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8133347: Add makefiles support and basic session, persistence history navigation with jline
2015-08-13, by sundar
Added tag jdk9-b77 for changeset 5bf57225d6fc
2015-08-13, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b77 for changeset 3cb9ab9c726d
2015-08-13, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
8133588: Place on the problem list
2015-08-13, by darcy
2015-08-13, by lana
8065595: Wrong JNI_OnLoad called if just loaded lib does not have JNI_OnLoad function
2015-08-13, by bpb
8133347: Add makefiles support and basic session, persistence history navigation with jline
2015-08-13, by sundar
8133459: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) in java.nio docs
2015-08-13, by avstepan
8079769: tools/pack200/ may timeout at preparing the large test file
2015-08-13, by amlu
8048624: Tests for SealedObject
2015-08-13, by rhalade
8133232: [fs] Regex has redundant | in the char class
2015-08-12, by igerasim
8132539: (fs) Files.lines(path).collect() returns wrong value in JDK 9 with certain files
2015-08-12, by bpb
8133318: Exclude intermittent failing PKCS11 tests on Solaris SPARC 11.1 and earlier
2015-08-12, by vinnie
2015-08-11, by ddehaven
2015-08-11, by ddehaven
2015-08-04, by ddehaven
2015-08-03, by ddehaven
8131055: bean annotations: add a test checking if a user-defined BeanInfo is top-priority as compared with the annotations
2015-08-04, by avstepan
8132136: [PIT] RTL orientation in JEditorPane is broken
2015-08-04, by ssadetsky
8130892: Test javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTextUI/8001470/ fails in Solaris Sparcv9
2015-08-04, by ssadetsky
8130400: Test java/awt/image/DrawImage/ fails with ClassCastException
2015-08-04, by azvegint
8132249: Clean up JAB debugging code
2015-08-03, by ptbrunet
6544871: java/awt/event/KeyEvent/KeyTyped/CtrlASCII.html fails from jdk b09 on windows
2015-07-31, by yan
6206439: JInternalFrame.setLayer(Integer layer) should throw NullPointerException when layer=null
2015-07-30, by serb
8132382: [macosx] Crash during JMC or JavaFX execution when NSApplication is controlled by SWT or JavaFX libraries
2015-07-30, by serb
8132123: MultiResolutionCachedImage unnecessarily creates base image to get its size
2015-07-30, by alexsch
8130478: Reconsider "awt.toolkit" property usage in java.awt.Toolkit getDefaultToolkit() method
2015-07-30, by alexsch
8130507: closed/java/awt/font/JNICheck/ test reports some warnings
2015-07-29, by psadhukhan
2015-07-29, by dcherepanov
8013586: audioInputStream.close() does not release the resource
2015-07-28, by serb
8130735: javax.swing.TimerQueue: timer fires late when another timer starts
2015-07-28, by ssadetsky
8025815: Child FileDialog of modal dialog does not get focus on Gnome
2015-07-28, by ssadetsky
8130769: The new menu can't be shown on the menubar after clicking the "Add" button.
2015-07-28, by ssadetsky
8132355: Incorrect guard block in HPkeysym.h, awt_Event.h
2015-07-28, by serb
8077707: jdk9 b58 cannot run any graphical application on Win 8 with JAWS running
2015-07-24, by ptbrunet
8066404: The case is failed automatically and thrown the "java.lang.IllegalStateException" exception
2015-07-18, by serb
8131752: [Regression] Test java/awt/GraphicsDevice/ fails
2015-07-23, by azvegint
8067093: Fix windows-specific deprecation warnings in the java.desktop module
2015-07-22, by serb
8130776: Remove EmbeddedFrame.requestFocusToEmbedder() method
2015-07-22, by aivanov
8074832: Resolve disabled warnings for libjsoundalsa
2015-07-18, by serb
8074831: Resolve disabled warnings for libjsound
2015-07-18, by serb
8130937: Several methods in BeanProperty return null instead of boolean value
2015-07-18, by serb
8133188: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.util
2015-08-11, by avstepan
8077055: Allow other named SecurityPermissions, RuntimePermissions, and AuthPermissions to be used
2015-08-11, by mullan
8133105: Fix getFinalAttributes() on Windows to handle more special cases
2015-08-11, by simonis
2015-08-10, by amurillo
2015-08-06, by amurillo
8130339: Add tracing info to to help 8130339 diagnosis
2015-08-03, by olagneau
2015-07-31, by jiangli
8129215: com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
2015-07-31, by jbachorik
8059036: Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
2015-07-30, by dsamersoff
8133287: (fs) java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ should use othervm mode
2015-08-10, by bpb
8133231: Mark as failing intermittently
2015-08-10, by darcy
8132497: (fs) FileSystems.newFileSystem(URI, ..) doesn't handle UOE thrown by provider
