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8176849: jdk9 BCL builds fail after cleaning up temporary file ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION
2017-03-16, by erikj
8176563: @since value errors in apis of java.base/java.logging module
2017-03-15, by mli
8176815: Remove StackFramePermission and use RuntimePermission for stack walking
2017-03-15, by mchung
8066640: clarify security checks in ObjectInputStream.enableResolveObject and ObjectOutputStream.enableReplaceObject
2017-03-15, by smarks
8175251: Failed to load RSA private key from pkcs12
2017-03-15, by valeriep
8176834: jdk/nio/zipfs/ test fails after JDK-8176709
2017-03-15, by redestad
8176793: SecureRandom FIPS 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules link 404
2017-03-15, by wetmore
8176709: JarFileSystem::isMultiReleaseJar is incorrect
2017-03-15, by redestad
8176721: @since value errors java.sql module
2017-03-14, by mli
8176566: @since value errors in types of java.base module
2017-03-14, by mli
8176296: Test sun/security/krb5/auto/ faling after adding module declaration into
2017-03-15, by weijun
8176744: Improve internal timing of java/nio/channels/Selector/
2017-03-14, by bpb
8174977: Update license files with consistent license/notice names
2017-03-14, by mchung
8176551: testCommonPoolThreadContextClassLoader fails with "Should throw SecurityException"
2017-03-14, by dl
2017-03-14, by mullan
8176503: Disable SHA-1 TLS Server Certificates
2017-03-14, by mullan
8176715: sun/security/krb5/auto/ does not compile
2017-03-14, by weijun
8176221: Preferences docs contain reference to Sun's JRE
2017-03-13, by bpb
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-03-16, by jwilhelm
2017-03-11, by jwilhelm
8176147: JVM should throw CFE for duplicate Signature attributes
2017-03-08, by hseigel
8176238: [AOT] failure to build jdk.vm.compier with --with-jobs=1 configure flag
2017-03-07, by kvn
8164954: split_if creates empty phi and region nodes
2017-03-06, by neliasso
2017-03-06, by jwilhelm
8175383: JVM should throw NCDFE if ACC_MODULE and CONSTANT_Module/Package are set
2017-03-06, by hseigel
8172457: fails after recent change
2017-03-05, by iignatyev
Added tag jdk-10+3 for changeset d1cab6c7e608
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-03-16, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+161 for changeset 380e1f22e460
2017-03-16, by lana
2017-03-13, by lana
8175191: dead code removal at package
2017-03-03, by vromero
8167638: javac can improve the error message issued when IllegalAccessError is produced
2017-03-01, by vromero
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-03-16, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+161 for changeset 47c67c6cb823
2017-03-16, by lana
2017-03-13, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-03-16, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+161 for changeset d6bb701f110a
2017-03-16, by lana
2017-03-13, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-03-16, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+161 for changeset 604022687602
2017-03-16, by lana
2017-03-13, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-03-16, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+161 for changeset 6caed61da28f
2017-03-16, by lana
2017-03-13, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-03-16, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+161 for changeset 725cbaef3403
2017-03-16, by lana
2017-03-13, by lana
8150687: typedefs without type names
2016-02-26, by kbarrett
8006259: Add Test Vectors for NIST 800-38A to the JCE Unit Tests
2017-02-28, by apetcher
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-03-16, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+161 for changeset 9e96ed85ffa4
2017-03-16, by lana
2017-03-13, by lana
2017-03-16, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+161 for changeset 673240c54c2e
2017-03-16, by lana
2017-03-13, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+161 for changeset f6883b1a5a64
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8176492: @since value errors in java.compiler module
2017-03-13, by jjg
8174974: Annotation type pages generated by javadoc is missing module information
2017-03-13, by bpatel
8175799: module summary page shows duplicated output
2017-03-13, by bpatel
