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8214295: Populate handlers while holding streamHandlerLock
2018-11-27, by coffeys
8214189: test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/intrinsics/mathexact/ fails on Windows x64 when run with -XX:-TieredCompilation
2018-11-26, by roland
8213259: [AOT] AOTing java.base fails with "java.lang.AssertionError: no fingerprint for Ljdk/internal/event/Event"
2018-11-26, by dlong
8213834: JVMTI ResourceExhausted should not be posted in CompilerThread
2018-11-27, by stuefe
8214321: Misleading code in SSLCipher
2018-11-26, by xuelei
8214100: use of keystore probing results in unnecessary exception thrown
2018-11-27, by weijun
8214029: Remove dead code BasicHashtable::bulk_free_entries
2018-11-26, by iklam
8190312: javadoc -link doesn't work with http: -> https: URL redirects
2018-11-26, by jjg
8214086: [TESTBUG] Fix subgraph test cases in
2018-11-26, by jiangli
8213956: javadoc crash using {@index} in doc-files file
2018-11-26, by jjg
8214202: DirtyCardQueueSet::get_completed_buffer should not clear _process_completed
2018-11-26, by kbarrett
8214059: Undefined behaviour in ADLC
2018-11-26, by sgehwolf
8203442: String::transform
2018-11-26, by jlaskey
8204525: [TESTBUG] runtime/NMT/ ran out of java heap
2018-11-26, by hseigel
8214242: compiler/arguments/ fails because of missing UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
2018-11-26, by thartmann
8214113: Switch expressions may have constant type and may be skipped during write
2018-11-26, by jlahoda
8214262: SunEC native code does not compile with debug on
2018-11-26, by weijun
8214276: Problemlist compiler/intrinsics/mathexact/
2018-11-24, by jwilhelm
8213845: ARM32: Interpreter doesn't call result handler after native calls
2018-11-23, by bulasevich
8214206: Fix for JDK-8213419 is broken on 32-bit
2018-11-22, by roland
8214118: HeapRegions marked as archive even if CDS mapping fails
2018-11-23, by sjohanss
8214181: safepoint header cleanup
2018-11-23, by rehn
8212108: SafepointSynchronizer never ending counter (big enough)
2018-11-23, by rehn
8214161: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class jdk.internal.event.X509CertificateEvent (in module java.base) cannot access class jdk.jfr.internal.handlers.EventHandler (in module jdk.jfr) because module java.base does not read module jdk.jfr
2018-11-23, by mgronlun
8203672: JNI exception pending in PlainSocketImpl.c
2018-11-23, by vtewari
8213015: Inconsistent settings between JFR.configure and -XX:FlightRecorderOptions
2018-11-23, by ysuenaga
8214241: Problem list com/sun/jndi/ldap/ for all platforms
2018-11-23, by amlu
8214205: PPC64: Add instructions for counting trailing zeros
2018-11-22, by mhorie
8214223: tools/jdeps/listdeps/ failed due to missing Lib2 file
2018-11-22, by mchung
8213698: Improve devkit creation and add support for linux/ppc64/ppc64le/s390x
2018-11-22, by simonis
8200432: javadoc fails with ClassCastException on {@link byte[]}
2018-11-22, by hannesw
8214108: [TESTBUG] Incorrect Function parameter lists in vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/scenarios/extension/EX03/ex03t001
2018-11-22, by sgehwolf