2015-08-10, by bpb
8133207: test fails after changes for JDK-8080115
2015-08-07, by bpb
8080115: (fs) Crash in libgio when calling Files.probeContentType(path) from parallel threads
2015-08-07, by bpb
8132551: Initialize local varibales before returning them in p11_convert.c
2015-08-07, by simonis
8133044: [TESTBUG] CLDRDisplayNameTest uses deprecated API, fails
2015-08-06, by naoto
Added tag jdk9-b77 for changeset c02e2d8c7f9f
2015-08-13, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-08-13, by lana
2015-08-06, by amurillo
2015-08-06, by rbackman
2015-08-04, by roland
8132875: AArch64: Fix error introduced into AArch64 CodeCache by commit for 8130309
2015-08-03, by adinn
8132457: Unify command-line flags controlling the usage of compiler intrinsics
2015-08-03, by zmajo
8004073: Implement C2 Ideal node specific dump() method
2015-03-18, by mhaupt
8132525: java -client -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:CICompilerCount=1 -version asserts since 8130858
2015-07-29, by roland
8130309: Need to bailout cleanly if creation of stubs fails when codecache is out of space
2015-07-29, by thartmann
8132953: imageDecompressor.hpp should not include precompiled.hpp
2015-08-04, by brutisso
8080298: Clean up os::...::supports_variable_stack_size()
2015-08-03, by dholmes
8132876: Increase PerfDataMemorySize to 64K
2015-08-03, by sla
2015-07-31, by jiangli
8129976: times out frequently
2015-07-31, by jbachorik
2015-07-31, by minqi
2015-07-31, by minqi
8132242: LogTouchedMethods (8025692) asserts if TieredCompilation is off.
2015-07-29, by minqi
2015-07-30, by dsamersoff
8059036: Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
2015-07-30, by dsamersoff
8130527: Serviceability tests fails with Can't attach to process
2015-07-30, by akulyakh
6661889: thread id on Linux is inconsistent in error and log outputs
2015-07-29, by jmanson
Added tag jdk9-b77 for changeset f057c3f8e4d2
2015-08-13, by katleman
2015-08-13, by lana
8133347: Add makefiles support and basic session, persistence history navigation with jline
2015-08-13, by sundar
8129562: JDK 9 build using boot-jdk classes instead of newly compiled classes
2015-08-10, by jlahoda
Added tag jdk9-b77 for changeset 05020a092c0f
2015-08-13, by katleman
Added tag jdk9-b77 for changeset c25e882cee96
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-08-06, by lana
8130887: com/sun/tools/sjavac/pubapi/ has no copyright header
2015-08-06, by alundblad
8131915: CompletionFailure during import listing crashes javac
2015-08-03, by jlahoda
Added tag jdk9-b76 for changeset 72b69ab429c9
2015-08-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b76 for changeset 759a2264cea4
2015-08-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-08-06, by lana
8130058: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/
2015-07-31, by dfuchs
Added tag jdk9-b76 for changeset f2d6d8d04628
2015-08-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-08-06, by lana
8133119: Error message associated with TypeError for call and new should include stringified Node
2015-08-06, by sundar
8073733: TypeError messages with "call" and "new" could be improved
2015-08-04, by sundar
Added tag jdk9-b76 for changeset c9b05353a293
2015-08-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b76 for changeset 275be672e934
2015-08-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
8080252: java.util.Formatter documentation of %n converter is misleading
2015-08-06, by sherman
8129633: (fs) Investigate removing the GNOME-based FileTypeDetector from the Linux and Solaris implementations
2015-08-06, by bpb
8133022: Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
2015-08-06, by rriggs
2015-08-06, by lana
8132855: Adjust tier 1 and 2 definitions for security-related intrinsics
2015-08-06, by darcy
8022224: Rare bug in JISAutodetect charset detected by FindDecoderBugs test
2015-08-06, by sherman
8133115: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for java.util.logging, java.util.prefs,, java.util.jar
2015-08-06, by avstepan
8080108: [TEST_BUG] ERROR: No IPv6 address returned from platform
2015-08-06, by kshefov
8132550: java/util/logging/ times out
2015-08-06, by dfuchs
8133040: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for
2015-08-06, by avstepan
8132468: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for, java.lang, java.math
2015-08-06, by avstepan
8046321: OCSP Stapling for TLS
2015-08-05, by jnimeh
8133060: Problem list BasicLauncherTest until fix for JDK-8132648 propagates
2015-08-05, by darcy