8175198: Javac incorrectly allows receiver parameters in annotation methods
2017-03-10, by vromero
8176482: Use of DirectiveVisitor needs @DefinedBy annotation for
2017-03-09, by darcy
8176470: javac Pretty printer should include doc comment for modules
2017-03-09, by jjg
8176477: Use DirectiveVisitor to print module information
2017-03-09, by darcy
2017-03-09, by lana
8176331: Simplify new doclet packages
2017-03-09, by jjg
8176412: jshell tool: automatic imports are excluded on /reload causing it to fail
2017-03-09, by rfield
8175235: type inference regression after JDK-8046685
2017-03-09, by vromero
8176265: Method overload resolution on a covariant base type doesn't work in 9
2017-03-09, by mcimadamore
8072114: javac performance should be improved
2017-03-08, by jlahoda
8175317: javac does not issue unchecked warnings when checking method reference return types
2017-03-08, by mcimadamore
8175184: Annotation processor observes interface private methods as default methods
2017-03-08, by sadayapalam
8176333: jdeps error message should include a proper MR jar file name
2017-03-07, by mchung
8175860: javadoc crashes with incorrect module sourcepath
2017-03-07, by ksrini
8176131: Simplify new Taglet API
2017-03-07, by jjg
8176266: Make visitUnknown specification more explicit
2017-03-07, by darcy
Added tag jdk-9+160 for changeset 336ca6c49e10
2017-03-09, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8176509: Use pandoc for converting build readme to html
2017-03-13, by ihse
Added tag jdk-9+160 for changeset 177e9ca9dc3e
2017-03-09, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8176509: Use pandoc for converting build readme to html
2017-03-13, by ihse
2017-03-09, by lana
8175830: Provide javadoc description for jdk.xml.dom module
2017-03-07, by joehw
Added tag jdk-9+160 for changeset 0bc8854f2953
2017-03-09, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8176511: JSObject property access is broken for numeric keys outside the int range
2017-03-10, by hannesw
Added tag jdk-9+160 for changeset 26d0f0323b1f
2017-03-09, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8176509: Use pandoc for converting build readme to html
2017-03-13, by ihse
Added tag jdk-9+160 for changeset 631a0cf9fb55
2017-03-09, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8176537: Add test to check JDK modules to have no qualifed exports to upgradeable modules
2017-03-13, by mchung
8176542: Missing @Deprecated arguments for jdk.policytool
2017-03-13, by weijun
8176509: Use pandoc for converting build readme to html
2017-03-13, by ihse
8176469: Warnings from the build: Unknown module: jdk.rmic specified in --patch-module
2017-03-13, by erikj
8176350: Usage constraints don't take effect when using PKIX
2017-03-10, by ascarpino
2017-03-10, by prr
8152683: Deadlock when resuming from sleep with different monitor setup
2017-03-07, by serb
8158209: Editing in TableView breaks the layout, when the document is I18n
2017-03-06, by serb
2017-03-06, by prr
6490753: JComboBox doesn't look as native combobox in different states of component
2017-03-06, by alexsch
8176097: Window set location to a display with different DPI does not properly work
2017-03-06, by alexsch
8176046: Replace package.html files with in the java.desktop module
2017-03-05, by serb
8175513: JNI exception pending in awt_GraphicsEnv.c:2021
2017-03-02, by vadim
8168307: Toolkit.getScreenSize() returns incorrect size on unix in multiscreen systems
2017-03-02, by serb
8176009: The awt robot use incorrect location in a multi-screen environment
2017-03-02, by serb
8171808: Performance problems in dialogs with large tables when JAB activated
2017-03-02, by mcherkas
2017-02-27, by ddehaven
8033128: Javadoc change is required for java.awt.Robot(GraphicsDevice screen) constructor
2017-03-01, by serb
8175831: Provide a javadoc description for jdk.accessibility module
2017-03-01, by prr
8039888: [TEST_BUG] keyboard garbage after javax/swing/plaf/windows/WindowsRootPaneUI/WrongAltProcessing/
2017-02-28, by psadhukhan
8140329: [TEST_BUG] test failed because image was not generated
2017-02-27, by aghaisas
8175293: Window size is not updated after setting location to display with different DPI
2017-02-27, by alexsch
8175266: Use instead of package.html within swing packages
2017-02-26, by serb
6753165: java/awt/TextField/DisabledUndoTest/DisabledUndoTest.html context menu can't be invoked on textfield
