
8081412: Remove from the problem list
2015-06-15, by aeriksso
8085978: LinkedTransferQueue<T>.spliterator can report LTQ.Node object, not T
2015-06-16, by dl
8080933: LogManager.demandSystemLogger should accept a 'caller' argument.
2015-06-16, by dfuchs
2015-06-15, by amurillo
2015-06-11, by amurillo
2015-06-04, by kvn
8081778: Use Intel x64 CPU instructions for RSA acceleration
2015-06-03, by kvn
8081843: (fs) FileStore.getTotalSpace returns unexpected results with >2TB file systems
2015-06-12, by bpb
8087288: File.get{Free,Total,Usable}Space may return unexpected results with >2TB file systems
2015-06-12, by bpb
2015-06-12, by mullan
8087283: Add support for the XML Signature here() function to the JDK XPath implementation
2015-06-12, by mullan
6826789: SecureClassLoader should not use CodeSource URLs as HashMap keys
2015-06-12, by mullan
8085879: Mark intermittently failing: java/util/Arrays/
2015-06-12, by amlu
8054304: Clarify treatment of bounds in j.l.r.Annotated{WildcardType,TypeVariable}.
2015-06-12, by sadayapalam
Added tag jdk9-b69 for changeset d24a2c340a47
2015-06-18, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-06-18, by lana
2015-06-15, by amurillo
2015-06-11, by amurillo
8085832: Optimize main and post loop out when pre loop is found empty
2015-05-12, by roland
8081823: C2 performs unsigned comparison against -1
2015-06-08, by roland
8078866: compiler/eliminateAutobox/6934604/ assert(p_f->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse) failed
2015-06-04, by roland
2015-06-04, by kvn
8081778: Use Intel x64 CPU instructions for RSA acceleration
2015-06-03, by kvn
8087120: [GCC5] java.lang.StackOverflowError on Zero JVM initialization on non x86 platforms.
2015-06-12, by sgehwolf
Added tag jdk9-b69 for changeset 4ba02b88b7ed
2015-06-18, by lana
2015-06-18, by lana
8080915: [macosx] JDK 9 installation does not add java info to the java_home plist
2015-06-18, by erikj
8087208: Add devkit creation script for windows
2015-06-18, by erikj
8087193: Support building with devkits on Macosx
2015-06-18, by erikj
8098579: Remove non-existent package from CORE_PKGS.gmk
2015-06-16, by darcy
Added tag jdk9-b69 for changeset b5fc60ba6aa1
2015-06-18, by lana
Added tag jdk9-b69 for changeset d69c968463f0
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-06-11, by lana
8087115: Due to a javac type inference issue, sjavac doesn't compile with 8u31
2015-06-10, by alundblad
8054717: SJavac should track changes in the public apis of classpath classes!
2015-06-09, by alundblad
8082311: NPE when compiling expression with \"^\"
2015-06-09, by jlahoda
8081521: Compiler has trouble compiling nested diamond allocation constructs involving anonymous classes.
2015-06-05, by sadayapalam
Added tag jdk9-b68 for changeset 9bccf568791d
2015-06-11, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-06-11, by lana
8072839: JAX-B Plugability Layer: using java.util.ServiceLoader
2015-06-05, by mkos
Added tag jdk9-b68 for changeset e8e25f52dbd0
2015-06-11, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-06-11, by lana
8080908: Develop test for Xerces Update: XPointer
2015-06-08, by joehw
8080906: Develop test for Xerces Update: DOM L3 Serializer
2015-06-08, by joehw
Added tag jdk9-b68 for changeset 09305604d861
2015-06-11, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-06-11, by lana
8087136: regression: apply on $EXEC fails with ClassCastException
2015-06-11, by sundar
8080490: add $EXECV command to Nashorn scripting mode
2015-06-09, by mhaupt
8086032: Add compiler error tests when syntax extensions are used with --no-syntax-extensions option
2015-06-09, by sundar
8085885: address Javadoc warnings in Nashorn source code
2015-06-08, by mhaupt
8085937: add autoimports sample script to easily explore Java classes in interactive mode
2015-06-08, by sundar
8085802: Nashorn -nse option causes parse error on anonymous function definition
2015-06-08, by sundar
8085810: Return value of Objects.requireNonNull call can be used
2015-06-05, by sundar
8080087: Nashorn $ENV.PWD is originally undefined
2015-06-05, by mhaupt
Added tag jdk9-b68 for changeset 4b727de06e46
2015-06-11, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-06-11, by lana
7130985: Four helper classes missing in Sun JDK
2015-06-08, by robm
Added tag jdk9-b68 for changeset 32897056f998
2015-06-11, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-06-11, by lana
8064956: Remove sun.misc.ExtensionInstallationProvider and relevant classes
2015-06-11, by bchristi
8081674: EmptyStackException at startup if running with extended or unsupported charset
2015-06-11, by simonis
8086117: java/lang/Runtime/exec/ still fails intermittently with Process consumes memory
2015-06-10, by rriggs
8085979: Make some DTLS feature functional tests work also for TLS protocol
2015-06-10, by kshefov
2015-06-09, by mullan
8056179: Store permissions in concurrent collections in PermissionCollection subclasses
2015-06-09, by mullan
8080945: Improve the performance of primitive Arrays.sort for certain patterns of array elements
2015-06-09, by psandoz
2015-06-08, by amurillo