8132494: Wrong CLDR resource bundle names for legacy ISO language codes
2015-08-05, by naoto
8132877: docs: replace <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) for javax.naming
2015-08-05, by avstepan
2015-08-04, by amurillo
2015-08-04, by amurillo
2015-07-31, by amurillo
8062938: sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/ java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not map vmid to user name
2015-07-24, by ykantser
2015-07-24, by jbachorik
8081695: Old verifier fails to reject bad access to protected <init> method
2015-07-24, by hseigel
2015-07-23, by hseigel
8129897: Old verifier fails to reject erroneous cast from boolean[] to byte[]
2015-07-23, by hseigel
2015-07-23, by dsamersoff
8059038: Create new launcher for SA tools
2015-07-23, by dsamersoff
8132094: Mark intermittently failuring core-svc tests
2015-07-22, by ykantser
8132800: clarify stream package documentation regarding sequential vs parallel modes
2015-08-04, by smarks
8132854: Adjust tier 1 and 2 definitions for nio-related intrinsics
2015-08-04, by darcy
8129881: JDK-8008577 breaks Nashorn test
2015-08-03, by naoto
8132652: Java_sun_nio_ch_Net_poll passes a long to an int
2015-08-03, by bpb
8132111: Do not request for addresses for forwarded TGT
2015-08-03, by weijun
8131034: Cleanup in j.u.regex.Pattern.quote()
2015-08-02, by igerasim
8132500: Add imageio test to tier 3
2015-07-31, by darcy
8132801: Fix typo in javax.sql.RowSet.setBlob
2015-07-31, by lancea
8132795: Bug ID accidentally omitted from top level regression test in fix for JDK-8065556
2015-07-31, by bpb
8073078: java/nio/file/FileStore/ sensitive to NFS configuration
2015-07-31, by bpb
8130274: java/nio/file/FileStore/ fails when two successive stores in an iteration are determined to be equal
2015-07-31, by bpb
8132505: Signature of Java_sun_nio_ch_Net_socket0 should return jint not int
2015-07-31, by bpb
8130850: Support loading a keystore with a custom KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter class
2015-07-31, by vinnie
8132704: [TESTBUG] jdk/internal/jimage/ incorrectly asserts all files to be executable
2015-07-31, by simonis
8132130: some docs cleanup
2015-07-31, by avstepan
8130828: Fix some typos and omissions in the the JavaDoc
2015-07-31, by psandoz
8132745: minor cleanup of java/util/Scanner/
2015-07-30, by smarks
Added tag jdk9-b76 for changeset cd6f3c0376eb
2015-08-06, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-08-06, by lana
2015-07-31, by amurillo
2015-07-31, by jbachorik
8130459: Add additional validation after heap creation
2015-07-27, by sangheki
8079082: VerifyNoCSetOopsClosure is derived twice from Closure
2015-07-27, by kbarrett
8131343: Remove unused imports from hotspot/test/testlibrary/jdk/test/lib/*.java
2015-07-27, by mchernov
2015-07-25, by kbarrett
8132232: Signature mismatch between declaration and definition of PosixSemaphore::timedwait
2015-07-23, by simonis
2015-07-25, by jbachorik
2015-07-24, by jbachorik
8132148: G1 hs_err region dump legend out of sync with region values
2015-07-24, by ecaspole
2015-07-24, by coleenp
2015-07-23, by coleenp
8087315: SIGBUS error in nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine
2015-07-23, by coleenp
2015-07-24, by dcubed
8132286: change 'InlineNotify' flag option from "product" to "diagnostic"
2015-07-23, by dcubed
2015-07-23, by coleenp
8082782: vm crash on StressRedefineWithoutBytecodeCorruption fails with assert(((Metadata*)obj)->is_valid()) failed: obj is valid
2015-07-23, by coleenp
2015-07-23, by dsamersoff
2015-07-23, by dsamersoff
8059038: Create new launcher for SA tools
2015-07-23, by dsamersoff
8130676: [TESTBUG] aix: Port CreateCoreDumpOnCrash added in 8078121
2015-07-23, by goetz
8004687: G1: Parallelize object self-forwarding and scanning during an evacuation failure
2015-07-23, by tschatzl
8131319: Move G1Allocator::_summary_bytes_used back to G1CollectedHeap
2015-07-23, by ehelin
2015-07-23, by brutisso
2015-07-22, by dsamersoff
8129971: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown by AARCH64ThreadContext.setRegister
2015-07-22, by dsamersoff
2015-07-22, by kevinw
8048353: jstack -l crashes VM when a Java mirror for a primitive type is locked
2015-07-20, by vkempik
2015-07-22, by tschatzl
8130434: [TESTBUG] Harden TestLargePageUseForAuxMemory for more page size combinations
2015-07-22, by goetz
8131761: Fix merge error adding code that was removed in 8077936
2015-07-22, by goetz
8129895: New verifier fails to reject erroneous cast from int[] to other arrays of small integer types
2015-07-22, by hseigel
2015-07-22, by kbarrett
8130931: Refactor CardTableModRefBS[ForCTRS]
