/ graph
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2017-08-24, by duke
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-10+16 for changeset 1afba647cd44
2017-07-20, by tbell
2017-08-24, by duke
8185150: javax/activation/CommandInfo.html has empty <p>
2017-07-24, by jjg
Added tag jdk-10+16 for changeset 206ece55c5b5
2017-07-20, by tbell
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-10+16 for changeset cb2719d70590
2017-07-20, by tbell
2017-08-24, by duke
8184893: jdk8u152 b06 : issues with nashorn when running kraken benchmarks
2017-07-26, by hannesw
8180727: Use jdk.editpad to replace duplicated class
2017-07-26, by sdama
Added tag jdk-10+16 for changeset 2bd03e968d2d
2017-07-20, by tbell
8184241: Fix nashorn/samples/filebrowser.js
2017-07-20, by sdama
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-10+16 for changeset f0d4cef9bbae
2017-07-20, by tbell
2017-08-24, by duke
8179292: a number of launcher tests fail when run with --limit-modules due to CNFE:
2017-07-25, by anazarov
8183377: Refactor java/lang/ClassLoader/deadlock shell tests to java
2017-07-26, by amlu
6645409: Remove unused DefaultHostnameVerifier
2017-07-25, by xuelei
8184316: Typo in class documentation
2017-07-25, by xuelei
8185154: jdwp-protocol.html contains unescaped entities
2017-07-24, by jjg
8184217: Redundant <p> tag before list
2017-07-24, by jjg
8183591: Incorrect behavior when reading DER value with Integer.MAX_VALUE length
2017-07-24, by apetcher
8178409: Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2017-07
2017-07-22, by dl
8177632: ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor delayed task shutdown policy affects non-scheduled tasks
2017-07-22, by dl
8178956: Misleading description of arguments to accumulator function called by LongAccumulator
2017-07-22, by dl
7062169: (coll) micro-optimize ArrayList.remove(Object)
2017-07-22, by dl
8183899: JMXConnectorFactory link to ServiceLoader gives 404
2017-07-21, by uvangapally
Added tag jdk-10+16 for changeset 995421c69f66
2017-07-20, by tbell
8184904: jdk/internal/jrtfs/WithSecurityManager fails with exploded builds
2017-07-20, by xiaofeya
2017-07-20, by poonam
8181500: [TESTBUG] com/sun/jdi/ fails with jArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
2017-07-17, by shshahma
8177357: tools/jar/multiRelease/ failed due to "Exception java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException"
2017-07-18, by anazarov
8183902: Remove unnecessary definitions in locale_str.h for macOS
2017-07-19, by naoto
8184808: (process) isAlive should use pid for validity, not /proc/pid
2017-07-19, by rriggs
8184916: DisabledAlgorithmConstraints loading should be delayed until needed
2017-07-19, by alanb
8184917: System.initPhase1 does not need to pre-load libzip
2017-07-19, by alanb
8183320: Better cleanup in java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/
2017-07-19, by bpb
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-10+16 for changeset 07c0f17dc7bb
2017-07-20, by tbell
8184961: jdk.test.lib.util.FileUtils.deleteFileWithRetry0 should wait for absence of a file
2017-07-25, by anazarov
Added tag jdk-10+16 for changeset 988bb4888e09
2017-07-20, by tbell
Added tag jdk-10+16 for changeset 4bbea012e567
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-08-24, by duke
8057647: javac parser needs updates to have better error recovery for error cases of new array creation with dimensions
2017-07-19, by pmuthuswamy
8182359: Color contrast Error on <pkg-type>/pkg-use.html pages
2017-07-18, by pmuthuswamy
8181622: new {@index} tag generates multiple index entries
2017-07-15, by bpatel
8177048: javadoc should support -version and/or --version
2017-07-15, by pmuthuswamy
Added tag jdk-10+15 for changeset 6a58a7837e93
2017-07-13, by lana
8182450: javac aborts when generating ct.sym intermittently
2017-07-13, by jlahoda
8181298: Assertion failure in
2017-07-13, by jlahoda
8182257: Duplicate anchor ids in generated javadoc pages
2017-07-12, by bpatel
8170825: Generated index page has a broken link
2017-07-12, by bpatel
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-10+15 for changeset 3a8e49f49142
2017-07-13, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
8183519: XMLInputFactory.newFactory() is marked as deprecated
2017-07-17, by joehw
Added tag jdk-10+15 for changeset 46c3f654e80f
2017-07-13, by lana
8184307: fix typo in