2017-02-24, by aghaisas
7119774: [macosx] test ComponentMousePositionTest sometimes fail on Mac
2017-02-20, by mhalder
2017-02-17, by ddehaven
8175025: The copyright section in the test/java/awt/font/TextLayout/ should be updated
2017-02-16, by dmarkov
6622944: Use instead of package.html within awt packages
2017-02-16, by serb
8175066: Compilation error due to tag in JDK-8162959
2017-02-16, by pkbalakr
8172489: [TESTBUG] Create test for SwingSet DialogDemo
2017-02-15, by mrkam
2017-02-15, by mrkam
8174161: [TESTBUG] Create test for SwingSet DialogDemo
2017-02-15, by mrkam
8162959: [HiDPI] screenshot artifacts using AWT Robot
2017-02-16, by pkbalakr
8172701: Jemmy: FrameOperator: maximize() and demaximize() is not properly implemented
2017-02-15, by mrkam
8172500: Create test for SwingSet SliderDemo
2017-02-15, by mrkam
8170552: [macosx] Wrong rendering of diacritics on macOS
2017-02-15, by dbatrak
8163979: [macosx] Chinese text shows as Latin w/ openVanilla input method
2017-02-14, by dmarkov
8176303: Flow.Subscription.request(0) should be treated as an error
2017-03-10, by dl
2017-03-09, by lana
8176331: Simplify new doclet packages
2017-03-09, by jjg
8176029: Linebreak matcher is not equivalent to the pattern as stated in javadoc
2017-03-09, by sherman
8176237: (fs) java/nio/file/FileStore/ should conditionally check FileStores
2017-03-09, by bpb
8176332: Increase sleep time in java/nio/channels/Selector/ write1()
2017-03-09, by bpb
8175797: (ref) Reference::enqueue method should clear referent before enqueuing
2017-03-09, by mchung
8176044: (tz) Support tzdata2017a
2017-03-09, by rpatil
8170884: Clean up post-jlink file copying to the images
2017-03-09, by ihse
8176183: sun/security/mscapi/ fails on Windows
2017-03-08, by asmotrak
8176195: Fix misc module dependencies in jdk_core tests
2017-03-08, by xiaofeya
8176400: Problemlist sun/security/ssl/X509KeyManager/ due to JDK-8176354
2017-03-08, by amjiang
8176394: Incorrect relational operator in java/nio/channels/FileChannel/
2017-03-08, by bpb
8176235: Minor updates to package.html
2017-03-08, by lancea
8176317: (ch) Add print of timeout value to java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/
2017-03-08, by bpb
8175209: Account for race condition in java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/
2017-03-08, by bpb
8176320: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ compilation error, all mach 5 tier 2 platforms broken.
2017-03-08, by weijun
8167525: update jdk tests to remove @compile --add-modules workaround
2017-03-08, by amlu
8176337: Mark several tests as intermittently failing
2017-03-07, by mli
8176131: Simplify new Taglet API
2017-03-07, by jjg
8175325: NetworkInterface.getInterfaceAddresses throws NPE when no addresses
2017-03-07, by msheppar
2017-03-07, by jwilhelm
2017-03-07, by jwilhelm
2017-03-03, by jwilhelm
2017-02-27, by jwilhelm
7132577: javax/management/monitor/ fails in JDK8-B22
2017-02-24, by asapre
8176155: SubmissionPublisher closeExceptionally() may override close()
2017-03-07, by dl
Added tag jdk-9+160 for changeset 4d25a0bb7426
2017-03-09, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8176509: Use pandoc for converting build readme to html
2017-03-13, by ihse
2017-03-09, by lana
2017-03-03, by jwilhelm
8176054: [BACKOUT][REDO] G1 Needs pre barrier on dereference of weak JNI handles
2017-03-02, by jwilhelm
8175917: [JVMCI] Avoid long JNI handle chains
2017-02-27, by chaeubl
8175887: C1 value numbering handling of Unsafe.get*Volatile is incorrect
2017-03-01, by shade
2017-02-28, by bobv
8175567: Build of hotspot for arm-vfp-sflt fails
2017-02-28, by bobv
8175085: [REDO] G1 Needs pre barrier on dereference of weak JNI handles
2017-02-17, by mgerdin
8175512: new fails with -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
2017-02-28, by jgeorge
8175516: JNI exception pending in jdk_tools_jaotc_jnilibelf_JNILibELFAPI.c:97
2017-02-27, by kvn
2017-02-27, by jwilhelm
8168914: Crash in ClassLoaderData/JNIHandleBlock::oops_do during concurrent marking
2017-02-23, by ehelin
8175811: [JVMCI] StubRoutines::_multiplyToLen symbol needs to exported
2017-02-24, by dnsimon
8139906: assert(src->section_index_of(target) == CodeBuffer::SECT_NONE) failed: sanity
2017-02-24, by thartmann
8175336: [TESTBUG] aot junit tests added by 8169588 are not executed.