2015-07-22, by kbarrett
8026324: hs_err improvement: Add summary section to hs_err file
2015-07-22, by coleenp
8130832: Extend the WhiteBox API to provide information about the availability of compiler intrinsics
2015-07-28, by zmajo
8131062: aarch64: add support for GHASH acceleration
2015-07-21, by enevill
8132010: aarch64: regression test fails compiler/intrinsics/sha/cli/
2015-07-21, by enevill
8130858: CICompilerCount=1 when tiered is off is not allowed any more
2015-07-27, by roland
2015-07-27, by roland
8131782: C1 Class.cast optimization breaks when Class is loaded from static final
2015-07-24, by shade
2015-07-23, by aph
8131779: AARCH64: add Montgomery multiply intrinsic
2015-07-20, by aph
8131362: aarch64: C2 does not handle large stack offsets
2015-07-17, by enevill
Added tag jdk9-b76 for changeset e6eb1f2fd18c
2015-08-06, by katleman
2015-08-06, by lana
2015-08-04, by amurillo
2015-07-31, by amurillo
8130832: Extend the WhiteBox API to provide information about the availability of compiler intrinsics
2015-07-28, by zmajo
8129881: JDK-8008577 breaks Nashorn test
2015-08-03, by naoto
Added tag jdk9-b76 for changeset 6a88e481dff2
2015-08-06, by katleman
Added tag jdk9-b76 for changeset eeea9adfd1e3
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
8062647: Wrong indentation of arguments of annotated methods
2015-07-31, by igerasim
2015-07-30, by lana
8131742: Syntactically meaningless code accepted by javac
2015-07-30, by mcimadamore
8129214: Access error when unboxing a primitive whose target is a type-variable in a different package
2015-07-30, by mcimadamore
8081769: Redundant error message on bad usage of 'class' literal
2015-07-30, by mcimadamore
8130826: test writes file in test source directory
2015-07-28, by jlahoda
8132215: class InferenceContext should live in a separate file
2015-07-24, by vromero
8086737: Add support for -release to Javadoc
2015-07-24, by jlahoda
Added tag jdk9-b75 for changeset 0513f1bb463b
2015-07-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b75 for changeset 937747a8272f
2015-07-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-07-30, by lana
8130059: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/
2015-07-29, by dfuchs
8132256: jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/bcel/internal/util/
2015-07-28, by dfuchs
Added tag jdk9-b75 for changeset 1e8d5755ae81
2015-07-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-07-30, by lana
8132092: Nashorn copyright has to be updated
2015-07-28, by sundar
8132305: fix incorrect title assignment in Nashorn JavaFX samples
2015-07-27, by mhaupt
Added tag jdk9-b75 for changeset 1e145ba49d48
2015-07-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b75 for changeset 60d41eeb0196
2015-07-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-07-30, by lana
8132705: Refactor SharedSecrets in sun.misc.JavaNetAccess
2015-07-30, by rriggs
8132459: ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' on Linux under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
2015-07-30, by sherman
8062849: Optimize EnumMap.equals
2015-07-24, by psandoz
8066013: (prefs) Unused variable in src/java.prefs/share/classes/java/util/prefs/
2015-07-22, by psandoz
8129361: ISO 4217 amendment 160
2015-07-29, by yhuang
2015-07-29, by amurillo
2015-07-29, by amurillo
2015-07-24, by amurillo
2015-07-21, by jbachorik
8132059: com/sun/jdi/ fails with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad line number
2015-07-21, by jbachorik
8075171: Contended Locking fast notify bucket
2015-07-21, by dcubed
8075658: Mark intermittently failuring core-svc tests
2015-07-20, by ykantser
8037957: [TEST_BUG] javax/management/mxbean/ misses MerlinMXBean & TigerMXBean in @run build tag
2015-07-20, by ykantser
2015-07-18, by coleenp
8079301: Some command line options not settable via JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
2015-07-17, by jmanson
8132206: move into OpenJDK
2015-07-29, by smarks
8027607: (rb) Provide UTF-8 based properties resource bundles
2015-07-29, by naoto
8132475: The commands in the modular images are executable by the owner only (once again)
2015-07-29, by simonis
8132408: Check before os.version in SunGraphicsEnvironment constructor
2015-07-29, by simonis
2015-07-29, by dcherepanov
8062728: [PIT] Test closed/... fails for Windows only
2015-07-21, by ssadetsky
8130390: Applet fails to launch on virtual desktop
2015-07-21, by ssadetsky
8075785: The regression-swing case failed as colored text is not shown on disabled checkbox and radio button with the special options "-client".