2017-07-12, by jjg
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-10+15 for changeset 4fafa8900ec9
2017-07-13, by lana
8184239: Fix broken nashorn/samples
2017-07-13, by sdama
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-10+15 for changeset 3dfd7325b5bc
2017-07-13, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
8184665: Skip name and alias checks for standard Charsets
2017-07-19, by redestad
8184807: (ch) Clean up handling of some Windows function return values in libnio
2017-07-18, by bpb
8184603: Create ObjectStreamField signature lazily when possible
2017-07-18, by redestad
8177017: com/oracle/security/ucrypto/ fails intermittently
2017-07-17, by mli
8183123: JDP packets have no processId context set
2017-07-17, by clanger
8184673: Fix compatibility issue in AlgorithmChecker for 3rd party JCE providers
2017-07-17, by clanger
8184706: Matcher doesn't indicate hitEnd after matching \u0D with \R at EOL
2017-07-15, by igerasim
8184314: Javadoc for Offsettime has "." where it should be ":" prior to seconds
2017-07-14, by naoto
8174692: New tests fail in JDK 10
2017-07-14, by anazarov
8184311: Update java.sql and java.sql.rowset API docs for accessibility
2017-07-13, by jjg
Added tag jdk-10+15 for changeset 43e8fcff2e79
2017-07-13, by lana
8182999: SunEC throws ProviderException on invalid curves
2017-07-13, by apetcher
8184304: (sctp) make tables in jdk.sctp module accessible
2017-07-12, by jjg
8184208: update class="striped" tables for accessibility
2017-07-12, by jjg
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-10+15 for changeset b7096a1d652a
2017-07-13, by lana
8184344: [aix] TOC overflow for slowdebug
2017-07-18, by stuefe
8184338: switch minimum supported gcc version to 4.7
2017-07-18, by mbaesken
8177017: com/oracle/security/ucrypto/ fails intermittently
2017-07-17, by mli
8184022: Build JDK 10 on OSX 10.12 and above
2017-07-14, by phh
Added tag jdk-10+15 for changeset d161a843e941
2017-07-13, by lana
8181298: Assertion failure in
2017-07-13, by jlahoda
Added tag jdk-10+15 for changeset 878e21603932
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-08-24, by duke
8184225: Fix accessibility and tidy issues in jdk.jshell docs
2017-07-12, by jjg
8074364: Update error message for incorrect annotation type declaration
2017-07-12, by pmuthuswamy
8184023: Fix tables in doc comments to be accessible
2017-07-11, by jjg
8183897: Update the "striped" style in the javadoc style sheet
2017-07-07, by jjg
2017-07-07, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+14 for changeset b2a0122861f5
2017-07-06, by lana
8183126: port improvements to analyzers from lvti repo to jdk10
2017-07-05, by vromero
8183505: Update langtools tests to allow for unique test classes directory
2017-07-05, by jjg
8179704: doclet crashes with an empty package.html
2017-07-05, by ksrini
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-07-07, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+14 for changeset 224d0d2dd36e
2017-07-06, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
8184021: Fix tables in doc comments to be accessible
2017-07-11, by jjg
8184062: wrong @modules javax.xml at jaxp/test/javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/stream/XMLStreamWriterTest/
2017-07-10, by mli
8181154: Fix lint warnings in JAXP repo: deprecation
2017-07-10, by joehw
2017-07-07, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+14 for changeset 9f2e7fa2d999
2017-07-06, by lana
8183583: LSSerializer docs have invalid character
2017-07-05, by joehw
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-07-07, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+14 for changeset 828c6ffa57f7
2017-07-06, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-07-07, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+14 for changeset 975972c8fe12
2017-07-06, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
8184234:$PolicyEntry.toString() throws MissingResourceException
2017-07-12, by mli
8184165:$PolicyEntry.toString() throws MissingResourceException
2017-07-11, by mli
8183989: Mark java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ as intermittently failing
2017-07-10, by amlu
8183509: keytool should not allow multiple commands
2017-07-08, by weijun
8032842: Locale.filterTags()/lookupTag() methods return lowercased language tags
2017-07-07, by nishjain