2017-02-23, by rbackman
Added tag jdk-9+160 for changeset f306167ed337
2017-03-09, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8176509: Use pandoc for converting build readme to html
2017-03-13, by ihse
8176469: Warnings from the build: Unknown module: jdk.rmic specified in --patch-module
2017-03-13, by erikj
2017-03-10, by prr
2017-02-27, by ddehaven
8175307: rpath macro needs to use an argument on macosx
2017-02-22, by ddehaven
8176172: Imported FX modules have have residual_imported.marker file
2017-03-10, by erikj
2017-03-09, by lana
8176331: Simplify new doclet packages
2017-03-09, by jjg
8170884: Clean up post-jlink file copying to the images
2017-03-09, by ihse
Added tag jdk-9+160 for changeset 7fa83c9bad59
2017-03-09, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+160 for changeset 6aa8be0c4e05
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8176241: JShell tests: on full builds CompletionSuggestionTest.testImportStart() fails
2017-03-06, by rfield
8175304: JShell tool: The /reset command hangs after setting a startup script
2017-03-06, by rfield
8176184: JShell tests: jdk/jshell/CompletionSuggestionTest.testImportStart(): failure
2017-03-06, by rfield
8175560: Drop String pkgName from location, JavaFileObject fo, String pkgName)
2017-03-06, by jlahoda
8175118: Revisit modeling of module directives
2017-03-03, by jjg
8175886: JShell: crash on tab-complete with NPE.
2017-03-03, by rfield
8175790: field JCVariableDecl.vartype can't be null after post attribution analysis
2017-03-03, by vromero
Added tag jdk-9+159 for changeset 3ea5514d9fbe
2017-03-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+159 for changeset bf349346f662
2017-03-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+159 for changeset 5eea3031ae7b
2017-03-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-03-03, by lana
8156743: ES6 for..of should work for Java Maps and Sets
2017-03-02, by sdama
Added tag jdk-9+159 for changeset ab43112aebc5
2017-03-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+159 for changeset 3d808abd9ccb
2017-03-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8175846: Provide javadoc descriptions for jdk.policytool and jdk.crypto.* modules
2017-03-07, by weijun
8171319: keytool should print out warnings when reading or generating cert/cert req using weak algorithms
2017-03-07, by weijun
8176213: 78 sun/security/krb5/auto tests failing due to undeclared dependecies
2017-03-07, by skovalev
8174736: [JCP] [Mac]Cannot launch JCP on Mac os with language set to "Chinese, Simplified" while region is not China
2017-03-06, by naoto
8176185: java/util/TimeZone/ is not run
2017-03-06, by amlu
8176187: jdk/internal/misc/JavaLangAccess/ is not run
2017-03-06, by amlu
8176182: 4 security tests are not run
2017-03-06, by amlu
8176162: com/sun/jndi/dns/ is not executed
2017-03-03, by iignatyev
8173909: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2017-03
2017-03-03, by dl
8141596: java/util/concurrent/ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor/ starts failing intermittently
2017-03-03, by dl
8175000: jexec fails to execute simple helloworld.jar
2017-03-01, by mbaesken
2017-03-03, by lana
8176041: Optimize handling of comment lines in Properties$LineReader.readLine
2017-03-02, by redestad
8175561: Memory churn in jimage code affects startup after resource encapsulation changes
2017-03-02, by redestad
8174996: jar leaves temporary file when exception occur in creating jar
2017-02-28, by sherman
Added tag jdk-9+159 for changeset 6d378fc96131
2017-03-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+159 for changeset e15b96207e47
2017-03-02, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
8176196: sed from FindTests.gmk prints warnings
2017-03-06, by ihse
8176084: Developer-friendly run-test facility
2017-03-03, by ihse
2017-03-03, by lana
8176033: New cygwin grep does not match \r as newline
2017-03-01, by erikj
Added tag jdk-9+159 for changeset f97a7c02d349
2017-03-02, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+159 for changeset fd1497902bbe
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8175990: Javac fails to find if module source path contains symlinks
2017-02-28, by ksrini
8175055: Errors reported by Arguments.validate should (probably) be fatal
2017-02-25, by ksrini
8173914: StandardJavaFileManager.setLocationForModule
2017-02-24, by jjg
8175786: Fix small doc issues
2017-02-23, by darcy
2017-02-23, by lana
2017-02-23, by shurailine
8151220: Extend sample API to use modules.
2017-02-21, by shurailine
8175335: Improve handling of module types in javax.lang.model.util.Types
2017-02-22, by darcy
8172956: JDK9 message drop 30 l10n resource file updates - open
2017-02-21, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-02-23, by lana
8172956: JDK9 message drop 30 l10n resource file updates - open
2017-02-21, by lana
2017-07-05, by duke