2015-07-21, by ssadetsky
8085948: [Regression] Few Swing, AWT and 2D case fails with Decoder isn't implemented for WingDings Charset error on Windows
2015-07-21, by ssadetsky
2015-07-20, by dcherepanov
8131673: [TEST_BUG] add @modules to some OS X-specific regtests
2015-07-17, by yan
2015-07-15, by ddehaven
2015-07-14, by ddehaven
8087110: [TESTBUG] Test javax/swing/JFileChooser/8002077/ fails
2015-07-15, by aivanov
8080953: [TEST_BUG]Test java/awt/FontClass/ fails due to wrongly typed bugid
2015-07-15, by pchopra
8080932: [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/BasicStroke/ fails with Bad script error due to improper @run notation
2015-07-15, by pchopra
8130242: DataFlavorComparator transitivity exception
2015-07-14, by ssadetsky
8076164: [JTextField] When input too long Thai character, cursor's behavior is odd
2015-07-14, by ssadetsky
8129511: PlatformMidi.c:83 uses malloc without malloc header
2015-07-10, by serb
8098835: [PIT] Endless loop in JEditorPane
2015-07-10, by ssadetsky
8129894: NSApplicationAWT.m:343:72: error: comparison of constant 777 with expression of type 'NSEventSubtype'
2015-07-10, by serb
8087201: OGL: rendering of lcd text is slow
2015-07-09, by bae
8130772: Util.hitMnemonics does not work: getSystemMnemonicKeyCodes() returns ALT_MASK rather than VK_ALT
2015-07-09, by aivanov
8130430: [TEST_BUG] remove unnecessary internal calls from javax/swing/JRadioButton/8075609/
2015-07-09, by yan
8129457: Disposer.pollRemove may fail to dispose
2015-07-08, by psadhukhan
8131783: Put in quarantine
2015-07-28, by olagneau
8122944: perfdata used is seen as too high on sparc zone with jdk1.9 and causes a test failure
2015-07-27, by darcy
8131105: Header Template for nroff man pages *.1 files contains errors
2015-07-27, by mfang
8132374: AIX: fix value of os.version property
2015-07-27, by simonis
8048596: Tests for AEAD ciphers
2015-07-25, by asmotrak
8065556: (bf) Buffer.position and other methods should include detail in IAE
2015-07-24, by bpb
8132335: jimage tool extract and recreate options are not consistent
2015-07-24, by jfdenise
Added tag jdk9-b75 for changeset cab0727bdb53
2015-07-30, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-07-30, by lana
2015-07-24, by amurillo
2015-07-23, by roland
8131675: EA fails with assert(false) failed: not unsafe or G1 barrier raw StoreP
2015-07-22, by vlivanov
2015-07-17, by kvn
8131676: Fix warning 'negative int converted to unsigned' after 8085932.
