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8015496: Information that package is deprecated is missing in profiles view
2013-09-11, by bpatel
8024510: lib/combo/tools/javac/combo/ fails
2013-09-11, by emc
8024414: javac, should facilitate the use of the bootstrap compiler for debugging
2013-09-10, by mcimadamore
8005222: Fixed bugs should have tests with bugid in @bug tag
2013-09-10, by jfranck
8019521: Enhanced rethrow disabled in lambdas
2013-09-09, by jlahoda
8006972: jtreg test fails: test/tools/javac/processing/model/element/TestMissingElement/
2013-09-09, by jjg
8015322: Javac template test framework
2013-09-09, by emc
8022322: Reject default and static methods in annotation
2013-09-09, by emc
8024154: Fix for 8016177: structural most specific and stuckness breaks 6 langtools tests
2013-09-09, by vromero
8022260: Rename javac.code.Annotations to javac.code.SymbolMetadata
2013-09-09, by jfranck
8024398: javac, compiler crashes with try with empty body
2013-09-08, by vromero
2013-09-06, by lana
2013-09-06, by lana
8024434: problem running javadoc tests in samevm mode on Windows
2013-09-06, by jjg
8024039: javac, previous solution for JDK-8022186 was incorrect
2013-09-06, by vromero
8023608: method grouping tabs folding issue
2013-09-05, by bpatel
8023974: Drop 'implements Completer' and 'implements SourceCompleter' from ClassReader resp. JavaCompiler.
2013-09-05, by jfranck
8024288: javadoc generated-by comment should always be present
2013-09-04, by jjg
8008275: javac.Main should be @Supported
2013-09-04, by vromero
8023549: Compiler emitting spurious errors when constructor reference type is inferred and explicit type arguments are supplied
2013-09-04, by vromero
8023545: Misleading error message when using diamond operator with private constructor
2013-09-03, by vromero
8023389: Javac fails to infer type for lambda used with intersection type and wildcards
2013-09-03, by vromero
8022162: Incorrect signature determination for certain inner class generics
2013-09-02, by vromero
8016177: structural most specific and stuckness
2013-09-02, by vromero
8015663: Need to supply tests to provide javadoc for profiles support code coverage
2013-08-30, by jjg
8022738: doclet should only generate functional interface text if source >= 8
2013-08-30, by bpatel
8008367: Sub-packages missing from Profiles javadoc
2013-08-30, by jjg
8015882: Javadoc prints NPE when using Taglet
2013-08-30, by bpatel
7198273: RFE : Javadoc Accessibility : Hyperlinks should contain text or an image with alt text
2013-08-30, by bpatel
8024093: Two *.rej files checked in to langtools/test directory
2013-08-30, by jjg
8023700: Use non breaking space in various labels
2013-08-30, by jjg
8023833: Replace direct use of AnnotatedType in javadoc code
2013-08-29, by jjg
Added tag jdk8-b107 for changeset bd69808a67e1
2013-09-12, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b107 for changeset 8a84d7cf2ea6
2013-09-12, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk8-b107 for changeset 82c75a285e35
2013-09-12, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-09-17, by lana
8024846: keep separate internal arguments variable
2013-09-16, by attila
8024847: should accept mirror and external JSObjects as array-like objects as well
2013-09-16, by sundar
2013-09-13, by sundar
8024619: JDBC java.sql.DriverManager is not usable from JS script
2013-09-13, by sundar
8024693: Various minor issues with JSONWriter used by script parser API
2013-09-12, by sundar
8024512: Regex /[^\[]/ doesn't match
2013-09-12, by hannesw
8024476: Octane regression on Richards
2013-09-12, by hannesw
2013-09-11, by sundar
8024644: PluggableJSObject.iteratingJSObjectTest fails with jdk8-tl build
2013-09-11, by sundar
8024615: Refactor ScriptObjectMirror and JSObject to support external JSObject implementations
2013-09-11, by sundar
8024130: We no longer need slots for temporaries in self-assign indices
2013-09-11, by attila
8024539: FX Libraries update missing file
2013-09-10, by jlaskey
8024397: Nashorn FX Libraries need to be finalized.
2013-09-09, by jlaskey
2013-09-09, by sundar
8024180: Incorrect handling of expression and parent scope in 'with' statements
2013-09-09, by sundar
8024255: When a keyword is used as object property name, the property can not be deleted
2013-09-05, by sundar
2013-09-06, by lana
8024174: Setting __proto__ property in Object literal should be supported
2013-09-04, by sundar
8024120: Setting __proto__ to null removes the __proto__ property
2013-09-04, by sundar
Added tag jdk8-b107 for changeset e94578d4e6a5
2013-09-12, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-09-17, by lana
2013-09-06, by lana
8017195: Introduce option to setKeepAlive parameter on CORBA sockets
2013-09-03, by coffeys
Added tag jdk8-b107 for changeset 03623ef0f781
2013-09-12, by cl
2017-07-05, by duke
2013-09-17, by katleman
2013-09-17, by katleman
8008022: Upgrade Direct X SDK used to build JDK
2013-09-12, by vadim
2013-09-17, by lana
7097386: Correct error in Predicate javadoc example
2013-09-17, by lancea
8024874: Copy-paste typo in the spec for j.u.Comparator.thenComparing(Function, Comparator)
2013-09-16, by henryjen
6458027: Disabling IPv6 on a specific network interface causes problems
2013-09-16, by msheppar
8020687: Deflater.setLevel does not work as expected
2013-09-15, by sherman
7186311: (props) "Unicode" is misspelled as "Uniocde" in JavaDoc and error message
2013-09-15, by sherman
8024837: Rename java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap/ to
2013-09-15, by psandoz
8010293: java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentHashMap/ fails intermittently
2013-09-02, by psandoz
8023556: Update javadoc for start of Meiji era
2013-09-14, by rriggs
8023639: Difference between and executed successively is more than 100 000 000 nanoseconds for slow machines
2013-09-14, by rriggs
8024825: Some fixes are missing from spec update
2013-09-06, by henryjen
8014967: EBehavior of DriverManager.registerDriver(dr) is unspecified if driver is null
2013-09-13, by lancea
7199674: (props) user.home property does not return an accessible location in sandboxed environment [macosx]
2013-09-13, by bchristi
8024014: TEST.groups - split sub-groups for jdk_collections, jdk_stream, jdk_concurrent, jdk_util_other from jdk_util
2013-09-13, by mduigou
8021591: Additional explicit null checks
2013-09-13, by mduigou
8024675: java/net/NetworkInterface/ fails on Windows
2013-09-13, by msheppar
8024009: Remove system property
2013-09-12, by bchristi
8023669: MBean*Info.hashCode : NPE
2013-09-13, by sjiang
8010430: Math.round has surprising behavior for odd values of ulp 1
2013-09-11, by bpb
8011916: Spec update for
2013-09-06, by henryjen
8015340: remove erroneous @since tag
2013-09-12, by lancea
8024618: Issues with French locale on compact1,2: expected:<janvier> but was:<January>
2013-09-12, by rriggs
8024525: Make Logger log methods call isLoggable()
2013-09-12, by dfuchs
8024643: Turn on javac lint checking in building the jdk repo
2013-09-12, by darcy
8023529: OpenMBeanInfoSupport.equals/hashCode throw NPE
2013-09-12, by sjiang
8024500: Missing API coverage for java.util.function.BiFunction andThen
2013-09-11, by henryjen
8024338: Constant fields introduced by JDK-4759491 fix in b94 are exposed as public fields in public API
2013-09-11, by sherman
2013-09-11, by rriggs