8183990: compilation error for test/com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher/DES/
2017-07-06, by mli
8183378: Refactor java/lang/System/MacEncoding/ to java
2017-07-07, by amlu
2017-07-07, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+14 for changeset ba97c984166b
2017-07-06, by lana
8183536: Update jdk tests to allow for unique test classes directory
2017-07-05, by alanb
8183514: Remove intermittent key from httpclient test TimeoutOrdering and ErrorTest
2017-07-04, by xiaofeya
8183512: Remove intermittent key from nio test and
2017-07-05, by amlu
8183531: Wrong @modules in test javax/net/ssl/ciphersuites/
2017-07-05, by amlu
8160199: Language's script should be reflected in user.script on Mac OS X
2017-07-03, by naoto
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-07-07, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+14 for changeset 2790c139c0ad
2017-07-06, by lana
8183503: Update hotspot tests to allow for unique test classes directory
2017-07-05, by alanb
8184075: Make run-test-prebuilt profile more robust
2017-07-11, by erikj
8183534: [TEST] Make detection of compilation mode more robust
2017-07-06, by simonis
2017-07-07, by lana
Added tag jdk-10+14 for changeset e15e4013d1c3
2017-07-06, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+178 for changeset bc9df7dd63ec
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+177 for changeset 830e16e5eef5
2017-07-06, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+177 for changeset 810c192c0338
2017-07-06, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+177 for changeset 058ec546d0cb
2017-07-06, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+177 for changeset 2ddc93e42974
2017-07-06, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+177 for changeset 4760e5e8c9c6
2017-07-06, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+177 for changeset a7697c107dd9
2017-07-06, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
8184036: Restore -XX:UseAVX=3 as product value
2017-07-10, by kvn
2017-07-06, by lana
8183103: Post loop vectorization produces incorrect results
2017-07-05, by thartmann
8183401: compiler/jvmci/ fails with The VM does not support the minimum JVMCI API version required by Graal
2017-07-04, by dnsimon
8183543: Aarch64: C2 compilation often fails with "failed spill-split-recycle sanity check"
2017-07-04, by roland
Added tag jdk-9+177 for changeset 7f0b83636e5f
2017-07-06, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+177 for changeset e333a1979702
2017-07-06, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+177 for changeset d9f6bc6ba599
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-08-24, by duke
8182776: Fix typos in module declarations
2017-07-03, by mr
Added tag jdk-9+176 for changeset e447c20c3ff9
2017-06-29, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
8182776: Fix typos in module declarations
2017-07-03, by mr
Added tag jdk-9+176 for changeset a865459049fb
2017-06-29, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+176 for changeset a9fa15f3dee6
2017-06-29, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
8182776: Fix typos in module declarations
2017-07-03, by mr
Added tag jdk-9+176 for changeset a4ba08de01fd
2017-06-29, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
8182776: Fix typos in module declarations
2017-07-03, by mr
Added tag jdk-9+176 for changeset 47565d5a42c5
2017-06-29, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
8182776: Fix typos in module declarations
2017-07-03, by mr
8183166: lib\jawt.lib is missing from JDK 9 distribution for Windows
2017-07-03, by erikj
8183141: java --help-extra in non-English locales lists --permit-illegal-access which no longer exists
2017-06-29, by ksrini
Added tag jdk-9+176 for changeset 2ed643787f98
2017-06-29, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
Added tag jdk-9+176 for changeset 4b5557c9b656
2017-06-29, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
8183251: Meta "keywords" tag malformed in overview-summary.html and related pages
2017-07-03, by mr
Added tag jdk-9+176 for changeset 7ce57d6259e7
2017-06-29, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+176 for changeset 43bf6f30fcba
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-08-24, by duke
8182736: javadoc generates bad names and broken module graph links
2017-06-26, by jjg
2017-08-24, by duke