2015-07-16, by goetz
8131483: aarch64: illegal stlxr instructions
2015-07-16, by enevill
8131326: Enable CheckIntrinsics in all types of builds
2015-07-16, by zmajo
8131048: ppc: implement CRC32 intrinsic
2015-07-13, by goetz
8131358: aarch64: test compiler/loopopts/superword/ fails when run with debug VM
2015-07-15, by enevill
2015-07-14, by kvn
8085932: Fixing bugs in detecting memory alignments in SuperWord
2015-07-14, by kvn
8078629: VM should constant fold Unsafe.get*() loads from final fields
2015-07-14, by vlivanov
8075171: Contended Locking fast notify bucket
2015-07-21, by dcubed
2015-07-18, by coleenp
2015-07-18, by coleenp
8079301: Some command line options not settable via JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
2015-07-17, by jmanson
2015-07-17, by dcubed
8079825: Uninitialised variable in hotspot/src/share/vm & cpu/x86/vm (runtime)
2015-07-17, by ccheung
8131054: aix: fix two minor issues: large page size and hs_err printing.
2015-07-16, by goetz
8131344: Missing klass.inline.hpp include in compiler files
2015-07-16, by tschatzl
8131166: Remove additional whitespace in G1Allocator
2015-07-16, by tschatzl
Added tag jdk9-b75 for changeset 92bf039d8d46
2015-07-30, by katleman
2015-07-30, by lana
8086737: Add support for -release to Javadoc
2015-07-24, by jlahoda
Added tag jdk9-b75 for changeset 357a9a8ff41b
2015-07-30, by katleman
Added tag jdk9-b75 for changeset f55df5cfe11c
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-07-23, by lana
8130304: Inference: NodeNotFoundException thrown with deep generic method call chain
2015-07-17, by mcimadamore
Added tag jdk9-b74 for changeset ca2d747bbf94
2015-07-23, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b74 for changeset be41b3ebc712
2015-07-23, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-07-23, by lana
8131907: Numerous threads lock during XML processing while running Weblogic 12.1.3
2015-07-22, by joehw
Added tag jdk9-b74 for changeset de28c7256c35
2015-07-23, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-07-23, by lana
8131142: late-bind check for testng.jar presence in Nashorn test execution
2015-07-22, by mhaupt
8131683: Delete fails over multiple scopes
2015-07-22, by hannesw
8131340: Varargs function is recompiled each time it is linked
2015-07-20, by hannesw
Added tag jdk9-b74 for changeset 1889ccd678ae
2015-07-23, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b74 for changeset 5a6507bfdb55
2015-07-23, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-07-23, by lana
8130006: java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles/CatchExceptionTest Fails
2015-07-23, by kshefov
8130914: java/util/zip/ fails with "java.lang.RuntimeException: setTime should make getLastModifiedTime return the specified instant: 3078282244456 got: 3078282244455"
2015-07-22, by sherman
8075526: Need a way to read and write ZipEntry timestamp using local date/time without tz conversion
2015-07-22, by sherman
8130031: Remove the intermittent keyword for this test
2015-07-22, by rhalade
8131051: KDC might issue a renewable ticket even if not requested
2015-07-21, by weijun
2015-07-21, by amurillo
2015-07-21, by amurillo
2015-07-17, by amurillo
8131328: Restore demo/jvmti tests
2015-07-15, by ykantser
8131035: [TESTBUG] sun/management/HotspotRuntimeMBean/ needs to enable UsePerfData
2015-07-13, by ykantser
2015-07-13, by jfdenise
8130344: assert(handle != __null) failed: JNI handle should not be null' in jni_GetLongArrayElements
2015-07-13, by jfdenise
8076471: Remove hprof agent tests in JDK
2015-07-10, by ykantser
8068761: Test java/nio/channels/ServerSocketChannel/ failed with SocketTimeoutException
2015-07-21, by tyan
8081734: ConcurrentHashMap/, times out 90% of time on sparc with 256 cpu.
2015-07-20, by darcy
8129904: Add beans tests to tier 3
2015-07-20, by darcy
2015-07-20, by mullan
8131486: SecureClassLoader key for ProtectionDomain cache also needs to take into account certificates
2015-07-20, by mullan
8131350: policytool can directly reference permission classes
2015-07-20, by weijun
8062543: Replace uses of MethodHandleImpl.castReference with Class.cast
2015-07-17, by mhaupt
8075297: Tests for RFEs 4515853 and 4745056
2015-07-17, by asmotrak
8131735: closed/sun/security/ssl/SSLSessionImpl/ is failing
2015-07-17, by weijun
8131665: Bad exception message in HandshakeHash.getFinishedHash
2015-07-17, by coffeys
Added tag jdk9-b74 for changeset 63fb159920a7
2015-07-23, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-07-23, by lana
2015-07-17, by amurillo
2015-07-16, by dcubed
2015-07-16, by dcubed
8131331: tmtools/jstack/locks/wait_interrupt and wait_notify fail due to wrong number of lock records
2015-07-15, by dcubed
2015-07-15, by minqi
8025692: Log what methods are touched at run-time
2015-07-15, by minqi
8080733: [TESTBUG] several runtime/ErrorHandling/* tests time out on Windows
2015-07-15, by ctornqvi
8131325: Remove hprof agent tests in hotspot repo
2015-07-14, by ykantser
2015-07-14, by coleenp
8079156: [TESTBUG] 32 bit Java 9-fastdebug hit assertion in client mode with StackShadowPages flag value from 32 to 50.
