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8214399: Javap -help should provide information about --multi-release option
2019-06-11, by jjg
8080462: Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v2.40 support
2019-06-11, by valeriep
8225189: Multiple JNI calls within critical region in ZIP Library
2019-06-11, by lancea
8225512: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 15
2019-06-11, by dfuchs
8225429: Regression in disassembly quality
2019-06-10, by aph
8224847: gc/stress/ fails with reserved greater than expected
2019-06-11, by coleenp
8225568: ProblemList compiler/compilercontrol/jcmd/
2019-06-11, by dholmes
8225564: Remove wrong assert in clean_catch_blocks
2019-06-11, by neliasso
8224871: os::attempt_reserve_memory_at() tries too hard
2019-06-11, by eosterlund
8225567: Wrong file headers with 8202414 fix changeset
2019-06-11, by rraghavan
8225426: Replace plain with system-default in Socket and ServerSocket
2019-06-11, by chegar
8224826: Implement fast class initialization checks on PPC64
2019-06-11, by mdoerr
8225509: clean_catch_blocks must add preds first
2019-06-11, by neliasso
8209917: fix TODO in GatherDiagnosticInfoObserver
2019-06-10, by iignatyev
8205131: remove Runtime trace methods
2019-06-10, by smarks
8225532: Update source enums to describe 12 and 13 language features
2019-06-10, by darcy
8225492: Update JVMCI
2019-06-10, by dnsimon
8225514: Shenandoah: ShenandoahCodeRoots should inherit from AllStatic
2019-06-10, by zgu
8222828: vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/BScenarios/multithrd/tc02x004/ failed
2019-06-10, by dtitov
8222412: AARCH64: multiple instructions encoding issues
2019-06-10, by dpochepk
8224952: RI deviates from JVMS - non-zero minor_version for class files throws UnsupportedClassVersionError.
2019-06-10, by hseigel
8221719: Jarsigner fails to verify signed by alias if alias given in wrong case
2019-06-10, by weijun
8225227: ZGC: Be exact in what load barrier to use in ZHeapIterator
2019-06-10, by pliden
8224966: ZGC: Don't skip oop verification in OopMapSet::all_do()
2019-06-10, by pliden
8224865: Replace wildcard address with loopback or local host in tests - part 13
2019-06-10, by dfuchs
8223837: Add -XX:MinHeapSize flag to set the minimum heap size
2019-06-07, by stefank
8224675: Late GC barrier insertion for ZGC
2019-02-14, by neliasso
8223305: Compiler support for Switch Expressions
2019-06-10, by jlahoda