8182736: javadoc generates bad names and broken module graph links
2017-06-26, by jjg
8182652: RuntimePermission("usePolicy") is not a Java SE permission
2017-06-23, by mullan
2017-08-24, by duke
8181742: Load that bypasses arraycopy has wrong memory state
2017-06-23, by roland
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-06-22, by lana
8179892: Update build documentation for JDK 9
2017-06-21, by ihse
Added tag jdk-10+14 for changeset 9ef5029b247b
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-08-24, by duke
2017-08-24, by duke
8068836: Error message should be updated when Override is used with static methods
2017-07-03, by sadayapalam
8183021: JShell tests: Fix failing tests on Windows
2017-06-30, by jlahoda
8182047: javac compile error on type-parameter-exceptions in lambda expressions
2017-06-30, by vromero
8183255: Fix langtools TEST.groups file after fix for JDK-8177511
2017-06-29, by darcy
8182649: Unable to integrate due to compilation error
2017-06-29, by vromero
8182747: javac crashes on bad annotation value
2017-06-29, by vromero
8183148: cleanup ModuleSymbol.getSimpleName
2017-06-28, by vromero
8183142: Add bugids=dup to .jcheck/conf files for JDK 10
2017-06-28, by iris
8058408: Compiler should emit a clearer message for invalid parenthesized expression
2017-06-27, by sadayapalam
8177847: jshell tool: retain delete of non-retained mode does not locally delete
2017-06-26, by rfield
8182268: JShell: CompletionInfo.source() for CONSIDERED_INCOMPLETE missing semicolon
2017-06-26, by rfield
8176110: JShell: completions with package results should, in most cases, be dot terminated
2017-06-25, by rfield
8182489: jshell tool: rerun multiline snippet from history corrupts history
2017-06-25, by rfield
Added tag jdk-10+13 for changeset 8d019eee3515
2017-06-24, by lana
2017-06-24, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+175 for changeset abb7c4afc7a8
2017-06-22, by lana
8177511: Remove the old standard doclet
2017-06-21, by ksrini
2017-08-24, by duke
8183142: Add bugids=dup to .jcheck/conf files for JDK 10
2017-06-28, by iris
Added tag jdk-10+13 for changeset b5e375e70bc2
2017-06-24, by lana
2017-06-24, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+175 for changeset 65fdff10664d
2017-06-22, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
8183142: Add bugids=dup to .jcheck/conf files for JDK 10
2017-06-28, by iris
Added tag jdk-10+13 for changeset 57ad1ec78a27
2017-06-24, by lana
2017-06-24, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+175 for changeset f7c39a27e5cd
2017-06-22, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
8182996: Incorrect mapping Long type to JavaScript equivalent
2017-06-29, by hannesw
8183142: Add bugids=dup to .jcheck/conf files for JDK 10
2017-06-28, by iris
Added tag jdk-10+13 for changeset 721bae7117fe
2017-06-24, by lana
2017-06-24, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+175 for changeset 2b0b8cd704d4
2017-06-22, by lana
8181105: Nashorn file descriptor leak
2017-06-22, by anazarov
2017-08-24, by duke
8183142: Add bugids=dup to .jcheck/conf files for JDK 10
2017-06-28, by iris
Added tag jdk-10+13 for changeset 965113ea3d05
2017-06-24, by lana
2017-06-24, by lana
Added tag jdk-9+175 for changeset e538c0cea8fe
2017-06-22, by lana
2017-08-24, by duke
8182743: Ineffective use of volatile hurts performance of Charset.atBugLevel()
2017-07-01, by clanger
8183019: Diagnostics for onExitTest
2017-06-30, by rriggs
8182975: Mark http2/ and as intermittently failing
2017-06-29, by xiaofeya
8182710: File.listRoots() always returns the root of CD drive
2017-06-29, by bpb
8183012: Code cleanup in
2017-06-29, by clanger
8182589: TLS SNI in new Java 9 client is not available
2017-06-29, by michaelm
8183175: Add explicit constructors to MalformedParameterizedTypeException
2017-06-28, by darcy
8183173: Add private constructors to Fdlibm-internal classes
2017-06-28, by darcy
8183142: Add bugids=dup to .jcheck/conf files for JDK 10
2017-06-28, by iris
8182154: merge jdk.testlibrary.Platform and jdk.test.lib.Platform
2017-06-27, by iignatyev
8178699: Fail to send async requests if server doesn't response the first one
2017-06-25, by xiaofeya
8182854: jshell tool: rerun multiline snippet from history corrupts history (jdk part)
2017-06-25, by rfield
Added tag jdk-10+13 for changeset d1320b34c90f
2017-06-24, by lana
2017-06-23, by lana