2015-07-14, by gziemski
2015-07-14, by coleenp
2015-07-14, by coleenp
8130332: StarvationMonitorInterval, PreInflateSpin, VerifyGenericSignatures and CountInterpCalls VM Options can be deprecated or removed in JDK 9
2015-07-11, by ddmitriev
8130448: thread dump improvements, comment additions, new diagnostics inspired by 8077392
2015-07-14, by dcubed
8130057: serviceability/sa/ should be quarantined
2015-07-14, by ykantser
8129961: SIGSEGV when copying to survivor space
2015-07-13, by ecaspole
8130728: Disable WorkAroundNPTLTimedWaitHang by default
2015-07-12, by dholmes
2015-07-10, by jbachorik
8130669: VM prohibits <clinit> methods with return values
2015-07-09, by hseigel
8130183: InnerClasses: VM permits wrong inner_class_info_index value of zero
2015-07-09, by hseigel
6900757: minor bug fixes to LogCompilation tool
2015-03-31, by mhaupt
8131078: typos in ghash cpu message
2015-07-13, by ascarpino
8130653: ppc: implement MultiplyToLen intrinsic
2015-07-07, by goetz
8129920: Vectorized loop unrolling
2015-07-10, by kvn
8130341: GHASH 32bit intrinsics has AEADBadTagException
2015-07-10, by ascarpino
Added tag jdk9-b74 for changeset 7c5e7ba80fcd
2015-07-23, by katleman
2015-07-23, by lana
2015-07-21, by amurillo
2015-07-17, by amurillo
8131128: Merge error in leads to missing devkit argument
2015-07-14, by dcubed
2015-07-10, by jbachorik
8032763: Remove use of sun.misc.Ref from hprof parser in testlibrary
2015-07-09, by ykantser
8131350: policytool can directly reference permission classes
2015-07-20, by weijun
Added tag jdk9-b74 for changeset 243b84f44954
2015-07-23, by katleman
Added tag jdk9-b74 for changeset 7c577fda1855
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-07-16, by lana
2015-07-14, by amurillo
2015-07-09, by amurillo
2015-07-03, by dcubed
2015-07-02, by dcubed
8080511: Refresh of jimage support
2015-06-25, by jfdenise
8129909: Add -Xdoclint/package: to javadoc
2015-07-13, by jlahoda
8080880: some docs cleanup for langtools
2015-07-13, by avstepan
8044411: Implement classfile tests for RuntimeAnnotations and RuntimeParameterAnnotations attribute.
2015-07-10, by aeremeev
Added tag jdk9-b73 for changeset 53fd6459d92c
2015-07-16, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-07-16, by lana
8130753: Sync-up javadoc changes in jax-ws area - includes JAX-B API, JAX-WS API, SAAJ-API
2015-07-10, by mkos
Added tag jdk9-b73 for changeset 9ae09ea4c318
2015-07-16, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
Added tag jdk9-b73 for changeset 10a8368b188b
2015-07-16, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-07-16, by lana
8131039: after adding a function property to Object.prototype, JSON.parse with reviver function goes into infinite loop
2015-07-16, by sundar
8130853: Non-extensible global is not handled property
2015-07-13, by sundar
8130888: Typos in nashorn sources
2015-07-10, by sundar
8130862: let hg ignore TestNG ZIP file in Nashorn test library directory
2015-07-10, by mhaupt
Added tag jdk9-b73 for changeset 619db21ffc79
2015-07-16, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-07-16, by lana
8076376: Enhance IIOP operations
2015-04-20, by msheppar
Added tag jdk9-b73 for changeset 44abadee145b
2015-07-16, by katleman
2017-07-05, by duke
2015-07-16, by lana
8074784: Additional tests for XML DSig API
2015-07-16, by asmotrak
8129306: Some new tests developed for JDK-8085979 fail in jdk9/cpu
2015-07-16, by kshefov
8131052: Documentation of AbstractSpliterator refers to forEach rather than forEachRemaining
2015-07-16, by psandoz
8131140: Mark some tests from and as serialization hostile
2015-07-16, by amlu
8130402: Mark intermittently failing test: tools/pack200/
2015-07-16, by amlu
8049814: Additional SASL client-server tests
2015-07-16, by asmotrak
8065570: (bf spec) ByteBuffer.slice() should make it clear that the initial order is BIG_ENDIAN
2015-07-15, by bpb
8131359: Correct the JTREG tags in java/security/KeyStore/PKCS12/ test
2015-07-15, by vinnie
8041787: Need new regressions tests for buffer handling for PBE algorithms
2015-07-15, by vinnie
8129833: Need basic tests for rmic
2015-07-15, by fyuan
8130394: DatagramChannel tests need to be hardended to ignore stray datagrams
2015-07-15, by bpb
8048830: Implement tests for new functionality provided in JEP 166
2015-07-15, by vinnie
2015-07-15, by henryjen
8033530: [regression] Applet fails to load resources or connect back to server under some scenarios
2015-06-04, by dtitov
8081386: Test sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ test has RC4 dependencies
2015-06-01, by asmotrak
8076409: Reinforce RMI framework
2015-05-08, by smarks
8078562: Add modified dates
2015-04-29, by vinnie
8076328: Enforce key exchange constraints
2015-04-22, by xuelei
8075738: Better multi-JVM sharing
2015-04-21, by robm
8075833: Straighter Elliptic Curves
2015-04-20, by vinnie
8076405: Improve serial serialization
2015-04-17, by chegar
8076401: Serialize OIS data
2015-04-17, by chegar
8077520: Morph tables into improved form
2015-04-16, by vadim
8043202: Prohibit RC4 cipher suites
2015-04-15, by asmotrak
8075853: Proxy for MBean proxies
2015-04-15, by sjiang
8077546: Restore the change to OCSPResponse in the fix for JDK-8074064
2015-04-11, by vinnie
8075374: Responding to OCSP responses
2015-04-10, by vinnie
8075378: JNDI DnsClient Exception Handling
2015-04-10, by vinnie
8077407: Even better MBean connections
2015-04-10, by jbachorik
8076397: Better MBean connections
2015-04-01, by jbachorik
8074871: Adjust device table handling
2015-04-07, by vadim
8074330: Set font anchors more solidly
2015-04-07, by vadim
8074335: Substitute for substitution formats
2015-04-07, by vadim
8073334: Improved font substitutions
2015-04-06, by prr
8074865: General crypto resilience changes
2015-04-06, by valeriep
8074098: 2D_Font/Bug8067699 test fails with SIGBUS crash on Solaris Sparc
2015-03-10, by prr
8072887: Better font handling improvements
2015-03-10, by vadim
8071715: Tune font layout engine
2015-03-09, by prr
8072490: Better font morphing redux
2015-03-06, by vadim
8073773: Presume path preparedness
2015-03-02, by ksrini
8043201: Deprecate RC4 in SunJSSE provider
2015-03-02, by asmotrak
8073894: Getting to the root of certificate chains
2015-03-02, by mullan
8067694: Improved certification checking
2015-02-04, by xuelei
8131317: Image writer throws NPE when creating compact profile images
2015-07-15, by jfdenise
8104574: Update tests to prepare for system class loader not be URLClassLoader
2015-07-15, by mchung
2015-07-14, by rriggs
8130877: (process) java/lang/ProcessHandle/TreeTest test3 failure - Destroyed process.isAlive
2015-07-14, by rriggs
8078099: (process) ProcessHandle should uniquely identify processes
2015-07-14, by rriggs
8129344: (process) ProcessHandle instances should define equals and be value-based
2015-07-14, by rriggs
8032446: Support Unicode 7.0.0 in JDK 9
2015-07-15, by peytoia
2015-07-14, by amurillo
2015-07-09, by amurillo
2015-07-09, by dcubed
2015-07-03, by dcubed
2015-07-02, by dcubed
8071487: javax/management/monitor/ timed out
2015-06-25, by jbachorik
8080511: Refresh of jimage support
2015-06-25, by jfdenise